CFO THOUGHT LEADER is a podcast featuring firsthand accounts of finance leaders who are driving chan
Sitting quietly at the back of a crowded GE conference room, a young Sandra Wallach diligently took
In the latest Planning Aces episode, hosts Jack Sweeney and Brett Knowles discuss how finance leader
It was not the first time John Gronen addressed the staffing company’s board — but it was very likel
When David Eckstein inherited a struggling business unit earlier in his career, he faced an uphill b
In his three years as CFO of Packer Fastener, Brian Hogeland has led a milestone transformation of t
In January 2020, most finance leaders saw ASC 606 as a closed chapter. However, for Braze’s newly ap
As Aira Pineda stared out from her new office at a seemingly endless patchwork of rice fields, a voi
Max Krakowiak stood on the pitcher’s mound, ignoring the first drops of a Seattle rain. A shout from
In the season two premiere of Controllers Classified, host Erik Zhou welcomes Matt Didden, Controlle
When Josh Schwartz arrived at Medidata, the life sciences innovation company was entering unfamiliar
Twenty-seven years ago, while in his late twenties, Mark Partin arrived inside the C-suite largely u
It wasn’t long after Laura LaPeer left public accounting to climb the corporate career ladder that s
In the mid-2000s, the world’s attention increasingly turned toward Asia, driven by the region’s rapi
In this episode of Planning Episodes hosted by Jack Sweeney and Brett Knowles, three CFOs—
When the opportunity to help lead the corporate travel business at Expedia arose, Regi Vengalil knew
In 2012, after nearly two decades in the airline industry, Zane Rowe made a bold career pivot. Leavi
In 2018, Daniel Welch made a life-altering decision. After a decade in investment banking, working o
When Deanna Strable was approached to take on the role of CFO at Principal Financial Group, she was
Ben Averis’s journey to CFO of Yoto was shaped by diverse experiences in finance, ranging from his e