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Cancelled with Tana Mongeau & Brooke Schofield

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brooke Schofield
Tana Mongeau
Tana Mongeau 在本集中就她在 Streamy 颁奖典礼上的表现进行了深刻的道歉和反思。她承认自己因为紧张而表现失常,虽然事先喝了两杯酒,但这并不是导致她表现糟糕的主要原因。她认为 Streamy 颁奖典礼的观众与她节目的观众不同,导致她的幽默方式未能奏效。此外,现场音响效果差和缺乏充分准备也影响了她的表现。她对自己的表现感到非常失望和自责,并决定以后不再参加类似的活动,专注于她更擅长的领域,例如她的播客节目《Cancelled》。她还表示,随着年龄的增长和恋爱关系的影响,她对负面评价的承受能力有所下降,这让她更加重视自己的表现。她决定戒酒,以更健康的方式应对压力。 Brooke Schofield 对 Tana Mongeau 的道歉表示理解和支持。她认为 Tana Mongeau 即使时光倒流,也会做出同样的选择,因为这是 Tana Mongeau 的真实性格。她还指出,《Cancelled》节目的特色使得 Tana Mongeau 的负面新闻不会对她的公众形象造成太大损害。她分析了 Tana Mongeau 现在对负面评价的承受能力降低的原因,并鼓励 Tana Mongeau 专注于她擅长的领域,例如《Cancelled》节目。她还分享了她自己处理负面评价和压力的方法,以及她对 Tana Mongeau 的欣赏和支持。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


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Hello and welcome back to the cancelled podcast. Today's episode is actually a really exciting one and a really special one. We have Miss Trish on for the third time this year. Is this our last episode of the year or do we have one more after this? We might have a New Year's highlights one, but that's kind of just like a bonus throw in there. But like

I feel like this is the last one we'll shoot this year at least. Okay. It's such an honor to me always that Miss Trish wants to come on this many times and she was by far the favorite and maybe only loved guest this year. Oh my God, everyone loves her. And so we're so excited and it's going to be a great episode. But before Miss Trisha gets here...

I realized that I desperately needed to sit down on this mic and this couch with you to address something before Trisha gets here. Wait, do you remember when Meghan Trainor was here and you were like, it's been so long since I've had to sit down and apologize for something? I was just yesterday being like, damn, I couldn't make it the whole year. I really thought I was going to make it the whole year. You got really close. We're in the home stretch. I thought I was going to make it the whole year. I'm very sorry for my horrible hosting skills.

skills debacle at the steamies let's unpack it a bit I just want to say first and foremost I came on here after the streamies and I said no more award shows

I've made Paige take videos of me after every award show I've done and be like, record me telling future me to never do this again because you never want to feel like this again. Like, yeah, I just have to accept that. I don't think it's something I'll ever fucking be good at no matter what. I don't know what it is. I just like get so nervous and I it is nerve wracking. Yeah. I mean, there's so much to be said. It's so frustrating.

When the whole world is just talking about you like they know you. And I think yesterday I just had like a super mental breakdown. I haven't trended on Twitter with people. You were trending. My DMs were flooded. Like, girl, get Tana. Yeah. And you should have got me and ripped me off that fucking stage. I was going to be there, but I wasn't. Yeah, I wish you were.

to just help me. I would have pulled you by your hair off that stage. I'm telling you, I love everyone like that was there. And I really wanted to do it and try something new. But I also think it's just like, I've been doing this shit for 10 years. I know what I'm good at. I know what I'm not good at. I need to stop saying yes to things like that, where I'm going to just like publicly embarrass the shit out of myself. Yeah, it sucks. It sucks feeling like a failure and feeling like you fucking just like can't.

whatever and i don't think you're a failure i think there are definitely some things we could have done differently but yeah you just told me you can't turn back time you and you really fucking cannot i mean i was so nervous and before we do like any canceled show or anything i'm gonna take it like a shot or two and i took two shots before the fucking thing and one shot on stage but clearly have a little more to eat maybe i don't even know like i understand why everyone thinks i was like sometimes two shots goes further than a normal two shots

Or maybe perhaps like the thing is, is everyone thought I was drunk when I hosted the streamies. Everyone thought I was drunk. Like I just, that's true. You were sober then, but I don't know. I just become this like nervous fucking mess. And I'm not saying I didn't take two shots, but like,

Had that been a canceled show, I could have just like... And that's the other thing I think as well is like, it's just not my audience. And I kind of went there thinking like, oh, I'm going to wear this I Heart Trisha Paytas shirt and everyone's going to think it's funny. Damn near got booed off the stage. Like, you know? Like, it just... I can't get behind that one. We do love Trisha Paytas. Everyone who watches...

also knows exactly where I stand with the James Charles of it all. We're not close. We're not besties. Like I've just become civil with him. I've said it a thousand times. Like we're just cool. If I see him now, we don't hate each other. And I was just trying to make jokes like I would make at a canceled show.

Like, oh, I'm wearing his fucking eyeliner today because Alexis did my makeup with it, you know? But like... It just wasn't hitting like it normally would? Yeah. Like it just, it wasn't my audience. And I also couldn't hear anyone. I'm not trying to like backtrack all of this, but I do want people to understand context. Like I couldn't hear Ethan. I couldn't hear anyone. We all couldn't hear each other. That's why I kept like whispering to Jeff because it's like...

I couldn't hear him when he was on the mic. And I just, we didn't prepare. Like we, Jeff and I kind of just got there and they were like, okay, perfect. Fake Logan Paul's here. Go sit down. And just, I think I would have had a hard time with that too. Like, like what am I supposed to say? What am I not supposed to say? And it's all such.

like polarizing canceled topics and I like I think that's what made my nerves so much more yeah because you say one wrong thing and you get canceled and then it's like you say one wrong thing and the audience doesn't laugh so then you're just like trying to make people laugh and trying to fix yeah you're trying to make up for what you've done yeah and it's just like I epically epically failed and I want to say that and I'm

Ethan after and Hila after were like, you did amazing. Like, we love you. Thank you so much. I don't know if they were just saying that. Views are up. Yeah. If anything, I was, I'm happy to give a spectacle and whatever, but it just, I knew walking out onto that stage. I also didn't know it was that many people live. Like last year we did it from the H3 offices and like,

I had no idea it was the whole Dolby theater like sold out. I thought it was like a smaller room, like something. I had no idea I was walking up to 5,000 people and I think I was just so nervous and like, it's just not my thing. I understand that. You remember the Pittsburgh show. I blacked out so bad. Apparently didn't speak one word, so. And it is just like, it's a hard fucking thing to do and it's so hard that all these people are

tweeting me from their couch to kill myself because I'm so bad at whatever the fuck I did it's like I will say that's a little far you guys it's hard to do I mean I personally have never hosted an award show but and I didn't know it was like three hours so it's just so much time for me to fucking embarrass myself and there's so much time for those two shots to kick in too and just keep going and then I left and because I can't cope with anything absolutely ever just like

went and blacked out because I was so upset. I was like sobbing all night. I was like, I just did so bad and like whatever. I am. I understand that, but we do not turn to alcohol. I'm on a cleanse once again because I think that when things stress me the fuck out, I don't handle them properly when it comes to my relationship with substances. So I am going to

handle this sober and healthy. And yeah, I mean, it's just... I'm proud of you. Listen, I love when you go sober. You know, you're my favorite when you're sober. You and I were just talking about

That Andy Cohen situation when he did the New Year's Eve special and he blacked out so badly on national television in front of the entire world. Yeah, at least it was New Year's Eve. But what I'm saying about like it's... You have to imagine that the anxiety after a night like that is the worst punishment of all. Okay, free my girl. I scream cried for 18 hours yesterday and just read Twitter and scream cried. Everyone was taking turns talking me off a ledge for the entire day. So... But I... Yeah, I just...

I also just like I said this at the beginning of this year was one of my like resolutions and I failed it. And I need to say no to things more and just do what I fucking do. And that's this podcast. And that's a canceled show live. And like, I want to perfect our show. And like, I just I need to stop taking on things that may be.

are out of my comfort zone and it's good to challenge yourself and like whatever yeah i get why you wanted to do it because you love everyone involved and stuff it's just like it's yeah you're right and if you know you don't really like aren't really comfortable doing something it's fine to just be like yeah and i've said it a thousand times like no award shows for me like we learned that after the streamies what did we learn after the streamies do not put this girl on a live mic on a stage at an award show i still think you slayed the streamies i said fuck within the first three minutes

Um, I, I, and I, everyone thought I was blacked out and I was sober. Like it's just the person I become when I'm nervous. Yeah. It's just stick to what you know, stick to what you know. I think Jeff and Ethan were amazing at that. I think Mike would have slayed if he was there, he was supposed to be there as well. And that's just, everything went differently than I thought it would. You know what I mean? And also I just feel like, but I don't know. I feel like I'm going to sound like I'm like,

playing the victim and i don't want to but like if i were a boy favorite game oh do you think i would have gotten that much hate i probably would have sent you more hate if you were a boy yeah so no just i was just like reaching for straws there i just i fucked that up and it is what it is and i just want the people to know that i know that and will not be taking on things that i can't do

And you know what I mean? If you need to drink to be decent at something, maybe you shouldn't be doing it. You think the drinking helped? I don't know. Because imagine the streamies was three hours. And I was on that stage in that mindset. When I said who wrote that, I would have fucked up for three hours there. And then imagine the topics were all these cancelable ass top like,

I think no matter what, if I went back in time and tried a different approach every single time with the tools that were given to me and just my mental state towards that, I would have fucked it up no matter what. And I can recognize that. And it feels like shit. And I do feel like like I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit. I think personally, from what I saw anyway, it felt like the alcohol might have been a little bit of a. Yeah. Yeah.

But I think no matter what, like I still would have wore the Trisha shirt. I still would have gotten booed. It still would have made me nervous. I still get behind the Trisha shirt. I love the Trisha shirt. Maybe time and place. Exactly. And it was just like, it just, I was definitely, I thought I could have...

canceled podcast humor up there and I think that wasn't no I missed the mark extremely oh man the mark was hundreds of thousands of miles away from me but yeah no more award shows stick to what you know stick to what you fucking know it's crazy that we're talking about this and then Trisha's coming on and it's like I wonder if people are

going to be mad at her. But at this point, I just can't please everyone. Did you do a gender? She doesn't even know the gender of her baby, right? Should we clarify that? We don't know the gender of her baby. Trisha doesn't even know the gender of her baby. Everyone thinks that you did a gender reveal for her. Why the fuck would I do that? Because you said I'm the godmother of her baby boy. Yeah.

You did. You said that. I guess just like Elvis. I know it's being named Elvis and I think it's a boy, but I don't know. I swear to God. She almost told me the other day and then she was like, Oh, did she know? She knows, but she was like, I haven't, she was going to tell me too. And she was like, but I haven't told my mom. And I was like, then don't tell me. I don't want to know. And I, well, I just don't want to live with a secret.

Like I don't, I'm a bad secret keeper. I can live with a secret. Yeah. The gender reveals on January 2nd. So we'll know really soon. Oh my God. How exciting. I know. Well, we're going to put on some Santa costumes and get into some funny shit with Trisha, but just know, I know no more award shows. I appreciate H3 and everyone there for the opportunity. And again, all factors included. I think I did. I did my best. I did what I could and I still fucking failed and I recognize that and I'm sorry and sticking to sticking to my canceled shit.

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But don't just take my word for it. Get 25% off at slash podcast. I love you and I have a declaration of love. I was like, wow. If I went back in time, I would do it again. Oh my God. The apology just happened. You're like, I do it again.

Yeah, fuck. You know, but that's what I was saying in the apology. Like, I think if I went back in time a million times, I would do it just like that. And that's it is what it is. I think I just need to stick to canceled and stick to just Trish. And but that's what's perfect about you having canceled is like, like you said, when you look up your name, like there's so many things about this podcast that no one will know what you're canceled for. It's like, oh, it's just her gimmick. It's just her

podcast. Hopefully people do think it's just my gimmick. Honestly, this week, your thing. That's fair. That is fair. Yeah, it's nothing I can't handle. I don't know why I took it. So rogue yesterday. Yeah, even like I was just like sobbing and Jeff was giving me all this advice. And he's like, Tana, you would tell me all of this advice and be like, fucking listen to it. Like double down. Fucking who cares? Like,

monetize it move on yeah like we all make mistakes don't let it discourage you but I think you're like maturing and you're like in a relationship and stuff and you're just like ah like I don't know it like affects you different when you get older I think that's exactly it like I used to like see myself number one trending for being a fucking idiot every two weeks and it was just like excited about it yeah I was just like I was just in it and it hasn't happened to me in like a long time like that and I was like oh whoa like I'm I think I'm

I'm just I'm tapped out of this. It would devastate me now if I was like canceled. I would be I it would be really hard because I have a daughter and I'm like that's I'm not you know it's just hard. I'm sure I'll say stupid stuff in the future so it's like it'll happen. It just comes with this like job. Yeah. You know what I mean and everything but. Talking too much. It's okay.

I just got out of my first scandal ever. Yeah. No, you're like the, wait. Well, it was like a good, I had like a good scandal. Yeah, you're like the winner of it. Like no one was canceling you. I was, I was like worried because like I know when I've like exposed people before that I was like, you're the crazy one, you're crazy, this crazy girl. But then everyone was on your side. I was like, oh my God. Yeah, I was really afraid about it, but everyone was very supportive. It was nice. No, yours wasn't even a cancellation. You were the canceler. I,

I swear I was almost saying that me, like I was going a little too hard, I think. Not on Matt specifically, but like whenever I get a little too on my high horse and I think I can start canceling other people is usually when I get canceled. So that was just the universe being like, whoa, whoa, whoa, Tana. That's true.

That's 100% true. Chill the fuck out. You know, chill the fuck out. That's why I try to be like nice to everyone now because I'm like, you know what? I could be very well maxed, you know? Yeah. Put the gavel down, Tana. You are not the judge. You are not the final boss. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And I definitely realized that. No, but it's like...

It's close to you guys. Like, obviously, it's very close to you. So it makes sense. That is fair. That is very, very fair. So holidays are coming up. Talk to me. Tell me things. Oh, my gosh. There's nothing happening. We just stay home. This is it. This is my last thing of the year. Really? So I was super excited. Yeah. I know you're like, I'm going to a party after this. I was like, oh, my gosh. Like, your party, your galore. Congratulations. Galore is kind of everything. So I did galore, too, like a couple months. I started saying yes to everything. But like, what is it? It's a cover. A trick.

Saying you did a magazine cover and then saying what is it is why I love you so much. I love it. I love Prince. I like went out to lunch with him. Like I love him. I love the whole thing. But like...

I don't really. Like it's a cover, but it's not in print. But I guess they were in print. I'm like, you should print these. That's what I told him. Yeah. I love a printed magazine so much more than a digital one. It's still like an honor. I was just excited to like do the interview because I feel like Galore is like kind of rogue. And like I've always really liked Galore's content for that reason. So I guess to be a part of it, I'm sure you felt the same way. It was just like really cool. No. Anytime someone wants to offer me a cover, I'm like, yes. Yeah. So yeah. No, I love it. I actually love it. And everyone was like, this is a huge deal. Because they did like Christiane Aguilera right before me. I was like,

oh my god oh my god yeah she was on the cover like literally right before mine and so no i love it it's huge i think it's like such a big thing but i just was like the concept of a digital cover is like what the fuck is going on don't a lot of magazines just not even print like physical copies anymore yeah paper doesn't which is like playboy even i know yeah it's probably still around like digitally yeah they have digital playboy but it's not like it's not naked or anything i don't is it i don't know i'm supposed to do digital playboy soon i think it's up in the air oh that's the ultimate

And I just so wish. Would you? Yeah. Did you ever do? I saw you posted when I tried to convince Brooke to do OF, but you never did it, right? I did it, but I never did anything but like swimsuits. Like I was like, it was like not even a real OnlyFans at all. Is it still up? No. Oh God, no. Wait,

happened we did like it's so funny when I look back at this like we did like a sexy shoot together I know I know it's so like truly out of my comfort zone and like to think about it now that I was like so serious I was like really just taking fans content like I can't imagine doing that now yeah but it was always like well because I was like I was broke no but this

during no it was before canceled so it was the in between like right after I'd got fired gotten fired from my job and then before canceled so like that was all I had and it honestly got me through because otherwise I would have had to get wait did you ever say how much money you made like did you I did not make a lot of money at all which is why I was like what the fuck am I doing this for this is really important to like talk about that though like even when people ask me should I do all the things like I'm like

you know what I mean? Like you're running the risk of shit flopping. You're running the risk of, there's so many girls who make them and then they like never make really any money from it. But you see all the other girls who are making like tens of thousands of dollars every month. And that's why you want to start. Yeah. But there's girls that like my sister knows that like don't have followings at all. And they say they make like 40,000 a month. I'm like, how are you doing? I don't understand.

understand it. Those ones are a little crazier to me. I had someone like close to me for a while where she, she didn't have a following at all. And she had like 10 guys on her OF, but like was just having those 10 guys like pay all of her bills and like, like fill out and pay for Amazon wishlist. Yeah. That's amazing. There's definitely ways to like do it and monetize it, I think for anyone, but it's not always just like you post it and you're rich. Like it's, it's a lot of trial and error if you're, if you really want to like,

do it you know yeah if you just don't have like a following already but I bet if you did it now you'd make so much money I don't know I still have like a 98% female audience I feel like I'd like nobody wants to but a lot of people want to see you naked for sure yeah no I was saying I feel like I would just do like I would do something that like wasn't behind a paywall I feel like I would do like a playboy or something I mean and now there's all these amazing articles about your vulva dude what oh yeah this is the time

Come see what Matt Rice hated. It's so crazy because I made that comment and like, I guess I didn't specify enough. And now I like almost don't even want to backtrack on it because I don't want to seem like anybody should be ashamed at all. But I swear to God, people heard that and think like I can tie it in a knot and throw it over my shoulder. I'm not kidding. What do you mean? What were the comments? Because people were like, people are commenting on my stuff and they're like, all I think of when I see you now is like Audi. I'm like, Sky Bree has an Audi. Like there's not, that's not like...

people do I think most a lot like I would say 50 50 yeah like the ones I've seen yeah I think yeah well vaginas and like I just can't stress it enough like all genitals are weird it's a weird oh I agree thought yeah and concept as is vaginas penises I think they're all kind of like weird looking yeah it is but I just like didn't think that would be as big of a deal as it was and it really was well I feel like you learned a lot about the press

The media. With this. Yeah. Oh the way I saw you talking. Like this is not what I said. It wasn't. And like not that I want. Like I don't regret. A single thing I said at all. But.

You know, it's like a game of telephone. Everybody's like saying just the most random things that I did not say at all. Yeah. Because, yeah, like you said, it's like what they think they heard or how they interpreted it and stuff like that. Yeah. And then I had like, you know, everyone's going on separate podcasts and like retelling the story, but slightly different. Yes. And like, it's just like this. I was literally watching it happen. No, it makes you like spiral. I just think. It's scary. It did. I had to log off. Yeah. You can't look at anything. I can't look at anything. I'm like so...

I've been at my wits end for a while, but it's just so crazy. Like yesterday I was like laying in bed and I was just like right now someone somewhere is writing an entire dissertation on me. Yeah. That like is the furthest thing from the truth and I can't go defend it. And it's just like my life and I have to accept that there's so many people

have so much to say about me like true or not yeah it's hard I hate that you can like like log off but it's just still happening and still happening and you can't stop it yeah the good news is like it always there's always something new you know you could be like the like think about like the worst people as we've talked about like Colleen and stuff like that like she comes back and it's just everyone like there's she has fans and people just like like things just come and go so quickly and when it's something like little I mean or not

so big you know what I mean it's just like do people really care in like a few days exactly and you have to remember that like you have to just like this has done a fucking pass yeah you know and it's like oh my god I know it's wild to me when I see it I'm like oh people just especially you you've been around for so long like oh she doesn't care you know it's just like handle it but it does like it does affect you yeah it used to not at all like I said you know like I just I think it does come with like getting older and like

maturing and then like still fucking up and being like, you're trying to better yourself and you're doing all these businesses and you're like this really smart person. People take you really smart. Now you're doing like Forbes and stuff. So then to like get look like a fucking idiot. Yeah, no, but it sucks. But you look great. Did you address why we're sitting like this? Because I don't want them to think like I asked you guys to switch or did you do it just for me or do you do it for other guys? Well, I heard you say that it's like tricky on our podcast to talk like because you have to talk both different ways. And honestly, I love it. I'm just getting like a full view of you looking. This is a little easier. Yeah, because I'm just like,

I don't know. I don't know. But then I feel like I took your spot. So I'm like, this is kind of weird. I would love for you to take my spot. I showed up the other day to you bedazzling a microphone and my face is framed all over the house. Yours too. When I saw that, it was so happy. Like the cutest thing ever. We have our Brooke outfits ready to go. And my Christmas gift. I'm wearing it tonight for the first time.

I'm debuting it at my party and it matches my dress like perfectly too. I'm so excited. Actually, wait, I have gifts for you. Can I give them to you right now? Oh my gosh. Okay. Is there McDonald's over there? Why is there McDonald's always over here? Like I feel like that's from two weeks ago. It probably is. Wait, really? What's that? Someone came and cleaned the house today. Oh, and they didn't take it? Please take it. That is someone's decrepit McChicken. You get the gift.

Tana Claus. You did not have to get me anything. I'm not kidding. You bought me a gift equivalent to the price of a car. First of all, no. You've come on the podcast so many times. You're literally the guest that people love. You both are my top two actually this year for real. You're our only one. It's crazy. It's wild. I was like, wow. People love you, Brooke. It's

Like I guess like I know but you don't know until you know like especially like solo and stuff. You're like I don't know. Well I didn't know either. Really? I was so excited when that episode came out because that was my first time really like going on a podcast. I have done like a few podcasts here and there but like really going on and like really talking about myself. And like a big one too. You know like the biggest podcast. I loved it. Well because we also have like so much in common when you talk about like borderline and stuff. I feel like that kind of stuff like I just love talking to people.

about it yeah it's like not everyone goes through it and it's nice yeah and it doesn't come up in our conversations very often right yeah sometimes you know but sometimes it's relevant you know for sure like you can't talk to someone who like doesn't have it's like hard to talk to because it's like I mean they get it but you know yeah that's cute that's actually really cute oh my gosh I saw

I saw you like going crazy at the Beverly Center. You showed all your stories. Like even downstairs, I saw all your bags. I'm like, how many people did you buy for? So many. And I'm still like not even halfway done. And I just, I get like so stressed. I had to just like have a mimosa and just go close my eyes and just pick out everything and just call it a day. Oh, you went to the bougie stores. You're like, do you want champagne? Cause I'm, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Cause I just, oh my, there's so many people and it's like, it's just so much easier to do like one big gift per person than like a bunch of little thoughtful ones. It would take me like six months. I'm so bad at gifts. I'm so bad at them, but.

This is so nice. So the big one is for you. Okay. The little one is for Malibu. And the envelope is for you and Moses. So cute. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. What is it? I don't even know. Okay. I don't know where to start. Which one should I start with? Whichever one you want. Oh my gosh. Huh? Which one? Okay. Okay. Okay.

Yeah. Wow. I hope you like it, okay? Literally anything you give me, I'll like. Like anything. I'm just nervous. I just walked into the store and I saw that and I was like, that's so Trisha. How's my arm? Let me get my sleeve back in because I cut myself shaving. And I have a zipper broken. There's just a lot happening. I have like this big well though. Anyways. I always cut myself shaving though. My armpits are so bad. If there's not blood on my shower floor, I didn't shave properly. Not kidding. I try to, but you know.

I can't. I was weed walking my bush yesterday. Sorry. Merry Christmas. Open the bush. Oh, is McCoy here? He gets here in like an hour.

That's so exciting. I know. He's really sweet. Is he spending Christmas with you? We haven't got there yet, but I hope so. I mean, he must be if he's coming now. I mean, it's like Christmas. Well, he has a flight back to Hawaii in like two days. He literally just switched his flight from working to just come like support me tonight at the Galore party. Oh my God. I wish. If I went out to parties, I would totally come tonight. I know. I would love it. I don't even do my own. They're like, you need to do a Galore party because everyone has a lunch and it's like, I can't. Yeah, no. Gender reveal party is plenty. Oh my God. Even that I'm like scared of. I'm just like, I just, yeah.

I don't know anybody. I'm changing my flight from Hawaii to make it to the gender reveal. I'm not kidding. It's literally like the day after like New Year's. It's like so soon. Don't care. I'll still let you know. Yeah. Okay. Oh my God. Oh, I see. I see. Okay. Wow. This is so exciting. Okay. I'm like giddy. I've never even seen her. I don't know. Yeah. I'm going to tell her because I want her to be surprised too. Oh, I love it. Okay. This is for you. She said, oh, I love it. I feel like I do. Oh my God. It's like a cylinder. I feel like you have a lot of big bags and this is a fun little one. Oh, that is so cute. Oh,

It's so just Trish coded too. The little disco ball. It is. Oh my God. It's so cute. Oh my God, how cute. I might have to go back and get myself one. That's what I thought when I saw your first dress. I was like, maybe I should get one. They're so cute. Like honestly. No, this is so cute. I love it. I didn't know Louis Vuitton made like cute little colors like this. I know, I didn't either. And I just felt like it was like special and like not a lot of people would have it. Thank you. Oh my God, that is so cute. We'll put this on our set. We'll just keep it in the center the whole time. Thank you.

Anything Tana and Breck, we literally call ourselves like the canceled after show because we just like have anything. And every time I'm watching the show, like, because it's always on in my house, like, every time I hear a mention, I'm like, like,

Like it feels like it's not real. And I just stand there and stare at the TV like for like five minutes just like healing my inner child. Like so in love with Trisha. It's always a thumbnail. I'm like should we tell that? I'm like oh sorry. And people send it to me so much because I've always been like such a Trisha fan. So my friends will send it and be like this is crazy. And now we're such like Brooke stans. Like we so are. 100%. It makes me so happy. Yeah I don't know. It's like this weird. I get like fixated and your guys' show is like I fixate on. So I was like

I'm so beyond just Trish fixated. I'm glad that this love is so mutual. It really is. I just, I love you both so much. It's like, like I said, you guys gave me like this like- We really-

You know what I mean? Trish, Trish. The comeback of the 2020. Because seriously. Girl, you are so confused. I love you. You've given me like, I don't know, inspiration to keep going. You do give me inspiration to keep going. Oh my gosh. I'm serious. We're going to cry again. I know, right? We were sobbing on just Trish. Literally. It's so good. Oh, it's so cute.

I love it so much. Thank you. Okay, open Malibu. I'm excited to see Malibu. When you were on our podcast, you kept your little like, bottega the whole time and I thought that looked so cute when you kept it on the chair. Yeah, it wasn't real. It just looks like a

You know me. It was a Fotega. It's always Fotega. Oh my God. I didn't even know that. Honestly, that's how uneducated I am. I bought that like just thinking it was a cute bag. Oh, and everyone's like Fotega. Yeah. Yeah. I said my legs. I didn't know like the styles were like enough. I didn't know. I was like, oh, cute woven bag. Yeah. That's what you want to bag. You want

That's what I think too. All right. And those are cute. Like the size of the Aritzia one I feel like is different. Yeah. It's anthropology. What is Aritzia? I keep hearing this. Anthropology. You would like Aritzia. Aritzia. Is it bouj? Yeah. I mean, I don't know if you would like it. It's just muted tones. But I feel like she would like it because she loves like cosplaying you. Like she would have a fun time shopping in Aritzia to like get a Brooke coated outfit. It is like that's where I get all my like onesies and like. Oh yeah. It's like onesies you wear. You've been wearing those so much lately. I'm like,

She slays them though. But I love them. I put them on and I look. Me too. I would look like a literal like cream puff. I'm not kidding. I feel like the Michelin man when I put those on. For sure.

for sure even tonight I'm just like none of this fits the zipper is broken no mine's doing the same thing where it's like like it just doesn't even almost like my titties in my armpit what is it meant for it's like for people with like literally no or like or with no like length from here because it's like how am I I keep pulling mine down mine's plus size I'm like how is this not fitting me so I just feel a little you look amazing I feel like a cream puff but um no we tracked down your San Diego sweatshirt it was so hard like I literally had to ask people on Instagram we found it in Mission Beach it's called Miss Mission Beach like we found

and they were all sold out. They were all sold out. So we only got one left and so I gave Oscar his for his present today and we got one similar. I got one similar. It was like pink coffee. Wait, you should, I have two of them. I have a pink one and a blue one. What size? 2XL. Oh, was yours a 2XL on the show? Yeah. Because we put the 2XLs on and it was like literally to like my belly and I was like, oh. You're pregnant. I had it. Patricia, you're pregnant. No, I'm four months. It's not,

It's not showing. I thought they might be hard to find though because they were on sale when we got them. She was wearing one in the beginning half. Did you see? She was wearing the yellow one. Oh yeah, I was wearing a yellow one. She had a yellow one. No, I actually don't. I slept through that day. They all went to Mission Beach and I slept through the day and then they all came back and I was like, no one could have gotten me one. But I've just been wearing them always, honestly. What is his? Is it the yellow? Yeah.

I love that y'all got... What were you doing? Just like sightseeing? You're like, let's all get these sweatshirts? Yeah. And then I didn't have anything else pink to wear on your show, so I just wore it. And it's so funny that that's like the thing that you guys liked so much. It's so cute. Because I was like, that's my only pink thing I had. We got little Ugg boots to match. I was just like, yeah. You guys are so happy. Anything you have, I'm just like...

Okay, I want that. I feel the same way. I walk through your house and I'm like, okay, so I need eight Christmas trees. Oh my God. And a drive-thru. And a Christmas light. Yeah. You have Christmas lights all year round. I came in and I'm like, are those up for Christmas? And I'm like, they're always there. The ones by the pool. Yeah. They're so bouj. That's as much. I can't decorate for Christmas because I'm never here. There's no point. Yeah, it's a lot. Honestly, I wouldn't have if it wasn't for like Christmas cards. Oh, and mouth. You're like a kid. You know what I mean? Then you're like, okay, I want to do it. Oh yeah, when I have a kid, then it's like, that's so exciting. Yeah, yeah. My cat took my whole Christmas tree down. I can't wait. Wait, what? My cat took the entire tree down. Oh, your cat.

Oh, because cats love Christmas trees. She loves it. Cats are wild. She had the best time, honestly. I just let it happen. I'm a gentle parent. I love them. Really? I'm not a cat girl. I'm a dog girl. I'm not a cat. He had cats when I met him and everyone thought I made him get rid of them. First of all, they weren't around when I met him. He adopted the stray cats in the alley like a month after we met. And then he started like feeding them all the time. And then when we were going to get a house, I'm like, you have to let me know if these cats are coming with us. Because like, I just can't stand cats. They rip everything.

Cats hate me. Me too. Every cat ever attacks me. She's not like a real cat. Does she jump? She doesn't do anything wrong. She doesn't scratch anything? She scratches. She does things wrong. Rose colored glasses, you love her. She's perfect and everyone says it. She looks exactly like Bella Hadid.

Really? What's her name? Bella? Murphy. Oh, yeah. That's right. I knew that. I love that. I love that you have a cat. I feel like all the cool girls have cats. I know it is so cool. Yeah. Like the sweet girls almost like because the cat likes you. Yeah. Amari's family cat attacks me every single time I walk in the house. I don't even Amari's my family. That's my family. I don't claim it as like I'm like, that's y'all's family. That's you. Yeah. That's part of you. No. Cats are like that for me, too. I'm just like, I don't know. Cats attacks me every time. People love cats. Like that's like a new thing.

I don't need them. It only takes one cat. One cat like that you connect with and then you'll love that. That's true. And cats can tell if you don't like them. So that's why you don't like cats. Oh, well, they definitely knew. They'd be like jumping, clawing everything. And I was like, they like, he had like a silk kimono that was like $5,000 and the cat just like scratched it. I was like, never, never. I can't have that in my house because like if they scratch my bottega. He got them outside. Literally. And everyone's like, you made him give away straight cats. And I was just like, I,

I didn't make them but also they were stray cats and there was like 500 cats outside so he was like giving cats away like literally to everybody like that's good I wish I was around sort of a little non-profit cat organization I wish so too he's like I'm building a third tavern I don't have time literally and they wouldn't survive we live in like a mountain and there's like bobcats in mountain lions oh yeah this is for little Malibu this is so boosh wow

I'm excited. I wanted to get something for baby Elvis. I just couldn't find anything that was speaking to me. So I'm still on the hunt for that. Okay. I'll share. Well, his, her? I don't know. I'm accidentally saying his and I don't know the gender. I just want to say that. Oh, right. Right. Thank God we didn't

tell you because he wanted to know. Yeah, I wanted to know so bad. And we almost did, but we haven't told my mom yet either. So I almost did. I mean, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. No, it matters. It matters. And I just, I don't need to be trusted with that secret. Like, I'm just an idiot. I kind of thought that in the moment. I was like, oh my God, kind of good we didn't. But also, it doesn't matter really. Yeah, but I keep just saying his when I'm talking about it to everyone. Me too, because I know Elvis. Oh, I do the same thing. We did that with Malibu too. I say his because it just seems like a common one. I don't know why you say his, but. Oh, oh my God. That's so weird.

Shut up. Is this meant for babies? I don't know. This is so cute. It might have to be like when maybe when she's a little older. Are you kidding me? No, she literally. It's her first purse. If you had B-roll, I can insert it. She literally grabs my Birkin. She like drags the purses with her. But this is like, she can hold it. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. A little baby Prada purse for baby Mel. Oh my God. I died in the store. She's going to gag. She will wear this. She will literally, she'll put it around her. She.

Oh, yeah. That's so cute. That makes me so happy. This is crazy. Like, what is, how did Prada make this? I don't know if it is, like, made for kids. I could see it being, like, a going out clutch for the hoes. What do you put in that? What could you put in there? Yeah. Yeah, I don't, I mean, like, a lipstick. I wonder what Malibu's gonna put in there. Malibu's? Not even a phone. Is she binky? Age or no? Is she what age? Like, pacifier? Oh, definitely, yeah. What'd you call it? Binky? Oh, never heard that. Really? I called it a binky, too. Binky? Yeah, binky. Have you heard that one?

I've never heard binky oh my god that's so cute yeah she has she can put the bassy in there that'd be cute honestly yeah it'll go with her bling bottles and stuff oh my god this is so nice oh my gosh thank you you do not have to we have like matching little bags now how cute so cute oh my gosh okay and then the final one yeah in the envelope is it's a bit of a stretch I'll preface once you open it um it's a bit of a stretch uh you'll see

think this is the most exciting. I love a little envelope moment, like what could be in it. And you don't have, okay, I'll just pick this up. Oh my gosh. Wait, do you know? No, but I guess they needed tickets or something, or tickets to Hawaii. Tickets to Hawaii? I wish the tickets to Hawaii would be some with me. This is better than Hawaii. This is better. Did you see Hamilton? Yes. Yes. Wait, what? It's in Arizona. You don't have to go. Oh my gosh. But it's the only Hamilton. Yeah. It's the only Hamilton that was near us. Oh my gosh.

First of all, I love this. It's like a flashback. I used to go see Hamilton like literally every month. Like I really love it. I just felt like you guys deserve a date night and maybe Hamilton could be fun. Oh my God, first of all, that's so nice.

To be honest, Paige really helped me with that one. She was like, you have to get her Hamilton ticket. Oh my God. And I was like, okay. You're going to see it? Oh my God. You've never seen it? No. Oh my God. That's shocking. Have you guys seen it? I've never seen it. Oh my gosh. We should go to, honestly, if they go. Yeah, honestly. Arizona. Yeah. Arizona hometown. Are you guys going there on your tour? I think so. I don't know. Hopefully. You're not going to Arizona. It's not on the route. Is it not? You got to add it. It's your hometown. But we're still adding dates and we don't know yet. So leave a comment for a city below. How many cities are you guys going to?

You just keep going the whole year. They're like, we keep adding dates. Right now, I think there's like 30 shows. Yeah, it's a lot. I think it's more than 30. 34. The energy you guys have is insane. Well, we haven't done it yet. How many did you do on your last one? We did 16, but we came home in between this. You doing a bus tour? Yes. Yes.

and we're gonna hop on a bus and we're gonna film it all so the documentary will probably be fucking crazy and we might come back with no podcast and hate each other who knows oh wait are you gonna do the podcast on the road I think so yeah I'm gonna fly Erin out and try to just do it from wherever I'm sure we can figure out how to do it like Brie and Grace how they just do it wherever they are yeah or find like random studios in random cities and I'm excited I think the tour stories like make for the best podcast stories so it's gonna be fun gosh yeah you're like I just couldn't even imagine like I don't even know like staying up past do you do it at night or in the day time

A lot at night. We've had shows that ended at like 2 a.m. Not kidding. Like meet and greet after the show. Third show end at like 2 a.m. Those are a little nutty. We're trying to get them. But the bus is so much better to me because you just get way more sleep. Yeah. Like the check in. You don't have to check into a hotel every single day and go through TSA every single day. Champagne problems obviously no matter what. You're going to love it. It's going to be so fun. Our show. My show started at noon.

That's so you. That's so fun. For real. I was single. I was in my 20s and I was still like, it needs to start at noon and end by 3 p.m. That's real. And I was like sleeping at 4 for real. Yeah. I don't know how you guys do it. That's wild. It is a big like it takes a lot of energy especially because I don't know whenever someone's like paying to meet you two especially like you want to give every single person like

everything you possibly can you know and like leave it all out there on that stage and I think that's what's like so draining because you do like if someone's paying to meet you I'm like I'm gonna get the full on video picture whatever you want me to say I'll say like I went crazy on the meet and greets for sure yeah it's like you really feel like you need to give all of it but it drains you because you give all of it you're just like I don't get this much to and every venue is like this usually takes people an hour and Brooke and I like sorry we wanted to do everything like four hours yeah

And we just but I think that's the way it should be. And it's fun as fuck. I think in that case, that's where two comes in handy. It's nice because then you can kind of like split the energy of it. We do. Yeah. We'll go to like or we'll do like both meet and greets combined and just use that energy time like there. I loved it. That's why I brought dancers on my second half because then people were excited to see the dancers too. So it felt like an experience rather than just like only me and if I didn't give them enough time, you know what

I mean do we need dancers no you'll make no money I like literally it cost me money to tour I brought four dancers my mom like it was a whole thing so I'm always so curious about that like I was just watching the heiress story yesterday I'm like how much did she have to pay all of these people to come with her oh right I think Lady Gaga it's like known that she like didn't make money like her first tours because she would spend it all on the set that's what I think Miley said about the banger's tour yeah you just spend so much on the production are you sponsored by heiress but

Congrats, by the way. I'm being sponsored by ERAs. Oh, thank you. I was like, wait. What? I got an ERAs tour sponsorship. You didn't see that? No. What? Brooke has been getting the best business. Look at her.

those sponsorships it's crazy era's tour sponsorship wait do you do you have the same manager as Nessa no oh someone gave I have Charlie and Dixie's manager oh why do okay and he's a slay we love him they would definitely get era's tour sponsors so like I'm just getting like backpack backpack de milio money is money oh for sure you better backpack like Dora bitch backpack backpack that was good that was a good one you're so quick ah

You are. When that Matt Wright joke came around, that viral one, I was just like, wow, she's actually so funny. Like in that, it's like the comedian. You're just like, wow, you're actually, Tana's the funniest one. You're just way too sweet to me. No, we were, oh, the, the, Charlie and Damila, have you had them on? Charlie and Dixie? No, but, Dixie said she would come on. we just saw Dixie and she said she would. I think, they do everything very like smart. They're like Kardashians. They feel like they're family, like the way they run their business. So it's like,

They would definitely want to come on when there's something to promote. Like, let's say she was going to release something. I feel like that's when we get more people like that. You know, like it's like when they want to promote. Like us three just want to come and talk shit and giggle. Literally, I'll go on any podcast and just be like, I have nothing to promote, but I'm here talking. Yeah, exactly. That's how I am. Like, I just want to promote. You're promoting yourself. Yeah. Yeah, totally. That's what I love about you is like you literally go on like everything. Like, it doesn't matter if you have like 16,000 followers. I'm done. I swear to God. Are you? I'm done.

It's kind of everything. That's my New Year's resolution amongst other ones but it's to just start saying no to a lot more stuff. Yeah. Just chill the fuck out. If it's not just Trish or canceled or some crazy shit that I absolutely need to do that's you know. You are everywhere. I'm trying to do as much as I

can and I love that we can we can flip flop real quick and you go carry us home baby yeah because people like live free I think that's the thing it's like they don't see you outside of canceled so when you're like solo it like really shows like just such a different side of you both of you when you're both by yourself obviously cancels ahead we think it obviously we know that but like I think when it's like solos

It's like, oh, you see such different sides. You are just so talented. I love you. That talk no matter what about whatever you talk about. I do feel like I have a certain personality with her. I feel the same way. We bring out a certain side of each other. Yeah, it's like how you act with your best friend, but then you go, you know what I mean? You're not going to act the exact same way. Yeah. Which is refreshing to see. I like it because I'm the same way. Obviously, when Tanner's around, I'm a different person with every guest. I literally just morph into that person. I love it. Sometimes I'll see a Trish interview and I'll be like, who is this?

is this I just watched your newer Zach saying and I was like I need to watch that we're just the same person I just like I

just like I watch so much of the person where they come on thing and then I just feel like I'm that person I'm like I'm inside of you I know how this feels you're the best researcher we need to be better about that for sure it's like looking into people before we have the one the casualness I do like the casualness of it like I love just you guys talking about I like the casualness of it where she had a station note cards the other day of like every scandal I'd been in this year which by the way I thought it was like none nope there's 30 I don't remember we filmed it last

that last week I was like dang we should have so much more scandals so many more but I swear to god she was telling me about scandals that I didn't even know about I was like wait I did that like the amount of research was crazy it was like you were in my brain we tried to research a little we do but I just never want anyone to come on and be like offended because it's like so what do you do oh that is wild but I feel like you guys know enough but we like try

But then it's also like if you know too much and you're telling the person's story. Like with Gigi, I knew everything about her IVF. I'm like, so you did this and then you're having this and you're having this. And then I'm like, oh, they need to like explain. I'm really bad at like setting someone up. So I think the balance is good. But they're just wild when you go on some people's podcast and you see a guest and like, so explain to us like what you do. I'm like, oh my God, that's like so wild. Yeah, like why even? I only want to have on people that I have interest in, you know, that we've slipped up a couple times. But for the most part now, I feel like that's like with guests. I just want it to be like people. Oh, really? You think you've had people you haven't been interested in? I feel like you.

I feel like you just know everybody you've had. Pretty much. Yeah, we've had a lot of, like, just friends, I feel like. Yeah, that's true. But I just feel like now I know what the people want guest-wise. Like, I don't need to just be... We don't need to be interviewing. We're just not an interview... Like, we're not...

we're not supposed to be interviewing people in my opinion. But that's what I love. I think that's good. Like the conversation of it all, you know, I think that's, because that's what's interesting. You're just, lives are interesting, which is like rare. Not everyone can have a podcast where you just talk about your life. Like, oh my gosh, I have nothing going on. I wouldn't be able to do that. Yeah, that's the problem is I think we started doing the guests so much when we like, we started feeling like, okay, well, we're running out of things to talk about. So it's so easy to bring somebody in and then have like a whole conversation with them. But yeah, I think you could do a good balance though. I think it's good now because you guys do them. I like the Josh Beck one was great. Yeah, everyone loves you. Loved, um,

Josh. Trevor. Everyone loved Trevor. Trevor Wallace. You should have him on. I know nothing about him so I'd be the corbel at it. He's just a funny guy. No he is. I've seen clips of stiff socks. I've seen that. I'm like TW. In general whenever I have a straight guy on it doesn't work. I was just going to say you also hate straight men. I don't think I've ever had a straight guy.

I don't think I've ever had a straight guy on. Like Donny Osmond, I guess, but that was it. I love him. I love Donny Osmond. Donny Osmond being the only straight guest you've ever had? Because I'm obsessed with him, but anyone else, I'm like, no. Is so iconic. Do we have any weekend updates? No, not since the last time I saw you. Just, oh, well, yeah, I'm doing a collab with him. Wait. Yes. What do you mean, no updates except for that? No updates except for... I have a collaboration coming, yes. Yes.

I can't say much more. I really can't. Because even the last DM, I couldn't tell Oscar on the air. I'm like, I'm keeping this private until it's going to happen. Because even if they say you shouldn't speak on something,

yes and like then you want to protect it yeah so but i'm so excited by it and you know he publicly liked one of my photos with my album something maybe he doesn't follow me though but like i'm gonna throw up yeah that's oh my god i'm so excited for you i just you tell this is exactly what i mean when i say you're so iconic and you deserve iconic shit like this to happen and i just even like ice spice commenting on your stuff this year i'm like i was like we come in like yes here's my manager number but not until her album because she has something to promote you she's like on tour do it again but she can't come on i

I would die. But we'll see. Oh my gosh. I think she will. But you would have to do your cosplay again. You would have to be Ice Spice with Ice Spice. I feel like Ice Spice is like I already dress like her. Like I just love her so much. I just like what. So that's like my goal for the New Year's is to have like Ice Spice. You just become so much more like

I love seeing the mainstreamified of just Trish. Like, does everyone be loving it as much as we do and always have? And it's actually crazy, Trisha, how much lately I've been just like, I'll see a random TikTok. Like, do you know who Gypsy Rose Blanchard is? Of course. She's my dream guest. I want her on so bad. Mine too. I've been begging and it's never going to happen. Wait, who was begging? Someone you know? I was begging my manager to make it happen. Is there any connection? Because I don't, how do you even get that? She's about to get out, right? The 28th of December. Yeah.

I was literally. I'm like going to go to the prison. I'm like should I just go? She's like in like North Carolina or somewhere. I'm like should I just go like hang out there? Because there's people hanging out right now to like go see her. I'm down. Let me know. I'll go with you. Not kidding. I'll go with you. But there was this Gypsy Rose Blanchard TikTok and the top comment was like she has to go on Just Trish. And it had like 300,000 likes. Like the comment. Dream come true. Like 300,000 people liked the comment that Gypsy Rose Blanchard's breaking interview out of jail after.

everything that's happened should be on Just Trace. It would just be so like funny too to do that. Same with the minds everyone as soon as. Yeah, I think that would be so amazing. I think that would be the best. And I have, I just have so many

I just have so much like she has so much support like I get it like she was a victim she's a child abuse victim like what the systems failed her like what else are you gonna do you know what I mean so it's so sad yeah where was Kim Kardashian like get her out oh my god yes you know maybe someone did I mean that's why she's out right or is she out because of timing she served her time the full time yeah cause I think this

they gave her grace with the charges kind of but I still think she should have never gone to jail because also the trauma it's like mental abuse like all that stuff so she's not in the right mind either so yeah I feel like maybe it was good for her to like kind of like reset from everything she's gonna come out and it's like you know what a shock yeah oh my god what do you think she's gonna be so excited by she's gonna be like oh my god she said Taylor Swift she wants to be I was like okay I'm not really Taylor Swift but you know good enough so we have Taylor Swift at home yeah Taylor Swift I'm going cosplay yeah

That's my dealer. She is everything. Did you do the Amanda Bynes? Can you talk about it or no? I haven't done it yet. We moved it now, I think, to next year. But Amanda Bynes asked me to go on her podcast. Oh, my God. That's so exciting. Actually, big shout out, Elijah Daniel. He sent me her Instagram within like the first hour of her making it. And he was like, DM her now. You DMed her? Yeah. And I was like, hi. Oh, I didn't know how that went. I want a podcast with you. And I meant I wanted her to come on Cancel. But then she asked me to go on hers. And that's like.

equally as good so good i love that you do it see that's what i'm saying you have like dm everyone i talked to lately they're like i just sent dms and made it happen so that's what i started doing it's like dm shots in the dark you know sometimes they work sometimes they don't yeah i'm always swinging usually missing sometimes is major i just want to like i don't know a lot about the last like five years of her yeah do you yeah i followed it i mean i

I think she's had a lot. There was one where she's like on Hollywood Boulevard and she's kind of like, she was just, you know, she was obviously unwell and she was like, there was this girl that was trying to help her out because it was...

I don't know. She's just, yeah. It's sad. Her stories are kind of sad, so it's kind of nice to see her back and hopefully she's good. Doing good, yeah. I'm really excited to talk to her and I just wonder how she is in person. I always have. I've always loved Amanda Bynes. Yeah, I would love to know. I don't know if she's open to talking about it. Some people just don't want to talk about their mental health and stuff, but clearly she's talking about addictions and stuff like that. Didn't she have her co-host or somebody on it was like a psychiatrist or something? He's supposedly a scientist, but right? I don't know.

supposedly this is what I heard on tiktok he was a scientist that supposedly allegedly he unalived his roommate's cat the roommate came on and was like he is not a scientist and he unalived my cat okay who is this

The co-host. I don't know. Maybe you cut it out. Amanda's co-host. Yeah. I don't know if she still has it. No. Leave it in a cut it out. See, and this is me just not knowing shit about shit. But that, I don't think it's on Amanda because the thing is that some people just, you know, and who knows if that's true. Maybe it's not true either. You know, I don't know. But that was just, I just saw it on TikTok. What a horrible rumor if it is a rumor. Yeah, it's wild. I know, but that's a thing.

That's what's so annoying about the internet is like there's so many stuff out there. It's like you don't know what's true, what's not. And it's like you should take everything seriously, but then you should take nothing seriously because who knows what, you know? Exactly. Exactly. Truly. Damn, that's actually crazy. I didn't know anything about that. Yeah, but I don't know. But I love Amanda Bynes. I'm still going on. Maybe I'll ask him. You know I will. That's why I love you though. Are you a scientist?

And how do you feel about cats? Let's just get it out of the way. That's what's so great. That's like refreshing about you. I just think it's like, you know, you got to keep being you. I just can't control my intrusive thoughts ever. But it's something. All your cancellations are just like about you. You're never like harming like other people. It's just you being you. Except for TanaCon. Being a little unhinged. A few sunburns. Right. Well, also there's people involved that wasn't like you when you were 19 and you know.

I love you. I just always have to know with you that I could literally kill someone and you would, on a live, and you would ever so literally be like, she was just doing her, you know what I mean? Like she was just, she just, she's so authentic and I love that.

definitely i would i would defend you to like the end of the earth i would defend you you know there's certain people that you would do that for it yeah i love you anyway thank you for this this is so nice we're so excited to see hamilton will you go you think you're gonna go when is it it's next year i'm due maybe it's when i'm giving birth oh my god i mean yes 100 any excuse to go oh yeah it'll be actually after albus is here so we could go wait really yeah

Yeah, we can go. We can go on a little family trip. We talked about getting an RV just to like travel because with kids and stuff like that, it's just like, you know, hard with like a car. So we need to do that. I got to win the Mega Millions. It's so fun though. Yeah. Do you think you will? Yes. It's happening soon. I play these numbers all the time that I've never ever been chosen in the lottery and I saw them in a dream and I know it's happening. I know it's coming soon. I buy them every time, every day. Do you say the numbers? No. What? Then everybody wins. Why would she say the numbers? Oh, okay, okay, okay. Me to say it right.

right now the numbers are. God, I'm so stupid sometimes. No, even at my liquor store that I get them at or it's a tobacco store actually, I literally am like, don't look at the numbers, like don't look at them and he's like, because even when I like throw them out, I'm like, don't shred them. I don't want people to see them. So yeah, because it's never come up the number

the number how many if anyone ever would win it it would be you though like wait you're gonna and you're manifesting it i like the way you're talking and i'm gonna do good things with i'm gonna be philanthropic and stuff like that yeah people ari is dead convinced that he's gonna win also and he like cries every time someone else wins it's like a whole thing it's a it's very probable first of all california has so many winners like it's always california that wins the big like the big ones like the one that was almost two billion dollars something like people want in downtown and yeah you have to like someone has

has to win it so I always think like you'll never win it but like someone wins it like yeah and you can't win if you don't have you seen the like it's only two dollars too have you seen the like shit though where the people who win like and like hasn't someone the curse of the lottery hasn't someone like unalive themselves oh there's so many winning yeah there was like a true story on it about like lottery winners but I also think that's also like a manifestation thing like if you think that's gonna happen I just think like oh I'm gonna just do good with my money you know I'm gonna go to India and like open up like shelters for like sex trafficking and stuff like that you know what I think we're doing that um

You might have interest in No we're not doing that I was like why But it's in the Philippines right Well it can be So we want to open up a school Well I would love to do If we could do one for each of us But Yeah Oh We want to open up a school I want to do Philippines Because of Marianne Yes Well Marianne But you can do it Marianne's my little girl I sponsor in the Philippines Oh

Do you do Feed the Children? What do you do? I forget what the program's called. I said it on the last one. But it was, honestly, it was like somebody who stopped me outside the grocery store and they like mailed me all her information and her pictures and stuff. Where do you send the money though? Yeah, I send the money. Where? Oh, I don't know. Just to the person? The grocery store person at the Philippines? It's like a, I don't know. Oh. What if you just send it to a random person? There could be no Marianne, to be honest. Whoa.

But I really believe. If I found out there was no Marianne, I would be fucking devastated. I would be so distraught. I think about her like way too much. If she weren't real, I would probably lose my mind. I have like 20 Feed the Children. I was like, I don't know how to stop it. I guess I should. Actually. Like it's a Netflix subscription. No, but they should be like literally 15. They make it actually really hard to like unsign up for it. So it's like. But they should age out because I do Feed the Children. I mean, they do. I think they do tell you like. You're like feeding a child, but it's 40 now. Because you do. You do.

the family but they do I think they do tell you like oh this person is no longer in it or whatever but I keep getting I don't know anyways it's a good cause so I don't care I'm like okay just keep going alright so Marianne yeah so we've had a couple friends who have opened schools like one of my friends opened one in Bali I think Tessa Brooks opened one she did yeah oh my god where's Tessa Brooks is that what she's doing now um

She's like opening up schools. No. Everything. She's got a boyfriend. She's chilling. I don't know what she's doing, but she opened a school. She seems like she's doing good, you know? Yeah. Her and Blake Gray are a really cute couple. She looks unrecognizable. I know we're not coming on people's weight, but she lost so much weight. Everyone's so skinny now. I feel like she just slayed a health journey. No, for sure. She's always been a dancer and all that shit, you know, and like a great dancer. Yeah. She never was big, but that's what's funny to me is when thin girls get even thinner. Not funny, but I'm just like, damn, they're so lucky. I think I'm going to be on the skinny era. I will after this.

You're literally pregnant. I know, but I've been like this before. But you look amazing. Oh my gosh. You always look amazing. I know, I've been in a really insecure moment. I feel like being pregnant probably does kind of do that to you though, right? Like I feel like, do you battle more with insecurity when you're pregnant or when you're not? Not the first time. I think it's because I have a podcast, kind of like you guys, where you see the full body. And I'm like, that was a mistake. I should have been behind a desk or something, you know? God.

Because it's like I just see myself getting bigger and bigger and my chair is oversized. So I'm like getting bigger and bigger and my guests are just like smaller and smaller and I'm just like, ah, I think that's what it is. I never was insecure before. I feel the same way about being on this couch. Like I'm like, I almost do wish we had like a desk or something. There really is just no way to like sit here and have it be like flattering. You're in the perfect position. I should actually be in yours. That's why I won't let you sit here.

anyone have this corner yeah she's like do you want to switch I'm like no oh yeah the corner is the corners are the best I'm actually wildly jealous it's whoever is the furthest away from the camera but because like now like last time I was there yeah you might have the worst spot but you're tiny so it doesn't matter but I know it just yeah anyways it's fine but mine is the same way I have like full body like but I'm like why did I choose this setup I don't know but it's fine I didn't think about it I just you know what I didn't think about either is like but just my posture and the way I am as a person like if I were to like sit up and like have

Like I feel like. Oh yeah. But I'm always like. Hi guys. Like we're now coming back to the cancel party. Like I just sit like that. Me too. I have to be like so aware. I like am always looking at it too. So I'll have to like. This is awful. I would. I. No first of all love. But I just can't stop staring at myself. If I had to like see. I wish I could see myself in my podcast. This is the first time I like haven't been staring at myself the whole time. Because this seat especially. Yeah. I feel like is like. You're just directly staring at it. You do look cute. You guys look. You do look like the Nutcracker with your tights and your.

bow and then tana you look so cute you look like mean girls you look like you're doing the christmas show i'm actually saw the new mean girl did you how are people going good you get invited to everything it was um paramount plus i saw it i sponsored or no it was it was sponsored it was you got paid to go well to the brunch i did but oh my god did you guys know that it's a musical

Oh, I had no idea that it was a musical. I should have known because they had Rene Rapp in it, but. No one knows because they don't advertise it. I think they were like intentionally. I think, I can't remember if you were the one who said this, but like, I feel like they were not wanting to tell people it was a musical to like not deter them from seeing it. Which is wild. Then they're going to go see this and like, wait, what the fuck is all

this music so much singing it's i think like was it 15 songs and they cut half there's 30 in the broadway musical so like i'm pissed i'm just like wait why are you cutting 30 songs like they had to there were so many songs was it funny like were the jokes funny because i feel like i love og mean girls because of i love an offensive joke you know how i am totally do you feel like it's still possessed the like offensive nature it was it definitely wasn't as offensive but it's it's

still funny. Yeah. That does, that bums me out. I mean, I love the musical, so I'm like so excited for it, but like it does bum me out when it, I guess it's world culture. I mean, no, it was pretty offensive. Did you see, like, did you see how Lindsay and like, I don't know, I'm like, did you see like Lindsay and Amanda Seyfried and like,

The girl who played Gretchen Wieners. I'm forgetting her name. Lacey Chabot. Yeah, like they were, they're shooting something as well, which is also another meaningful commercial. No, I think it was a Walmart commercial. Oh, it was just a Walmart commercial. Which they must have paid a lot. But also Rachel McAdams not being in it. I was like, bro, bro, why? I hate that. I want just an OG reboot. I know. They should have been in it as like the moms or something. I know they had a lot of the same people though. They had Tina Fey. They had all the same like teachers. Oh, well, that's cool.

Is Renee Rapp in it? Renee Rapp. She's Regina. She's Regina. Oh, okay. I need to go see it and just stop asking fucking stupid questions. She's so good. I saw her on Broadway when she was 19 and it was so, her voice is insane. Yes. I wish she would do more of that because like obviously she has music and stuff, but like she is a Broadway voice. She's so talented. Wait, I didn't know that. Yeah. She's so hot. Oh,

Oh, I love her so much. I have such a gay crush on her. Oh, same, same, same. I didn't know she was like so popular. Like I literally knew her from Broadway and then Oscar's like, oh, she's on this show that's really popular and I had no idea. Yeah, The Sex Life of College Girls. Oh, I've seen that. It's a really big show. I loved her on it and she was like so gay in that too. She wasn't technically gay Regina, but like she was pretty gay.

Oh, for sure. Definitely just by the previews you see like it's definitely gay Regina, which I love. That's how that makes me want to see it. Yeah. That makes sense. Like in the original, you know, like Regina comes across a little homophobic when she calls that one girl like she's a lesbian or whatever. And she was actually loving me. So it's like, oh, maybe that's why she had some hidden like, you know. Yeah. Yeah. I like Rachel was a lesbian. Yeah. Wait, who? Rachel McAdams. In real life? No, I said maybe Rachel was the lesbian. Oh, in the movie. Oh.

She wasn't lesbian. Ian wasn't lesbian. She was Lebanese. Did you catch that? Oh, yeah. And so she just was like dumb and didn't get it. So she was telling everyone she was lesbian. But she actually said she was Lebanese. Wow. I need to rewatch it. I rewatch Mean Girls like way too often. Have you had Damien? I feel like he does every podcast too. The guy who played the original Damien. Oh my God, no. But that would be a funny guess because he's probably really funny in real life. Oh, yeah. And I feel like he loves to talk about it. I love when people love to talk about it. Actually, all the guys in the original Mean Girls are gay. Did you know that? Yeah. Kevin, a poor...

It's October 3rd. Aaron Samuels and Damien. Yeah, he's gay in real life. I remember like I remember that like broke the Internet because all the girlies who like grew up with him were like, oh, no. Yeah, I kind of love that. I'm always like I love the gays. Yeah, I feel like that almost makes me like more excited about him.

about him yeah yeah for sure like that it's like oh you were part of this classic it makes sense like yeah the whole thing of it all i know and i love someone who i can never have like i know like i know you'll never love me so relatable that was literally me i dated like everyone who like did not like me gay people everything i was just like i'm gonna date them because i know they never will like me can i ask a question about one of your exes oh no no no no no no not um maybe sean

Oh, okay. Yeah. So he, to this day, that's one of your most viewed YouTube videos as well, right? What? I took all those down. Did you? Yeah. Understandable. I need to go do that. I need to sweep my fucking channel so bad. I love Sean. He came on my podcast in like 2019 and like I apologized to him because I really...

I really kind of like, yeah. He's one person I regret. Was he gay? I actually like don't know. And I feel like when he came on my podcast in 2019, he just said he's like open. You know what I mean? So I loved him more than anything. And I truly like, yeah, I really, I really loved him. And I've apologized to him so many times. And it's like to this day, it's like hurts my heart that I was like the way I like did it and stuff like that. You know what I mean? I don't know. I kind of... But you're just young and you handle things the way that they affect you. And we always talk about, you know, the internet being a part of all of that. Yeah. I made like...

so many breakup videos I wish I could take back so many. Yeah, because he got so much like hate and it was just like not fair and it was just me being like crushed. I was like truly in love with him, like truly, truly head over heels and it was one of those situations too where I kind of knew like maybe he just didn't want me for whatever reason but I was like hanging on to it and we were such close friends and he was such a nice guy and I was just like hanging on to it and I never had

had a boyfriend before him I never like dated people so I didn't know how relationships worked I always just hooked up with people yeah so like literally before didn't tell Moses I didn't know I never lived with a guy like you know how a relationship that's a whole thing I feel like that too I was late to the party I just now feel like I learned how to like I'm still learning but like how to be a good girlfriend and like I noticed myself all the time like wanting to fall back into patterns of toxic shitty relationships that I'm in and I'm like you know fighting that like it takes time and learning have you lived with a guy before

like full on know you guys live together Brad lived with me for a while yeah she does everything a little bit differently because I feel like well no guys just need a place to live no because they're like oh homosexual for sure a lot of them will just be like either from somewhere else or like he was Canadian he just like moved in with us she was like oh I like this I'm gonna bring him like he definitely wanted a visa I almost got him one I was like debating it

It's crazy to think about. Goodie lived with me for a while. Yeah, that was a homosexual situation. Who was that? Who was that? Goodie? This guy named Goodie Grace. We dated in 2020. It was when I was Mindy. Like a while. Oh, wow. I missed that whole relationship. Like, Goodie replaced me. Wait, who was the guy? Everyone knows. His name is ****. Oh. And he's going to text me cussing me out for even saying his name ****.

I love you. I just wore your clothing rent two days ago. It was so comfy and amazing. We called him Jeff. Ironically, that was the code name. I say we, me. I called him Jeff in the story time. We is crazy. Yeah, we was, we was fucking batshit. We was batshit. But I called him Jeff in my story time and then everyone found him and he released shirts that said like my name Jeff. He released merch. Oh, okay. But then like over time he was like, can you fucking delete that? Like, I don't know how he feels. When I see him, we say hi and we're cool. But yeah, that happens. I think people

people get caught up in it and they're like, oh man, now they're like, want to be a regular person. Like, oh man, this is out there. But what would possess you to do that story time? I was having, great question, Trisha. That's wild. I think that was the end of my like story time era and what, like, out with the bang. I definitely, I definitely used, I was cracking up the whole time. I'd catch myself and be like, oh shit. Wait, were you, were you like,

you like at the time where you're like it's kind of like are you flattered we're like oh it's about me i was not flattered really um but so many people started sending or i started getting the comments and i was like oh no so i started to find out how i had no idea i had no idea i was like it was obviously like again we've talked about power and like now i'm aware that like if you give enough context people are going to find out no matter what so i know not but like at that time i was still doing story times you know i mean i think from

you can relate to this to an extent is like I would always use story times as an actual outlet like I was just I wanted to rant about something or I that was one of the worst weeks ever not like because of like all the mods and shit just everything and that I sat down and just told a whole fucking story you know what I mean and a beautiful storyteller but I think you don't know like the effect it has either too sometimes I would like I didn't then yeah yeah you didn't did I definitely didn't like like understand like

You know what I mean? I didn't think it would be as big as it was, but that's just so stupid. Now I know what's going to be big and what's not. I get it, though. TikTok's so big on story time, people telling story times. Then you look now at people and you're like, oh my God, you're really putting everything out there. Now I cringe. I mean, I used to do that, but I see people putting their whole life about their husbands out there. I'm like, why are they sharing all this on the internet? But then I guess I did that too, so.

I just, people always like bring story times back, but I'm like, I feel like we do that every week on cancel. Totally. And when I would do a story time, it really was like every fucking detail. People would find out the person and it would, it just sends so much more direct focus and spotlight onto shit than just making something a podcast. And they're so good at it. You would not believe. Signing everything up. But people didn't know about you and Matt Reif, right? Like no one guessed it was him before. People all guessed, but it was like. Yeah, it was like.

I didn't really talk enough about him for people to really even care, I feel like. Okay, okay. Because I was like, well, people didn't know. I was kind of shocked. I don't know. I guess I thought it was something everyone knew. I know. You were good, too. I remember Oscar mentioned it one time on the podcast. And you were like, oh, my God, really?

really? I know. When you like fully knew. I was like, go to all yours. You have such a big clout in your dating game and I'm like, why didn't you say the names because it's so good. No, I'm learning because I like, I've just had so many situations now where like, people just find them so easily that I like have to be quiet. I feel like some of them are like such big celebrities where it's like, oh, it's really good. I haven't had any big celebrities. Yes. The one we talked about last time and I was like, I don't know if you blurted it out or just deleted it. I was like, that was such a good one.

such a good one like that was such a fun I know she reached out to me and he was like he's like Matt Rafe is the Matt Rafe thing is hilarious no he's not like oh my god that's everything are you not into him I'm so into him if I was single no I'm not I would be too yes wouldn't you would you date him if I were single yeah like probably yeah same yeah that's wild wow your standards are high which is good yeah we love that for you yeah he's probably like rich and stuff and he's good I think he's good looking and funny and I

no, he's everything. He'll be good for someone. If all else fails though, that's there. I don't think he would be good for someone because he's been single for so long. You know what I mean? Yeah, that always is like a flag. Right, because you're always like, why are you still single? I get worried about that with any guy that is a real catch and he's like a little, I'm like, what?

let you go and why? Yeah, we talked about that before. Like you guys said, you know, I'm like, that's odd that he like wouldn't have something. I guess I shouldn't judge people for wanting to be single. Maybe he just wants to be single. I don't know, but I always think it's a shame. And if at any point he doesn't, like,

That is such a dream pair. It really is. I would do anything. I love him. It would just make life so fun. Oh my God. You guys could go on each other's podcasts or not. I don't think I would ever get involved again with somebody who's like on the road or like touring or anything like that. Does he tour? Oh yeah. He's always gone. And he like lives between here, I think in Nashville. Yeah. Maybe that's why. So he's here like only a few days a month. The touring of it all is just like, I don't even know.

I don't even know. And comedians just never stop touring. It's not scary so much for us touring that we're going to be gone from, I can't say the months, but...

it's a lot of months a really long time and just gone just like and it's touring like that I think is so weird because you come home and everyone else's lives have just kept going but you've been doing the same exact thing every day I remember Billie Eilish talked about that and like I was always like so jealous of her because I was like oh my god what a dream to be able to do that but then I think you think about it and it's like you really are just going every night doing the same thing yeah everyone's lives move on without you yeah and it's I mean there's all the obviously all the perks to touring but it is so scary and like my relationship I don't even know what I'm

yeah you're gone for like a week and all your friends forget about you anyway yeah yeah you think that right oh is he gonna go with you i'm gonna try to ask him to go for a little bit i think brooke would enjoy that because he like really calms me down and like i think so too but we're gonna have to do like a little switcheroo because i'm gonna bring my boyfriend too oh my god wait what i don't have a boyfriend but oh manifesting but i plan on i plan on oh my god that's so cute do you want to be or are you like good single

I want to be. Yeah. In a relationship. For sure. That's good. I like when people say that because I think so many people, including me, like I was like, I just want to be single and stuff. Like they don't like fully mean it. You know what I mean? No, I've got 27 years under my belt. Yeah. I'm pretty, I'm pretty, I'm ready to. You'll be like the best girl because you are just so like loyal and you're so like. I try, but. I mean, the thing with Matt even, the way that you just like defended him like till the end, till he could. I was just like, damn, that's loyalty. And what did we learn everyone? Yeah.

But that's a good characteristic about you. No, men should be defended. I do write a little too hard. Like, what's that sound that's like, that's what I get for saying my man, my man, my man too loud. People are like, oh no. Well, I'm glad people rallied behind you and made me so happy. Me too. And bless his heart. Yeah, you were everywhere too. Like every headline was Brooke, Brooke, Brooke. I was just like, wow. Thank God. Cheated with 50 women. I'm like, who said that? Did he ever text back to your helmet text? No.

Did he not? He did not. He tried to call me a couple times. I hate that. Well, I didn't. People like were saying like, oh my God, I can't believe you waited over a day to respond to him. But I didn't think it was him. I was like, he would never use a comma. Oh, wait. So maybe, but you know it was him. But I thought, yeah. So I had to really like, really look into it. That's funny. That's so funny. It is just like,

as someone witnessing secondhand, it's been so crazy. All the shit that's like come forward even after that episode. And I don't know. I think you honestly, I could just ruin it, but like,

worse but I just decided you're like I'm just gonna leave it sometimes you have to I'm gonna stop while I'm ahead I feel like what I did was tasteful and if I were to go any further it's just like what are you doing so smart sometimes I just keep going going especially when people are behind you you're like but also this but also this but then it's like oh if you saw this oh yeah wait what well I'll have to tell you about it after but just

but everyone came out of the woodworks with a lot to say. That's so good though. Like I like that. Then other people feel comfortable. It's like really like there's so many stuff to say until like someone feels comfortable. Paige sent me, she sent me like all of your top, some top moments of yours. Oh my God, I'm dead. I have no top moments of this year. Yes, you do. All ones that we've really gone into. She added one of them being the Givenchy boot scandal. Oh my God. You're,

Your scandals are like my real scandals. Mine are like, I'm just too fat to fit into a boot. Oh my God. I would trade in a heartbeat. Okay. I would trade. And fucked you on sheet for that. Me, I'm kidding. Fuck you. No, they totally,

totally it's fine I mean it's just I'm yeah I have huge calves so it just makes sense I have huge feet so no shoes ever fit me that is wild you're a size 9 huh and like a 9 and a half as of late my feet have grown a size and a half in the last like two years I was an 8 in 2019 that's great my feet have grown too I got rid of all my size 7's everyone thought I was like going broke because I was selling all my shoes and I was like I need to get size 8's you know because I had to go up a size because nothing fits size 7 what size are you I'm 7 wow 7 is so yeah that is 7 is the

the idea shoe size in my opinion. I used to have a bigger foot.

So you're shrunk and mine are just growing? Damn. It's giving Pinocchio every time I tell a lie my shoe goes up my foot goes up like a cent. You look like you're in your OnlyFans right now. You have like your black heels and your Santa. No I wish. It should be. And your tan. After all these Christmas gifts not even yours just everyone else's like I. No I feel you. If you see me selling some boo fast shit on there just just unlock it. I sell myself all the time. People are always like oh my gosh she's going to work. I mean I just sell stuff to buy new stuff. I don't know I don't think that's

bad. I'm like, it's just me. I hate having too many things. Yeah. I like to like travel through life. Like I throw things out. If I get something new, I have to get rid of things. Yeah. I used to be a hoarder too, but I really now I'm trying not to do that. I need to undo my hoarding damage, like clothes wise. I feel like I'm always getting rid of clothes and giving them to everyone. It's the hardest thing to watch ever. Every time she moves, she'll have us all come help her go through things. And I'll be like, okay, these are...

neon yellow assless chaps with not getting eyelets and she'll be like i'm gonna need those for what and you're like why will you ever need those it's so bad because now i now i get what you're saying but when i was in my era of just like i'm still doing a lot i know that but we're like being at an edc vegas and then uh you know what i mean everyone's themed parties like yeah but it's like why do you have four construction vests yeah that's wild especially because you could just buy like dial scale for like the new one like whatever you want for the next

one exactly and then instead of having to like find a place for every single one of those things but then I swear to god it's like even the other day I was like where are my ski masks I need one she has a ski mask drawer but god forbid you need a sock we should do that trend it's like you know the tiktok you did it with Jeff I forgot what it was you know the trend where it's like we're married this is the way we're like we're OG youtubers of course we're gonna have an apology video every month we should

We really should. I always think about that. I'm just like, yeah, the apologies always. There's compilations on TikTok of everyone's like apologies, just like YouTubers apologizing. Like, hey, guys. I know. I love those. I know. We were really the only like girls apologizing. Oh, no, I guess some.

Like Laura Lee and like, you know, what's her name? Tati. Did Tati do an apology video? I feel like she just came for everybody constantly. She was like James Charles, Shane Dawson. Like she was just. That was crazy. I don't think she apologized. Somebody said, I saw a TikTok of someone saying that when Gypsy Road Blanchard gets out of jail, she has to watch the entire High Sister by Sister series. Did she miss all that? Yeah. Oh, I don't know.

I mean, unless there's like Apple TV. What kind of prison do you think she was in? My mom had an iPad. That's true. Some people do know the outside stuff happening in prison. Yeah, there are people making TikToks in prison. That is true. Do you think Gypsy Rose knows how lit she is? Oh, I'm sure. She probably gets a ton of female. I mean, when Dr. Phil shows up to visit you. For sure. I have the biggest possible discrepancy with that interview. I don't, I, again, I'm,

Nobody's Tana Mongeau needs to be coming for anybody's Dr. Phil. No, he can come for Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil, like, I know he's kind of awful. Like, the way he interviewed her, I rewatched it in Hawaii recently. It was just, like, on TV and I put it on. I thought it was a new one. And it was just so crazy, the, like, lack of empathy and, like, amount of blame. Like, I don't blame her at all. I don't either. But that's such a today's day and age thing. I feel like people, like, even, you know, 10 years ago would have been, like,

way less empathetic for like mental health or like, like, yeah, I've even noticed that like in my career, like now I think a lot of people have a lot more empathy for a lot of the shit I did when I was younger. But at the time when I was younger doing all that shit and getting interviewed about it, people like it was like the cool thing to do to like shit on me throughout the whole interview. Well, just like Brittany, everyone called her insane, crazy, whatever. And now we can look back on it and be like, okay, wait, we were so horrible

People are still doing it to her, which is like so frustrating. I mean, I thought we were like over this. I thought we want to free Britney and now everyone's like still calling her crazy and also like what's wrong with Britney? What's this? And like, because you can't, no one can see it for what it is in the moment. You have to be able to look back on it and it's like, why? Yeah. Same with like Amanda Bynes even. I feel like now people have like so much empathy for her, but they never did it. For sure. Yeah. Lindsay, everyone. Yeah. Oh, Lindsay.

Oh, Lindsay would be such a good one on the podcast too. Oh, I would do absolutely anything. But I don't think I could speak. If Lindsay Lohan was in front of me, I think I would be like. I feel the same. I would have to be absent. Yeah. I love absent. I'd just be here. No, Lindsay Lohan would be so iconic. You guys could do it for sure. I would shit myself though. I just see, I just relate to Lindsay. I just. Oh, Lindsay is definitely the queen. I felt like Lindsay a lot of my life. Yes, for sure. Not that it's the same. She's so talented and way more of an icon. I just, she's a big idol in the world.

Yeah, I remember when everyone came for Addison Rae for the Britney thing so hard. Oh, she said like I... She was like, I relate to Britney and everyone was like, die. Oh, literally. I probably stitched it too. I'm like, you're not Britney Spears. I'm like, oh my God, why did I do that? Like seriously, she's like 18 just being like, I'm from Louisiana and I like to sing. It's like, oh my God. I think Addison is the new Britney. I'll go on record. I'd be like, I totally think she's Britney vibes. Her new music is totally Britney coded and I love it so much. Tate McRae too. I'm going to get into Tate

get into Tate McCartney. You need to be obsessed. I know everyone. I'm obsessed. The music videos and the performances. The dancing. She reminds me so much of a 2000s pop star. Her body's amazing. She can really dance. She was on So You Think You Can Dance and shit. Her music's just so talented. She actually came up at a really similar time as us on YouTube just writing songs in her bedroom called Create with Tate. I've been watching her since then, like 10 years ago. How old did she ask that she was a

really young she was really young she's like 20 oh she started 21 she started really young but 10

something like that like she's probably like 12 like literally just making her but the songs like i still listen to some of those songs to this day like they were amazing she's just like a pure talent i love the name i mean the name's catchy yeah tate mccray is yeah first order of business you have to watch the exes video i watch that at least like 20 times i will i'll like text you so i can know it she's gonna be cosplaying in two days i know i want to be her for halloween i want to be like every version of tate mccray for

Halloween not kidding why don't you guys do it on the podcast just have like a Tate McRae day and you guys can just dress as her she said she listens yeah well I don't know she might not have said she listens she said she knows it yeah which is not the same thing

That's so huge. She said something about the podcast. I was sober too. I still can't remember. I don't remember. I don't know. Whatever. I don't know. I can't, I can't like frame her as a fan. I don't know if she's a fan. It's such a thing when somebody will like come up, someone like surprising will come up and tell me they watched the podcast. I'm like, okay, but I should probably never frame you as a fan of this podcast and talk about it. But it is crazy. You don't want them to get hate for like supporting you. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Like, you know, or like people with really clean images, like watching us talk about like our bushes. Like, yeah, but that,

I don't know why I have to always go to the bush. Courtney always talks about her bush. And I don't even have a bush. I was weed walking yesterday. Wow. You don't grow any hair there? No, I do. But I don't currently have a bush. But one time I made one comment about the bush and everyone called me Bush Schofield. That's so good though. That could be your only fan's name. Honestly, it could work. It really could. Oh, I love it. I'm a bush advocate. Wait, you love the bush, but you don't have one? I just support people who have bushes.

Well then thank you for supporting me for the past three weeks. Long distance has become the devil dude. Like last night I was just whacking everything off. Are you not sexting? I've been sexting. You're bushed up? I did have phone sex with like a little bit of a bush the other day. You're bushed up on FaceTime. How do you have phone sex? I don't know how that goes. I don't either. Right? That feels so weird. Text is one thing but like on the call I can't even take myself seriously. Really? What do you just talk what you're doing or do you not actually do it? Are you just saying what you would do? Like think FaceTime.

Your FaceTime. Oh, well FaceTime is a little different because that's like webcamming, I guess. Yeah. I thought you were like on the phone describing it. Oh, like back in the day when you would call it, like call the number and it's like, hello. Yeah. Yeah. I definitely put on that voice. Do you? Kind of, yeah. I don't know what I would do if I walked past your room and heard you doing something like that. I almost made everyone get out of my room last night so I could have phone sex. Wait, what do you mean almost? Almost. They stayed in? No, no, no. I just didn't have the phone sex. I was like, everyone can stay. But like on FaceTime, how does that go? Are you like, what do you want to see?

Yeah, that is true. Just think about it. Or you just start doing it. You're like, and then. Yeah, like we were both kind of, it's like a show. Oh, okay. I love it. That's so funny. No, I'm not judging you. I just haven't, yeah, I haven't done it, but I want to learn. It's fun. I think it's fun. Well, with a long distance relationship, I think it's kind of important as well.

you know okay i've had it where like i'm watching you and you're not watching me that's funny that's crazy like you're just watching him like yep oh no that's and then why it's like you're right no no i don't know that's a kink but that's weird right it is and i was it like your ceiling literally yeah or just like a black square like i'm in the dark why

Because why do I want to do anything? I just want a performance. You're not like, oh, you wanted to. He didn't want you. He wasn't him. No, I wanted the performance and I didn't want to have to do anything. But you were into watching? Yeah. Oh, interesting. I'm not into watching either. I guess I would do it if a guy's watching me. I don't know. Oh, I am. Oh, you love watching? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think it's weird. They're just hunched over and...

I'm like that's odd yeah posture is important yeah posture is major the whole thing is weird I don't know that whole thing it's definitely a concept for sure yeah I don't like to think about people masturbating at all I don't know it's weird I mean I get people have to do it but I'm gonna watch The Idol tonight

hoping you watched it I was so excited I was like oh my god we can talk about it but that's oh but I want to wait for my man it's horny it's a horny show I've only seen the first episode oh it gets so good it gets so horny they like fucking Valentino they fuck everywhere they're just so and when she's like recording a song he's like fingering her he's like okay I

Everyone's like watching. It's just wild. That's so hot. It's the horniest thing I've ever seen in my life. I've been like such a horny freak lately. Like I'm feral. Me too. Me too. Weirdly. Does pregnancy, do you think like do some of your hormones? The first one, no. I thought I was like so gross. I was always like peeing on myself. This one, definitely. I'm always like having sex dreams and like crazy dreams and always throbbing in the morning. I'm always like, I'm 15 years old again. I'm like squeezing my thighs. Like even now talking about the idol, I'm like, ugh. It's just so hot.

I was right here on the couch. I'm like, ah! It's wild. I'm like, I want to be pregnant. I know. It is weird. This pregnancy, for some reason, I was. But, like, yeah. I wasn't the first one. Because, you know, you try so hard getting pregnant. So then by the time you're pregnant, like, I don't want to have sex anymore. Because you've had so much sex trying to get pregnant. Oh, yeah. That's probably really true. Yeah. I'm trying, Trish. We'll see if I'm fertile. What? I'm kidding. I have to stop saying that. I have to stop saying that. Oh, my God. I literally had a palpitation. That would be wild. You want two or six months pregnant. Just...

But we couldn't. We did it. I would love. That's true. I would love to do the thing where we like sync up though and like really do try to have kids at the same time. So what do you think of August?

I could do but I could probably make it happen by August oh my god that would be wild pregnancy pack it's like the new pregnancy pack or the teenage girls oh my god yeah I mean I'm 27 if I can't have a baby that's like so concerning no but you have so much time I feel like I know I'm so not like I really I talk about it so often and I really don't want a baby the way that I always say I do oh really yeah I just say it for no reason yeah because it's just fun to think about I always thought I wanted a baby

I mean, I do want to have a baby. I wouldn't mind if I had one. I can't wait to know the gender. Oh my God. Yeah. It's going to be exciting. I know. It's so hard to not say it. I'm just like, oh my God. I got to say it. I think. Yeah. Can we put it? I think it's a boy. You think it's a boy? Because I want it to be a boy. Because you feel different than you did last time. Oh, I know. Sometimes I feel like we say too many hints. People like really listen to everything we say. Like they said this, this and this. I'm like, oh my God.

that is terrifying I could never props to you for keeping it such a good secret because I like I love that people are want to know and that excited to know about it I also like I think I'm I hyper fixate on like what I want and if it wasn't what I want like I was obviously a healthy baby is just a goal no matter what duh yeah but like like I really want a boy one day that's kind of why I want to adopt yeah you know I wanted a boy too my first one I really

wanted a boy because I had like an older brother I feel like it's gonna be two girls even though I want it to be a boy interesting I would love if you were just a girl mom that would be like a fun thing but also like so cool to have like I would be eager to see like how you were like as a boy mom because like like yeah like what do boys even like

interesting like not not sparkly Prada purses they might my boy might I shouldn't say that because like obviously be whatever you want to be but I know what you mean I know what you mean because I would never put my boy in sports I'm like you're never doing that you're gonna dance or you're gonna do something you know what I mean yeah I don't want them to

walking past all the swarovski cups like right right right you're gonna bedazzle yeah it's just like slowly I would love like Derek Hough like a ballroom dancer son or something yeah that was a good one yeah that would be everything he is like he's like as femme as you can be with as a straight man I love it yeah that is a slay always yeah the less straight the better yeah I think that too just having a little

creativity a little feminine I love it yeah me too always so what do you think you'll have like what do you picture when you picture your kids like how do you I really really think that I will be the type of person a I want a surrogate and I know I know there's controversial thoughts on all of the

You don't want to experience pregnancy once? No, not at all. Wait, what? Really? I feel like that's such a part of it. I'm having a pain in my uterus right now just thinking about it, not even kidding. It's not painful. But I just... I spiral and freak out too much. I think I would have a heart attack during labor. I'm not kidding. Like, I don't... I know you never want to talk about yourself like that and be like, I don't think I'm capable because you really don't know until you do it. But I just know myself and anything would happen. I would sneeze and I would be at the hospital. I would go to the hospital every day. Like, what's wrong with me? And I just...

I don't want to do... I'd be so stressed. Yeah, and I just...

I get so scared of that. I hope you change your mind. I mean, obviously, it's your personal preference, but I feel like being pregnant is like such a part of it. And I like, I want to experience that so bad. Yeah, it is. It is. I was the same way. I really thought I'm like, I probably died childbirth. It was like, I'm so like a manifesto. I don't like it. I literally thought that. I was like, wow, I'm probably the one person who dies because it is a lot. It's a heart on your heart, like pushing. Like they gave me an oxygen mask. I literally was just like, I like couldn't breathe, you know, but I think it's just like what? I don't know. It is. I love being pregnant. Giving birth is another story, but being pregnant is one. But again,

I get it. Everyone drinks air again. No, definitely a surrogate. I want to pick up my child like a venti ice latte and we're going to slay. But then you lost like nine months of bonding time. But are you? See, and then that's more like my thoughts I think are a little different because I'm like, if I'm spiraling this whole time, like isn't that kind of unhealthy for the baby? And like, B, like are we even? Yeah, the vape would be bad for the baby. I know there is a probably a bonding. Yeah, maybe no vaping. Yeah, that too. Yeah. Fuck.

I remember my mom told me that the first thing she did after she gave birth was smoke a cigarette because she like didn't for nine months. My mom was like rappelling off the side of a mountain like nine months pregnant with me. I'm like, did you have... Actually? Yes. Oh my God, why? I mean, that's wild. It's only nine months. That's like hard to do anything. But that's... Yeah, she's...

She's a character. We stand bond. But yeah, no, I think I want to. And I kind of want to do all that Elon Musk shit, like pick the gender or I want to adopt. Would you do people? Can't you like pick features? Yeah. Eye colors and all that stuff. I'd be scared of that. Kevin's family. You know what? I always think like every time I have like a period, I think like it was that the kid that was like going to be the Billie Eilish character.

Well, probably not if it broke. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Staring at a blood clot in the toilet and thinking, was this Billie Eilish? It's crazy. Was that Billie? But do you know what I mean? Like, like.

their parents like had the two most talented kids ever and i'm like every time like every month that passes i'm like oh my god that egg could have been the one yeah it's gonna make my whole life mine upside down literal opposite i'm like was that you know what you're saying was that the jeffrey domer like what is yeah what if i have what if i accidentally have the kid that's like yeah jeffrey yeah i probably will

I don't know. Honestly, that's a sad situation. Like, what if your kid was Jeffrey Dahmer? Like, did his parents ever speak out where, like, we still love him? Because, like, as a parent, you kind of still love your kid. God, could you imagine that? Sometimes I think it might be even, like, because I

I can't imagine having that happen to like my kid. I don't actually. Oh, it's like that guy. It's a really sad story. The Gabby. Gabby. Gabby Patino. And his parents, Brian's parents were like helping him hide and stuff like that. You remember that? Like they were like circling the house. I wouldn't do that. I don't think. I don't think I would do that. I would ask most of that. I think like, I don't know. Like if that was me, would you help me? Well, didn't he? He killed himself in the end, right? Yeah. So then as a parent, I feel like I would have rather him gone to prison. Oof. That's a tough one. I don't know.

I don't know. I really don't know. That is really, that's so crazy. You could, your kid could just be anyone. Or if it was like Moses that did that to someone, I'm like, I would want to like hide or run with him or something. You know what I mean? I know myself though. And I would be like Bonnie and Clyde. I would be fully. Let's just go. I'd be like, let's go. Yeah. Drive off a cliff together. What is that? Thelma and Louise or something like, I don't know. But then if it's your kid, you're like, oh, they run. I don't know. It's so hard. I would want to be like, do the right thing. Like turn yourself in. Yeah. Like let's try to like.

turn your life around from prison that's true turn your mental state around people change in prison but that's hard too because like you know that when certain people go to prison for certain things like had that Brian gone to prison like he would have probably been really hurt in prison as well and as a parent that you never want your kid to get hurt but at the same time never want your kid to hurt anyone

It's awful. It's such an awful situation to think about. Yeah, there's no, there's no real answers, I think. And someone like Jeffrey Dahmer is like, do you, how could you, I mean, but that's still your kid. I don't know. Did you, did you watch Don't Fuck With Cats? I was just talking about this the other day. Yes. And Luca Magnata, his mom was like delusional. She's like, he didn't do it. And he's literally recording himself chopping people up in pieces. Wait, did he, so he,

he killed a person right because we were just talking about this yeah i thought it was just the cats or something no he started with cats and then he made his way up to people i remember they had like the footage in the like apartment complex and stuff of him yeah that was what i guess yeah as a parent you probably would be like delusional to it like i really think i know someone okay this is a weird subject okay and we talked about this a little bit on cancel are you gonna accuse someone of being a murderer have you ever met someone

Where you're like, if tomorrow they were on national news for being a serial killer, you'd be like, I wouldn't even blink. And this person is famous. And I've been seeing them post or do a lot of things lately that are like really serial killer. Do you know this person? Yes. In real life? Yes. Yes.

I wonder if I know. I feel like there's like 12 people I know that are like this. So I'm like, I wonder if it's the same person. I'll talk about it more off camera, but just if something ever does happen, this footage, we're going to revisit and I'm going to be in a Santa dress. You're like, I said this. I called.

No, there's so many people. I'm like, once the floodgates open, I'm going to jump on that bandwagon. But I never want to be the first person just like in case. Yeah. And this person hasn't killed anyone. So I can't just accuse them. Oh, but you think they might? Yeah. Or they could? Well, I talked about... Like it wouldn't surprise you? It's the person that I was telling you where they played the game of Never Have I Ever. Yeah. And they said like never...

Do you know how never have I ever works? Like, and they just kept saying like, never have I ever wanted to kill someone I've loved. Never have I ever heard an animal. Never have I ever like. And he just did all of them? Yeah. And then I keep seeing this person post. Just living normal. No, no. Looking like a serial killer.

doing serial killer-esque shit. Does anyone else catch on? Do you ever see comics? I can't say what the shit is because if I say what it is, people will find this person. No, I know. There's influencers that I know do like shady shit. I don't know. That's the thing. I don't know that they do it, but I hear enough stories about it that I'm like,

this is gonna be crazy when this all comes out and you're just like wait what so obviously if I knew for sure I would say something but it's like I don't I just all hear like secondhand thirdhand stories from it but I'm like someone needs to say something but it's I don't know anything about it so yeah yeah I should tread lightly on me too every time I want to talk about this on the pocket I was like just don't say anything because it looks like you know something and it's like I don't I just hear like thirdhand stories but yeah I hear so much of them and you're just like this is

crazy that this person is doing this like what is fucking nuts people are just nuts Hollywood's nuts that's just the bottom line I know that's why I went to Hawaii I just think like let's go yeah let's go to Maui Maui's my fave Hana I'd be there in the little farms oh my god the little pigs yeah literally fuck LA yes the whole steamies of it all it was like

Are there horses in Hawaii? I just love being underwater. But alive underwater. Alive underwater. I already understand underwater sounds like you want to be like six feet under. No, no, no. Underwater but wildly alive and not doing anything that I could trend for, you know? Yeah. No fun in sight. Yeah. Yeah, you can't really trend when you're in Hawaii because there's not like much to do that's scandalous. Yeah, and if I'm embarrassing my phone's like in a car somewhere and I'm like on a beach. Right. No reception. You're on an island. Yeah, it's great. It's like all me. I'm not kidding. Have you been? Have you been?

to Maui? I have. Yeah. Did you go with someone or just by yourself? I went for a wedding and then I went for her birthday one year. You guys went to Maui? No, no, no. We went to Oahu for her birthday and then I went to Maui for a wedding. But I didn't really get to experience it because it was a wedding and you had to do all the wedding things. Where did you go? Do you know where it was at? I don't remember. I love Maui hotels. That's where they did White Lotus season one was at the Four Seasons Maui and I love that hotel so much. I don't see White Lotus either. I need to get a grip. Oh my God. I know. Have you seen it?

Yes I will Do you like it? Yes I only watched season one Season one The whole season one is so good I think maybe I don't know I also think it's like meant for like old people I don't know Cause I'm like I don't know It's like old people kind of maybe I don't know You talk about yourself Like you're in a senior home I loved it

I know why I am. I'm like 35. I'm literally going to be 36. Only eight years older than us. Isn't it crazy? That's crazy. I always think you're like 23. I always think you're like so young. I forget that you're 27. I feel that way too. You look young. I'm just kidding. Young. The whole thing about you. So do you. No, I feel. You look so young. How old are you, Moses? 46. No, you're not. You're 46.

Oh, Jesus. I always think of you as 43 in my head. Are you really? Oh, Jesus. I have a thing where like everyone is the age that they were when I met them. That's, okay, maybe that's it. Maybe it was like 41 when I met him or something. Were you 41 when I met you? Erin, how old are you? 22? Yeah. In my head, you're older though. In my head, you're like 25. People have been saying that recently. You look young. Like I look at you, like all of Jeff's, are you part of Jeff's crew? Yeah, sort of.

Sort of. Jeff's, all of Jeff's crew looks so, yeah. Is there one of them down there? Is one of his crew people down there? Is Steven down there? Okay, because I saw one and I was like, and I immediately thought, oh my God, this person looks 18. Immediately when I see someone 18, I'm like, I should not be here. You know what I mean? Just in general, because I always say, don't hang out with 18 year olds. I'm like, oh my God, and I leave.

this house he's like 20 I feel that way too you put that in my head like every like every time we're around like even like Cynthia or like someone who's like 18 I'm like I do not belong I don't know what it is I have one friend literally Cynthia who's like she's like 19 and I just see a lot of myself in her so I've always like looked out for her but then I someone told me on Reddit everyone's like why is Jan not friends with anyone who's 18 and I'm like I'm not that's the only one and I'm like I'm also like

trying to be here for her so she doesn't make mistakes I make. I think that's where it's like difficult because there is like yeah I have a lot of TikTokers on that were like 18 or something. Do you know Kayla? Like she was 18 and it's like I do feel like this sort of like oh I know like her I feel like she was me at one point you know what I mean? So you do want to like talk to them. Yeah you have this just like empathy where it's like don't make don't do the dumb shit I did please. I think there's always I don't know I don't judge anyone for me that's like my trigger thing I was like I can't go out to like dinner with an 18 year old or you know if I have a friend dating someone 23 and they're like let's go on a date I'm like

I'm older, Moses is older. I'm like, it's weird. We don't want to like, you know. Yeah, that makes sense. I don't know. Again, it's something in my head for sure that I don't judge people. I mean, if you're like 40 with like an 18-year-old, it's like weird. But you guys are young. I get what you're saying though. Like it's, you know, there's time and place for certain interactions. Yeah, like labs, interviews, I don't know. Yeah. Mentorship, but yeah. I love that this is the final episode of the year. It just feels so right. Is this the final? I think so. You think so? Are they going to be mad about that?

if well no you're right everyone's done everyone's been done this past week i think that we'll do i'm gonna have an episode i don't even know if i've told you this aaron where i just want to edit together like all the highlights like the funniest moments and give the people kind of like a bonus episode at the end of the year so there isn't nothing you know and i always really like those episodes like those are my favorite episodes of impulsive at the end of the year they do that and it's like all the funniest moments yeah and i always watch those and love those so i think those are um

Yeah, all of it. All the apologies, all the, just the craziest moments. But I think this is the last time this year that we will sit on this couch and being with you and Santa costumes and just giggling is like, is special. Wait, how many apologies did you do this year to speak of apologies? If I had to guess, probably like... You can do money. The wine lady. Eight? Six? That's a lot. I don't feel like you've apologized. Four, 13, 14, one. I know you apologize. I don't know.

Okay, it's single digits. That's good. That's huge. That's good. It's probably the first year of my life where it's single digits. Hey, that's good. Okay, I'll take that. I see why you like this. This angle's good because you can put your feet up. I see why you like this side because it's like. Yeah, oh my God. And I just like sprawl on that couch. This is a cute couch. Are you guys going to switch at the set for season? What are season? Are you guys on three, four next year? I think season two comes to a close.

This year? No, like March. Oh, what are seasons? How do they happen? I think we're just kind of going based on contracts. Yeah, however long the contract is. This one was 43 episodes. We have no contracts, so we just got one long season. No, but that's also a great way to do it. Like both are great in their own ways. I see. I think for the second season, I would love a set. I just...

Would love a set in the house. No, I love this. I just didn't know. I love it. The couch is iconic. You should keep it. I just, even if we could add anything that makes it like clearly like canceled. Yeah. Would be so funny. You're just so like, it's so Trish. It's so Trish. And it's everything. I did love your guys' first canceled one. It was cool. But I didn't, I didn't like the colors of it though. Like maybe because like, I mean, that's the colors of canceled. So I don't know why. But I get what you're saying. Like, it'd be nice if we did like a normal. I'm so not like a red. I'm like, I hate the color red. No.

I'm wearing it all the time. But this. Yeah, this literally canceled college. I feel like you just don't get the full vibe of it on TV because it is such a vibe in person. Like, oh my God, this is so beautiful. It's like nice and cool. Like it's such a vibe, but I think it doesn't like transcend. Not that it's like bad. I'm just saying like. We're just on a couch. Like, you know what I mean? I think summer's better. So last college it was like almost the same, but it had like a whole like skyline behind

does. Yeah, which made it a little better. So I'm down to do a set. We just have to figure out the logistics. But I swear to God, Oscar busts out new sets for Jeff. Like, it feels like overnight. Oh, my God. It's hard for us to do one that's like somewhere, though, just because of our...

you know. Yeah. What you want to do in the house? To like get somewhere is like a whole additional step. Yeah. Like I love doing it home but it's like we couldn't turn this whole room into a set. It's too big and like it's a multifunctional room but then all the other rooms are like not big enough. It's beautiful like in the summer when you guys do it and it's kind of like sun setting. It's really beautiful because it is so nice up here. Like this is it's

beautiful and I like having this much like space yeah it's amazing people like oh it's because we always have like a million people come in and I'm surprised you don't have a live audience today I feel like everyone I know it's not the same I'm like where's

I know, but I kind of, but I, this all intimate. I'm like amazing. No, I love it. It felt very casual. You're just like, let's just start and just go as I love it. And just talk. And that's, that's what we do best. And I can almost guarantee so long as you want to, by the end of next year, you will be the guest that we have on the most as well. I love it. I'll come on as many times. I heard you say that. I'm like, cause I feel like it's like a, I, I'm like scared to have, like not scared.

to ask you but like we both just talked about that we're finally getting to the place where we're like a little less scared to ask each other yeah I know what you mean I'm the same way yeah it's like I just feel like it's like such a bother to do anything like especially because I just like I think that all the time even with my podcast but anyway I'm just like I don't think anybody wants to come out but then sometimes then I get delusional like everybody wants to come let me ask I spice in the weekend you know sometimes it's like I don't know it's like it's the moment everyone wants to come out

for you you're a goddamn icon I'm far too so when you guys drive I really appreciate saying I'm like far I'm there every weekend wait what I go there every single weekend that's where the ranch is that I'm always at wait like what ranch like a horse ranch uh-huh my little horse ranch I go every weekend and ride horses and I'm right by you everyone needs to find their Moses that's the catchphrase of this year oh my god if you don't come out with a shirt that says find your Moses find your Moses I kind of love that that's so funny to me when I see that when I saw the comments on your track list it's so in the comments now everyone always says Tana's gonna find

her most and I'm really excited too because as you guys know I was I've told you both a little how much it was making me spiral that all the comments on my stuff with Makoa was like where's Jeff so I just went haywire and posted like nine TikToks with Jeff to shut everyone up and then all the comments started switching to like where's Makoa and I'm so happy about that yes it'll happen that switch yes I love it people just so long as they don't feel like a connection to someone they just don't care like they have to like know somebody

But that's so hard when the person is not on social media. You don't want to force them into it. Oh, for sure. I think it wasn't until Moses was doing the podcast and people saw it more. But yeah, if they didn't know him or didn't see him, they're like... Yeah, people just make up that they feel in this space with made up shit. Yeah, just their own stories in their head and stuff like that. I was like, okay. Yeah, like Selena Haley and Justin. Oh man, that one is wild. Was that this year? That was this year. What? What? Yeah, but like March, February. Really? Something like that.

Yeah because I remember I was doing street interviews in Miami asking about it like in March. Wait what? You did street interviews? Yeah Jeff and I like had a little era where we would do that but it's hectic as fuck. Oh yeah. I would be so scared. I'm afraid to like oh. It would send you into peril and Jeff's just so good at it. Talks to everyone like will run up to anyone like unafraid. Well I don't know if Jeff was approaching me I'd be like

Right, right, of course. Everyone loves him. But you too, I feel like people would. You have that personality. I'm just more shy about it. Like, I'll ask people, like, hey, do you want to talk to me? But Jeff will just be like, you, come here. Like, you know, and then he gets the best stuff. I admire people like that because I would never. I just feel like I'm always bothering somebody. I definitely have had moments doing those street interviews where I actually feared for my life. Like, some people get mad. Oh, yeah. And, like, really mad. The fear of rejection. Have people rejected you? Be like, no. Oh, absolutely. But that's not even the end of it. Like, you could just ask someone something that's, like, mild, but they...

And we also do them in really crazy places. Like we did one in Miami on South Beach. So it's like all these drunk tourists. We did one like just the streets of New York. People are nuts and don't want to fucking talk to you anyways. Did you guys, were you guys doing a show or was it just for like a YouTube? Sorry, I'm soaking in this. It was just like for YouTube. It was like a segment in his vlogs. Okay. Yeah, but we did one and it went really like viral on TikTok and stuff. So we kept trying to kind of chase that. And I'll probably do another one eventually. They're fun to watch. Who's this?

a big one in New York that does it all the time Hannah Burner no it's a guy he's like Paul Rudd sometimes I know who you're talking about but I can't think of his name and he's kind of like Billy Iker I think it's Billy something I think you're right okay you've never seen him he's like what do you think of Paul Rudd and Paul Rudd would be like that and he's like oh I can't see him and he's like Paul Rudd's right here and it's like but he's kind of wild and chaotic and like I don't know he's like a lot

a lot. I like the one where they're like, oh, do you want this dollar or double it and give it to the next person? Like, I like those ones. I love those ones. The people who just keep the one dollar are so funny to me. Have you seen that? Like, a lot. And those like, do you want this dollar or double it and give it to the next person? I'm definitely not on like street interview TikTok, but it's because I get such bad secondhand embarrassment from anything like that. I can't even watch it. I do too. I love secondhand embarrassment because it's not happening to me. So I love watching it to other people. Really?

Secondhand embarrassment makes me nauseous. I cannot stomach it. Like it is so. Oh my God. I hate it. You're just like it's worse than anything. I can't watch like American Idol or anything like that because I'm like. Oh, I kind of. I think people like it for that reason. Yeah. Is that Salon even? But like bad secondhand embarrassment is not my thing. Hunter sent me a TikTok today of some TikToker doing an interview and just embarrassing the shit out of themselves and I was literally holding my breath. It depends if it's

like intentional or unintentional you know like if I don't know if it's unintentional I feel a little bad for people I'm just like okay yeah there is like the poor thing aspect but I still like hold my breath and clench everything yeah not in a good way I was about to say something really graphic and then I didn't because I know your boundaries clutching the walls I made yes I told her about how we say gripping the walls I want to throw up we don't say that

I can't imagine you saying it. When she was saying that, I'm like, do you? That's wild. She just really does not talk about that number too. I made some jokes on Trish that almost made her throw up the other day. Oh my God, literally. Not kidding, she was gagging. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely not for everybody. I feel like if I said that around my grandparents or something, they would be like, see, I'm old. You're comparing me to your grandparents because I'm the same way. No.

35. Which I am. I really am. 35. Yeah. Going 70. Oh my goodness. I just, I think you probably have the same complex as me. Like I just feel so old because of the life that I've lived. Yeah. Like you've just lived so many lives that you're like. Yeah. You're like, I've been on. Because you looked young. And you are young. It's just like. It's the fat. I feel like when there's a little fat you have it. There's no wrinkles. In a good way. You know people get, you know, that big face and they get a little like old looking. Which I would do. It's just people. Oh no, no. That's me. I'm just saying. I'm running. What? Okay.

Are you going to say that they look like dogs with jowls? No, I just saw someone post there like before and after, but like she aged like 10 years. She lost weight, but she aged like 20 years. Oh, yeah, people do. But that's the thing when people lose weight. I mean, honestly, I would take it to be skinny, but I'm just saying, I guess in my rationalism being fat, like, oh, it's like gives me no wrinkles. You know, it makes me look younger. You look fucking amazing, Trisha. Thank you so much. That is my only goal of the next year is for her to just realize how iconic and hot and perfect she is because we would simply die for you. Thanks. I'll get it back.

You will. I need you to like, it's so crazy to me. You don't understand. You're literally like, just please see yourself the way we all see you. It's the Ozempic of it all. Everyone's on Ozempic. I'm just like, oh my God. Okay. Girl. Love it though. No, no shade. I love it. If you're on Ozempic, love it. I wish I was you honestly right now.

No, you're pregnant and give yourself so much grace. I'm pregnant. There it is. Thank you. And the baby's gender is. No, I'm just kidding. But thank you for coming on. Thank you. Oh, my God. This is wild. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. I love that you have a timer. I know you've been wrapping it up so much, but that's my favorite thing to do when you want to wrap it up and you just keep going. I absolutely love it. People do that on my end too and I love it. I'm like, yeah, let's keep going. I know yours was like three hours long or something. I never want to. I only want to do three hours. We could talk. Let's talk for another four hours. No, it's okay. No, I'm not kidding. You have your boyfriend.

I always like feel like you have your cover you have your boyfriend you have all this stuff you have to do tonight but I hope you know that this was and is the highlight of my day fully like it's mine too this is all we had planned we live far as fuck from each other so both of us like whenever like that we are able to make it work and we're busy and you know what I mean and the fact that both of our audiences just love the crossover so much is a huge blessing as well and something that happened this year that's such a like positive too to like have the same or even a similar audience as you oh my god it's literally the same when the talk oh I learned everything about that yes

no no I am just living for uh you gotta have find your find your audience yep definitely you find your audience no everyone's top Spotify was always like canceled just like you guys were always if I was on there you guys were on there it was always so true every like wrapped I saw it was like all of us thank you guys like I really do I mean that whole I've done solo podcasts no one cared about and I think you guys like really have I think you are so sweet for thanking us for I mean it

You know what I mean? Letting me use you guys in the thumbnails, titles, every time. It's all you, Trisha. I always wonder, like, I wonder if they're like, this is weird. It makes me so excited. You really don't understand. He always makes you guys, like, look good, too. Sometimes he, like, distorts faces and stuff like that. And he's like, never with Brooke and Tana. Oh, that's so nice. That's actually the nicest thing I've ever, ever, ever heard. Yeah, you guys always slam. Make sure they look good in the thumbnail. I love you. Yay!

You're my sweet, sweet angel. Thank you. Thank you. Oh my gosh. This is so nice. I appreciate you going to Hamilton. You are my gift and I hope you guys go but no pressure if you don't because baby Elvis will be here. No, we'll still go. Baby Elvis will be like a month by then. So baby Elvis is seeing their first Hamilton. Yeah. I wonder if babies go for free under two, kind of like flying. Yeah. For sure. Bring them in your bag. Yeah. Just be like, not in the bag, the baby in the bag. Maybe I'll put it there. Is that unethical? No.

I love it. We love you, Trisha Paytas. Happy holidays.