cover of episode BE 346: How to Stay Relevant at Work and Talk About It

BE 346: How to Stay Relevant at Work and Talk About It

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Business English from All Ears English

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创立并主持《All Ears English》播客,帮助全球英语学习者通过自然和实用的方式提高英语水平。
No specific achievements or career details available.
Lindsay: 持续学习和提升对职业发展至关重要,参加行业会议、阅读书籍、学习新技术等都是保持竞争力的有效途径。积极主动地学习新技能,并将其应用于工作中,可以为公司带来新的价值,从而获得晋升机会。 Michelle: 持续的专业发展很重要,但并非每个人都会定期进行。内部培训、技能分享和午餐学习也是有效的专业发展方式。学习AI和ChatGPT等新兴技术对保持职业相关性至关重要,因为技术发展日新月异。 Lindsay & Michelle: 在与老板、同事或面试官沟通专业发展时,要根据不同的情境调整表达方式。向老板汇报时,应强调学习成果对公司效益的贡献;与同事交流时,可以分享学习资源和经验,并互相学习;在面试中,则要突出自身技能与岗位需求的匹配度。持续教育(CE)课程在某些行业中是强制性的,用于保持资质。在分享专业发展信息时,避免过于笼统,要提供具体的细节,例如阅读的书籍或参加的课程。关注同事的专业发展有助于了解行业趋势并保持竞争力。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are some examples of professional development activities mentioned in the podcast?

Conferences, courses, reading books, attending lunch and learns, and taking CE (continuing education) courses.

Why is professional development important for staying relevant at work?

It helps individuals stay updated with industry trends, acquire new skills, and demonstrate motivation to their employers, which can lead to promotions and career growth.

What role does technology play in professional development today?

Technology, particularly AI and tools like Chat GPT, is becoming essential for staying relevant. Employers now expect candidates to have knowledge and experience with such tools to improve company processes.

How can employees share their professional development activities with their colleagues or bosses?

They can mention the books they’ve read, courses they’ve taken, or conferences they’ve attended. For example, saying “I’ve been reading books on SEO” or “I’m taking a CE course on website development” can effectively communicate their efforts.

What is the significance of continuing education (CE) in certain industries?

In fields like medicine, social work, and dentistry, CE is often mandatory to maintain certifications. Professionals must complete a certain number of hours of study or courses to stay licensed and updated.

How can employees demonstrate their professional development efforts to their bosses?

By linking their learning to company goals. For instance, saying “I’m taking a CE course on Chat GPT to make our XYZ process more effective” shows how their development benefits the company.

What is an example of an immersive professional development experience mentioned in the podcast?

A TESOL course at the School for International Training, which was a month-long, 40-hour-a-week program with participants from all over the world, offering deep learning and partner work.

Why is it important to stay informed about colleagues' professional development activities?

It helps employees stay competitive within their company. If colleagues are acquiring new skills, especially in rapidly evolving fields like AI, staying informed ensures you don’t fall behind.

What are some platforms mentioned for online professional development courses?

LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and All Ears English have been mentioned as platforms where individuals can take courses to expand their skills.

How can professional development impact an employee’s career long-term?

It can lead to promotions, better job opportunities, and the ability to negotiate for paid courses or even an MBA, as some companies offer to fund such education in exchange for continued employment.

This chapter explores professional development practices, including conferences, courses, lunch-and-learns, and internal skill-sharing sessions. It emphasizes the importance of continuous learning for career advancement and contributing to the company.
  • Conferences are a key way to stay updated in one's field.
  • Internal skill-sharing sessions, like lunch-and-learns, are beneficial.
  • Professional development enhances resumes and demonstrates motivation.

Shownotes Transcript

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