Catalyst Pharmacy Podcast

We are on a mission. A mission to save and revitalize independent pharmacy. On the Catalyst podcast,


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Take a look inside America’s oldest surviving apothecary. A small village staple turned internationa

Tim Mitchell is passionate about redefining what it means to be a pharmacist. Testing and vaccinatin

Jordan Ballou plays an important role in shaping the next generation of pharmacists while still keep

Always say “yes” - then make it happen. Pharmacy owner Eric Larson is not one to sit behind the benc

On this Catalyst crossover episode, we are joined by Richard Waithe, host of the Rx Radio podcast. W

MTM - Medication Therapy Management. It’s a buzzword in the pharmacy world, but what opportunities l

Kathy Campbell believes that health is foundational to living a great life. As a clinical pharmacist

When we used to think of the future, we’d picture the rise of flying cars and other extravagantly fu

Pharmacy automation enables you to take control of managing your business - instead of letting it co

Whether it be a new medication, an additional supplement, or a clinical service, pharmacists have to

“It’s not rebels that make trouble, but trouble that makes rebels.” -Ruth Messinger When you break a

Technology allows us to be digitally connected, and this is especially important in the world of hea

What’s the use of being perfectly adherent to a poor medication regimen? Before measuring adherence,

Setting goals is the easy part. But how can you make sure you actually follow through with them? Vic

For pharmacies everywhere, there are things you can and should be doing to help your community, espe

Growing your pharmacy doesn’t always have to mean adding new services or hiring new employees. Somet

A silver lining of the pandemic has been the creation of new opportunities for some independent phar

In this episode we are joined by Scott Pace, one of the major figures contributing to the creation o

What factors make a pharmacy ‘successful’? What if we could boil it down to quantitative measurement

Get inspired to trigger your pharmacy’s success - both figuratively and literally. It starts with an