What happens when Chris and Jare skip their pre-podcast chat and press record right away? There's an extra level of candidness and excitement attached to the realizations that come up. In fact, ideas developed organically over the podcast often become major company initiatives down the road.
Hindsight is 20/20 and we'll be unpacking what Chris and Jared have learned recently in a constructively critical self-analysis of themselves as leaders. We'll dive into ideas for improvement like referring to values whenever protocol is unclear, and better defining what a leader actually does.
Resources! Coffee: catandcloud.com/products/subscription GoFundMe: http://bit.ly/2IxdKhZ
Related Episode! Getting Sued by Caterpillar Inc.: apple.co/2M6uZfg
JT on the Gram: www.instagram.com/jared_truby/ Baca's YouTube: www.youtube.com/realchrisbaca Baca on the Gram: www.instagram.com/realchrisbaca/
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