The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.
What happens if you are carrying out a high profile job, and then go public as transgender - for exa
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is keen to accelerate its path towards membership of the E
The missiles that struck Syria on Friday night have certainly shifted the international economic foc
Jaron Lanier is a pioneer of the modern internet and known as the "father" of Virtual Reality. But a
The cashless economy: Who are the winners and losers in the worldwide shift to digital payments?Rob
Ethiopia's economic growth has been hailed as a miracle by some, but it is a country deeply divided
As shares tumble and talk of regulation increases, we ask whether Facebook, Google and Amazon are fa
Does the world face a food crisis in the next 10 years? Or could the solution to world hunger alread
Africa has the youngest population of any continent in the world and that figure is expected to doub
As the country prepares for elections, Ed Butler visits Sierra Leone to find out how people are feel
Business Daily hears remarkable stories from Yemen's civil war. The tens of thousands of African eco
Are you saving for a rainy day? Eight of the world's major economies will between them have a joint
US President Donald Trump has pledged a major upgrade to the country's nuclear deterrent, but are a
We predict and discuss the biggest business and economic trends of the coming year. Have we failed a
There's been another round of revelations from the Paradise Papers - the leaked documents from a bi
A huge new leak of financial documents has revealed how the powerful and ultra-wealthy, including th
We explore the anxieties of the wealthy, and the mentality of conspicuous consumption, which is abou
The path to a profitable business could lie in your ability to be nice. From The Empathy Business,
In times of economic crunch, where should you store your savings? Perhaps you are tempted by the ris
Will robots and artificial intelligence help us in our daily lives, or steal our jobs and discrimina