cover of episode 52: Tana’s EMBARRASSING interaction with her gamer crush… - Ep. 52

52: Tana’s EMBARRASSING interaction with her gamer crush… - Ep. 52

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Cancelled with Tana Mongeau & Brooke Schofield

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Brooke: 本期播客轻松的氛围与之前几期节目形成对比,并提及Trisha的节目受欢迎程度,以及她对在大型颁奖典礼上做颁奖嘉宾的焦虑感,解释了她更喜欢在熟悉观众面前表演的原因,以及她拒绝演戏的原因。 Tana: Tana对别人误以为她喝醉了感到很沮丧,解释了她保持清醒的努力,并反驳了别人说她喝醉了的指控,分享了她与Brianna Chicken Fry一起颁奖的经历,以及事先对颁奖流程的了解,在Streamy奖颁奖典礼前几小时,Tana才得知她要颁发的是游戏类奖项,在后台只有很短的时间浏览了颁奖词,而且颁奖词还做了更改,需要清晰的指示才能更好地完成任务,在颁奖时感到紧张,并承认她骂了脏话,描述了她与搭档Chris Collins临时更改颁奖词的经历,以及她再次说脏话的情况,解释了她与Dream在颁奖典礼上拥抱的原因,以及她不想让这次互动成为网络上的梗。

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Hello and welcome back to the Cancelled Podcast. It's me, Brooke. Hey, Brooke.

There's something so like special about when we do an episode super chill like this. When like the past few episodes were like hectic, you know? Yeah, and hectic they were. We had Trisha on and it's like Trisha was here and she kept saying like, oh my God, it's so sweet. Everyone comes and watches. I'm like, no, everyone's here for you. So can I tell you how you have an audience like, no, they are fully here for you. Like literally when I heard, I did that on the last Trisha episode. I showed up just to do it. Uh-huh. Because it's just, she's an icon living. Like I get it. Everyone's obsessed with her for years.

Full So many reasons Valid reasons I meant to watch her video today I know she did a streamies recap Like she reviewed the streamies Yeah and you're in the thumbnail So I know she talked about you I Oh I'm watching it You haven't seen it? We should watch it right after this Oh we should have watched it before So that we could have talked about it If she has no fans I am dead

Like for real, if she has no fans, I'm dead. Should we jump into Streamy's action? I think we should. I think we should. I don't know what it is, but nothing frustrates me more when people think I'm drunk when I'm sober.

because of the amount of sincere like effort it takes for me to be sober like i'm thinking about it every second of every day accuse me of being drunk when i'm putting in all this work however i will say if i'm drunk yeah if i watched that and i didn't know me i would be like that bitch is drunk as fuck but i wasn't i'm sober i'm on 75 hard today is day 12 hour

10 minute 537 3839 seconds. I'm not counting. I guess I should just defend myself real quick. Explain how it happened. Brooke and I went to the streamies and we always have so much fun at the streamies. Like every year, it's just like a cute, fun, love it. Amazing time. And it's kind of become our thing now to go. I feel like we'll always go together. We go, we promote canceled. We slay the carpet. We have so much fun. We get so much tea. We always find a new place.

One or two new potential boyfriend prospects at the stream. There was a hottie at our table. I'll get to that. Oh yeah. There was a, he wasn't my type of hottie, but he was your type of hottie. He wasn't. He, I never, one of my friends used to talk to him. Really? Yeah. And he has like a really specific job. So I like, as soon as he told me what his job was, I was like, there cannot be more than one hot guy who does that. He's like an animal, something right. Animal. He's like a snake whisperer. I'm like, you know who else is a snake whisperer?

My friend Tana Mongeau. What does that mean? Was it sexual or was it that everyone's a snake? Yeah, it was sexual. God, she's so dull. Yeah, so dull and fucking sober. So this year, the streamies asked me to present.

And they've asked me in the past to present and I've always said no. Any award show for that matter, I've always said no. It's so strange that you like feel weird about that because you're so good in front of like an audience. I've always said that I feel like world's more comfortable in an audience of like... Your fans? Yeah, like my fans on tour or even just like someone else's fans. If I were to open for someone else, whatever, people who like...

You know what I mean? They're just chilling. They're happy to be there. But like in front of all your peers and like colleagues and like also just the whole industry managers, brands, like every, like the CEOs of everything are also there. It stresses me out so much more as is like the streaming stage has always stressed me out because it's just like, oh my God. And there's so many people in the audience that it's like, I know, or I've been friends with, or I'm still friends with, or I've hooked up with or so on and so forth. So it, it just adds so many levels of stress.

The same with acting. I've always turned down every acting job pretty much because... That makes me literally sick. I'm horrible at reading a script that's written for me that I feel is not me. Like you wouldn't normally say that. If it is not something that I would say...

And even if it is something I would say for some reason, like I just can't, I can't sell it. Like I've never been able to, I like freeze up. I become so awkward, whatever. And so I reluctantly agree to presenting and I'm like, I'm going to try something new. I'm going to get out of my comfort zone. I'm just going to give it a whirl. It's the streamies. I'm familiar with the environment there. This I'm going to try it. Right.

It was my first time presenting at the Streamies. It was also my last time presenting at the Streamies. Maybe not. So a couple nights before, they emailed me over the script for me to present. And they tell me you're going to be presenting the food category with Brianna Chicken Fry. Perfect fit. I eat food. I know Brianna Chicken Fry. I also feel way more comfortable doing it with someone that I know. And that I've like, Brianna's seen me at some low levels. She's seen me blacked out. She's seen like...

And I feel like we have a similar sense of humor that like we both hate awkward shit like that and could like riff off of each other. Right. And then we get all ready for the streamies. And a couple hours before I find out now that I'm going to be presenting gaming. Even better fit for you.

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Who the fuck decided Tana Mongeau should present gaming? Somebody who, like, I feel like it was like putting Josh Peck in Oppenheimer. It was like, this will be fun. Stop bringing it up!

I will never stop bringing it up. It is amazing. We're going to be 80 and she's going to be in her little walker talking about Josh Beck and Oppenheimer Bible. No, but like just like a funny, like we'll toss this in here for like a good like switch up. I get that. Like it is. There's something polarizing about like me presenting gaming. Like they thought it would be funny. You know, I find that I'm presenting it with someone named Chris Collins. She's an angel. We'll get into that in a second. But I don't know her. She's very brand safe for the most part. Like it's just funny.

The vibes are now immensely different. Yeah. Yeah. And so then I don't really get to see the script.

And then from what they had sent prior, they changed it or something. I don't know. Like it's new to me essentially. So I get to like skim over at one time backstage for like two seconds. And then they just throw me out there and they don't really tell me anything. You know, there's a lady being like, okay, the lights are going to go off and then you guys open it and say, and the winner is. But like, I also am the type of person who needs very clear instructions. Like you're going to stand up there for one minute and then you're going to exit after this happens, like so on and so forth. Yeah. I was just kind of,


And I mean, clearly I'm dumber than the rest of the creators because they all just figured it out. You know, they didn't. Maybe they had some rehearsal. Well, there's like a pretty standard practice. Like if you've ever seen an award show, you like, you know, you hand them an award, you step back, you watch them receive the award and then everybody walks off together. I didn't know about the whole watch and receive thing. I can't imagine you pay much attention to award shows. I do, but not enough to like internalize knowing that you wait and you walk. Yeah, that is very specific. We walk out there and I'm just, I'm,

I'm nervous for all of the reasons that I just expressed. So nervous. And I'm sober. So I'm raw dogging the nervousness. Like two shots would have helped me. Honest to God. And I'm reading the script. I immediately swear.

The only thing you can, you could literally have sex on an award show stage. Yeah, but this isn't like the People's Choice Awards. This is a streamies. It's being streamed. That's fair, but it is like backed by huge sponsors like YouTube and like it's still this, you're not supposed to swear. And I've always known that. And even in the times that I've won awards or accepted awards for other people at the streamies, I still was mindful enough to be like,

Don't swear. It's crazy because it's not like you just like are dropping F-bombs all the time. Like it was like you just, I don't know why you did that. I think that when I'm nervous, that's the first thing that like comes out of my mouth. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then you go, I swore. And then...

Right before we walk on stage to Chris, the girl I'm presenting with, she's like, you're going to kill it, whatever. But she's like, we should just like make up our own version. Like, I love gamers, like blah, blah, blah. And then that threw me off so hard trying to play into that. So I just immediately swore whole nine. I mean, you can literally do anything on the stage. We were going to kiss like Madonna and Britney. And then last minute, we're like, let's not do that. Like, whatever. Like, you can do anything. You just can't swear. And of course, I fucking swore.

And so then that just throws off my whole vibe even more. So obviously you don't know who's going to win the award until you open the card. And then the winner of this gaming award is an amazing, talented streamer by the name of Dream. He makes me nervous. He just makes me really nervous. I don't know. Maybe you have a little crush on him. He's cute.

He's really cute, for sure. I fuck with a man in a helmet. There's something about the helmet of it all. And like, I had talked to him a decent amount before, but I'd never met him. And I just like the idea of like talking, texting someone, you know, that also makes you nervous and stuff. The first time you're like hugging them is like on a streamy stage to be like clipped for everyone forever. And why was it? And I already knew what had like transpired.

I didn't want to like loop him into that meme by like us hugging and then that's awkward and like the whole nine. The only solution in my head was just go. Get out of there. Just get. You've done enough. You swore. You read the script horribly. You said who wrote that. You did the whole damn thing, Tana. I liked your visual when you said zero out of ten job. I thought it was an incredible performance from you. I'm not going to lie. It's so on brand for me.

And I can leave my own body and say the streamies needed a moment like that. Yeah, come on. Don't be boring. Maybe that's narcissistic of me to say, but I... You're like, I made that show. No.

Definitely didn't. Definitely not getting invited back. I love the streamies. I don't think presenting is for me. I think if I were to ever do something like that again, I just need to be more involved in the writing process of the script so that I can deliver it, maybe rehearse it, maybe have the winner not be someone or a category. That's fair. Have it be pre-recorded. Do you remember at the People's Choice Awards when Adam Sandler presented and he wasn't even really there? Yeah, that's a slay down boots. I was in the streamies commercial. I did so good. It's just...

it's not i don't know it's not my thing it's not my vibe and i just had to fucking go and i really wouldn't have probably even talked about this on the podcast if the whole internet didn't think i was just blackout drunk well what's so crazy is i didn't even know any of that shit happened i come back off wait no this is gonna sound bad but i'm not kidding i was ready to piss myself so they came and pulled tana from the audience like

A long time Before she was supposed To present So I was sitting there Alone with like My random friends At this table Who I just met I just met these people And so I'm waiting And waiting and waiting And like fucking Like 30 minutes goes by And you still hadn't come out So I was like I'm gonna pee myself And I ask everyone around me If I go right now Will I miss Tana And then they say like Up next Like yada yada Yada yada And like

none of that was tan and mojo so i was like i'm safe i run i go as fast as i can i'm squeezing as hard as i can i pee so quickly i don't even think i washed my hands i get back all i see is the back of your head you're walking you're running off stage well i get off stage and i come down to see you and you're like you did so good well so then i told the kid next to me i'm like there's no way i just missed that and he's like no she was amazing i'll send you the video she'll never even know you missed it and i was like perfect so then i was like no you slayed that was amazing

And I just remember looking at you and being like, she did not see my performance because our friendship, like had you, Brooke, I'm not even kidding you. Also you being there. I didn't even look at the crowd one time. I looked at only the teleprompter A because I didn't know the fucking script, but B because I was like, I know if I make eye contact with Brooke, I will start dying laughing or like doing something, saying something embarrassing, which I ended up doing anyways. But I didn't look at the crowd one time in fear of,

Seeing you So I thought You were there Until we like talked You know what I mean Oh man It was just very funny I was like She clearly didn't see this Well the people At my table They were like No she did amazing And I was like Really like And he was like No seriously And I was like Did she mess up He's like no All night people Kept coming up to me At the after party Being like You did so good It was so you But I'm like In my head I'm like This is getting clipped

on everything on the internet too it's like perceiving it when having not actually been there is always going to be so different i hate being perceived i do too and that's actually our job yeah isn't that kind of crazy i hate it my head's huge one thing brooke's been spiraling about her head size how the fuck can anyone tell how big my head is you can't even see it like i could be six foot three and you guys wouldn't know about it you can't tell your legs would be a little closer to me but yeah

If you were six foot three But you know like I'm imagining you six foot three now It's like Like that's such a funny thing to say That like how your head is big How do you know? We were just talking off camera And Erin was like Reddit said that I look hot And Brooke was like I know I saw Don't So you relapsed Don't Don't No Okay Let it be known I talk about home off Reddit all the time Okay And for some reason That has been an invitation for people to Like they'll DM me and be like

Keep your head up. Like, don't just ignore what they're saying. And I'm like, what are they saying? Like that puts it in my head that like something crazy is happening on there. So yesterday I folded. Okay. And I went on there. I can't stop fucking wheezing. And there was like this whole elaborate thing about how like they can't believe what I've done to my jaw and my chin. And it is just so out of order. And my face is just getting so ugly and I've taken it too far. But the joke is I was just telling Aaron before you got here.

The closer I get to my natural face, the worse people think I look. And like that's the actual trend. And so people like, it's been a long time since I've done anything. I've done Botox, but I haven't been getting filler like I usually do. I haven't gotten cheek filler in forever. I haven't gotten any filler in a long time, except for, I mean, under eyes. You can't tell that someone does under eyes. Need it. And all of a sudden people are like, oh, her face is looking horrible. And I'm like, yeah, because that's what I actually looked like. Yeah.

My entire For You page yesterday was like seven of your TikToks. I was like, oh, Brooke's having one of those moments because she's just out here defending her chin, defending her head size, everything. And I just was imagining you and me. Dude, I've been chinned up since birth. You changed your TikTok bio.

Yeah because I realize every single Like the front cam doesn't do anyone any favors either Because it's like the perspective of it It's like makes like the front of your face Like so much longer out So yeah my head looks fucking massive But sorry I didn't know it was a fucking beauty competition on TikTok I'm trying to be funny Talk your shit So I was just really I was so mad But I'm like you guys The

The joke is you don't like what I actually look like. Not the filler. You guys don't like what I look like now that I'm not getting it. Because I was filled to the gods. I don't know what to say to this.

No, sorry. Either fill it. Oh, now I'm out because now like the more I say if people know I saw Reddit, they'll. Yeah, maybe. I hate them. It's fair. I love the I love the canceled viewers. The real ones. Yeah, I was going to say one thing that I noticed, though, with all the the streamies, she's drunk, whatever, is

All of my like diehard fans are commenting like you can tell she's literally not drunk. Like people knew that was like my nervous energy. So that made me feel better. Yeah, the people who know you know and the people who don't want to know so bad. All my topics are weirdly wholesome.

Like I have a lot of wholesome topics that I want to get into today. I think one thing about like sobriety that will change the narrative of this podcast a lot is I'm going to start needing to talk about more thought provoking things. Because like when I'm drunk, I do all this crazy shit and I have so many things to talk about for cancel. But when I'm sober, I become so hyper aware of everything. I start hooking up with people less. I've been actually celibate.

I've been actually, actually celibate since I've been back from... You know, you can just say, like, there's a difference between being... It's just like your 75 heart thing. I completely get what you're saying. I have not had sex in a normal person amount of time. I am not celibate. You don't have to give it celibacy label. Yeah. Just like you don't have to call your sobriety 75 heart. Whoa. Whoa. But I love it. No, you opened my eyes there. You're so right. Okay, yeah, I've just...

I start to think about things more. You know what I mean? I've been dating. I've been going on a lot of dates as of late. And I've been so innocent and virginal on all of them. I've been on three dates with one guy. And.

And we haven't done anything. Oh, that's great. We have a fourth date. He's from Hinge. Yes, but we have a really weird. No shade to Hinge. No, no shade to Hinge. But normally when I talk to someone through Hinge, I will spend the next three weeks betting them out like a true crime fucking podcaster. Like I'm going to ask them where they grew up, who their friends are, where they live at. Like I need to know everything about them because I've had some weird like murderous experiences.

- Hinge. - Experiences, yeah. - Experiences, but this guy,

is actually one of my very best friends high school crushes hilarious which is so random and like not in this state like they lived in a completely different state he just ended up moving to la so my friend was able to vouch like he's not a murderer so it kind of expedited that process and made me a little more comfortable with him which is kind of a slay wait i'm excited about it i had a hinge thing that you told me i had to talk about on the podcast it relates to your like little synchronicity thing i think okay or maybe it doesn't but

very like crazy coincidence. Okay. A few months back I was like spiraling. I love this part. And I went on a random like drive all around LA all day long and then I had a blanket in my trunk so I was like I'm gonna go to the park. I went to the park by myself. Okay like by Lake Hollywood. I love Lake Hollywood. The like Lake Hollywood Park you know where you can see the Hollywood sign. It's like the most beautiful park whatever. I like laid my little blanket out and I was sitting at the park by myself. This is a sweet story. Yeah and

And there was a man there, sexy, sexy man there, okay, with his dog. And there's something about a park that gets me going. Yeah, he was alone. You're in a park. He was alone. He's at this park with his dog. He's like playing fetch. I'm like looking at the dog, trying to get the dog to come to me so that its owner comes to me. And I was like, how do I talk to this guy? But then in my head, I'm like, this is how normal people meet in the wild. Yeah.

Like they go to a park by themselves and they see a hot guy. And then they're like, oh, your dog is so cute. And that's how you meet. Like that's how every movie like love story starts. That's actually so true. I was like, this is perfect. I was like texting the group chat like, what do I say? Like, I don't know how to do it. And I just got scared and I never said anything. And I regretted it so bad because I was like, I will never see that man again. Yeah. Lo and behold, I get a like on Hinge yesterday from...

That guy and I know because his first photo is him

Him at that same park with the same fucking dog. And that's like such a sign. Like people can choose so many photos. Like he chose that one. You happen to come across it. Girl, you're about to get that go fetch dick. I know, but I can't. I can't text him and be like, funny story. Yes, but I want to. Yeah, you have to. I feel like that's creepy. I actually saw you one time when I was at the park by myself. He was also at the park by himself. You could just word it way less like Casey Anthony.

Like you could just word it way less murderous. But like what a cool story. Like imagine us telling our kids that. I fully agree. Another thing. This is such a stupid thing. This is one of those ics that's like that is not a real ick and you're so stupid. Okay. But he has a name that I don't want to say every day. God, that's so hard. You really hate that. I remember when I first started dating Kevin, you met Kevin for the first time and you were like, I hate your name. And Kevin wasn't even really that bad. But what if you met a guy and his name was like Carlton? Yeah.

That would make me think of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Yeah, you had two choices, Carlton or Carl. But I feel like that's where I just get spunky with the nicknames, like column C. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's totally something I could definitely overlook, but it was like, wow, didn't expect that. Can you tell me his name? And we believe it. I don't even remember it. It's like something weird. And I looked him up. I was like, no one else is going to have that name. So I looked him up on Instagram and I couldn't find him anywhere. Anatoly. Or is it a Natalie? Natalie.

I hope it's not a Natalie. Well, like think about the word anatomy, the phonics of the word anatomy, like replace that L. I know, but I can't. I already have a Natalie. You know what I mean? I think we have to leave that. I know. Like you thought it wasn't going to be bad, huh? Until I told you. Yes. What was Isabella? Isabella was talking to a guy. Oh my God. She was, his name was Equanimous.

And she thought his name was Equanimous. And she's hung out with him several times. I go, did you call him Equanimous? Do you know how that story came about? Isabella telling that story is because I was having a conversation with her and I was talking to this guy. I shit you not. I was talking to this guy. This was years and years and years ago, but I was talking to this guy for like three months and we were like FaceTiming every single day and whatever. And it was very much like I wasn't really telling my friends about it or whatever, you know, like I was just kind of, I'd be like, oh, I'd go to bed and we'd like FaceTime and whatever. Super hot.

And I thought his name was Malachi. I would call him Malachi to his face every... He probably thought you were getting spunky with the nickname. And you know me, like I'm such a, like I say people's names when I talk to them. Like I'm going to be like, hi, Aaron. Like, so I'd be like, hi, Malachi, you know? And one day Amari was like, who's this guy you keep FaceTiming? And I was like, oh, his name's Malachi. He's from here, there, whatever. And Amari goes, Malachi. Tina, his name is Malachi. This man's name...

Malachi. Malachi. But here's the thing. I want to say his Instagram. His Instagram had like a little pun on his name and it made it seem like it was Chi. Oh, like did it rhyme? Like did he have it with something that rhymed with Malachi? Yes. And like, yeah. Yeah.

I'm done. I just shouldn't be a thing. Yeah, that's pretty bad. Honestly, what if like I'm a lot. But I don't know if somebody called me like Brooke or something for like. It's crazy. There's no other way to fuck up, Brooke. I'm calling you Brooke for the rest of my life. I promise you. You can call me Tana. Everyone calls me that, though. I know. You know, selling sunset always calls me Tana. We've met like a hundred times and she's like, I love Tana. Somebody like who's really close to us calls you Tana. And I'm like, wait.

What? I can't remember who it is. I think it's like Greg Goodfried or something. Like somebody who like is way too close to call you that. That's crazy. Um,

So yeah I've been dating I've been being wholesome That's really funny I hope this works out Do you think What does he do Well the streamies Also took me on a date Like I'm Not the streamies But like An interaction happened At the streamies From the streamies We were trying to do A little double date action After the streamies Can we talk about that I know We have to I think I think we're entering Our little

Can we say gamer phase? Sure. But then let's cut to the absolute next topic. We discussed on the last episode the winery drama and how that ended up being a way bigger scandal than I thought it would.

and I just wore a brown wig all week and I don't know if you saw this but on TikTok everyone thinks that I have a major massive highly paid super intelligent PR team and that I had debuted brown hair to like get out of a scandal. What an interesting take. Like I guess like Kendall Jenner would do that. No it is such a like Kardashian thing to do and now like

If you see me like With red hair tomorrow Like just know I'm in a scandal Like just know like Something's about to come out I'm just again I'm just like It blows my mind for people To think that I'm like That calculated Like I am just swinging And hopefully hitting It's so crazy that people think Like I think that A really common misconception Like people who aren't In this space Think that everybody Like has PR

Like even like Really huge people Don't have PR Unless they're like Noah Beck But now with this whole New TikTok generation Like the That are all signing To like UTA And CAA Yeah but that's like That's what I mean When I say Noah Beck Yeah but like Octopus Lover Leo Skeppy Huge huge creators And yeah Leo doesn't have PR And I don't think Jake does either I don't think he needs it He has Sofia Richie

That's actually so fair. I really was just like assuming. But they are all signed to huge agencies, which is so crazy because I grew up thinking like UTI, CIA, WME were like, like Miley Cyrus is with, you know what I mean? It's so crazy to me that they like take influencers. It makes perfect sense, but it's crazy. We'll never have that probably. But to be fair, every time I've ever been signed to an agency or had PR, it's

It doesn't do anything for me. Like people always ask me, do you have a PR team? Or people are always talking about online, like Tana Mongeau's PR team. Yeah, there's only so much they can do. Exactly. You pay a PR team out of pocket. So any celebrity or influencer who has a PR team is paying. Yeah, wait, that's kind of an interesting topic to talk about because I don't think people really understand. Like they're paying like the minimum is usually like seven to $10,000 a month for them to be placed in articles,

You know, taken to events, walking carpets, getting free dinners, getting free hotel stays. And PR teams, obviously what they're most known for is kind of damage and scandal control on top of good press. You know what I mean? Yeah. But the number one thing with the PR team, A, you're paying them. So if you're paying them.

You should listen to them. You kind of have to listen to them or else you're wasting your money. And I've not, I just, I'm never gonna. You've marched the beat of your own drum. This Bryce Hall thing that like everyone's been talking about. I'm hoping it'll be dead by the time this episode comes out. But I'm saying like,

A PR team would be like Don't acknowledge it at all And like that's so Not on brand for me Like a PR team is always Going to tell you to like Yeah I wonder if there's Like a little corner Where there's like A little scandalous PR company That like helps you Like navigate like And be a little messy That's actually an insane If not you should start I was just going to say That's like a million dollar Idea right there Maybe I do that And

And just... And then just everything on top of that. Like, I feel like if I want to go to an event, I'll figure it out if I want. Like, I can just kind of figure it out. So I've never really, like, needed a PR team to do anything like that. And, like, I'm usually making articles, but just not for good reasons. It is kind of more for people... Like, unless it's, like, really just, like...

Money you don't care to spend It really is for people Who like feel like They really need it Like because you can get Like magazine placements And stuff I didn't realize that Like I used to be like How the fuck is she On the cover of Maxim And it's like oh She pays someone 5k a month To like do that To do just that Or and just like More but like If you're smaller Like

I feel like how much you spend depends on how big you are. Like the smaller people pay less because they can do less for you. A lot of people also pay to kind of keep themselves relevant. Like people who live a more normal life and are doing a lot of crazy shit. Like if you ever see an article that's like,

Blank. Flaunts her tummy on her Instagram story while she drinks a green juice. Do you remember that bitch? A lot of those type of articles that are just kind of about nothing. Like are ones that people pay for. I'm not saying every person, but you know what I mean. Do you remember that girl who was on Snapchat Demi or whatever? Who was like literally every Daily Mail article forever.

Ever I was like How much was she paying you I heard a rumor that And I don't know if this is true I don't know her Wasn't she like sleeping With Mr. Daily Mail I think it was something like that I heard this rumor I don't know her Her last name I don't even know what she looks like That is not But you just always see that Like a lot of them Are PR moments And I've like dated people As well where

I felt like they had a PR team and I would notice more articles about like happy shit involving me dating them that like would never happen if it wasn't for like, you know, you just like see certain things, I guess. I don't know. We should start delving into like industry secrets more. I love that shit because there's so much that I understand now that I never knew about and I think is interesting, but we forget because we see it all the time now. But like, yeah, like I feel like

People who listen, that would be interesting. Sound off in the comments below or tweet us about shit that you want us to just straight up expose about the whole Hollywood world and shit like that. People actually have been giving...

Because I am. When I say like I'm. When I'm sober. I'm more wholesome. I sincerely need more things to talk about. Because I'm not ruining my life as actively. And like someone the other day was like. You guys should do an episode. Like Nelk style. Where you guys like go style each other completely. And then do the podcast. Like. Like. I just want to start doing shit that's fun and funny. But like. We should. I don't know.

Doesn't involve a double-ended dildo in my ass in Paris, you know? That was one time. I was hesitant to talk about that. I'm like, boy, was I right. Like, I've been on like four podcasts since then. Like, that's the thing is it doesn't die on canceled. It's like then you go on Whitney Cummings and she wants to know about the double-ended dildo in your ass. And it's like, oh, maybe I should just. I just ran into Whitney the other day. I was, I'm not kidding. Another synchronicity moment. I'm standing on the side of the road. Okay. I'm on the phone with Brooke Baldwin.

I'm explaining to her, like, I haven't talked to her in like two months. So I was like, just telling her like all this stuff. And I said something about Whitney and I'm not, and I'm like, this girl across the street is staring at me. And all of a sudden this car like whips off to the side, rolls the window down and it was Whitney. And I was like, there's no fucking way. Where were you? On the side of the road, outside Saddle Ranch, because like I had a friend in town. I had a friend in town who was, who had never been. So me and Lila were like, we'll take him.

And he had happened to go to the wrong one So I happened to be standing outside alone And I happened to call Brooke I showed I was like it's Whitney And she was like there's no fucking way Yeah that's so weird I can't even imagine Whitney coming Just driving around either She's like God in my head I mean it's next door to the comedy store So it's not like that out there Oh yeah she's probably doing a shower or some shit But I was still like what? That is crazy Yeah all the weird synchronicities Have been like driving me up a wall But I'm just embracing them now And I'll do an update on the episode Okay

Do you know what I want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? So last night, I got so, so, so wildly high with Ari. And it was just me and Ari. We were chilling on the couch. We were trying to watch Adam Sandler's new movie. And...

We randomly get into the deepest conversation, which if you know Ari, that is like one in every three years. Yeah, it's so rare. And not that we don't have amazing conversations and he's down to get deep. It's just usually we're just giggling and like whatever. But we get into this deep ass conversation and something that.

I feel like I've been feeling since I was like 25 and I have not been doing, I've been going against the way I feel, if that makes sense, is that I do want to be more elusive. Like, I feel like too many people know my business

And even again, I hate to bring it up again, but the Bryce situation really did make me reevaluate. Like who is my real friend? Who am I giving this energy of friendship to and my secrets to and caring about that like cares about me like that back and like would have my back back. You know what I mean? I love our friend group so much, but there's 12 of us and a lot of us.

are still not in that mindset and are in the partying and the drama and the LA scene and whatever. And like, I feel like this is something that a lot of people in their 20s could relate to because I feel like having a group chat with all your friends is such a thing to do in your 20s. But like, is the group chat toxic for our mindset? For sure. Like the way that like everyone fights in it or like if one person does... And everyone gangs up on each other. Like if one person does something wrong, like...

Lila for example Because it's always Lila Like if Lila does something wrong And then everyone is like I feel like the group chat It works Because it's like One person's not going to get through to her head She needs all of her friends to tell her Well we need the mob mentality That's why Sorry to cut you off But if I feel like she's wrong or something Or if I like I'll say it in there Because I know That someone will come back me up on it You know what I mean? Like the other day Amari stole a bag of chips

He did. And he posted it on his story and said, I stole a bag of chips. And he's like so drunk. And I just found it so embarrassing. Love you, Amari. I do things drunk and embarrassing all the time. Like I don't, I don't mean it like that. But stealing is like wrong. And here's the thing. I always say, I say this to the masses, steal from a major corporation. If it was a 7-Eleven, do your fucking thing. I don't, it's not, steal the chips if you really want to, but also you have the money. And I do also find that kind of embarrassing. So Amari, don't steal the chips. But,

Posting about it Yeah Is just So embarrassing And it's like I immediately sent it To the group chat And was like Cause I asked him to delete it Like I was like Amari delete this And he's like No I'm not gonna delete that I think it's funny Like he's like drunk And I'm like I'm sending this to the group chat So everyone hazes him Into deleting it For the greater good Of him and his brand And so on and so forth But like That's toxic

To like... Do you know what I mean? Yeah, to make everybody gang up on him and like... It's like if he can't grow up, then I can't haze him group chatically into growing up. And everyone kind of learns on their own time. I have an issue a little bit with like... Not so much with like Amari, but like Ari, for example. I have an issue with like feeling like... Not that I know everything, but like I...

we're so we're older than him and i'm a lot older than him and just like so like in certain situations i'm like i know everything and you know nothing and it's not correct but like i get so like fired up and it is probably really not good for my mental yeah i think that i'm just like i might be retiring my group chat and like falling off a little my group chat activity you can't fall off you're already you only get it half the day because you wake up at

I've been I'm I'm a new I've turned over a new page the old Tana is dead I'm so fucking for real you have been good I think I'm gonna keep being good like I feel I know I'm not as wild and I know I'm not as a lot of things that I do love about myself but I think that the last 75 days that I took of like I was still ready to go back and have fun but I think that I'm just I think I'm reforming this time you're just getting older I like I

I don't even know when it happened, but like, I don't go, like, I don't go out anymore. I don't go to the club. I don't go like to parties. Yeah. I don't even remember when that stopped happening. I just stopped. I think even that, like, I'm just, I go out and I see so many of the same people that are in their thirties and still going out every night to like chase this shit in LA. And it's such an easy thing to like get caught up in. You know, what's crazy to me is like,

So I'm 26 okay and I like I had that phase obviously when I was like first got here like 22 23 or 21 22 23 where I was going to the club all the time and I was with these like it's the same guys all the time and they were like in their 30s and I'm thinking about it now and I'm like what fucking losers like and they're still there and it's like if you're at the like club every day and you're like

Honestly if I were at the club every day I'd be like loser People say this all the time It's not some profound shit And I've heard it a million times But like a month and a half ago I saw this TikTok And this girl was like screaming into the phone And you know that's how stuff really gets through to me It's probably my childhood There's something about a motherfucker screaming Where I like I listen up you know Oh my god speaking of I'm like I mended my relationship with Ken Urich

I need to hear about that. I don't know. Oh, because she screams. Screams. Someone was just essentially saying like you're not going to meet the type of guy you want in the club. You're not going to meet. Like I think I'm just done surrounding myself in environments that like aren't aligning with my growth era. Yeah. We're like getting so sad that like our hearts broken by like a guy who posts music to SoundCloud. You know, it's like it's like.

That's like a different Like you're getting mad at him For just being who he is That's fair And that's the same thing With the guy you're finding At the club And then you find out Like he's a shitty guy And it's like yeah You found him at the club Yeah exactly And I think that that's just And just club friends Like gossiping I'm just I just I really want to like I don't think you have A lot of club friends Or like party friends But just like You know what I mean I'll go out to a party And I'll see a million people That I'm

Mutuals That I'm friends with So many mutuals And they're like Oh my god What happened with Bryce What's the draw I can't stop But it's like This just happened to me today I saw someone that I like Go out with her Like I'll see someone at the club And it's like Oh my god Who are you dating And like I'm telling them And it's like I just I think I'm entering My like secretive Green juice era Yeah like Yeah okay Do you know what Everyone needs to try Huh Celery juice Everyone has tried that Yeah

You haven't? Of course you haven't. They don't have that. I just started drinking it every morning. And Ashley would always tell me, like, drink celery juice. Like, it cleans you out. It helps with bloating, whatever. I drank a celery juice the other day. And I, my stomach was like speaking Hebrew. Like, I was bubbling. I was bubbling the house down boots. Houston, I'm deceased. I shit out everything in my literal colon. Like, DIY at home. DIY colonoscopy. Like, we have colonoscopy at home.

I love celery juice. I don't know. This is the most wholesome podcast I've ever done. It is really good. No, it tastes like shit, but it does. It gets the job done. The effects. Like I'm addicted to it. It's very LA. You want to know what happened to me? I actually already made a TikTok about it, but I was at Spring Place the other day and I told Ari, I was like, will you please help or will you stop to get gas with me? And I'm not kidding. This middle-aged woman turned around and she goes, you have to put gas in your car. She was dead fucking serious. I was like,

Yes I do have to put gas in my car And so does 99% of America I hate that part of LA You know what she said too She goes Do you care about the environment Bible Bitch Are you gonna buy me a Tesla Fuck you That is

Did you respond nicely? It was so crazy because I had just had this whole beautiful day with her. Okay. She was like sitting with us. We were all like vibing. She's like a very like notable woman. She's done a lot of like notable things, but I'm like. She's like famous. Hold on. Not famous, but she's like. Can you just say her name and we'll believe it? No, I don't know her name. She launched f***.

Oh okay but like but I was like that is such a crazy how many like there's so many Teslas in LA but like Teslas are expensive and obviously there's electric cars that aren't Teslas but just so strange like and they don't have a Tesla there's stuck people everywhere don't get me wrong but that is such an insane niche category of LA is like the stuck-upness like I like nice things you know what I mean but there will never not be the person in me who grew up the way I did so I'm like I'm

I'm just trying to think of examples like the dumbest shit just so LA like what category of people is that because we have LA assholes but it's like we grew up like less fortunate and now we are like more fortunate and it's like so we have that gauge but then also I have a lot of friends who grew up like rich as fuck who would never say shit like that I think it's an insecurity thing I think that like you think it's like people that woman something to prove that woman learned that because someone else did that to her and she felt like shit

Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Like tomorrow, I'm going to say that to some people. Come on. Like the earrings, your earrings, just like those earrings are a Bottega dupe, right? And I have them. I get them on Amazon. But every time I wear them, someone will ask me like, are those Bottega? And I'll be like, no, they're Amazon. And people will be like, Tana, that's so funny you say that in this same area.

Same instance Okay First of all You were I don't know if you were there The other day But there's a girl Who's always in that Like crowd Is she the one That is so fucking Insufferably annoying And never shuts the fuck up And has never been Hitting her face In her entire life I wouldn't say that But if I were gonna say that I would say it about her Um

I've never met someone who annoys me so viscerally. She's going on like a rant the other day. And like she was like... Or like she was like explaining this like concept like that she had. And she was like, say for example, you wanted like a Bottega dupe. And like pointed at my bag. And I have like this like...

Woven bag That is not a Bottega dupe By the way They don't have it on Bottega It's just It happens to be woven Which is like A quality of a Bottega bag And it's from Anthropologie It's from Anthropologie It's still like $250 It's not like a It's not like a cheap Like DHgate bag And even if it were Shut the fuck up Yeah But like to say that In front of everybody I was like Okay And this has been Your trigger Yes it is Because I'm like I don't buy dupes But even if I did Like it's

it's just so weird then the same these earrings they're from anthropology also i anthropology they night i grew up thinking that was like the nicest store i could never afford it yeah absolutely same still i had um i had them in and she same thing she goes where are those from where those from again and i told her um well these ones are amazon or something i said amazon and she goes amazon and i said to her i go you need to get your shit together like you cannot fucking say that to people like it's so and she was like i

I meant that's not what he meant but like who the fuck cares if your earrings are from Amazon like what a stupid thing and in my opinion like if someone said that to me I'm like oh my god send me the link that's such a win I'm not saying you can't have nice things but it's like like oh you liked them until you knew they were from Amazon so what does that say about you yeah you're a shit person or what you like tacky shitty fucking dupe earrings that says that says you don't even know

no wealth it is such a crazy crazy part of la though like that category of people who like you could get like whole milk in your coffee and like that same person is gonna be like i can't believe you drink that meanwhile they're on ozempic speaking of a maybe stuck up or a category of women that i don't necessarily love right i was gonna make a whole tick talk about this yesterday too like i was really thinking about this yesterday i go to equinox here in la which is

a gym, but it's like 350 bucks a month. It's, and I actually want to, I want to just talk about that for two seconds really quickly. That's so insane. The only reason I personally go to Equinox is because whenever I go to like a

Cheaper gym that's like around Hollywood Like an LA Fitness or a 24 Hour or whatever I meet a lot of people And as much as I love to meet the people who support me It's very hard to get a workout in And it's just awkward and embarrassing Because I'll be like dying, sweating, doing something so awkward And then they like stop me And then I'm so embarrassed and then I take a photo I look disgusting I'm like red faced Big t-shirt like sweating and like Whatever and just a lot of LA gyms Like that have a lot of homeless people whole night Like I do it so that it's like

I can kind of avoid a little bit of that and just get my workout in. Yeah. And you're like, Shawn Mendes is next to me. But the reason why everyone else pays for Equinox is for that reason. Like celebrities go and it's like people pay to just be like, yeah, I go to Equinox. Like it's one of those, you know what I mean? And maybe other people feel the same way as me. Maybe that's how like Shawn Mendes talking. I don't know, you know, but yeah,

It's not exponentially nicer. Like the Equinox makes all these TikToks of like, come look at our beautiful space. They'll always come up on my for you. It is just a regular gym in my opinion. I personally think it's amazing. It's pretty. I'm just kidding. I have an Equinox brand deal. I love it. I've never been. There are certain nice amenities. Like all the products in the bathroom are keels. Like some Equinox have like Dyson. Yeah, you're supposed to rob them for their products and shower there.

I do use all their products when I go in. There are certain nice amenities, but nowhere near that I feel like it's worth $300 a month. You know what I mean? But here's the thing. Because it's so niche LA, you're so cool if you go there, so on and so forth. So many of the women that go there show up like full glam.

And they show that like it is one of those like stuck up games again where it's like, where's your workout set from? Like mine's mine's Aritzia. Mine's this. Mine's that, you know. And Ty was talking to me the other day. He was like, you have all these nice ass workout sets. But every single time I see you in Equinox, you are in like a

Big baggy t-shirt That has like A fast food chain on it And like Beat up Nike shoes And like Your hair is falling Out of your head You know what I mean And that's just Because I've always been The type of person That like I'm like It's the gym I don't care You know And I get Oh I can meet a cute boy Or oh whatever Like it's I don't know I'm just there To do what I gotta do And leave You know But there's something About the bitches Who give me like Dirty looks for that That like piss me off Yeah you wanna be like What the fuck Are you trying to prove I don't know why I'm so fighty right now

So am I kind of. I don't know. When I'm sober, I'm more like aware of things and less patient. So I'm way fightier as well. But I think that the ones that are stuck up like that have kind of made me have a disdain for all women who are at the gym, at the gym with their glam and at the gym with their and there's probably so many nice ones, you know, but it's made me just like, fuck, fuck.

fuck you and your cream blush right now, you know? And I was going to make a TikTok about this yesterday and just be like, what is the point? And I know some people are like, I feel cuter, so I work out harder. That's fine. If you're doing it with like a nice thing, you know, whatever, it's fine. But I go to the gym and there's so many Equinox locations and

And there's a specific one that like everyone I know goes to. Like Jeff goes to it. Like so I always see people I know. I always see hot people I know. I always see people I've hooked up with whatever. And Ty loves this location because this one is kind of for the hot gays as well, you know. And so I'm always trying to go to a different one. But yesterday Ty was like, can we go to this one, please, whatever. And I'm like, oh, I hate that one, but I'll go. Like I just hope I don't see anyone I know. I'm looking beat. I walk in the gym. I walk up the stairs.

I'm wearing absolutely like no makeup. I look disgusting. Within two minutes of walking into this gym, I see a guy I fucked. Oops. Fucked too. Not even just like, oh, we went on a date or like, oh, we're kind of friends. Fucked. You know what I mean? Then he doesn't have, he can't say anything about you because he texted me a few days prior, weirdly. And so I ended up texting him and being like,

I just saw you at Equinox. Like, did I responded to what he said? And he was like, oh, my God, I thought I saw you, but I didn't recognize you. He didn't recognize me. Maybe he didn't have his contacts. He did. Thank you. You are such a good friend. I love Cotton Candy Land. I love to Lulu Land. He didn't fucking recognize. Why would he say that? To be fair, I look like somebody's auntie. Like, I looked really scary for sure. But honestly,

Maybe I should start going to the gym with you know brush your hair bold wear a workout set well throw some blush I'm I am in support of like the outfit only because it's like look good feel good do good like I used to dress up for like exams in college yeah it like makes you do better and I know I still failed every single one but like that's how I feel.

But I don't know I don't think you're unrecognizable without makeup on But you should have seen me yesterday I'm talking like beat face red Like Stairmaster for like 45 Yeah but there's something about like sweaty makeup That's so much uglier than having actual bare face Yeah but I will say like I looked at myself in the mirror Like I was not giving me Well wait till you have a six pack and then it won't matter

100% that's so fair But all that shitting on the gym makeup girlies And I think I might have to take a page from their book Was my point It's giving very Scottsdale mom To just be like I had this math teacher in high school Her name was Mrs. Engelman And they would call her Engletits Because she just had the best boobs That's crazy She would just be writing on the board In her cute little workout set every day And she would go to the gym before and after school every day And I wanted to be her so bad It made me sick

So like I feel like I would dress up for the gym just to be just like her. Wow. We can give you like a little nickname like that. Brooke. Brookeletits. They called her ingletits. Also, she was she wasn't engaged, but she made her boyfriend wait. Wait. Every single year they were together. He had to add a carrot to her ring. So she like when they did get engaged, she had like literally like also her boyfriend owned the gym. So that like helped.

Why did she want to be a teacher then? And like all of them in the country. Is it fuck to say? Is it fuck to say like? No, she was like literally out of the goodness of her heart because she did not. Oh my God. She like. So she was just all around like perfect. She was amazing. Shout out Inglepits. I wonder how she's doing. Mrs. Inglepits. Did you get married? Mrs. Inglepits. How are you doing now? Brooke. Yes. I appreciate you. What did I do? I don't feel like I've ever said this on the podcast.

And the other night at the stream, I had like an out of body and I was like, I really just love doing everything with her and life with her. That is so nice. Don't tell me that because I will cry. But it's just like you are so good at this and you're so funny and like touring with you. Like, I'm serious. There's no catch here. I'll cry. I just look. I just really love you and I really appreciate you. And I think you were...

you deserve all of the credit you receive and i hope you really know that that is so nice i really appreciate you as well you're also a really i literally will stop like i can't i can't get a compliment like that without sobbing you're just a you're a really good friend you always have my back and like this dynamic is beautiful and i never want to change it and i hope we're podcasting until we're 80 and as we're adding more tour dates now i want to cry oh i just really appreciate you i stop crying because if you weren't crying i wouldn't want to cry

I agree and I really like this little area you're in there like the because I feel like you're really caring about the caring just caring 100% in life do you I love you thank you for saying that do you actually I don't I can't remember if I've talked about this on canceled or not but I'm obsessed with these two podcasters they're like middle-aged ladies and their podcast is called no one ever calls me that oh but no she will they they like talk about it like yeah I mean

And it's called I've Had It. And they're like, they're just like, they're like us. But like in like 15 years and like, wait, are we middle-aged in 15 years? I don't even know. Definitely we're middle-aged now. They'll be like, I fucking had it with like my fucking neighbor, Karen. Like they're just like so funny. And I feel like that will be us. I think you've sent me them and been like, this is us. And I really do agree. They're so funny. And like, and she'll be like, tell him what you did. Tell him what you did. And she'll be like, I was constipated. So I used a spoon to take the shit out of her asshole.

And that's To be real with you That's where I'm trying To get cancelled at Like I'm I'm new to my Sobriety wholesome era So it's gonna take me A couple weeks to You know Have things happen And tell stories like that But I'm excited For more of cancelled To revolve around Things other than Sex Drugs Drama Yeah and we always say And life ruining Why do we have to like We have to ruin our lives To make a good episode And like I don't think that's true I don't think anyone In the audience is like I hope her week was shitty So that we can get a good story Like

I think that they just... I think they would like it just as much if we were talking about normal things. And I think that it's really cool. Like, shout out OG Call Her Daddy. Like, they would just talk about, like, dating topics and, like, answer, you know. Yeah, actually, that's the opposite of what you were going to say. Like, I would just love to, like...

expand yeah bro i think so too i think we can start dipping our toes in some in some like serious topics pretty soon here i'm excited i'm an intellectual i went to college i might know something right like and i also feel like guys are like oh my god i'm gonna end up on the podcast or they see our podcast and it's like i was swinging from four yeah what do you mean i'm getting ghosted right now because a man was scared of the podcast and i feel like i would love because guys always tell me like oh i watched an episode of your podcast or just people i have a crush on a random shit and i'm

And imagine they turn on the episode and we were fucking getting deep. Maybe it can benefit us. Maybe we can flip the script. That's why we have to have Jay Shetty on. You love Jay Shetty. We do have to have him on. Can't stop talking about him. He is like literally my idol. Would you fuck him? Sorry. He's married. He's married. He's married. He's married. But it's so crazy because him and his wife look so...

similar like you know how he has like the like the piercing eyes like yeah they she has them they literally look exactly the same i love couples like beautiful couple i love a siblings or dating ass couple but he is so hot i love a couple where it's like i look like i could potentially be related to him that's weird moving on i'm going to be a country music star i think you could do that texas tanny we talked about it on the trisha episode for 2.2 seconds but i'm serious brooke the past week i haven't even told you this i've really told anyone because are you practicing

No, I haven't been practicing. But I've gotten in contact with some of the best country producers and writers in the industry in LA. Wait, can I tell you what I did this week? What'd you do? I signed up for guitar lessons. And imagine if... Would you play my guitar? Yes.

I'm so excited. I'm serious. Remind me. Keep going, but I have a story to talk. There's a lapse in the country music market for lyrics. Gap. Yep. Gap.

I guess laps works too. For lyrics that talk about things like Saweetie talks about, sexy red talks about. Yeah, there definitely is a gap in that market. Probably for good reason. But actually, no, there's a country. Have you heard that country song that's going viral? It's but it's a man. It's like, I'm a cunt. No, no, no. Richmond, Northern Richmond? No, what's the one that's like, he's like, fuck him in the butt. Yeah, I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Okay, but here's the thing, though. I'm just saying there's no...

country music star singing. There has to be some Tanas in Arkansas. You know what I mean? Like there have to be some like like feral like when we went to Zach Bryan the other night, I looked around at the crowd and I swear to God, I was like, this is an untapped market for me. You and oh, you know, this is all about expanding. So I feel like you should you should tap that market. I'm going to try to make a country music song. I'm

serious and the genre is gonna be like can i do like the brianna chicken fry laugh in the background absolutely you could even like shake a little tambourine i'm learning to play the harmonica as we speak bible i ordered a harmonica it's on my amazon storefront if anyone wants it i did see it on your bedside table the other day i was like what's this about no i'm dead fucking ass i've been like learning to play little songs on my harmonica like when you're sober you just get bored as fuck for real let me tell you that much i'm always like why don't i make any money on my amazon storefront

Like nothing to write home about. Because nobody needs a harmonica. Like put some bikinis on there. Take a note from Alex Earl, bitch. I know. Like fuck. Oh my gosh. Oh wait, what was, oh, I was going to tell you, there's this Stevie Nicks song that she wrote about,

And it's like a hate song to her ex. But her ex was the lead guitar player. So he had to literally tour with her. And she was performing that song every night, like literally like about how much he sucked. That's the type of guy. And he had to play it. Every single time. That's the type of guy I would fold and get back with. Because it's like you are so awesome that you're able to do this. Like, oh, yeah.

Yeah, I'd be singing it and getting off stage like, you want a blowy? You know? For sure. That's hot. I think he could be a really good country music singer. I just think cunt-ry is just an untapped market. But I will say, like...

Dolly Parton like she did start the whole like being a sex doll and also a country music star. Yeah maybe I'm yeah I guess I'm just trying to take it a little more ratchet like Dolly's really talented like a lot of you know I'm not like I'm just saying like I'm trying to take it a little more. She's so amazing. A little more ratchet. I wish we could see.

I would if I could spend a day with anybody, it would be Dolly Parton. I really want to do a show in Tennessee soon just so we go to Dollywood to go to Dollywood. I'm serious. I texted everyone about it. We're trying right now. I can't wait. I have a Dolly Parton fucking enormous life size Dolly Parton in my apartment. And there's just something about the Tennessee men of it all. There's something about this is a hot take. OK, yeah.

But a Republican man who is maybe a little closeted and like has all the wrong values and like maybe hates himself and hates you a little fucks like no other. I feel like that was actually just every man I slept with in college because it was like Arizona. Oh, wow. And it's very it's very red over there.

I love that. I want this podcast to just be cuts to the next topic. Like, all of... Like, just, like, silence and then immediately new topic. No, I love... Because we've done that the whole way. Oscar edited it like that for real. Seriously, I'm not fucking kidding. Oscar's been getting goofy with the editing. Have you noticed that? Like, sometimes he'll do side-eye and it'll, like, slow-zoom. It's so funny. My eye won't stop watering. Do you want to talk about the motorcycle you bought or you don't think it's funny? You bought a motorcycle? I bought a motorcycle. Oh.

I don't know. I've been doing some weird shit lately. Motorcycle guitar lessons. I bought a motorcycle, but it wasn't like... I just wanted to have... Like, my dad was going to sell his motorcycle, but he didn't want to sell it. So then I bought it so that he could keep it. But now I have an asset. Yeah.

It feels like Monopoly. There's something. That's crazy. There's something about you right now in your muscle tea. Talking about buying a motorcycle. And you were saying like, they don't know if I'm 6'3". Like I just fully like left my own body and imagined you 6'3 with a motorcycle and like a muscle shirt on and some tattoos. I think I'd fuck you. Oh, yay. Some people think I am tall. A lot of people actually. And I feel like I could have like, I like that like cigarette mom energy. Like I would love to be like a cigarette mom.

Would you ever go like full butch mom? Maybe if it if I don't know Paige the other day was like just talk to me for the next like five minutes Like you're a hey mama's lesbian and I like really slayed it like too Wait honestly oh oh oh my dad's best friend is a hey mama's you met you A hey mama's is crazy but you met her at the canceled show remember I'm trying to meet the family You got me

You got me because you know that's my like if I'm gonna talk to a lesbian she's gonna be a hey mama's lesbian like that's so my vibe. Hey mama. I can't do it to you. I can't do it to you. Yeah but I'm so for like like three more tries and I feel like you could get there. Like it just naturally like I could I find myself on a daily basis refraining from like if let's like putting on basketball shorts and like grabbing my crotch like right now I just want to be like

sup bitch that's so kind you know and I can't but like maybe that's like my future maybe that's why I haven't been finding luck in my love life because I'm just I'm hey mama's coded maybe I wanted to start a segment where we start showing we play like five tiktoks on the podcast and like talk about them but I don't know if that's this episode maybe we like do a whole episode like that or maybe we just do it on our next or maybe we should we each have a tiktok of the week let's have a tiktok of the week

Should you do a segment where you go over your store page on Amazon? That'd be funny. That's what I'm saying. Or just the best TikToks I see for the week kind of like make a for you segment. Yeah. Wait, I have a couple. You have one? I did save this one, but it's just because I needed you to see it. It's that one like, you remember that random day in 2020 when we woke up and Trisha had done this? And she captioned it, prop offensive. Didn't she? Yeah.

Didn't Trisha like do a one year anniversary of that the other day too? I don't remember. Like she was like, it's been a year since I did this and like dressed up like it again or something, which is so, that's such a niche funny thing to do. Like one year ago since, like, but it's just nothing. If she did, I missed it. But just the caption, hashtag euphoric, will prop delete, prop offensive. This like feels so crazy to me that this kind of shit happens. Like that is, look. Don't say that.

Don't say that she's sensitive. That's my favorite thing I've ever seen. Like this. Like they had to talk about it beforehand. Like that's like cool. Like so cool. It's so cool to me. Like and crazy. Oh.

You sent me this TikTok and I hope you guys know that a lot of the TikToks that you tag us in that are like about canceled and shit like that. We do see a lot of them. We send them back and forth. But I think we should start paying like a little homage. Yeah, we should start. Because like that's fucking crazy. That is crazy. Like what? They were literally on a roller coaster. They thought of us. Now we have to go on it and talk about them. Would you ever go? You would never go on. I would not. I hate roller coasters literally more than anything. I'd rather. That's not even a roller coaster. That's like a death trap. Yeah, that's terrifying.

Do I keep going or no? With TikToks Or is it like just that's it Like we put the Trisha 100 I think next week we both commit to like We have a week to find like our TikTok of the week Like the best TikTok we saw this week and why Like you remember in maybe in elementary school I don't know if you had to do this But you had to do like a current event And you'd have to choose one news story of the week That like really hit you You know why they probably didn't do that in Vegas Because all the news is just about like cookers dying and shit Oh

I'm supposed to move tomorrow And I don't have a new apartment Like I have to be out tomorrow What are you gonna do? Just like squatter on up? Yeah I don't know You better figure that out Before we go on tour my girl I know that's the thing But it's like What can they do to kick me out? We leave for tour And yes they can kick you out I've been kicked out For that exact reason Of a place of residency No they Well they said that

I was a good resident. No, she said, you're a good tenant, so you can have a week. So I got a week, but I have to sign a lease like tomorrow. Yeah, we leave for tour in five days. Yeah. Six days. I'm really excited for this round of tour. By the time this is out, we'll actually be done with all of the shows. But I'm so excited to be wholesome and just have a wholesome little tour excursion and see what comes from it.

And then I'm going to New York Fashion Week, which I'm... Ugh, I was supposed to go, but the moving of it all. I wish you would go with me. It's so fun. I want to so bad, but like poor Murph is going to be so stressed. Well, guys, I hope you enjoyed this wholesome, sober episode of Canceled. We are turning over a new leaf.

a new leaf. We always say that, but like we love lying. We do love lying. We'll see how it goes. We're taking it day by day, but I feel very wholesome. I'm excited to get back out on the road. I love life right now and life is good. Make sure to subscribe, like this video, share it, comment, tell us things to do and talk about now that we're in our wholesome era. And if you haven't gotten tickets to our tour, it is linked below if any are left.

Yay. Next episode, I'm going to bring a tape measure and measure my head against yours. Goodbye.