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And we're your hosts for Season 3 of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Can't do it. Don't remember doing this at all. I can only hold myself accountable. Can't do it. I am Jack!
Look how good my life is. So what else? Cancel. An emotion is cancelled. Why do I feel like doing this right now? I need to snort my snot. Hold on. I think it's blood in there. I think I need a second nose job. I just want to put that out there. Wait, but who you falling second? Wait, do you really think I've had more than one? One time I was going to actually get a second one and then I had a worldwide scandal so I had to cancel it and pay for it anyways. So that was fun.
Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Cancelled Podcast and the Brooke and Tana show, which is our personal favorite, honestly. This is my personal favorite. I don't know about you, but I love this show. No, I literally love us. I love not dealing with guests. I love just talking our shit. And today, Brooke and I are actually in really silly, goofy moods. We're also a little dressed up. We are. For us. We're going to my boyfriend's party. Yeah, so basically, after this, we're going to go finesse crypto billionaires, which has been our new thing. Thing.
So we came in today kind of late and we're just getting drunk and pre-gaming for the party on the podcast. And that's why I'm in leather pants. I'm also barefoot, though, so it's not really like they know. It's a good balance. It makes it you. Yeah, no, I'd be walking through the street barefoot all the time one of these days. I know I'm going to cut my foot open. You're going to get tetanus. My grandma would not let me walk. Okay, line. No. People think I'm a hypochondriac.
My grandma wouldn't let me walk anywhere, like even around the house, like she literally wouldn't let me wear my parents literally wouldn't buy me shoes. I'm kidding. I don't know. I'm just barefoot. I don't whatever. Hello and welcome back. I feel like we have a lot to delve into today, actually. We do, because it's not only like that we haven't had a podcast just you and I, but we also haven't been spending that much time together. So there's a lot of things that we haven't talked about. Yeah, we for the past few weeks, Brooke and I have just been we both just been doing a bunch of different shit. We're going to get into it.
in today's podcast, but we have a lot to like catch each other up on, I think.
Where should we start? Someone talks shit about us and I'm fucking mad and I'm going to air them the fuck out. I hope you know, Brooke. So Brooke's like on a little nicer wave, but she also already aired this person out. So I mean, I did, but with no name. Oh, but we're saying their fucking name today. So basically, to give you guys a little backstory, like two podcasts ago, we told that story about the girl who like got at your man, told you she blocked him, went to him, talk shit about you to him. Right. I'm trying to get you like remad. Correct.
um and then everyone thought it was Alyssa Violet and it wasn't and then we still never said who it was this um we did give some contextual like I mean people like some people know but I mean like I feel like me a year and a half ago would have immediately instantaneously said her name like I think that yeah you were very normal for that yeah like we come on we tried
Like we put in effort to conceal her identity. And then on last week's podcast, we went into a long conversation about how I will distance myself from a girl and not become close with her if I think that I might want her man in the future. Yes. You know what I'm talking about. And that was also about her. Same girl. Newsflash, it's Carly Lawrence from Too Hot to Handle.
I don't mean to be a cunt, but I mean, like, I've said, we've both said our reasons why in the past we didn't think she was the greatest. So we both kind of distanced ourselves, whatever. Right. Your podcast airs. I see her at the club. I've been kind of slightly texting her man, but at this point she didn't know. Oh, I thought you were going to say texting her. I'm like, you would. No. No, texting her man. I see her at the club. And I...
In my opinion, and I've heard from her saying to several people, I think you can attest to this, that it was her fault. She doesn't want drama. She has enough drama with people in L.A. She wants to be nice to us, right? Because, like, honestly, we didn't do anything to her. It was just like, I don't owe you anything, like, whatever. I see her at the club, and she's at Charlie Jordan's table, and all the, like, too-ought-to-handle people are, like, there. And I walk over, and I'm, like, waving and smiling. I'm, like, saying hi to everyone. I'm saying hi. And I wave and smile at her. This girl...
Literally lasers through her eyes, like, dust her at me. Literally, I smile and wave, she gives me a dirty look and I go, "Just, like, do it again." And then she's like, "Ugh!" And, like, pouts the whole night, whatever.
So then at that point, like I said on last week's podcast, it's fair game. I'd already been texting her man. He was her ex-man. Yeah, you really got ahead of it. Her ex-man. They're broken up. I don't know her. I don't like her from our past stories. We've tried to make an amends, but it's clear she wants to have mean girl energy. So I'm like, bet. If your ex-man's cock gets sucked and I slip and fall on it, it's not my fucking fault anymore and I don't feel bad. And so... I'm like, y'all hearing this? Damn. Then...
He comes out to LA. We hang out. We're at the club. Where did he stay? He stayed in a hotel that also happens to be my house. But who cares? Again, I'm like, whatever. Fucking whatever. And...
Him and I show up to the club and she texts him like, what the fuck are you doing with her? Like, she's trash. And I like see it on his phone. I fucking lock his phone. I look at her. I'm like, bitch. She texted him that? Yes. So then she goes on her podcast and apparently, allegedly, I've just been getting tweets about it. I'm not about to be one of the 10 viewers on her podcast. I'm angry. Can you tell? Damn, you're madder than me. She's like talking shit about me and you around LA. She's talking shit about me and us on the podcast. I'm like,
I don't want to feel remorse anymore. My problem, I was like, so she and I have like mutual friends now because she kind of befriended like all of my guy friends. I wonder why. Exactly. And they were all coming to me like, Brooke, you're a mean girl. Like literally she didn't do anything wrong. She feels so bad. That's because she's like swiping her little victim card. Yeah, exactly. I feel like she was kind of doing the thing where she was like, I feel bad that I hurt her. I didn't know to make it look like I was just being a psycho. I feel so bad for Brooke. By the way, I've
I didn't know gag reflex all of you guys. Oh my God. One of those, come on, cry me one. Go ahead. - To be honest, I texted her a few days ago.
because where did she came i know but well you guys know i have a guilt complex and she came up i need one she came up on my for you page and it was a video of her i screen recorded i'll show it to you but i went through the comments and every single comment was team brooke team brooke god brooke so pretty team brooke and i was like oh no like they know the people know and i feel bad and
I know what it's like. Like, I don't, I don't like getting cyber bullied. Okay. And so I was like, I'm sorry. Like, but I don't, I didn't apologize for what we said. I said, I'm sorry. People found out. I said, I shouldn't have left any clues in like led to people knowing that it was you, but I'm not sorry for telling the story. Cause that's the story as I heard it. And like, as it happened. So I don't, I don't feel bad about that.
And she was like, I mean, honestly, I was never, ever. I would have never to the grave named her name or spoken of her again. Again, because like Joey's dope. Now I'm not going to keep like bringing up their past relationship. I hate when people like do that to me. Honestly, good job. So hot. So great. Like great human. Love him to death. I would have never said her name. But if she's going to be on her little show talking shit. What's it called?
We don't know. Like, I didn't need to do that, but I honestly also, I found out about it, like, today. Like, I saw the tweets today, so all day I've been like. No one tweeted me about it, thank God, because I would have regretted apologizing so much. It's not like I really apologized. I just told her, like, hey, like, just so you know, there's no animosity on my end. Maybe yours. I don't know. She sent me, I'm pretty sure her lawyer drafted a message for her. She was like, falsities were portrayed. I was like, bitch, I can't read this. Like, oh,
do you think I am? No, it was just really interesting. And she was with Chase DeMore too, who has a guy. Yeah. Guy with the fucking cockroach on his little face. Contacts guy. Um, contacts guy. No. And I guess he was talking shit too, which is honestly weird because that night at the club, when she gave me the dirty look, he was like, why is she being so fucking rude? Like she needs to get a grip. She's burning all her bridges in LA. So I was like, bet I'll air both of y'all. I don't even give a fuck. Oh, yeah.
Okay, I'm going to take a drink. I also laugh when I'm angry. You can tell I'm actually annoyed. Like, I feel like it's rare. I know LA is like filled with mean girls, but I feel like we'd like avidly go out of our way to like,
not really encounter them like we have our group we have fun with our friends like so when you actually like have a little like mean girl situation like that it'll get me heated I don't know I agree I don't like to have any like open mean girl situations like and I try to I like take pride in I'm not a dirty look ass bitch I'm like let's talk about it ass bitch like I really take pride in like not acting like that and like again I've tried to like not
air out people's names. I've just been avoiding her altogether, honest to God. I feel bad. Well, the reason that what led me to text her was like on Halloween, all of us were going somewhere and...
he's like I invited Carly and she said she didn't want to come because she felt so uncomfortable around you and I'm like what am I going to do fight her maybe I'm just kidding I'm just kidding but I didn't want her to be like scared of me so I texted her and I meant it I meant what I said to her like I'm sorry that people found out but if you're going to go on your podcast and talk about me too like girl it's fair game we just have more viewers and it's also like a like a it's been around like I keep hearing in LA that she has like so much to say and then to your friend she's like I'm so scared of her I don't want her to
hate me but then I hear from people that she's like fuck this fucking cunt so I'm like right like I don't she it depends on who she's talking to yeah which also just like be real girl it's not hard
I'll stop. I need to stop. No, she, yeah, she's a bit of a... We also haven't talked about it, so it was kind of like our first, like, interaction. I know. I didn't want you to be mad at me for apologizing. I'm not mad at you. And your guilt complex will always take over. Like, I... Well, because I hate... That sounds like that's such a picnic girl thing to say. Like, I hate drama, but I really... It, like, makes me sick. No, I get it. Me too. I, like, want to squash it. I don't... I wish I felt as guilty. Like, I... Yeah, I like to have, like, one open situation at a time.
That's what I was trying to say earlier. It's like if I'm going to have some drama with someone, I need to close out with the last few. I also genuinely like, I enjoy like men drama, like a little pissed man. I'm like, oh, this is fun. Buenos dias world from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Wendt. And I'm Rick Schwartz.
And we're your hosts for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
I'm sending my brother money directly to his bank account in India because he's apparently too busy practicing his karaoke to go pick up cash. Thankfully, I can still send money his way. Direct to my bank account. Yes, I know I'm sending to your bank account. Western Union, send it their way. Send money in-store directly to their bank account in India. Service is offered by Western Union Financial Services, Inc.
NMLS number 906983 or Western Union International Services. LLC NMLS number 906985. Licensed as money transmitters by the New York State Department of Financial Services. See terms for details. You commented on TikTok that we need to have an emergency episode of the podcast. Now, why did I say this, Tana? I don't even know how to talk about this. Today's episode is definitely going to be easy. What is wrong with you? Oh, no. So I've been hanging out with Bella Thorne. I'm just going to say it. Look what I just got. Wait.
Stop. Brooke keeps STD testing for no fucking reason. It's not for no reason, you guys. No, but I just feel like you take STD tests like a vitamin. Like it's like God. I just got my results in the middle of the podcast. I'm not going to open them because I don't want to ruin my night. She walked in today and told me that syphilis has the same symptoms as Lyme. And I said, leave my house. What if the whole time I've had chronic syphilis? But.
But, like, you don't. You're such a bird. Like, I don't, but, like, that's something that, like, plagues me all the time. I feel a constant, like, fear. Like, an actual fear, phobia, of having an STD. And it's, like, I won't even have hooked up with it. Like, it'll be six months since I've hooked up with someone, and I've been tested three times in that time. Please tell her she's a hypochondriac. I know. No, but then today, I was in the makeup chair for an hour, and I feel like Brooke was trying to project her thought of syphilis onto me, convincing me that I can have fucking syphilis. And I'm like, Brooke...
Anything I'm gonna say is actually not encouraging to the youth to STD test. So I'm going to move on. I was just trying to encourage her or let her know how important it is to get STD tested because it actually is really easy. They teach you that you can get STDs, but you think that everybody can get an STD if like you're having sex with like a hundred thousand people. No, I agree. I know people who have gotten an STD from the first person they've ever hooked up with. It's easy.
It's easy. No, I agree with you. I see you're projecting your syphilis onto me. I agree with you. I'm just saying. I think you should always STD test. And... Okay. Anyways. It's important. Like, you know, like, it's real. It's a real thing. You know? And practice safe sex. Yes, 100%. I actually just made someone use a condom. It was out of spite, but still. That's not a flex. Made someone use a condom.
what is she saying she's supposed to be making everyone oh my god I have to stop yeah your lawyers and they're like I know literally my lawyers just seething um back to what I was saying to you I just need to get it off my chest so what the fuck are you doing with Bella Thorne I've been hanging out with her um
Some people may know it kind of went viral on TikTok. I said this on my live. You texted me. I was like, I did something bad. No one will believe me. And that was what I was insinuating that I'd like been hanging out with her. Yeah. I don't know how to make sense of this because it doesn't make sense. I if you asked me two weeks ago, if her and I were going to hate each other for the rest of our lives, I would have said like probably. Yeah. But that also wasn't on me. Like like I like.
Like, I had hatred there, but it was kind of like a, you hate me. You hate me, so I hate you. Yeah, like, and obviously, like, we both did a lot of shit. I mean...
You know, she had the whole throuple moment with Mod Sun. I was resentful because we weren't in a throuple. So then I went on to date him. She was like, fuck you for dating him. Then she made a song called Stupid Fucking Bitch. And I was like, wow, you really fucking suck. I'm going to react to it. And it just kept like going and going and going and going and whatever. But I think both of us are the type of people to really mask like hurt with anger, you know?
You know? Like, I think we both were like... Oh, yeah. I do know that about you. We're both also the type of people to be like...
you know fuck you like I don't need you versus like I'm so hurt you hurt me you know I don't know yeah and we just didn't talk for so long I'm I don't even know how to like say how it happened I it's actually really a strange thing that happened like I was there the initial like first point of contact yeah like my hair girl posted a polaroid of me and she I'm not trying to air you out but if you're watching this I love you I'll text you back right now you're so fucking cute I'm sorry
Am I in an alternate universe? Kidding. I'm not kidding. I don't know. Okay. I'm a Bella Stan. Low key. I'm going to get into it, okay? Me too, right? So hot. That's also another thing. How could you ever be that funny? I love a good ginger. So fucking hot.
But she posted a Polaroid of me and then Bella replied to my story. We don't follow each other. Replied to my story and was just like, oh my God, I still have so many of you. Because her thing the entire time we were dating was always, for two years, was taking Polaroids of me. I remember at our breakup, she had a pile of them. Just huge, you know? I was like, that was oddly sentimental. And then I felt something, remember? Remember I was in the bathroom and I was like, wait, wait. She was...
Beside herself. I was distraught. I, like, really felt something emotionally. I was, like, even just seeing her name on my phone, I was, like, aw. Like, I don't... Like, and it was just weird. Like, we both just started kind of talking and messaging back and forth. It was, like, just funny. I don't want to, like, air out all the entire messages, but it was just, like, funny. I was, like, sending her, like, videos of me and, like, a bitch on Bella Thornton. She's, like, surprised it's not in the fucking trash. Like, we're just, like, you know, like... Like a little banter. Yeah, a little banter. And I think it being Halloween really...
sped things up. It's both of our favorite holidays. We would always do like Halloween craziness together, match, like do the whole nine. And like she doesn't really go out as much. So like and she lives really far from me. So like I feel like if it was a Halloween, it would have been a while before I saw her. Yeah. So you just like expedited the process. Like it being Halloween, it was like, hey, let's meet up here. Let's go here, whatever. So we like meet up. And it was just. How was the first like like the initial like.
I kid you not, like, as if nothing ever happened, which threw me off so much. Like, we both were just like, hi. We, like, hugged. She looked so fucking hot. Like, I was literally like, could you have, like... Like, I wish she was in some crazy costume. Like, you know what I mean? But she's, like, in, like, a little, like, schoolgirl fucking, like, skirt. Like, just so hot. I was like, are you fucking kidding me? Like, and then, honestly, we both just, like, kept talking and crying and being cute and, like, loving each other. I don't even know. It's funny, because I brought...
with us and then Joey the entire night had to be like entertained by like every other human because Bella and I were just like like in a corner. I should have been there. I'm like, Joey, I would entertain you. Honestly. That's a joke, by the way.
I don't know. And then we, like, went to dinner, had, like, a great time, went out, had a fucking awesome night. She, like, came back to my house. We, like, threw a little party at my... I don't even... We just keep doing shit and texting and, like, good morning. Honestly, she doesn't seem like a bad person. I just, like... The only, like, exposure I've really ever had to her was, like, literally watching your, like, roast video of her. Yeah. Her stupid fucking bitch song. It was a very interesting time. I don't know. I mean, obviously, people are also gonna ask. I should probably throw this in here. She's engaged. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. That's an important detail. No, but her fiancé, Ben, is also one of my favorite people, and I miss him so much. And he's just, like, the sweetest Italian man. He's like, I am so happy you girls are rekindling. I love to see the love. It is so good that you guys are not fighting anymore. Like, he's just, like, so nice. He's like, two fiancés. No, no. No more throuple vibes. We're actually not, like, dating or, you know. Hoking up.
Okay. No, we're not. We're not. We're not. Like, we're not. And I'm not putting that out there. Daily Mail, please don't. You're giving me some strong insinuation vibes. I... Okay, we're not. Okay. It's...
We're just hanging out like we used to and it's a good thing, I think. Like at the end of the day, a lot of people are commenting like, you said no more toxic relationships. We'll never be in the relationship like we were again. Our life phases are too different. But I feel like she was such an important time in your life or like part of your life.
that it's not like so out there for you to be around her again. I just, I was really through. That was also something I forgot. Like, I feel like a lot of our conversations were like, hey, we both would have handled the two years we were together so differently if we weren't like kids who were like also new to, like that was both of our first like public female relationship first. Like that was my first exposure to being with someone like so fucking like famous. And like, she was such a big part of my like,
I probably never would have moved to L.A. if it wasn't for like she convinced me to move to L.A. Like it was just like she was such a big part of my life. And like I seeing her definitely like reminded me of that. I'm simping. I hate it. She's engaged. It's so fucking annoying. I like I hate it. But I I'm really happy to be on good terms. And I missed her and I missed all her friends and her family and shit like it's good. I'm I'm a I love squashing beef. I love like like I said, you don't like to have like so many different open relationships.
bad situation. 100%. So you'd rather just like... And it took so much energy to like hate each other. Sort of like not... It does. That's the thing. It's like it is so much energy and it's so much commitment to like actually hate somebody actively. So it's like I'd rather just like leave. Like come on. And I would like hear she was coming somewhere and like fucking like be in a corner like what do I do? Like you know what I mean? Like knowing now we could just like laugh and you know like smoke a joint and chill. Like it's a vibe. So like I'm happy but no guys I'm still very much just doing me. I just...
Emergency podcast. Do you think you'll be invited to the wedding? Dude, I was honestly making jokes. I was like, I'll be the flower girl. I don't know. It's funny, actually, too, because you forget that when two people break up and especially fight that hard, that everyone in the other people's lives also fucking hate each other. So it's so much of like her. Like she walked into Mari's room the other day like, hey.
Hey. It's like that sound that's like, how you doing? Yeah, like, and like, I see her fucking friends and I'm like, I don't want to hate you. I just like did for the past year and a half and I'm like, understandable. That was like something I feel like I went through too. It's like when you and I became friends again, a lot of the people like in my life or like my other friends were like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, and you just have to kind of like
Slowly grow back on that. Yeah. It's an interesting time, but I'm just happy to end the beef. Maybe that's my new thing for the next year, ending all my beef. So if I fucked you over, you fucked me over, give me a ring. She's rebuilding bridges, y'all. Yeah. Not too many, though. So, like, a lot of you, like, still suck a dick and die, but... Okay. People actually entirely think I'm dating Demi Lovato right now. Not even Bella. Because I left one fucking party with Demi. Why aren't you? T. That would be so iconic and honest, like...
amazing, talented. Ironically, the only reason I left that party with Demi was because Bella was there and people didn't know we were hanging out yet. And Bella and I were both like,
let's not leave this party together right now there's 800 paparazzi's like let's be low-key you go in your car that's so unlike you I feel like you'd be like let's get out of here no 100 but one I looked atrocious two I like genuinely wasn't rekindling things with her as like a clout play like obviously once things were fine like posting a picture was like funny and fun for us it's like how we are but like the initial moment I'm not like come on let's
go and so Demi was like you can ride with me like come come in my car and then we like leave and like there's just all this speculation like Demi didn't want you in their car like you're dating Demi you're a bad influence on Demi like first of all I like am I sober no
Do I care about other people's sobriety? Yes. Not to go back on the entire Bella conversation we just had, but I dated my son for like a year. He's completely sober. I can interact and exist with a completely sober person very well, surprisingly. That was good. That was a good time.
It's interesting. You might disagree. Yeah, I mean, it was a good time. You know what? It was a good time. But Demi's just, like, my favorite human. I guess it was weird, like, to have it actually, like, go viral because I feel like we've been kicking it for a minute and, like, close for a minute and, like, talk all the time. Yeah, but I feel like people don't really know. I know, obviously, in, like...
everyone around you knows yeah like we'll just yeah exactly Demi's just like a close friend but I feel like the people that was the first time it was like super public and everyone was like oh my god and I was like oh my fucking imagine what Joey felt I feel like Joey like really came into this just like so like I know 100 Joey's like so sweet like we were just talking about like flew out to LA to like do Halloween with us and then of course the like last night we're out I'm like I'm actually gonna be relinking with Bella Thorne do you want to come and it's like me like bro no what I signed up
for. It was, I mean, honestly, it's funny because he's like not, he doesn't live in LA and that party was insane. Like even I was like just so starstruck the entire time. Like the Jonas brothers were there. I missed Justin Bieber by five minutes. Do you know that? That's probably for the best. I know. He was not safe if you were there. I know. But there's literally an actual paparazzi video of Justin Bieber leaving this party and then I get out of the car and walk up. Like I missed him by like, like, like minutes. Like the paparazzi literally went Justin Tana, which is horrible for them. I'm so sorry. But like,
I'm like, oh, shit. Buenos dias, world, from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Wendt. And I'm Rick Schwartz.
And we're your hosts for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
I'm in big trouble, obviously, but you know why. I don't know if you really want to touch on that. I'm actually nervous to talk about this because...
My ex-boyfriend, Chris Miles, literally almost lit my house on fire for the last podcast, the Pickle episode. Of course he starts listening to the podcast now. That's what I'm saying. Who's tagging him in the podcast, you snakes? It was a German news outlet. Come on. It was in German. He had to press translate. Are you fucking kidding me? But of course, the first podcast he tunes into is me just...
Talking about her demon time right after the breakup. Yeah, I mean, but to be fair, I was really angry. And so I definitely just had no filter. I actually would like to issue Chris Miles a formal apology. We're on better terms now. I think that'd be fun, right? Yeah. I'm sorry. However, we can't change the past. And... I'm actually sorry. Like, I didn't... I didn't love her. I mean, Chris, I don't... I mean, you know I was never...
I was opposed to that the whole time. I even tried to rescue him by hooking up with that guy myself. Imagine right now you're like, I even tried to rescue him by hooking up. Oh my God. Don't even put that in anyone's head. But so guys, you know that on the last Pickle episode, Brooke asked permission to hook up with someone that I hooked up with for years. I said, yes, of course. We talked about, can you say it? What?
He's packing serious heat, y'all. Because if I say it, I'm gonna get fucking lit on fire. And... Well, he had this great reputation. He's so hot. Everybody knows that he's just, like, literally one of the hottest people in L.A. And Tana...
Loves to talk about him being her ex, which is just like literally awesome. Ex is a strong word, honestly. It was just a lot of time spent. It was like six years of fucking, so I like was gatekeeping. But there's no need. Can I tell you something? You're a liar. You're literally lying. Do you think that's not? Well, let me think. Yeah, how old is he? Maybe like four, five. Right.
It was a long time, but I was gatekeeping and I'll give that to you. Like I like 110%. There's no need for me to say like, yeah, here's the thing. What I truly believe. I tell Tana this all the time.
All of my friends get three to four, depending on the friend, people that they're allowed to have dibs on at a time. And she gives me like five because I'm a whore. So that's sweet. Yeah, exactly. It varies between friends because if it's someone like Tana, obviously she needs like a little bit of a wider ground. And then I also have friends who really don't date people often. So if they have like five boyfriends total, all those five are off limits, obviously. But if I have a friend, like I'm pretty much...
You're going to avoid all the guys you've hooked up with in the time that I've known you if I can. I don't even care about that. No, that's because that'd just be unrealistic. Yeah. Come on, guys. So I don't want it to seem like, oh, like, they're just after all the same guys, whatever. But it's like... LA is also a cesspool. It's similar to, like, being in college where, like, the hot people...
Are the hot people. Are the hot people. And that's who you want to. He also is like a demon. Like for me to gatekeep that, I would be, I would hate half my friends. Like, you know what I mean? Such a sweetheart. He's so hot. Anyway, I wasted no time. That was the point of the story. She fucked him. She left. She comes to my house the day.
It's there and goes, can I fuck him? And I'm like, I'm being I didn't say can I said, listen, hear me out. I'm going to do this. OK, fair. And I meant it. And then I did it that night. And I was like gatekeeping a little annoying, whatever. And then she did it. She hit. And now we're and I was honest. And now we're it's we've been sisters before. No. Yeah. A thousand times. Honestly, I'm sure it's a fun time, though. Yeah.
Should we leave a Yelp review? I did get in a lot of trouble for it, obviously. Did you? Oh, with your... So much trouble. With Uberboy. Which is so ridiculous. Well, she allows Uberboy to just...
ruined my life someone tweeted me the other day they were like don't be sad about chris at least you get to spend time with ethan i was like right i swear to god i saw ethan riding a bird scooter today i that's very spread the word i can't even oh i miss them let's call him joe honestly his name is joe because that's just such a joe from you vibes he's awful yeah god awful are you team joe or love love i'm team joe
I didn't even watch it. I just decided. People say I look like her. But it's because Joe, like, gaslights the viewer and, like, manipulates him into believing, like, he's, like, right. And I'm, like, such a little gaslightable girl. So I'm like, you're right, Joe. Did you say you were gaslightable or the gaslighter? Both. I'm gaslightable. It just takes, like, a pro, you know? He's a pro. Speaking of Chris Miles, do you know I literally almost got in a fistfight at Laurel Hardware?
The other night. What? Laurel Hardware is this restaurant that we like go to all the time. Not for long. And we were all eating and Chris Miles showed up. Like we're being friends right now. We're being friendly. Please have nothing to say about that. I don't want people to get mad either. Girl, she knew as soon as I was done chewing. I was going to say some shit. No, but I honestly like hating each other is just so dumb. Well, it's because you make me feel so crazy for being around Joe all the time. Joe kills me. Yeah.
No, but it's different. Like, I promise it's different. I promise. I'm actually doing me. We're not like nothing. Like, he actually just showed up for the end of a dinner to like say hello. Do you agree you hooked up with him two days ago?
Do you know in your TikTok comments when someone will say, like, you deserve better and you'll be like, suddenly I can't read English. I'm like, suddenly I am deaf, dumb, and blind. You read my TikTok comments? Yes. Whenever someone brings up Jo DeBrook in her TikTok comments, she'll be like, I can't read this. I swear it's written in Hebrew. She'll just, like, say some crazy shit. No, I did hook up with him two days ago. Me when I lie. I'm kidding. I did it. I did it.
Do we hang out? Yeah. But he like showed up to dinner and we're all sitting there and this girl, she's standing four feet away. First of all, she's so hot. That's already just automatically. I'm just like, she's so hot. She's the hottest girl. She's the super hot girl. And she's hooking up with this other girl. She's blacked out, drunk, a little hardware. I'm talking like on Molly. Like there's like, like black hardware. I know it's such a like a family restaurant vibe. And keep in mind, I had one drink. I'm actually just a psycho cunt. I wasn't even drunk.
This isn't checking out. I swear, I wasn't. There's already red flags in this story. I wasn't drunk, but this girl, she's making out with this other girl four feet from our table. First of all, I'm like, Chris, local, like don't even look in that direction. It's just in general. I'm like,
What's going on? You know, he's an excitable boy. And at some point she comes over and sits down next to Chris Miles next to him at the table. Girl's got a death wish. And I stand up, though, in the middle of this dinner and I go, I will beat your fucking ass, bitch. Get the fuck up.
And then she's just like drunk and like bawling and like tries to leave. And I'm like, that's where I leave. Like I was just so oppressed. I don't even know why. So insecure and jealous of me. It was so unnecessary. Yeah. But I get it. I mean. But like I will beat the fuck out of you, bitch. Like that had to come out of my mouth. I couldn't have said like move. I do agree. It's like a little bit threatening. No. And I'm. And she just.
oh my god i was i don't know if i'm more afraid of it being a random girl or trying to fight me or being a tana fan and like she was trying to be nice and it hurt you know that's the heart i feel like that would be a really tricky part of being you is that like every guy that you publicize he's a suddenly like a million times more desirable to like half of the females like within our age range the bitches that slide into chris's dms like the hot girls now and it's like you like i know you like i want if tana wants you i want you miles
But like I definitely get that And people always say Like tell us who Joe is And I'm like To make him any more desirable Would be like a sin No it like actually Makes you want to die He's not even right I mean but then again Also even if she was A supporter I'd be like Well you know me girl I'm crazy Like She was like Trying to lean on him She was like trying to lean on him Didn't you see what happened to me
Sorry. I didn't need to act like that, but I got real hood ratchet. I get that, though. Especially, like, I mean, maybe if I'm drunk. I don't know if I would do that after only one drink, but... I used to say. I...
I get where you just like rage overcomes you and then you just start doing it. I just wish it was at like... You know I've been having that problem lately like where I just like almost get in a fight every time I go to the club. No, completely. But that's what I wish it was at. Like even like a Cheesecake Factory or like a Catch. Like Laurel Hardware is a very like... Why you gotta fight with me at Cheesecake Factory?
Yeah, no, don't fight at Laurel Hardware. You're so lucky I wasn't there. Tana knows I'm, like, so fearful of public embarrassment. I actually kind of think you would have been, like, okay, though, fair, because it really was the most, like, she was being, like, a flirty whore. And I was, like, no, but I don't know. I get that, but just, like, the fear of, like, other people looking and hearing you and, like. True. We went to the Laugh Factory last night, like, and saw the cutest little comedy show. It was, like, the best time. Honestly, we have so much in common, and we have so much fun together, but the one thing is, like, I'm a little on the wild side, and you are very, like, prim and proper.
Like if we're at a show, a movie, like you're holding your breath to be quiet. And I'm like, yeah, I don't know. Like, you know, it's just like, I swear I haven't always been that way. I don't feel like that was like a thing I've like always had, but it's almost like I'm overcompensating. Like, cause I'm always with people who are so like, like I thought Ari was like a member of the Migos last night. Like every single time someone would make a joke, he'd be like, mama.
No, I mean, do you know, I actually had like a thought last night where I was like, it must be really troubling for her. Cause like we're sitting there and it's like me, you, Lila, Natalie, Ari, Amari. Like we're all like wild. I feel like the octo mom. Like I just have no control over my children. And they're all just like equally obnoxious. Like every single, I'm like, she has to react.
every two seconds no i actually thought to myself i was like why does she do this to herself like she should come to shit like this with like i know and that was i did note that as i said laugh factory very fun with different girls and obviously like i i think it's good though to have like a yin to your yang because i will almost encourage you to like let loose and not be so uptight sometimes i am like there are times when all of a sudden i'm the one who's out of pocket you'll be broke calm down like we were at the strip club and i literally was like i'm gonna fucking beat that girl's ass no
No, that's also the other thing. She'll be so uptight and then randomly just bop on a bitch. You almost beat the fuck out of someone at 11 in Miami. I had to calm you down. So, I mean, but I'm saying it's good normally because you'll make me like not be too fucking obnoxious, but I can make you like let loose a little. Yeah. Like there is a good side to it. It is a good balance, but it's so crazy for me. It's like such a shift. Like Savannah, for example, like she's like my other best friend. She's been my best friend forever. And she's so like, like the other day we were,
maybe like eight minutes late to something and she's like rushing she's like oh my god like what are we gonna and I'm like none of my other friends are like like even process that at all yeah and Ari and I are like
Just awful. Yeah, like just loud. Just kidding. I love you. Aw, well, you're actually wearing your I'm going to fuck a billionaire outfit tonight. He's not a billionaire yet, but he's going to be. He's about to be, though. So it's like a thing. Well, that's where we're going after this is like this crypto event. This guy is like really about you. And I think he's such a catch for you. He's so hot. He's older. He's like 38. But he looks like 25. He's so hot. This is how I know I'm down so bad because this guy is like he's so successful. He's living in Margot Robbie's old house. Yeah.
Like, hello? He is so brilliant, so successful, funny, charismatic, like, hot. And I'm literally like, God, where's Joe? Literally, Brody Jenner DM'd me the other day, and I was like... You put him on scene. Left him on scene. You left Brody Jenner on scene. The way that, like, every time a...
We really have cross paths because I've like messaged Brody Jenner as well, of course. But like I'd be double messaging him. To be clear, I technically, so one time I was watching The Hills with my roommate and I was like, you know what? He's so hot. I'm going to DM him. And he went to go DM him and it said, accept message request from Brody Jenner. I was like, girl, but. Best feeling in LA. Yeah, but like there was no message. So that means at some point he unsent it. But I love that. Whatever. You're thinking about me twice. And so then I was like.
Like, do I say something and say, like, what did you send or whatever? And I don't know if I ever did whatever, but, like, two days ago I was with Savannah and I was like, you know what? I'm just going to try again with Brody Jenner. I sent him hi and literally two minutes later he's like, what's good? And I don't know what's good, so I never responded. But I will eventually. He's great. Brody's like, great. I'm going to figure out what's good. Now he's going to, like, no, maybe he doesn't want to cancel a podcast. No.
I need to stop pissing off Jenner, so I'm done with that conversation shit. Buenos dias, world, from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Wendt. And I'm Rick Schwartz.
And we're your hosts for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Everyone genuinely wants us to talk about Pete and Kim.
Honest to God, that makes me as much as I want to be like unhappy about it and sick because I know – and you looked sick when you just did that face. You looked a year sick over it. But me personally, I think –
It's kind of like a guy leaving you for someone who's like way better looking than you. You have to just be like, all right. In a loving Pete way. So fucking happy for him. Because it's like and like I am the biggest Kardashian stan of all time. And I think that Kim is by far my favorite. I love her. I know. Brilliant. Amazing. She deserves that. Like a funny guy. Yeah. I feel like her problem with Kanye was that he was like literally like.
He's never going to lay and watch a movie with her. Talking to a wall. Exactly. You know? Pete is, like, the most, like, normal, humble celebrity. And you know Kris Jenner put in a call. Sorry to interrupt you. I know. What are your thoughts on, like, people saying, like, she was, like, texting her PR representative and being like, where's my skinny white guy? Don't get me wrong. Like, if he wasn't, like, mad relevant and she was, like...
doing that i think it wouldn't have been at like not scary farm on a roller coaster like she knows what she's doing but also i don't think it's disingenuine like you know i think she's just like check this one out like look what i can i can do whatever the fuck i want fucking kim kardashian i honestly love it and i think it's so funny he's so funny and he's we've graduated past the point of like people pretending pete davidson is not hot he's hot to everyone he's not to women and men he is hot he's just hot he's not weirdly hot he's just hot
And she deserves him. And like honestly imagine kissing someone on Saturday Night Live. You're like okay like. She was. That was like. I feel like that was like her breakthrough moment. I feel like Kanye kind of like censored her a little bit. Yeah. Like made her. And now she can just be fun. Like feel like she had to act a certain way and fit a certain brand. And I feel like now she's just like out of like just being crazy and fun. I know. I actually really do love it too.
Did you see Emily Ratajkowski on like Jimmy Kimmel or something? Yeah, but she brought up the wrong points about him. She brought up only his like physical. She was like his nails. He's like he's attractive. No, he's the funniest, best personality on this entire planet. And you know he's packing. Are you canceling Emrata? No, I'm just kidding. No, I love her. No, no, no. But it was actually like it's dope to see him so mainstreamly loved because I feel like that was the part that made me sick because it's like
If you've stand Pete Davidson for a while, you kind of probably had a feeling back in the day on SNL that you were like,
He married Ariana Grande, so I'm wrong. But gatekeeping him. I know, but it's hard because I still feel that way about him where he almost feels attainable. The guy next door. He's so normal that it's like, you know what? I'm going to go for this guy. But that's what's so iconic about him, and I love to see everyone loving him. And just imagine the Megan Fox, MGK, Kourtney, Travis energy tripled. It's just going to be so iconic. It's so hurtful. I really thought I was about to be besties with Megan Fox. Pete, text me back. Okay.
What did you do this weekend?
I don't know. I got in trouble the whole weekend. I was in trouble. I was bringing guilty pasta. I was apologizing the whole weekend for a little bit. I hate you for that. She was really bringing Joe guilty pasta. While you're fucking one of the hotter people in the night. I did something a little bad. It was funny. I had Bella Thorne over at my house and Chris Miles was texting me like, let's hang out. And I was just bored. And I was like, come over. He walks into me and Bella looks me dead in the face and goes, you're fucking insane. That's not, that's not.
boredom. That's not boredom. That's like deliberate like sacrifice. Well, I was just still a little mad and it was just like a fun game, whatever. But at one point she was like looking at his phone. Who was that fun for? Me. Only. Only you. It was fun. It was fun for Bella too though because Bella loves to like
Haze, haze people that like have been with me. She's like, I came first, bitch. No, but she was looking at his phone to play a song and his recently played was like all my podcast. And she's like, I see you still have Tana. Like just the whole thing. He's tuning in. I always defend Chris Miles on the podcast. People get mad at me. They're like, oh my God, Brooke. Brooke always has to say something nice about Tana's exes. I'm like, only the good ones. No, no. Chris Miles is very defendable.
Like, I get, like, we fight over shit that, like, does suck. And I was really mad over something that, like, validly sucked. But, like, he's a good person. That's, like, why I still, like, want to be friends and, like, hang out. Like, I don't want to just slander him and, like, be a... I get it. We always say that. We love him. We just don't love you guys together. 100%. 100%. And I never want to be around a guy together ever again. Speaking of, can we talk about how I had to go and suffer through Miami, but you paid Ari...
How much was it? This is by far the biggest L I've ever taken. But can I give a quick preface? Not the biggest L. Not the biggest L I've ever taken at all. Just my weekly L, honestly. It was Josie's birthday in Palm Springs and everyone was going. Like a hell of people I know. But I hate Palm Springs.
Like, I hate it. What did Palm Springs ever do to you? I've been arrested there twice, full jail, had to go back there to court four times. I've gone to the hospital. Palm Springs hates you. No, 100%. But I've, like, had to go to the hospital there for, like, pregnancy scares, like, puking and shitting my brains out, like, bad molly. I've had the most utterly god-awful experiences in Palm Springs forever. Me and that city just, we don't vibe. Oh, my God, my ex-boyfriend got 5150-holded there. Didn't you call them? Yeah, because he wouldn't fucking stop being fat.
being psycho but I just mean like he he caused that whole psycho moment like like that it just like spontaneously happens like no you literally could no no but he was being psycho like I actually thought he was gonna do something crazy so I had to call the police yeah honestly good for you no it was actually utterly horrible like he just like woke up and chose violence and like everyone I'm not trying to laugh it's not funny no I also I wasn't one of the like a hell of people called 911 I mean he was actually being crazy but
But I'm saying I've had the worst experiences there. I hate that city. It's so far away. It's like Vegas without anything fun. It's just like hot and fucking what the fuck. And I hate it. And I didn't want to go alone. And I know it's obviously Josie's birthday and everyone there is going to stay through the whole weekend. And I was like, if I get there and I get arrested, get pregnant, go to jail, go to the hospital, 50 or 50 or so, I need to be able to leave at any moment.
So I'm begging Ari to go the entire time. I'm like, please go with me. And like Josie also was like, you know, her list was like selective. She wanted her best friends. Out of my friends, she's the closest with Ari. So it was kind of like Ari or no one. Like I was in a position to really need him there. He's like, I'm not fucking going there. I'm not fucking driving there. Fuck that. Fuck that. And I know the way to Ari's heart. And he's a materialistic little cunt.
And I told him, I said, pick out a bag online. Obviously one we can both carry. We live together and share everything, so that's good. Pick out a designer bag online. I'll buy it for you if you go to Palm Springs. I bought Ari an $1,800 bag to go to fucking Palm Springs with me. I've never been bribed to go on a trip, and I've been forced, literally forced to go.
Just be more in denial. No, baby, that's my key. That's how I get all my flights. I'll be like, oh, no, I don't want to go. I know. And then I'm like, here's your seat. It's 1A. Every time. It's a genius move because if I'm too eager, babe, I'm buying my own flights and I'm not doing that. I'm no stranger to saying that I'm always doing something. It never stops for me. Every single day is something different in Psycho. So if tomorrow she's like, you know what? I want to go to Wisconsin.
I want to go to Dubai. Sorry. Wisconsin. Wisconsin. You're not allowed in Dubai. Do you know anything about Dubai? I've been there, but I literally almost got arrested there for posting an ass pic at the Palm Jumeirah. Sorry. No, that's just disrespectful. I didn't know. Paparazzi is illegal in Dubai. You don't even want to go there. Oh.
True. It's fun there though. I actually had a great time there. But like for real, like sometimes people, I'm no stranger to like using. Yeah, when it's very spur of the moment and you really catch me off guard, I have to cancel all my plans. I'll be like, you know what? No, I'm not going. And I'll wait until you like literally just say everything and convince me in every single way possible. However, we have never gotten all the way to an $1,800 bag. So I am just having a little bit of confusion. That's your fault.
I also will just say like. I'd be so wasted on me. You know how many things I would do with $1,800 before I would buy a bag? No. I need a laptop. I wasn't giving him money. I really wasn't giving him money. I was like, I'll buy you something because I want to use it too. So it was like a secret benefit. That's my favorite thing to do, especially like for birthdays and stuff. I'll get someone something that's like also a gift for me. Like for Hunter's birthday, I got him Disneyland tickets. But it's like, I just wanted to go to Disneyland. 100%. I'm also no like.
I'm not David Dobrik. I'm not going to just buy you a Tesla out of the kindness of my heart. But I am no stranger to sharing the wealth a little. Like, you know, if there's throwawayable money, I'm down. Especially, and it's fun. Paige and Kyla out there like... Yeah, they're like, Kyla got a car. Fucking fuck off. You're right. There's...
I'm no stranger to sometimes, you know, throwing something materialistic in someone's face to get them to do what I want. And I'm lucky to have that privilege in my life. I also vlogged it. It was really funny. Like I, you know, whatever. But no, then Ari gets there, has the time of his life. He's like trying to threesome everyone, tripping balls on mushrooms. Favorite trip he's ever fucking been on. Yeah, like I used threesome as a verb.
Like he's trying to threesome everyone. He like genuinely was like every couple there could have gotten him for Mari. I'm not going to lie. Like after the trip, I wanted to refund the bag. It's like, you had a great time. Like, fuck you, but I'll carry the bag. So it's fucking fine. Um, but yeah,
I hate that. I hate that I had to buy him a bag. Yeah, why did you do that? No, like, but I just couldn't go alone. And I'm not going to lie. I needed him the car ride back. I was supposed to road trip with everyone back. And it's like they wanted to take a bunch of stops and like be all fun. I wake up and I'm puking every hour on the hour. Ari and I took a car ride home where I sat with a blanket over my head and pulled over every 10 minutes to like try to puke. So like I ended up needing him for what I summoned him for. So yeah.
Well, that's good news. I don't know. Buenos dias, world, from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Wendt. And I'm Rick Schwartz.
And we're your hosts for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Do you actually want to know my favorite thing about Josie's birthday this weekend, though? Was that Jose Canseco was there the entire time, her dad. Your bestie? It's actually really funny because I kind of manifested this. As you guys know or don't know, we talk about it a lot, but the moment when I was the most blacked out at 24 Karat Golden's birthday, there was paparazzi. And...
Wait, that's so funny. I was just about to talk shit about you. Oh my God, Bryce. I was literally just about to say that I was like, Bryce, I was just about to say that I witnessed you talking to Jose Canseco about being on steroids all weekend. And that was my favorite part of the weekend. And then you just walked in. I swear to God. I was at one point. No, but there was a point where can we share a mic? Just say I was excited that I'm here.
Hi, Daddy. We love the free cloud. You want me to sit right here? Yeah, hi. No, I sit in the middle. I sit in the middle between us. But then we have to share a mic. Okay. Oh, hi. I was just about to say that my favorite part of Josie's birthday was watching you tell Jose Canseco that you did steroids and him looking at you like you were a fucking alien. Yeah, he also was just like, yeah, okay. You were definitely not on steroids. Trust me, I was bigger at one point. Oh, I like your mullet. It was really fun. You like it? See, everyone on TikTok hates it, though. They hate the mullet? Who hates your mullet? I'm in the mullet vibes for Daddy Jeff, not for Bryce, but still. Yeah, what's happening there?
Are you jealous? You guys fucking? No. You guys are fucking. No, we're not. It's okay if you are. Hi, bro. Hi. Very definitely. Here, let's get to the bottom of this right now. You're definitely fucking Jeff Wittek. I'm not fucking Jeff Wittek, but I'll be there soon. Really? I think so. You think he's down? I have a hunch. I don't think so.
Okay, well, his hard cock said otherwise. Wow. I'm just kidding. Straight to the point. I'm just kidding. Hello, you're actually only here because you're about to use me for clout. Yeah, no. We made like a deal. Yeah, no. I literally was like, crash my podcast and all. Sure. We're literally all about to go to this crypto event. You're not. I know. I'm sober right now. Really? Do you need help? Well, I'm on like a sobriety. Oh.
Oh, you're like sober. He like does that a lot. Well, you're like me. You like go manic and then you like hate yourself and then you have to go dead sober. After that Halloween weekend, I had to. Like that was crazy. Obviously, I drank with like Lil Uzi and shit. Oh, did you? I had like two shots. Dude, Bryce had to leave Josie's birthday early and I go, why? And he goes, I have to go to Sweet 16. That sounds so weird. Was that bad? No, he got paid for it.
Can I say that? No. Okay, you got paid. Just blink it out. You got paid a really high amount of money to go to a Sweet 16 with Lil Uzi Vert. I would have gone for $5. I wonder how much Lil Uzi got paid. Probably more for sure. But hello. Hey. You're sober? Yeah. This weekend was crazy. I have a lot of vlog footage of you like touching tits, doing psycho shit.
It'll be on YouTube tomorrow, guys. Check it out. Wait, don't fucking put me touching titties on YouTube. No, it's censored. Oh, okay. Okay, it's fine. It's fine. Oh, I did see the clip. I actually do remember that a little bit. Once you... I completely forgot about it, then you sent me the video and I was like, oh my God. I might sell the uncensored version on OnlyFans 2. No cut to you. No, you better give me a cut. If you're going to do that, you better give me a fucking cut. I don't know if I can. You know what I was actually going to do? Funny story. So I was trying to set up an OnlyFans account.
Yeah, for a video though, for a day. Yeah, for like for a day. And you have like a whole exclusive content platform. It was when I was beefing with Corinna.
Cause Karina was like- Oh, cause she was like, "Oh, I love mullets." And then she's like, "Not yours." We're no stranger to- She's a liar. I know she's not your mother. The reason that I was doing it, I had like such a funny profile picture. It was like my face photoshopped on Karina's body. And then like the picture of her on top of me when I was 18 as the banner. When he's like not 17, sorry for saying that. Yeah, sorry about that. Seriously.
You really tried to call this. I don't know. I genuinely thought I was 17. I mean, I'm no stranger to Corinna being rude unnecessarily. So then I was going to recreate Corinna's OnlyFans pics on my OnlyFans.
That's what like my OnlyFans thing was gonna- I would love to see you like- It failed. I got denied. Me too, like a little maid outfit. I got denied verification. What? No, she can call OnlyFans. She's got all the hookups. They got me verified right away. Well, now the beef's old, so it's like- Well, I've been trying to sign you. It's never too old. She'll post something like two years later. Yeah, it's completely fine. Okay, maybe I'll just post my fucking dick. On his- Well, call me, because I would love- I'm subscribed. I know.
the way brooke's like yeah it's a joke it's like funny it's just funny she's just playing around if you haven't fucked bryce it's like enticing nothing about that was mean i didn't mean that what was that i'm sorry i just mean like you're like my brother now i'm sorry i didn't mean well that makes it weirder that is actually kind of weird because like can you play a recent tiktok
Yeah, that's true. You got me like 11, dude. I know she came on here on the podcast one time and she was like talking shit about Chris and she goes, do you think I would just be like kissing like Bryce on TikTok? And we're like, literally, yes. What?
Um, my bad that she got like what 12 no, honestly bryce like thank you I love you like you you're my favorite clout play because you're like we have fun. So it's not like Why do you think i'm using you on youtube my shit right now on youtube is like this for some reason I know I absolutely love when we just use each other's clout and then have a little fun because it's never like a bad time I wonder what it is youtube if you watch tana's podcast, this is gonna be on youtube. You definitely do youtube I think his name is chad. He used to
he follows me on instagram i don't have any of that like creator of youtube and then doesn't push my videos you want more views yeah okay well i guess maybe i just gotta like make out with you on camera yeah we'll fake date for like an hour until i get like super we should fake get married oh my god i've never done that i know i would literally love that joke is she dead look at her face speaking of the fake marriage who do you think's gonna win the boxing match
against jake paul your ex-husband or tommy fury you love doing that literally addison is so happy right now um someone actually just asked me to go with them as a date to jake's fight they were like you should that would be conan you should film that like you should vlog that i just you should you should have like a sign that says go ex-husband i'd be like crying
No, you should have a sign for his opponent. Oh, my God. You should make a video with Tommy. Buenos dias, world, from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Wendt. And I'm Rick Schwartz.
And we're your hosts for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
I wish I could like have that in me. Like I really just should be petty, right? Like he hopes I know why she's pretending. She's not like always a malicious bitch. She's like, I could never do that. Like any of your other exes you would. I feel like it's just Jake you have a spot, like soft spot for. Yeah, what's up with that? I think it's, I'm not like, is this bad to say, but I almost think like he can out petty me. Like it's not that I'm like, well, I'm afraid. He's almost too good. No, and that's why I like had such a feeling for him. What did he say? Wait, he responded to the Yolanda and Gigi thing? Wait,
I waited 22 months to continue fighting with Gigi Hadid. Like, imagine what that man would do to me if I tried to fight with him. He's going to win. Yeah, and he knows too much. I honestly, like, I don't know. He also has no filter. Guys, I'm going to leave you to flirt while I have to pee because I'm literally going to piss my pants. You can't just leave in the middle. You guys should have, like, a little dating show moment. Like, Bryce, you should interview Brooke. All right, I'm down. Because you were about to talk shit about me. I was, but I mean, like, it was fun.
- Why are you not wearing shoes or socks? - If you don't change those underwear before we go out, you're not doing that.
I'm wearing a suit to the party, by the way. Are you? Yeah. What color? It's like a tux. Black and white? I have a blazer. I could wear the blazer. Yeah, I'm wearing a tux because I'm interviewing all the creators there. Are you actually? Yeah. Wait, you're working the party? No, I'm not working the party. What do you mean you're interviewing the creators? Everyone's going to get drunk. You know those viral TikToks where people interview drunk people? I'm going to do that except with creators. Wow, you're always working. Fucking yeah, when I'm sober.
sobriety rules is it gonna wait that sucks i wouldn't go anywhere and i'm sorry is there nothing in that that's empty kyla i don't actually want oh yeah you can't drink well i can i physically can but i'm not well i know well
Today I was shitting and you kept calling me being such a psycho cat. Is that why you kept declining? Yeah, because I didn't want you to answer while I was shitting. But then again, I don't know why. Also, you didn't wake up until like 3 p.m. That's an early morning for Tana. People always ask me why we don't just actually date because of the ship content and sentences like that are 100% why. Is that why? What? Is that why you guys don't date? Why? I think we both because you're in the end. We both would. No, not because we both would.
Like, you know. All right. Who would be a worse boyfriend, me or Chris Miles? Oh.
Like, who would be worse? Who would you rather date? Again. Honestly? And Chris, you're going to love this one because you hate me for everything I say on the mod because I think I still pick Chris Miles. Wow. Is it the face taps? He is a good boy. He's a good, he's a very yes man. No, I liked you two together. You would cheat on me. You would lie to me. You would flirt with other girls in front of me. You're horrible to take care of. I would not flirt with girls in front of you.
You like that one? Yeah, that was really good. It's okay. Do we have anything else we want to talk about? I'm a lot of things. Tell us a secret. But I do not flirt with girls in front of my girlfriends. Honestly, that's really saying a lot. Yeah, I know. It's like...
At least you have the courtesy that's important. That's important in a make I'm gonna get bitched out in front of everyone now I'm gonna wait until you're not looking and I'm like, hey, yeah So noble what a sweetheart nice nice guy and I still don't understand why I'm single ladies Fucking hit me up. Now. You're just being rude. I'm like, Jesus Christ 20 times
Ladies, ladies. It was cute. It was cute before. This is the craziest threesome. It's coming out on Tana's OnlyFans. Well, Sierra would be down for that. I'm getting 75% of the credit. And I'm getting zero.
Bryce, do you have anything else you want to fucking say before I cut this? Because I've had you. You're here. You're great. Yeah, we got our clout. So I called out... What are you doing? You popping a pimple? No. Oh my God. Ow. You can't just do that to people. Was it a whitehead? Yeah, it was fun though. Oh. All right. Anyways, I called out Corinna for a boxing match. People took it seriously. I don't...
I don't understand how people... People are actually dumb. You want to clarify that on my podcast? Yes. Clip this right now. I did not call Corinna out to box because obviously I'd whoop that bitch's ass. He's like, fuck that bitch up. But Tana is going to fight Corinna for me. No, I'll fist fight you right now. I don't want to be 0-2. I mean... She'd be a better opponent than Austin McBrook.
Get off my set! What the fuck is that thing? When did that get there? Literally, it's always been there, Bryce. But I love you so much, gorgeous angel, icon, legend. Okay, guys, we're going to go. Brooke and I are going to finesse billionaires. Bryce is going to work the party, even though he doesn't want to admit it. We're wearing matching outfits. Did he tell you? What? Oh, he's wearing a suit, and you're like black and white? No, he's a tuxedo, and I'm wearing black. It's so cute because we actually, beforehand, we were like, what should we wear? So we got to take pics before...
all the wild stuff happens. Yeah, before you guys have psycho sex tonight. Yeah, this is going to be insane. Yeah, I'm super excited for this. Only fans coming soon just for this video. That's, I mean, I'll monetize at least that. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I don't even need a cut. Yeah, Brooke and I are, yeah, we're going to kill it tonight. I'm back with Bella Thorne. That was the, no, I'm just kidding. You kind of are though, right?
Is it Jeff or Bella or me? I'm confused. Well, guys, thank you so much for tuning in to this week's episode of the Cancelled Podcast. Brooke and I are fighting a bitch from too hot to handle. I am not back with Bella Thorne, contrary to popular belief. I'm sorry to everyone I've offended. And Bryce Hall's here. I'm content and happy. She's dripping wet right now. Okay, guys. Why do you always have to take it too far? Thank you for watching this week's episode of Cancelled. Bye. Tanimotia is cancelled. A DWE Talent Production.
- Buenos dias world from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Wendt. - And I'm Rick Schwartz.
And we're your hosts for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.