cover of episode Stassi Schroeder: A Proud Basic Bitch (FBF) [VIDEO]

Stassi Schroeder: A Proud Basic Bitch (FBF) [VIDEO]

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Alex Cooper
Stassi Schroeder
Stassi Schroeder: 本期播客主要围绕Stassi Schroeder的个人生活展开,包括她对怀孕的感受、对时尚的独特见解、与丈夫的关系以及对过去在《Vanderpump Rules》中经历的反思。她坦诚地分享了怀孕期间的感受,包括身体变化、性欲减退以及对丈夫的依赖。在时尚方面,她回顾了自己曾经的OOTD假日,并对当下流行趋势发表了看法。此外,她还谈到了自己与丈夫的关系,包括他们如何处理分歧以及如何保持亲密关系。最后,她对《Vanderpump Rules》中的“Scandal”事件发表了评论,并表达了她对网络暴力的担忧。 Alex Cooper: Alex Cooper作为播客主持人,引导Stassi Schroeder分享她的个人经历和观点,并就一些话题进行深入探讨。她对Stassi Schroeder怀孕期间的感受表示理解,并就时尚、人际关系和《Vanderpump Rules》等话题与Stassi Schroeder进行了互动。她还就一些社会现象,如网络暴力和对名人的过度关注,表达了自己的看法。

Deep Dive

Stassi discusses her pregnancy, focusing on the positive aspects of not being confined during COVID. She mentions her husband's support, her craving for Aperol spritzes, and her approach to maintaining intimacy during pregnancy.
  • Stassi's first pregnancy was during COVID, limiting her activities.
  • She appreciates being able to work, travel, and socialize during her current pregnancy.
  • Stassi values compliments from other women, especially regarding her appearance.
  • She maintains intimacy with her husband despite a low sex drive during pregnancy.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up, Daddy Gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper, with Call Her Daddy. Finally! We did it. We did it. We're here. How's your mic feeling? What do you mean?

do you mean? I can't hear myself. Well, you, but you like, is it close enough? Oh, I mean, it's fine. Listen, normally I do it with headphones. So you're, it's a little mind fucky. So yeah. So I don't feel like I'm doing a real podcast right now. Should we be doing headphones? No, I look so much better like this. You look great. I used to do headphones and I was like, it's giving like more ogre vibe. Cause it's just like, so I'm like, just call you an ogre because you wear headphones in your pocket. But you know what I'm saying? No, it does. But I feel like I can't

Well, I'm not leading this podcast. You are. I can't lead properly if I can hear other things. Oh, okay. Like, do you have ADHD? You're like, no. I mean, I used to be addicted to Adderall, but I think I was just abusing it. I don't think I actually needed it. No doctor prescribed me Adderall. I did it myself. I did it. That's fair. I just realized I didn't even introduce you.

Stassi Schroeder, welcome to Call Her Daddy. Thank you. I'm so excited. No, like I know everyone says that, but I'm ridiculously excited. And this room is so chic. I'm just so obsessed with the color of this. The way it just is so good. These used to be orange and I got them in here and I was like, this needs to immediately change. Like you don't feel Call Her Daddy vibes from this. What is that noise?

A fucking plane. What do you mean? Sorry, sorry. No, because there has been something happening with our air conditioner recently that it sounds... Oh. It's like... And then I don't focus. Okay. That's probably I should be wearing headphones. How did you pick your outfit today? We were just talking about this. Okay, wait, no. I have to tell you this, okay? Because I haven't stressed out this much about a fucking outfit in...

I can't even tell you. It was harder to pick an outfit for this right now than it is to like go on tour, go on a red carpet, fancy outfits. Because let me explain. Okay. I want to match your vibe. You know, I'm not here to like...

Act like I'm going to some fancy gala. But you could. While you're wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. But Alex, not everyone looks as cute as you do in sweatpants as a t-shirt. And when you're pregnant and you feel like you look like a beast, it's extra hard. So like it would have been easier for me to just like really like find a nice dress or outfit that's chic and nice and cool. Like maybe like, you know, a little bit businessy. I don't know. Whatever. But this...

These are literally, I think this is like $10 from H&M. It's good. No, I'm not kidding you. These are maternity leggings. You walked in and I said, I literally didn't notice you were pregnant for a second. Like, I have questions about you being pregnant, but I forgot. Thank you. And I'm not just gassing you up. Like, I'd be like, you look pregnant. Like, you're not. Pregnant women everywhere need to hear that. Mm.

you know what if you see a pregnant woman on the street just be like you didn't even look pregnant like you didn't even like it took me a while to realize that's what we want to hear it's true and like the outfit is great because you were worried like am I sitting like can you see my belly first of all like let it rock but also it's because you're wearing all black you can't really see it that's what I'm here and the chairs are like also who gives a fuck you're pregnant that's amazing I

but I'm not one of those who, I wish I was one of those women like Rihanna that like, you know, wears, that has her belly out. I'm like, God, she looks so good. There's so many women that look so great like that. I've never felt that way. I feel best when I'm in bags, you know, this bag is looking phenomenal today. Thank you. Building a portfolio with fidelity basket portfolios. It's kind of like making a sandwich.

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So you're pregnant. How are you feeling? Honestly, I feel really good because this pregnancy isn't during it. It feels like it's my first pregnancy because my first one was during COVID. So I wasn't allowed to leave my house. Got it. You know what I mean? So I'm able to live my life this time around. I'm able to work. I'm able to travel. I'm able to go to restaurants.

You know, you probably didn't have anyone being like super sweet to and like holding the door. No, I never got that experience. I never got, you know, and that is like a rite of passage as a pregnant woman to be treated like a fucking queen. Wow. And you didn't get that. Now I'm getting it. So I'm just like feeding off of that energy, you know? Okay. I do love that for you because I do. I agree with you. Pregnancy and COVID obviously probably had pros of like, you don't have to leave the house. You can just. Yeah. So when you did look like a beast, it didn't matter. No one was there. What I'm

But I'm sure your husband still loved you so much. He says he did. Oh. Like, we're not divorced yet. So how does he handle your pregnancy? Like, what is he like when you're pregnant? I mean, he really is great. Like, I really did luck out with that. But he can't, like, he says that, he's like, I give you compliments all the time. I tell you how beautiful you are. I want to have sex with you all the time. I'm always coming after you. And I'm like, it doesn't matter. I need to hear those things from other women. Yeah.

I need to hear I look beautiful from other women. I need the compliments from other women. He tries so hard to make me feel good about myself. And of course, I want my husband to desire me and want me and think I'm beautiful and all of those things. But there's just something about a compliment from another woman that

That really is what like feeds my soul. That's what keeps me going. No, I get what you're saying. It's like there's a difference between like men objectifying us where like we get it and like obviously some men also like love when women are pregnant too. No, Bo's like that. So Bo is like, I wish I could, I mean, yeah, you talk about sex a lot. Oh, please. Yeah, I don't know why I don't waste. I don't know why. This is,

Brain fog. This is a good morning America. Sorry, sorry. Brain fog. No, it's okay. No, he's like, I want to, like, I love your pregnant body. It's so sexy. I love when you change in front of me. I love all this. And I just feel gross. So I'm just like, mm.

I mean, thank God. Because imagine if I, like, he was somebody who. No. Who didn't like a pregnant body. Which that is actually something I've thought about. I've heard women say, like, he really just, like, wasn't into the pregnancy thing. And in my mind, I'm like, I don't know if I could be with a partner. Yeah. That doesn't at least fucking fake it. But I guess you could probably tell if they fake it. You totally would.

Like Matt, like my partner, I don't even, I'm not pregnant and I pray to God I can get pregnant. But like if I get pregnant, all he talks about is like, oh my God, like I don't know how I'm going to control myself. And I'm like, what? Yes. But see, at least you have that. So it doesn't matter what side effects, like pregnancy side effects are, like he will still be so into you. But at the same time, it's a burden because I don't feel sexual whatsoever. Right.

At all. That's like I was going to ask you like how do you handle like I think women are great online that talk about their pregnancy but there's a little too much glamorization from what I've heard from some moms of like it's not all fucking great and sometimes you feel like shit about yourselves and sometimes it's like not the sexiest that you're feeling and so like can you talk about the real shit of like how are you feeling with your sex life? Oh my god no my sex I

I literally have zero sex drive, but I will say that I am a champion and I take one for the team in my household and I don't let it go like a week and a half. Like I will, if I've, if it's like a week and you know, three days, I'm like, I should probably do this. Like I'm being selfish right now. No, but I think that's so relatable. And I feel like people don't like to talk about that. I'm like, sometimes you got to just, and it's different if you're

like hooking up with a random guy and you're like, I guess I have to sleep with him. No, no, no. This is your husband. It's your relationship. Sometimes you're like, I'm aware I have no sex drive. I still love you and I'm attracted to you. And I want him to feel good about himself. And it does bond us. It's like once we do it, I'm like –

oh, I'm so glad I did this. I should do this more. Isn't that the worst with sex? You're like, if sometimes you're two in your head or you have no sex drive that month or whatever it is, you're like, I literally can't even get myself there. I know I love him, but like, I'm not there. And then afterwards you're like, we should do that more. And they're like, fuck you. I know. Fuck you. I literally ask you all the time. Sometimes it just takes like going through the act. Yes. 100%. Yes. Okay. Do you have like an alter ego when you're pregnant?

This is how I think of myself. When I'm pregnant, I feel like I'm Santa. I'm not joking. I just feel like this round, jolly being. What is your alter ego? So I'm Santa.

Through and through. Like, don't get it. No, like, for real. Like, I look in the mirror and I'm like, everything's round and I'm just jolly. And I'm just, you know, I'm so excited about the baby that, like, and I'm sober. So, like, you don't, I don't get depressed that easily when I'm pregnant.

Right, right. You're not like having the up and down of like getting hammered one night waking up like regretting your life. Backing up, you are like the queen of OOTDs. Thank you. Like I remember literally like back in the day like everyone would start hashtagging it but you really like owned it. You're like this is my motherfucking outfit of the day. I bought a national holiday. What a waste of money. Yeah. Honestly, that's so cringe. You actually bought it? You have to buy it. You don't just get to like own holidays for free, Alex. Like how much did it cost?

is this going to be embarrassing? It's so embarrassing. I think it was like $40,000. No, it was. No, it's so embarrassing. And you guys, I would not do it again. OK, I would never just throw away that money to have a holiday. But at the time I was like, oh, this is good branding. I was just in like business mode. My book was coming out. I'm like, I think that this is good branding. So it's like I'm putting money into my

That's how I felt. But no, I mean, hold on. What exactly? That feels like when people buy like a fucking star in the sky. Can't we all just honestly like that one time? Like what day is it? It's June 30th. Okay. And it's not like on all of our calendars. Like Apple didn't upload. Like, so how do we even know you own it? Like, what was the point of buying it? Well, so can I tell you something that like you own it for a year and I didn't know that.

And so the next year came around and they were like, all right, you got to pay for it again. Or like the dude, I think it was just the same amount of money. I'm like, you're out of your fucking mind. This is a lifetime commitment that you think I'm going to spend this every year. So now technically, I think on the list, if you were to like search the list, my name isn't even up there anymore. But everyone on Instagram, it's already been hashtagged and all of that. Do you really think you had to buy it?

They thought I would. Like honestly, Alex, I like $40,000. I'm so embarrassed. I'm so embarrassed. No, I think it's. I don't care if people come for me because like I deserve to be come for. I agree. But I think it also gives though a little bit of credit to like you really were committed and like you are. To the OOTG. I also just can't believe it was $40,000 for a year. Yeah. No, a year. Maybe not the best business decision. No. But I respect it. You loved it.

You know who I respect? The people who came up with this business. I was people who are just who are like, you know what? I'm going to own a national social media calendar. How does one get the authority? And were you just like a little miss like Googling? Like, how do I get my own day? And like, I think I asked like my agents or my publicist and I was like, how do I get my own day?

how do I find my own holiday? And they were like, I want one. Okay, well, this does give you credibility. Why? I don't know. I just feel like you, that gives you some type of credibility. Like in the fashion world, like you're giving, like you're, you're dedicated. First of all, the fashion world,

They don't say OOTD. No, you're right. You are. I just literally ostracized myself from the fashion world. You're like never getting invited to anything fashion. 100%. But you like fashion. I love it. Yeah. Okay. What clothing staple did you used to wear that you would not be caught dead in now? Like what's something that you were like, oh, I fucking love this shit. Now you're like, huh? Statement necklace. Statement necklace.

I rode so hard for statement. I remember that. You know what? They will come back again. Not in the way that I wore them before. I mean, like they weighed me down like they were. It was like they were battle like to wear into battle like the plates of armor. Like it was. It's insane. If you look back on like Vanderpump Rules interviews, I'm like, who? How?

How did I think that that like your whole chest that it was that was the outfit, but it will come back. That's what like I was going to ask you like what's a trend that you're like so not into but I don't really care about trends because I'm like it always comes back. Yeah, it's not an actual trend. It's like this is fashion and it's just what's in what's not sure but like it's going to come back. It does it always comes back and you know now I'm to the point.

God, I love Gen Z. I really do. I really appreciate them because they have this like anything goes mentality about fashion and clothing that I just really fucking love because I feel like while they do follow trends –

They don't. At the same time, it's kind of like just express yourself and wear what you feel comfortable in and what you like. And I've found what looks I like. And whether they're dated or not, I kind of don't care. And Gen Z gave me permission. You know what? I agree with that because I feel like back in the day when I was growing up, if you didn't have like the double popped Abercrombie polo with like the lace pull and like the denim skirt and the leggings and the...

You're like, you're a loser. Who were you? You were nobody. Exactly. You were a loser. You weren't in the in crowd. And so like, I remember begging my mom, like, I know this is so expensive, but like, this is literally for my social equity. Like, I'm not going to be respected on dress down days if I can't wear this. 100%. No one actually cares that much anymore. No one cares. You can get away with so much. And what a glorious time to live.

You're right. And everyone loves the dupe. Like everyone's like down for like if it's real, actually people are like that's like nasty. Yeah. Why are you spending money? Yeah. Like why are you buying national holidays? Like that's giving the same energy. Wait, can I just say this? Yeah. Okay. So when you were in Milan, you were there for Prada, right? Yeah. I was just talking to my hair and makeup person about this. I was like Alex in Prada is such a good... Stop.

like mix and vibe and relationship you are such a good Prada girly so like I hope that that like keeps going that keeps going and just like builds into just like something bigger because that was like I would not have thought that neither until I saw your photo no me either saucy well because I just see you just being casual and everything but then I saw you in your looks I'm like

Yes. I really appreciate that because I will say I was nervous because I too never envisioned like what fashion house would I like jive with the most. Yeah. And when I found the Prada moment, it felt so me and I actually felt so comfortable and confident, which like I...

never fucking going into these type events feel confident because I'm like, I'm a poser. Like I don't wear this shit all the time. Yeah. But now Prada, I've started to like buy my own shit from Prada and be like, I actually feel like if I'm dressing up, Prada feels right for me. No, it does. So I appreciate that. It really fit well. I loved it. This is like a really random fact that I learned on Selling Sunset and I don't know if it's true for everyone. So I need to ask you this. Okay.

On Selling Sunset, there was a woman that's pregnant and it was her first time being pregnant. Right. And she was asking advice from other moms and the other mom was like, oh, by the way, girl, like, yeah, you can't shave your V after like a certain amount of time. No, I can't see. I go rogue. No, literally. Like this morning, I just, I guess. You just guess. I literally feel around and I'm like, hmm. Okay. Okay. That's good to know. So like you actually can't see it. But then that woman was like, so I just didn't touch it.

I don't, I think it'd be way too itchy for me. And then she was like, or have your man do it. Oh, no, I wouldn't. I don't trust any. No, I don't trust him with a razor. That just does not sound enjoyable. No, you can't see at a certain point. You can't, you just have to feel for it. Yeah, I can't grow it out. It's way too itchy. Right, because that's what I was thinking. Like, at least if you're,

If you can't see your vagina over the belly, you're at least going to go rogue. But like, you'll just, you're not getting it completely bald. You're just getting it down to a place where you're comfortable that you're not itchy. I mean, I try to get it, but I try to do as much. And you're just like, you can't see shit. I can't see shit. I mean, we've done it for so long that like. That's true. It's like muscle memory. No, that's true. I do have a lot of women that still write in that are like, can you like give us a tutorial on like how to shave? And I'm like, girls, like, let's.

Let's not. Wait, it's, like, really easy. Like, this show, you can come here for a lot of things. But, like, I feel like you can, like, look it up somewhere. And, like, we don't need to go that into it. Okay, and if, like, you're pregnant doing it, like, someone that's not pregnant and you can see that shit, like, just take your time. No excuse. Yeah. Okay, you have written two New York Times bestsellers. Mm-hmm.

Congratulations. You little brainiac over there. It is really exciting when I hear it, when I hear other people say it, I'm like, God, like, you know, we all suffer from imposter syndrome. I feel like all of us. Yeah, we all do. It's like, well, you know, I wouldn't have that if I wasn't on the show and blah, blah, blah. And I wouldn't have that if this didn't happen. But like, you know, no, that's really fucking cool. Yeah, it's no, it is really cool. And I think it's also amazing that you've done two now. Well, I'm working on my third right now. Yeah. Yeah.

Wait, how long does it take you to write a book? A long time. I worked on the proposal six months. Six months I worked. And it wasn't like that for my second book. And like my first book actually came a lot quicker to me. Also, this third one, it's harder because like I'm really trying to be – the way that I write, it's like I have to be specific about like with one thesis. And then everything spiders from that. Yeah.

And I'm just like struggling. I was struggling a little bit with what that was. So it took me a really long time just to do the proposal. Well, I was going to say like, I think there's so many people in Hollywood that have like that one book and they're like, peace out. I just wanted to say I wrote a book. Clearly you like really like doing this. Oh no, I love it. And that's why I started like for the first one, I was like, I want it to be a handbook so that if I wanted to keep going, the theme could change. So it's always still like a basic bitch handbook to something that

It's just depending on what's going on in my life. It's such a good idea and so I want to play a game. Okay. So the whole like basic bitch handbook, clearly first question is can you help us all decipher what is the difference or is there a difference between choogy and basic? Okay, well personally what I think. I think choogy is kind of cringe. It's like, you know, like cringe clothing or cringe, you know, things that I don't know. There's a cringe element to choogy. Okay.

I personally think that anything that's basic, it's just like leaning in so hard to something that you really love and doing that unapologetically. It's like if you really love rom-coms or if you really love murder docs and just like leaning in and it's like, oh God, you're so basic. But like, but it makes me happy. It brings me joy. It's like leaning into the things that like really bring you joy and not giving a fuck if it's like what's crazy.

Basic to me kind of is a timeless situation where like basic also means that a lot of people though are doing it and it's just something that kind of is timeless. Yeah. And it's and there's a reason those things are popular because they feel good or they make you happy or like I don't know they fucking spark joy. So like I'm Santa being basic Santa over here. You're like I can say it. You can't say it Alex.

Okay, we're playing a game. You're going to tell me if it's basic or not. Okay. And also you can just give me your thoughts on the topic in itself. Okay, number one. Aperol spritz. Are you fucking... That's the most basic. No, it's like...

I crave it every day. That's the worst part of pregnancy. The worst part is that I can't have multiple Aperol spritzes all day, every day. Dude, okay. I make Bo make them, so I'm like, I'm going to have three sips, and I literally swish it around my mouth for as long as I can. Spit it out? No, I swallow it. It's like my baby can handle a few sips of an Aperol spritz. But, like, I literally swish it and hold it in there, and I'm like, ugh.

Oh, that felt good. That feels good. That feels good. I love them so much. And I think people consider them basic, but I think they're great. So that's great. Okay. Get ready with me videos. Oh my God. So I didn't know what this was. And I'm a big TikTok fan. Okay. Okay. Okay. And all of a sudden I just kept seeing G-R-W-M. M. Everywhere. And I was like...

grown woman. I literally was like, what the fuck is everybody writing grown woman? Like, what is this stuff? Because not all get ready with me videos look the same. They weren't all makeup. Some of them are like picking outfits. So like there was no theme right away. And most of the time it's a woman doing it. Yes. So like I thought grown woman was the vibe. And like it took me like a few months to realize I feel like that it was get ready with me. And I

This is the thing. I tried one. I put one out like three weeks ago and... How'd it do? I feel like the kids loved it. Really? Although I will say, everyone was commenting being like...

wow, 2016. And I'm like, oh, wait, I was trying to do a thing. You know, I was really trying to do a get ready with me. And everyone's like, this is so nostalgic. You do your makeup like it's 2016. But I'm like, that's because it works for me. Who cares? At least you're not trying to like pretend you're in a generation you're not. Yeah. Like, you know, putting the like foundation, like letting it drop on your face. And like, I, I,

I can't I can't I can't fuck with that. Like it kills me every get ready with me that I see that people are just dropping the liquid on their face. Like it's so it's so not appealing. Wait, how do you do it?

I don't do it like me you drop it no no I don't I don't I'm just interested like how do you do it okay well I take my foundation and I have a tin and I pour some out and then I in your hand no on a tin oh and then I use a brush or a sponge and like a normal fucking person and then do the damn thing do you think they're on to something that we don't know though no I don't either I think they're bored and I think that they're just coming up with

new ways to do makeup when like what works already is there. So like I don't get it. The fact that you thought that it was grown woman. No listen Alex I also got a lot of comments from people being like I thought the same thing. So there are lots of millennial women out there who are thinking that it is grown woman. I get it. GRWM. Grown woman. How would anyone just automatically know get ready with me. What about GR makes you think grown? Uh

Good point. I like it. I think it's funnier. I think we should start leaning in and be like, grown woman video coming right at you. Okay, Tom Tom. Basic? Not basic. You know what I'm going to say? But I think it's basic. But like, again, I love things that are basic. But like, you can't get any more basic than like the representation of Vanderpump Rules in bar form. True. You go there.

I don't really because I'm asking for attention if I go there. Do you know what I mean? Like, I really love it. And I'll go there if it's someone's birthday. So I'm going for someone. Yeah. I mean, but if I go there, everyone's going to take photos. And I'm like, no, I'm not. I get it. I get it. Oh, Zempik. Oh, my God. I really want to try it when I give birth.

Like, I want to go on it now, but I am pregnant, so I'm going to wait. No, the amount of times I've researched this being like, I mean, I think it's safe and healthy. Like, I think it's good for you. It's like taking vitamins. Stassi. Stassi.

I how do we put a disclaimer like nothing That was said in this podcast medically Please do not listen to this but like Come on you it's basic if anyone who Hears about ozempic has to fucking be Curious you are a liar if you tell me That you have not thought about it I Thought about jumping on that train I mean Not you don't need it I don't mean you But like you should think about I get what you're

what you're saying I think it's this is what I've started to realize and maybe it's just like with age like I remember one of my things on here was bone broth and I was thinking about the all the debate with Gwyneth when everyone was like you are like promoting bad eating that like for people that's not realistic and it whatever and I'm like

why does everyone care? No, like she didn't say to only eat bone broth for you. She was just being honest. Would you rather lie? She's just telling her story. She's literally just she's trying to be transparent, which is what everybody is asking of people. Please be honest and transparent. So then you can't get mad about what you hear when someone is being transparent or honest. So have I Googled Ozempic and what it would be

thinking about it yes I am because you were just talking about bone broth my first pregnancy I ate bone broth for dinner for six fucking months after I gave birth and I kind of don't feel like doing that again I love that for you I'm like I don't want to I want a quickie I want an ozempic bone broth one

I love the honesty because that's what I got annoyed where I was like, I think people are really getting too triggered. Like Gwyneth wasn't like everyone should do this. She was asked what she eats in a day. And instead of being like a cheeseburger for dinner and she just told you, you don't have to do it. You don't have to do it. Like, would you want her to lie to you? And then you're going to wonder like, wait, why don't I look like this when I'm eating a cheeseburger for dinner? And like,

I want to know that it's a struggle for Gwyneth. I want to know it's a struggle. Me too. And I also love, it's like people need to realize, I know the whole world influencer has really taken over, but like look inward if you're being really heavily influenced by every single influencer on the internet. Yeah. Let's. Totally. Just do a little check. Yes. Just a little check in. Just be responsible for yourself. Be responsible for yourself. Okay. So Osempi.

Ozempic. Okay, so she's going to go on Ozempic. You're going to tell us how it goes. You'll go on it. Someone else doesn't have to. Exactly. Okay. And then you're going to feel how you want to feel and they can feel how they want to feel. While they're on the elliptical, you're going to be...

You're going to be like, look at me now. Do you think you'll be promoting it that like you're on it or you won't talk about it? I would like to think that I would be somebody that promotes it and talks about it because again, I really do. I love when other people are transparent and honest. So I want to be that for other people. But like, God, people are really hard. People are really hard. On things like that. And it's like, do I feel like going through –

all of the hate that I'm gonna get if I'm honest about it unfortunately you're on call our daddy right now saying you're gonna do it you know what would be the worst if if you actually don't go on ozempic and you're like in the gym and they're like that bitch is on ozempic you're like no guys I'm actually I totally probably just fucked myself right no matter what they're all either they're like it's not working or it's working and you could have been doing it like organically yeah okay well keep us updated what do you think about manifesting

I'm so basic. You manifest? I manifest the shit out of life. I think I've naturally been manifesting my whole life and just like not know when we were growing up manifesting wasn't a word that we like really yeah the way that we use it now. Totally. But I think that I've always just been that way and I really I really do fucking ride so hard for manifesting because I feel like

What works with manifesting is like you just envision that the things that you want are going to happen. Right. And then you slowly start working towards those things whether you realize it or not. True. And like –

that is manifesting it's like quite simple that's true okay give us an example what's something like big you manifested and like boom it happened my whole entire life I wanted um to live in a Spanish style home in the hills okay okay and I when it got to the point where I was looking at at houses like it just so seamlessly happened and I realized that like wow I had been like

for this and working towards this. And I'd always just said it. And then I was like, I should have manifested bigger. I should have been like a ten million dollar house.

Spanish style house in the Hollywood Hills. Like, why didn't I manifest a yard attached to that house? Like, fuck. I get what you're saying. But like, okay, so you had this vision and now it's come true. Yes, because then I like, I saved the money in order. Like, I started like, or I would accept this job and put that money away to like start being like, this is going to happen for me. So I need to prepare for it when it does. So kind of like back in the days, they would just say like, a dream you have. Yeah, but not now.

Like a better word that's like a little bit more like proactive. Basic as fuck. Basic as fuck. Okay, are you watching reality TV shows? Well, I just recently started watching Vanderbilt. Dude, were you not watching it? No. And then you had to catch up. And then once Scanwell happened, I was like... I gotta catch up. I didn't catch up, but like I will...

I've seen like the last three episodes. So like I've been like, I should probably... I'm interested. I want to see. That whole drama, I can't imagine how annoying it was for you because like how many people wanted to hear your take on it? No, you have no idea. In fact, like it's interesting that you say that, that you can see that. That you can see that that would maybe be annoying. Like when it happened...

Like, it's like one of those things I joke about this that like, you know, it's like when there's like a natural disaster or a world event and like you never forget where you were that day. And like you could be at work or at school and then like you stop what you're doing and like you you get with your coworkers and you find the nearest fucking TV. And then years later, you're like, I'll never forget who I was with and what we were doing. That's how I feel about fucking Scandaval. Like, truly, I can't imagine. Like, what was your take?

Well, at first I was just like, I don't think that this is real. But then I'm like, this is – I start texting the people that I know, obviously. And I was like – I mean, just like I think everyone's – the same as everyone's reaction, like, holy fuck. And then I was like, I feel like –

I'm thrown right back into something that I've been away from for so long. But it's like, is it my place to be a part of it or is it not my place? I don't know. And then I have all of these people just DMing me. I mean, I've never been DMed more about anything than I was about like, I'm commenting and attaching or tagging me and it being like, I'm going to need Stassi to weigh in. I'm going to need Stassi to weigh in. I'm like, but I don't know if it's my placing.

anymore and I've been out of this for so long that like I think it would be kind of fucking weird if I'm like going on my Instagram being like this is my take on yeah and like it was all it was it's been kind of like a mind fuck which is weird to say because it's not even happening to me I kind of agree and I that's what when I when I had Ariana on I was like it was actually so weird because the amount of people that were like fuck like we kind of wanted you to have Raquel on and I was like this is why I also hate you

the internet so much because whenever I have villains on the show everyone's like canceled when I don't have them on then they're pissed but when I have them on they're pissed whatever but did you ever like Tom Sandoval no I mean no and he never liked me and that's the thing you know I will say this not being on this last season it's like my my talents were wasted because I could have this was when I could have really just like given it to him and been like I've always

always knew right right there's got to be something that everyone is seeing in him but like he I feel like has always been a slime ball well that's interesting that you say that just because I felt like he was always so beloved and so and I would even I would say to my producers I'm like when is he gonna get the edit that like I I feel like the rest of us see like why does he keep like getting away with being just this dude who just wants to like give people things and help people out man

me and and like all of that I'm like that's not what I'm seeing I'm seeing somebody who's constantly put like blaming others for things and dredging things up from the past and like and just deflecting constantly yeah like if like the rest of us look bad then he looks good and right and I've always felt that way and so yeah you know the fact that I'm not on it this season it's like fuck you know yeah do you miss reality TV

I miss reality TV at times. Like, I loved filming. I love, like, that was, it was like all my 20s were spent doing that. And, you know, I love the camaraderie of it and I loved all my producers and the team and the cast. Like, it's fun. It's really fun. But, you know, there's something about, like, being out of it for so long and I watched it, like, the success of a show is, like, directly tied to...

How badly the cast hurts each other. Yeah. And that like feels weird. I agree. It's like I think that's something that we're struggling with now. Is like watching it because there is social media. I...

I feel like people are having a harder time like actually choosing a villain because it's also weird of like but then that person's life is actually ruined on social media and people are getting cancelled and people are getting death threats where like back in the day you kind of like the never saw the people and it was like whoa that was a great show where now it's like a little bit like oh people have to be really calculated to fuck shit up and like how how far are people going to ruin each other's lives and is it honest is it

real like I don't know yeah it just it's weird it's dark like when you really think about it it's fucking dark right like I feel like there's a I think you have a good life now outside of it it's almost better to be nostalgic for it than be still in it and like look what's happening right now no I think so too because I think you know obviously I get asked all the time like would you go back to reality tv would you go back to vanderpump rules all that stuff and I'm like I don't I I

There might come a time when I'm like, oh, this makes sense. This type of reality TV makes sense for me or whatever. And this is a reflection on what really my life is like. It might be a little more boring than what you're used to seeing. But it's at least a little bit more authentic where you're not having to really create that character again. Yeah. But I don't think I'd want to put my family in a position to be in something where, again, the success is tied to how much you can hurt each other. And I just don't.

I don't... It's not, like, a healthy place to be. Like, it's not good on relationships. You can be in the strongest relationship. And, I mean, if you think about it, it's like Vanderpump Rules is, like, who's betraying who? Who's cheating on who? Who's being shady? And, like, sometimes they, you know...

Things are invented that like never even happen. And so to put that stress on a relationship and then if you have children on top of that, I'm just not sure that that's like the healthiest thing for me. But I do miss it. No. I do. I get it. Like it's almost like reality TV to a certain age should be appropriate because you actually, your life is toxic and chaotic. Like season one, it was like you were so,

so like in the best way unhinged and like saying shit but like I was like that with my boyfriends when I was in my late like early 20s then I think when you get to a certain age it's like how you're just fucking your life up yeah for camera yes yeah who are you friends with still from the cast

Well, Katie's one of my best friends in the world. She's Hartford's godmother. She was my maid of honor. And I'm still really close with Lala. And honestly, the producers, like I'm, I hang out with the producers more than most people. Like they're some of my closest friends. Really? Yeah. So it's so weird to like,

be hanging out with them and we kind of don't talk about it that much. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like the show part of it. But now that like Scandal Malls happened, we talk about it a lot more, I guess. How do you feel about how much hate Tom is getting online? I mean, obviously I've been in a position where I've received so much hate before and like that's, I don't like where we're at like in society where like that's how we punish people. It's like a sense, it's like, it's,

It's like emotionally beheading people. Yeah. You know what I mean? And it's and who's to decide what the punishment should be? Like who who makes someone the authority on that? Like what makes this person on their computer the authority on on what they think is enough hate for him to receive? Right. I don't get down with that. Like I really I don't like it. Like do I like Tom Sandoval? No. Do I think what like what he did is disgusting and like

fuck him but like I see now I feel like I'm even adding to it like the online vitriol but there's a level of like if you're being asked about it you can talk about it and I think everyone with their friends can talk about it but I do think there's like a level of

were just as bad of like people that are going out of their way to comment on his photos or something and be like go fucking kill yourself you're so disgusting it's like that it's like that that that no one like let's let's just like not do that as like a group of people let's just not you probably didn't say that to

fully to like even your dad when he cheated on your mom and you guys have a divorced family now like there's so many people that have gone through sadly something very similar like cheating affairs like that and it's awful but like we don't know these people so yes they put their lives out there for us but like at what point is it like

talk shit to your friends in your group chat but to actually make an effort to like go wait outside of his house or to go make comments it's like let's and at some yeah and at some point like that is how people become incredibly depressed and then suicidal and it's like how would we all react if we knew that that's how it ended one of yes yeah how what

It just, it's not right. You were obviously so different back in the day as we all are of like in your early 20s versus where you're sitting now on the show. You were probably one of my favorite characters because it was like-

I was watching a scene this morning. I was trying to, I was like telling my friend, I was going to sit down with you. I'm like, no, you don't understand. Like no one was more iconic than Stassi. Like she would go into these like rage blackouts basically that looked like it on screen where you were just like, I am the devil motherfucker. And like, just the shit you said was like so gold. And I'm like, are you going to ever let your daughter watch the show?

I can't hide it from her forever. Like, so, of course. I honestly just hope she learns from my mistakes. Like, I hope she sees it and cringes and is like, you were fucking awful. And like, I don't want to talk to you for two weeks. And I'm like, fair. And then she just literally goes, you know, that just swings her in the opposite direction. And she just wants to be this like lovely, kind child. But like, that's fair. You know. Okay. How would you describe yourself back then versus now? To someone maybe that didn't watch the show.

Didn't know you. Oh my God. I mean... Oh my God. I think so incredibly selfish. Like, I still have selfish tendencies. Like, 100%, that's always going to be a personality trait. Love it. Sorry, it is. But like...

I really truly thought the world revolved around me. I thought that everything that I was going through mattered to everyone. I just felt like what I had to say was so important. I was also one of those people that's like, I just tell it like it is. You got to just deal with it. And now that I'm older, like I don't like that.

about myself and I think that's such an overrated quality because all you're saying is like you don't care about how your words affect other people so like sometimes like it's good to just think before you fucking speak you know it's like called being polite and gracious true like I just like and there are still people that like you know are in that reality tv world that are still like that that are just like well I tell like it is I'm honest like if you can't handle the truth then like I'm not for you and I'm like but do you really want to be that way

I get what you're saying about like holding yourself back for maybe speaking about certain things. But again, the environment that you were in, like that is what would make you a better person on reality TV. Yeah. No, totally. So it's like, like it's almost like you were rewarded when you would say crazy shit. I was. Now it's like when you're in private with friends, maybe.

maybe we don't bring that into real life. Correct. But I get what you're saying of watching it back. You're like, why did I say that? That's how I feel about when I look back at my, the earlier days of my show. I'm like, why did I say some of that stuff? Yeah. That's also life. Yeah, no, that's true. But we just happened to be like recording our lives. Yes. And we were rewarded for it. Just like you were rewarded for like things that would come out of your mouth. It's like, that's, that's how we're paid to be. Totally. Like to say crazy shit. Yes. What do you miss most about being in your twenties? Being selfish. Yeah.

Leaning into it. Right. And like not knowing that it was wrong. Right. Right. You know? It's the delusion. Yeah, it's the delusion. It's like the not knowing any better and just really living for myself. But at the same time, it's like I am such a happier person not living for myself. Yeah. Like as like fun as it all was to be reckless and selfish, like I am so much more at peace and such a happier person. Yeah. Yeah.

Now that I'm not like that. I get what you're saying. Like I was thinking about that as I wrote that question today. I was thinking like, okay, I am 28, but I almost feel like I'm already 30. And I am like my earlier stages of my 20s. I feel like I thought I was having so much fun in the toxic relationships and going out and drinking, getting fucked up and blacking out and like really

waking up and having all my friends in the room be like I just ruined my life and that's also like life but there is some different level of peace you feel once you get over that hump where like I don't wake up with that anxiety of like what did I say to that person like was I like mean like did I fuck up like did I do something like I don't know it's like calmer it's like nicer it is I mean there's like

a reason that elderly people are like, my idea of fun is staying in and watching Downton Abbey. It's because our preferences change as we age. True. And I agree with that. Staying in and watching Downton Abbey is the most fun you can have. Do you often hang out with elderly folk?

I should, honestly. I should find myself a pack of elderly friends. I was going to say, like, come over one night and there's, like, seven people that you just, like, went and picked up from the elderly home. I mean, I'm always down for granny vibes. I do love granny vibes, too. What do you love most about being in your 30s? In my 30s. Oh, my gosh. I think that I've learned that, like, the power of saying no to things and not caring about

like, well, if someone can be mad at me if I'm not going to what they just asked me to do or if I say no to like a FaceTime or like I don't respond to a text message. Yeah. Like I've prioritized as much as like I, it's funny that I'm saying this because it sounds like I'm being selfish, but I've just prioritized my, my,

happiness and well-being and I know how to do that and not worry about like, well, so-and-so going to be mad at me. If I say no, like I'm allowed to say no. I'm allowed to say no. Yeah, you are. I love that too because there's like, I get what you're saying. It sounds selfish, but there's a different level of maturity of like a freedom that you get instead of feeling like, oh my God, but it has to be calculated. If I don't text them, it's because I'm like being mean. This is actually, I'm not being mean. I'm not being mean.

I'm just there's just things that I don't want to do. Yeah, I'm just kind of busy and I don't want to do that. Or like I'd like to stay home with my daughter tonight. Like I just like it's not for me. And honestly, I don't even owe an explanation. No, like knows all I have to say. What's the difference between Stassi hammered in her 20s versus Stassi hammered in her 30s?

Oh my god I miss being hammered. I know. How long? How much longer? I'm due the beginning of September. That's a while. Three fucking months. You got this. Ew. You got this. Well I would fully black out in my 20s. Like I wouldn't remember things and I yeah I wouldn't remember what I texted. I wouldn't remember what I said. It was super emotional. Now because I have a kid I

I'm not allowed. Right. I can't. It's unfortunate, but I can't let it get too far. So like I honestly, I feel like I don't have that much of like a personality shift when I drink. Does that make me an alcoholic? Maybe, but no.

I feel like I'm kind of the same as I am right now. No, that's good. That's good. Okay, I love that. It's just like you're just having a little bit better time. Yeah, like I'm just having a better time. That's what it is. I'm just having a better time in my 30s because like I'm not getting obliterated. Right, you're not getting full blackout. That's fair. Speaking of being drunk, you talk a lot about dark passengering. And I think a lot of my fans may not have any idea like what does that mean? Like can you explain what that means? Yeah, 100% I can. ♪

You talk a lot about dark passengering. And I think a lot of my fans may not have any idea. Like, what does that mean? Like, can you explain what that means? Yeah, 100% I can. I mainly did this. I did this, like, all throughout Vanderpump Rules. But, like, it became a thing when I started dating Bo. Okay? So I would go absolutely psycho on him. Like, I mean, breaking phones, texting him 73 times in a row, yelling, screaming, threatening things. Like, violence. Okay? What?

when I wouldn't get my way. And normally it was because like I would want to leave a party early because like I – granny vibes. Granny. So like I'd want to go to bed at like 11 and he's so social and he would want to stay out later. And I've always had like a trigger when it came to that because –

like honestly I feel validated now because of scant of all it's like shady things in that group of friends always happen after hours so I would start freaking out like what is why does he want to be out with my friends and not coming home with me and I would go crazy

Just insane on him I would I would it was like that's why he would call it the dark passenger It's like I would literally see red like anger is like the only motion that like overtakes me I see red I can't control it I can't stop myself like that is what the dark passenger used to be but again now looking back In light of like, you know, it's scandal and all that I was right to dark passage. I

have to say as you were describing that I think it's totally understandable if your partner for like one night occasionally is like oh my gosh like no I'm having so much fun with my friends like I want to stay out if your partner every single fucking time you guys go out is always lingering and you're going home alone biggest red flag you know what strange yeah strange so true why why would you want to stay and not come home with me yeah like what exactly

I can't imagine wanting to like, again, I get it. If like I'm having all my friends are there and my fiance is like, I really want to go home exhausted. I'm like, fuck. But like I'm having so much fun with my girlfriends. Yeah. Then I'm going to stay out occasionally. But like, I don't think I've ever been like, I desperately want to stay at this party. I don't.

I'm not single. I'm not looking for dick. Like the dick I have is going home. Like, why don't I want to just go home with them? Yeah, no, thank you for validating me. So, but don't you think for like a lot, a lot of people listening to this probably are like, huh? Like I have this a lot with my partner where like they stay out so many more nights than if I'm going home alone or like they're going out without me all the time. Like I,

I guess to each his own. I personally wouldn't be down because I just wouldn't understand like why would your partner always want to be out without you? No, I completely agree with that. And that was always my argument. I'd be like, so thank you. What is it? What is it that you want to be doing? Like what is more fun than just like going to sleep with me right now? No, and I also get the trigger of like if you have ever been cheated on or again, you saw shady shit. And that's what would happen. Like, you know, when...

Kristen and Jack's like season two or whenever when like they did their thing. Like that was always like after hours, after the party, after I had gone home. Nothing good happens. So nothing good happens after hours. So like it makes me, it made me feel so weird when Bo would want to just stay out. And so that's when we put a name to the dark passenger. But the dark passenger can really just like,

It means like anytime you just literally see red and like anger is the only thing and you can't reason. There's no logic. Yep. I feel like you had a lot of that for like birthday parties. Yeah. Let's talk about your birthday. Because I –

I want to relate to you here and I can't. I want to hear your explanation of like what your birthday means to you. Oh my God. I'm going to disappoint you so much right now. Why? Okay. So the first few years of Vanderpump Rules, like 100%, I was a birthday bee.

Yeah. Okay. I was so obsessed with my birthday. I have no idea where it came from. You know what? I blame the fact that I am a summer like baby. Me too. And so like I never got to like really have birthday parties. Fair. Like where all the people could come. So like I like made it a much bigger deal as an adult or something.

But like after the first few seasons of Vanderpump Rules, I stopped caring. I got it out of my system. That's great. Bravo would never let me stop caring. I was like, no, but like this is this is a bit. This is like you're this is your thing. Like you are people relate to this. This is like you're you are the birthday queen. And literally to this day, when people come up to me like 50 percent of the time, they're like either saying the quote about the devil or like Pinot Grigio and the other 50 percent of the time. It's like, thank you for making me feel good about my birthday.

Dude I remember watching it and like to people that didn't watch those seasons like the rage that took over you of like it's my fucking birthday sit down. I know. And like be present and I was like I loved watching it but I don't relate to that and so I was like I wanted to hear today. I think it's great you're over it. Yeah. So for your birthday now you don't really care. No I don't really care. I think I was just always just like channeling main character energy you know. I get it. When you're trying to have main character energy you need to care about your birthday. Yeah.

main characters care about their birthdays it's a whole month it's a whole thing yeah and I think like that actually for reality TV worked I think on Instagram it's annoying as fuck when it's like totally is like my birthday month we gotta stop 10 days for my birthday I'm like no one gives a

fuck it's not countdown like no one cares no one cares no one cares okay we can we relate on that now okay um do you secretly miss a little bit of drama in your life now you don't that you don't have reality tv yeah sometimes i know i say this to bow a lot actually i'm like you know what we should get in a fight and i should dark passenger because it would just like make me feel so passionate that would probably make me horny i get what you're saying like a little a little bit a little friction no a little bit i remember when

when we were in Vegas in December, actually when I conceived, we were walking past the sign for Absinthe. Have you ever been to that show? No. Oh, it's so good. Is it good? Yeah, it's really good. And I was like, oh my God, Bo, remember the last time we saw Absinthe? Like I full-blown dark passenger it on you. And I was like, we should do that. That'll help us make a baby.

stop and he thinks I'm insane and he thinks that's so unwell but like I just think that that I think makeup sex is fun I agree I think men have like a little bit harder time like playing the role of like we're fighting but like it's not really like and they're like I don't understand like am I in trouble like stop 100% and they get scared like I try to do it with my partner all the time like just light little tinges here and there can be fun yeah not all the time but like a little like I'm like we've been so good

Let's not be so good for them.

back i want to miss you i want to be like i want to be scared that i'm gonna lose you you know even though i know i'm not like let me just pretend let me just pretend like play with it i feel like guys can't get there no no but i kind of okay did you ever at one point like bring your trust issues in your past into your relationship that like it really affected you guys yeah past the dark passenger of like staying out late was there anything else yeah well we know we started going to therapy like

really early on into our relationship because I had all of those freak out moments and I just didn't trust him and he didn't understand where it was coming from because he was he had never given me a reason for me not to trust him and we had to like talk through it and the more like we went to therapy the more than he was like thank you so much for articulating this for communicating this because I understand that must have been really hard to have like

this happened to you to have your friend do this to you to have, you know, other times that I had been cheated on. Like, I get it now. And like, then we were able to work together. But like, yeah, it really affected our relationship. Yeah. I love that you,

have openly talked about like couples therapy because I think there's such a stigma of like what's wrong with your relationship and it's like why is everyone to be going this early right like why because that's when the relationships like you it's make or break honestly and you're coming into the relationship with all your separate baggage so might as well get it like work

out right away. I agree. Okay, your relationship, you've talked kind of about how like you have very different sex drives with Bo and everything. Give the girlies tips of like how do you keep things intimate without at times being actually physically intimate? Like what do you guys do? Honestly, Alex, I need the fucking tips.

I need the tips. I think, listen, I think that Bo and I are really good at quality time. Like, we talk to each other. Like, we spend time together. Like, we're really good at parenting together. Like, I know that doesn't sound romantic, but, like, when you're aligned in how you view things like that, like, when you get into a relationship with someone, you get married to someone, or you decide to have a child with someone, you better really fucking like that person. Because when...

When you have a kid, y'all are in it. You're fucking in it 24-7. And so there are going to be days that are kind of boring. And you better really just like being around that person while doing all of the monotonous mundane shit. Yeah, that's such a good point. Like I was thinking about you and like having watched some of your relationships. Very.

very toxic in the past to then like beau seems like the complete opposite of like stable normal romantic loving sweet like in the beginning did that freak you out

It didn't freak me out, but I made it... What I did with him is, like, I made a choice. Like, I was aware of the fact that I was changing my habits. Like, everyone that I've dated in the past, it was kind of all the same, like, exciting and, like, passionate right from the beginning. Like, just feeling like, you know, that feeling, which, like, ends up being toxic, honestly. 100%. And so Beau was kind of...

everything different. You know what I mean? He was different than anything that I had dated before and I went about it. Both of us did really slowly and we casually dated and we dated other people and we just really got to know each other. Yeah. And I think that that's like what made this relationship so solid is that like

we trusted each other there was like constant communication constant like getting to know each other but it didn't know nothing about him scared me because I knew that I was doing everything different yeah I kind of also had I mean I think a lot of people do you have those like toxic relationships but I think at some point people always write in asking like when will I be ready to like not how will I know when to not go for the toxic you just kind of know you know when you're done yeah you totally there's a feeling of like I don't want to deal with it anymore and I think that there's

that there's like something like really overrated about the like love at first sight thing i still have friends that like you know are single and will ask me like what should i do i'm like well you write someone off if you don't feel that in love feeling that excitement right away but like that's kind of overrated it is we don't know people right away so right so how real is that feeling right it's like there's a difference between going on a first date and actually like vibing and being like there's definitely something

here yeah obviously you have to have attraction and you have to vibe yes but the feeling of like the butterflies but also like anxious and like he's not texting and like waiting and like playing the games and like being so calculated and like well like that shouldn't be happening because that's like unhealthy yeah like that's not enjoyable exactly but I think when you are doing that for so long you can get into this rhythm of then normal feels boring and I think it's like

I got to a point where I'm like actually toxic became so boring to me. I completely fucking agree. Toxic is boring. It's boring because it's so transparent of like and then we're going to fight and then he's not going to text me and then I'm going to not text him and then we're going to get a fight and then we're going to have this crazy sex and then I'm going to feel insecure and then like and then it's just like this and you're never able to be like I feel really happy today on this nice Wednesday. I know.

You don't have that. Yes. And not just I get it. I won't say to anyone in their early 20s or in their teens right now, like you got to go through it. You do have to go through it. And I feel like it is fun to go through it once or twice. Totally. But it would just be nice. Like if you can if you start to feel like you're getting fed up with it, you have you have to also change your ways. Yeah. Like that's just OK. How did you know Bo was the one?

Because I could completely be myself, honestly. Like, I felt like there was – I never had to watch what I said or what I did or I never felt insecure in that way. Like, I felt like he loved everything about me and he – but not just loved it, he would, like, champion it. Like, he was so into just, like, me being a basic bitch. That's, like, so not a dude thing to do to be like, yeah, you go with, like, your basic bitch self, you know? Like –

I love it. He was just like really accepting and a cheerleader. And I think that's what I realized. Like I really want that for myself. Totally. Totally. No, that's so cute. Like obviously I only get to watch your life like slightly through Instagram. But you guys look like so happy. Thank you.

Thank you. And it's just like really cool to see like again I literally sitting down with you the best version of like a whole person I knew was from season one two and three and like watching those seasons I love that part of you but it's also cool to sit down with you and like get to know you as like a mom and a partner and like just I don't know it's like you're you seem great. Thank you. You seem like you like got it together. I know I feel like I got it together.

I think I do. I think so. Wait, so you're on tour. Yeah. Yeah.

And Kate went to one of your shows. And she was like, it is so crazy. Like she sells out everywhere. You are just like so personable and outgoing and everyone loves you. And like all of your fans are amazing. And she was like, they're like the nicest girls in a room, just like loving life, being so happy to be there. Do you like touring? I love it. That was like the one thing when COVID happened that I was like, if I can do anything ever again, please let it be touring.

Like I really love it. I just love the whole process of it. Not just like creatively putting together. It's like challenging. It's like fully challenging myself to do something that's so uncomfortable. Like putting together like a set like where it's like I'm not a stand-up comedian but like I have to be for a second. Of course. I have to act kind of and then write something for myself then deliver it and hope that people find it interesting. Right. And then put together segments and you know just I just love the creative process of it. And then I also like the whole –

traveling aspect of it you know like I love going to different places and seeing smaller towns and meeting people from different places and checking into hotels I don't know I just I really I love touring I I give you so much credit because I don't think people know how hard it is it is fucking ridiculous how hard it is how long is your show um an hour and a half to have a

acts and yourself and everyone entertaining people for an hour and a half live. It's like when you think about it, like I'll always like when I'm watching everyone leave the theater, like I'm in my car and I'm like all these people like spent their money to come here. Like they got babysitters. They took Ubers like they they came here. So like if I didn't deliver like that's

I'm letting them down you know I mean it's not like they can just they're at home flipping on a television show it's like they went out of their way like and I appreciate that so much that they put in that effort to come see me so like I the pressure is is is on it's there but I get nervous to go on stage now or no there are when I know people in the audience and so how many cities you do and

I think we did we're doing like 25 I think but we're over halfway done I think the hardest part now I've realized this is and when I do this again I'll plan it differently is yeah I can't be gone like six days at a time I miss

too much. Like, so those last two shows, like I, I kind of just like end up not caring because I'm feeling down. Wanting to go to your daughter's home. I just want to go home and like be a mom. And so like, I've realized that I think that the next time around I'll be like, okay, like three days. Yeah. Then a week at home. Like three days, then a week at home. Do you get exhausted by being pregnant and touring at all? No. Okay. Let me tell you something. This is going to sound extra alcoholic-y. Okay. It's okay. Because like I haven't sounded alcoholic-y enough this whole time. But,

But I was way more low energy and tired the first two tours that I did before COVID because we would like drink and have fun. You know what I mean? Like we'd have like Bloody Marys on the plane and like drink rosé while we're getting ready and drink backstage and have Aperol spritzes on stage.

And I just felt tired because of that. Now I think I have the most energy out of everyone that I'm traveling with because I'm sober. Wait, no, I actually so get that. Like you would just keep drinking. I would do the same thing. Yeah, you just keep going. Oh, that's so smart. So now I'm sober. So I feel like I feel sharp. I feel just way more alert and with it and quicker. And yeah, sobriety really suits me. It's just not fun. Right.

You're like, I know it's for the best for me, but like the minute I have my child, I'm back on my shit. 100%. I'm getting an Aperol Spritz brought to my fucking room right after I deliver. I don't know. Beau literally brought me, he made spicy margaritas in the hospital for me and he's going to do that again. The fact that you said you swish around an Aperol Spritz and just hold it there. Just hold it.

I feel like that's what I'm going to have to do if I ever get pregnant. Yeah. Or like a really good red wine. Like I'll have a little bit of red wine every now and then. Like my doctor literally says it's fine to like have a few sips. Right, right. Everyone calm down. Half a glass. It's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I'll leave it in my mouth. Like literally it feels like for three and a half minutes.

Because you just the taste. I miss the taste. I get it. So much. What is like coming up in your life? So you're writing a book. You're having a kid. I actually love how I didn't even have to ask you. You're writing a book. You're having a kid and you're on tour. Yeah. You're kind of thriving. And I have two podcasts. So like. How do you do two podcasts?

mean when you go on tour the other ones with with with bow so like it's easy for us to just like make time to do it so it feels it doesn't feel like it's as much yeah as much let's have you back home when your hammers that

So fun Then we really can't air it Let's get toasty That would be fun To do one next time We like actually get fucked up Yeah And like see what comes Out of our mouths No Alex this was like One of my favorite podcasts I've ever done Was it fun? This was so fun I'm so happy you came Because I had an idea We would be vibing We I also feel like We never shut the fuck up Do we have one breath of silence Where we were like Since we started But I guess I think

podcast right yes or everyone's gonna be like you guys are so fucking annoying yeah you guys are annoying you guys keep talking over each other I don't think we were talking over no we were two professionals yeah we like right as you were finishing I would pick up yeah yeah I think we had a good time no this was this was I'm not joking this was one of my favorite podcasts I've ever done like I really just had a really great time I had a great time and I felt like I really could just relax and we had like a normal fun conversation that was just happened to be filmed for millions of people to watch yes whoa you were so fun thank you for coming on thank you this is great oh my
