Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task from long whatever may be the reason.
Let us today check in the video what are the steps which we need to follow to avoid procrastination. But before we move on to the steps we really need to focus on two things
What can be the result of procrastination?
why does procrastination happen?
What can be the result of procrastination?
Procrastination can really add unwanted things to your life and can result in negative emotions in your life.
1.) It may give us guilt, anxiety, stress
2.) You are not able to prioritize our work
3.) The workload gets increasing
4.) It may give short term happiness
5.)We do not know our goals clearly
6.) You will lose precious time
7.) You will lose on opportunities
Seeing all the above point who would want to procrastinate.
Some things which we can do to avoid procrastination and which are in our control are as follows:
It is easy to do
Not able to focus because of distractions
Unclear on what to do
Lack of interest in the task.
The task looks big Taking
life as a lottery
No idea of actually what one wants
Fear of change or failure
I have seen people having 4 step method which can help anyone to avoid procrastination.
Do you want to know the method?
The method is known as the RFPA method.
Let us now focus and see what is this RFPA METHOD
There are a lot of strategies and if you want you can join the Anti procrastination blueprint program to know all about it and implement it in your life. Follow the steps and be away from procrastination.
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