Bringing prepping, survival and conspiracy goodness direct to your dirty little ear holes!
Ep - 46 - Becoming The Gray Man Social Media Shoutout - @dailysurvivorgear Quick & Dirty Medical Tip
Ep - 45 - 50 Items That Will Disappear First After SHTF Social Media Shoutout - @Gatapack Quick & Di
Ep - 44 - Prepping New Years Resolutions Social Media Shoutout - Nobody Quick & Dirty Medical Tip -
Ep -43 - $100 For the Apocalypse Social Media Shoutout - Survival Boxes Quick & Dirty Medical Tip -
Ep - 42 - The 12 Days of Prepper Christmas 2017 Social Media Shoutout - Tac Pack Quick & Dirty Medic
Ep - 41 - Prepping With Kids & Pets Social Media Shoutout - Jessica Ranavaya - Facebook Quick & Dirt
Ep - 40 - Surviving Red Dawn Social Media Shoutout - @GridDownPrepper - IG Quick & Dirty Medical Tip
Ep - 39 - Surviving an Alien Invasion Social Media Shoutout - Jesse Wallis - Facebook Quick & Dirty
Ep - 38 - Self Defense Social Media Shoutout - @_daily_survival_ - Instagram Quick & Dirty Medical T
Ep - 37 - Apocalyptic Transportation Social Media Shoutout - - Instagram Quick & Dirty
Ep - 36 - Bug Out Bag Part:Deux Social Media Shoutout - ManStuff Podcast Quick & Dirty Medical Tip -
Ep - 35 - Prepping For Power Outages Social Media Shoutout - Basement Nation Podcast Quick & Dirty M
Ep - 34 - The Survival 13 Social Media Shoutout - Us Quick & Dirty Medical Tip - Food Poisoning List
Ep - 33 - SHTF for the Unprepared Social Media Shoutout - @DailySurvivorGear Quick & Dirty Medical T
Ep - 32 - SHTF Tools Social Media Shoutout - John Plestina - Facebook Quick & Dirty Medical Tip - He
Ep - 31 - Apocalyptic Medicine 101 Social Media Shoutout - Russell Lehman - Facebook Quick & Dirty M
Ep - 30 - 15 Urban Survival Skills Social Media Shoutout - @uksurvivalnetwork Quick & Dirty Medical
Ep - 29 - Surviving Biowarfare Social Media Shoutout - @Extreme.Hunter Quick & Dirty Medical Tip - H
Ep - 28 - PrepperCon 2017 Social Media Shoutout - @ZeroDisasterSurvival Quick & Dirty Medical Tip -
Ep - 27 - Cyber Survival Social Media Shoutout - @AmericanPrepperGroup Quick & Dirty Medical Tip - F