Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture

What is the nature of the human mind? The Emory Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture (CMBC) brings t


Total: 294

Sashank Varma | Psychology and Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology"Mathematical C

Using the Science of Love and Bonding to Bring New Perspectives on Social Relationships, Health, and

"Can 'Wild' Sounds Teach Us What it Means to be Human?" David Haskell | Biology & Environmental Scie

Tom Griffiths | Psychology & Computer Science | Princeton University"The Rational Use of Cognitive R

Michael Goldstein | Psychology, Cornell University"Simple Interactions Construct Complex Communicati

"Widowhood, Archives, and the Musical Work of Mourning in Postwar Europe" Martha Sprigge | Musicolog

Have you thought about applying to the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)?  These

Keynote Address | The Evolution of Culture and Technology Mini Symposium | Tel Aviv University  The

Vernelle A. A. Noel | Architecture & Interactive Computing | Georgia Institute of TechnologyCraft pr

Karen Adolph | Psychology and Neural Science | New York University All behavior is movement—walking,

Tobias Overath | Psychology and Neuroscience | Duke UniversitySpeech perception entails the transfor

Andrew Buskell | Public Policy | Georgia Institute of TechonologyThe current consensus in cultural e

Robert Liu is the new Associate Director of the Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture, a Professor of

Kathryn Kadous, the Schaefer Chaired Professor of Accounting and Director and Associate Dean of PhD

Frans de Waal (Director of the Living Links Center and C.H. Candler Professor of Psychology, Emory U

Humans and Proboscideans (the taxonomic order of elephants as well as several extinct animals such a

Drawing upon data from an ongoing ethnographic study of embodiment and emotion in everyday interacti

Moral outrage shapes fundamental aspects of social life and is now widespread in online social netwo

Communication is inherently social and requires an efficient exchange of complex cues between indivi

Universal human rights are defined by international agreements, law, foreign policy, and the concept