Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig Audio Podcast

The Live Service AUDIO Podcast is a twice weekly bible study with Pastor Skip Heitzig from Calvary C


Total: 206

Bookstores are full of helpful leadership advice, but as believers we have access to the ultimate s

What Did I Say?


Do the words that come out of your mouth bless others and honor God, or do they bring bitterness an

Since the days of the early church, false teachers have claimed that a believer's faith is incomple

When our lives don't match our testimony, it gives unbelievers an excuse to blaspheme the name of G

Believing God


Just as young children ask their parents what is going to happen each day, we can find ourselves wo

You probably couldn’t find two people more different than the two examples chosen by James to show

Sharing God’s Heart


How Do I Change My City?


Every believer is called to share the gospel, but one survey found that most Christians have never

Saints and Sinners


When Faith Is Fake


According to a recent Netflix documentary, there are more forgeries of famous paintings hanging in

Ephesians 2


Faith and favoritism are incompatible. We have been saved by a loving Redeemer and we must be willi

Ephesians 1:12-2:7


After illustrating the blessings of salvation and new life in Christ, Paul shared his prayer that G

Do What It Says!


Mirrors are honest! Under well-lit conditions, mirrors reveal the truthful condition of the observe

Ephesians 1:1-14


Paul's letter to the Ephesians addresses the new life believers have in Christ, beginning with the

The Power of the Word


The Word of God is “full of living power,” wrote the author of Hebrews (4:12, TLB). It has the powe

Think like Jesus


The Temptations We Face


It’s one thing to be tested on the outside (trials); it’s another thing to be tested on the inside

Galatians 6


An old English children’s game followed the poem “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor M