cover of episode Sugaring 101: All You Need To Know About the Hairy Situation

Sugaring 101: All You Need To Know About the Hairy Situation

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Burpees In My Thirties

Shownotes Transcript

Maybe you wax, or shave, or go full bush... but sugaring has been popping up in all the social media feeds as of late. Have you tried it? Lora chats with Jill Helman, 13-year "sugarista" and owner of The Body Bungalow to get all the details on this not-so-new hair removal process. The sugaring process is non-toxic and only involves three real ingredients - sugar, water, and lemon! Listen in to hear all about this process and how it's different (and more beneficial) than your traditional wax. // New episodes every Wednesday // @burpeesinmythirties @lorabeezy_2.0 // @thebodybungalow