cover of episode Heather McMahan: Blow jobs, hall passes, & frat daddies

Heather McMahan: Blow jobs, hall passes, & frat daddies

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Call Her Daddy

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Alex Cooper
Heather McMahan
Alex Cooper:访谈围绕着Heather McMahan的个人生活展开,包括她与丈夫的关系、养狗的经历、对高尔夫球的看法,以及她作为一名喜剧演员的职业生涯。访谈中穿插着许多幽默的细节和故事,例如Heather McMahan的狗在家中拉屎,以及她不得不清理粪便的经历;她对丈夫打高尔夫球的抱怨,以及她对乡村俱乐部的看法;她对异地恋的经历和感受;她对千禧一代潮流的看法,以及她对一些社会现象的评论。Alex Cooper在访谈中积极地与Heather McMahan互动,并引导话题的深入。 Heather McMahan:访谈中,Heather McMahan分享了她作为一名喜剧演员的职业生涯,以及她对婚姻、家庭和个人生活的看法。她讲述了她与丈夫的关系,以及他们之间的一些趣事,例如丈夫对高尔夫球的热爱,以及她如何应对丈夫打高尔夫球时产生的“高尔夫寡妇”的感受。她还分享了她养狗的经历,以及她对一些社会现象的看法,例如千禧一代的潮流和社交媒体的影响。Heather McMahan以幽默的方式表达了她对生活的态度,并展现了她作为一名喜剧演员的才华。她还谈到了她父亲的去世,以及她如何与母亲和丈夫一起生活。她坦诚地分享了她对焦虑的感受,以及她如何通过喜剧来应对生活中的压力。

Deep Dive

Alex Cooper and Heather McMahan discuss various aspects of Heather's life, including her marriage, her stand-up comedy, and her experiences growing up. Heather shares anecdotes about her husband Jeff, their dog's nighttime accidents, and Jeff's golf obsession, highlighting the humor she finds in everyday life. She also discusses her career journey, from her early days performing stand-up at her junior prom to producing her own comedy specials.
  • Heather's dog had multiple accidents in one night.
  • Heather's husband is obsessed with golf.
  • Heather performed stand-up at her junior prom.
  • Heather and her husband were long-distance for eight years.
  • Heather's husband is supportive of her comedy career.

Shownotes Transcript

Join Alex in the studio for an unhinged and hilarious conversation with Heather McMahan where they discuss blow job techniques, the time her husband partied with his hall pass, being a golf widow, and what millennial trends are worth fighting for. Get ready to laugh your ass off Daddy Gang. Enjoy!