Have a strong-willed child who doesn't respond to consequences, argues like an attorney, and refuses
Take advantage of our Christmas in July Sale! We have SLASHED prices on the Calm Parenting Package t
Visit CelebrateCalm.com/Teachers to watch Kirk’s 30-minute video showing teachers 10 ways to handle
PERSONAL HELP & 66% OFF. We have slashed prices to help struggling families. Email Casey@Celebra
Christmas in July begins NOW! We have SLASHED prices on the Calm Parenting Package this week. You Ge
We have SLASHED prices on the Calm Parenting Package this week. You Get ALL of our Parenting Program
When approaching conversations about heated/emotional topics, there are probably 10 tips I could off
Make THIS the summer you stop the power struggles and build your child's confidence. Over the past t
Misbehavior? This Works Better Than ConsequencesI like turning the research and principles into very
Click here to get the Calm Parenting University DVD and Workbook series for only $99 (Reg. $300). 40
Want Kirk's personal help? Click here to schedule a phone call with Kirk.60% OFF NOW. 25 HOURS OF ST
Moms Do Too Much & How A Dad Stopped a Power Struggle Over SchoolSo I almost sobbed throughout t
Moms, forward this to your hubby. "It would mean a lot to me if you would take 8 minutes to listen t
When Kids Question You or Your FaithYour child questions your faith or gets angry when you talk abou
"Dad, I Can't Please You." I remember the exact day when I realized that my son wasn't made like me
Use This Checklist for Unmotivated or Defiant KidsYou have a child who doesn’t want to do chores, sc
Take the Pressure Off Yourself & Your KidsDo you ever feel burdened trying to make sure your kid