Let’s share good ideas. 💡 The Centre for Independent Studies promotes free choice and individual li
Today almost everyone affirms the importance of ‘values’ but few would insist these are shared moral
Before his retirement from politics, Andrew Robb was Australia’s Minister for Trade and Investment i
England’s schools have undergone substantial changes in the last decade, including: introducing syst
How does the recent tsunami of populism differ from the past waves? Why are traditional political pa
The contemporary western feminist movement has lost its way. Over the past century the feminist move
In his first speech since retiring, and in light of the Fair Work Commission’s ruling to reform Sund
Most explanations offered for Donald Trump’s ‘inexplicable’ victory in the American Presidential ele
US President Donald Trump is proposing sweeping tax cuts that will affect every other country. Austr
The CIS hosted the book launch of Bill Leak's book 'Trigger Warning' just 3 days before he died, wit
With monetary and fiscal policy instruments overextended, reforms to enhance our economy’s supply-si
Federal Member for Higgins, Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, Hon Kelly O'Dwyer talks at
They said he could never win – but since January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump has been the President of
They said he could never win – but from January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump officially became the Pres