Kate Winkler-Dawson
Kate Winkler-Dawson & Paul Holes
共同主持历史真 crime 播客《Buried Bones》
Paul Holes
Kate Winkler-Dawson: 本集节目回顾了1961年Joan Risch失踪案,一位家庭主妇在家中失踪,现场留有大量血迹。案件扑朔迷离,既有法医证据,也有目击证词,但两者之间存在矛盾。Joan Risch的失踪引发了人们对1960年代女性困境的思考,以及她们在家庭和社会中所面临的挑战。本案中,Joan Risch的失踪给她的家人带来了巨大的痛苦和悲伤,也给社会留下了未解之谜。 Paul Holes: 作为一名退休的冷案调查员,我对本案进行了深入分析。案发现场血迹的分布情况表明,Joan Risch可能在厨房内遭到袭击,随后被转移。少量血迹滴落可能表明受伤者行动能力正常,但具体情况不明。此外,在房屋入口和Joan Risch的汽车上也发现了少量血迹,需要对血迹进行鉴定才能确定血迹来源。根据照片,Joan Risch的汽车停放在车道上,距离房屋有一定距离。房屋周围树木茂盛,视野有限,即使发生尖叫声也可能不被邻居听到。邻居Barbara Barker在案发前后听到Joan Risch的喊叫声,其他邻居也听到类似的喊叫声,Barbara Barker还看到Joan Risch在追逐红色物体。Joan Risch失踪时穿的灰色外套不见了,这可能是重要的线索。案发时间选择不佳,许多邻居都在家。网络上流行的“Gone Girl”理论认为Joan Risch伪造失踪,但缺乏证据支持。案发现场留有非Joan Risch的指纹,这可能是重要的证据。我倾向于认为Joan Risch遇害,其尸体被转移。建议对案发现场的血迹进行DNA鉴定。 Kate Winkler-Dawson: Joan Risch的失踪案中,除了案发现场血迹外,还有其他一些奇怪的细节,例如在她的汽车上发现了一个衣架,但车内没有血迹。这可能与流产有关,也可能是有人试图进入汽车。犯罪嫌疑人可能在主卧换衣服以掩盖血迹。案发时间在下午2点到3点半之间,时间段内,邻居就在对面。Joan Risch可能在屋内遇害后被转移,也可能受伤后自行离开。多位司机报告在案发当天看到一名衣衫不整、满身是血的女子在马萨诸塞州的两条高速公路上行走。如果高速公路上看到的女子是Joan Risch,则表明她可能在逃脱后受伤并神志不清。案发前几天和案发当天,邻居们看到一辆之前从未见过的蓝色灰色奥兹莫比尔汽车停放在Joan Risch家的车道上。这辆被盗的汽车可能是用来转移Joan Risch尸体的车辆。Joan Risch可能在屋内遇害后被转移。Joan Risch在8岁时父母双亡,后被姨妈抚养,成年后透露其姨父曾对其进行虐待。Joan Risch的姨父Frank曾被调查,但血型与案发现场血迹不符。1961年的血型鉴定结果可能存在误差,建议进行DNA鉴定。网络上流行的“Gone Girl”理论认为Joan Risch伪造失踪,但缺乏证据支持。根据案发现场证据,Joan Risch可能遇害,并非伪造失踪。Joan Risch可能在厨房内与犯罪嫌疑人发生冲突后遇害。警方认为Joan Risch可能是被跟踪并绑架的。Joan Risch的丈夫Martin曾被调查,但没有发现其作案动机。本案仍有可供侦破的线索。如果案发现场证据保存完好,结合现代科技,本案是可以侦破的。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does the crime scene appear authentic, and what does this suggest about Joan's disappearance?

The crime scene appears authentic because it shows various types of blood patterns, including smears, contact transfers, and dripped blood, which are consistent with acts of violence. This suggests that Joan was likely injured inside the house, rather than staging her own disappearance.

What are the key details of the blood evidence found at the crime scene and on Joan's car?

Blood was found in the kitchen, with smears and contact transfers, and there were drops of blood in the master bedroom and the hallway. Outside, blood stains were found on the cement walkway and the car, including a two-inch stain on the trunk and smaller stains on the fender and hood.

Why is the sighting of a bloody and dazed woman on the highway significant?

The sightings of a bloody and dazed woman on the highway are significant because they suggest that Joan may have escaped the house and was wandering, possibly injured and disoriented. This adds to the mystery and provides a possible scenario of what happened after the attack.

What is the theory involving Frank, Joan's adoptive father, and how does it fit into the investigation?

Frank, Joan's adoptive father, was investigated due to her claims of abuse. He was eliminated as a suspect based on blood typing and a non-matching bloody fingerprint. However, his history with Joan and his attempts to reconcile with his estranged wife in the month leading up to her disappearance make him a suspect in the ongoing investigation.

Why does the presence of a stolen bluish gray Oldsmobile in Joan's driveway raise suspicions?

The presence of a stolen bluish gray Oldsmobile in Joan's driveway raises suspicions because it suggests that someone unfamiliar with the family was present around the time of her disappearance. This car was seen in the driveway before and after Joan went missing, indicating it might have been used to transport her body.

What are the prevailing theories about Joan's disappearance, and which one do the hosts find most plausible?

The prevailing theories include Joan staging her own disappearance (Gone Girl theory), being abducted by a stalker, and being killed by someone who knew her routine. The hosts find the theory that Joan was killed inside the house and her body removed by an unknown assailant to be the most plausible.

What role does victimology play in understanding Joan's disappearance?

Victimology plays a crucial role by providing context about Joan's background, including her history of abuse by her adoptive father and her loving relationship with her family. This helps to assess the likelihood of different scenarios, such as her staging her own disappearance or being targeted by a specific individual.

What are the next steps the hosts suggest for solving this cold case?

The hosts suggest focusing on DNA analysis of the blood stains and latent prints found at the crime scene. They also recommend investigating the lead agency that handled the case and the jurisdiction at the time to locate and preserve any remaining evidence.

Shownotes Transcript

On today’s episode, a concluding part of a two-parter, Paul and Kate return to 1961 Lincoln, Massachusetts where a stay-at-home mother has disappeared. Digging into the investigation and the blood evidence from the crime scene, our hosts try to piece together what really occurred. 

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