Kate Winkler-Dawson
Kate Winkler-Dawson & Paul Holes
共同主持历史真 crime 播客《Buried Bones》
Paul Holes
Kate Winkler-Dawson: 本集讲述了1961年发生在麻萨诸塞州林肯镇的Joan Risch失踪案。Joan Risch是一位30岁的家庭主妇,有两个年幼的孩子。案发当天,Joan Risch带女儿去看牙医,之后又去购物,大约11点回到家中。下午1点55分,她将女儿和邻居的孩子送到邻居家玩耍,并表示自己要回家看看儿子。此后,再没有人见过她。下午3点45分,邻居发现厨房血迹斑斑,Joan Risch失踪。警方调查发现,厨房里有很多血迹,但没有发现尸体,也没有明显的搏斗痕迹。Joan Risch的钱包、车钥匙和钱都在现场,这排除了抢劫的动机。此外,调查人员还发现了三枚与家庭成员指纹不符的指纹,其中一枚指纹沾有血迹。 Paul Holes: 作为一名退休的冷案调查员,Paul Holes对案发现场的血迹模式进行了分析。他认为,血迹模式表明Joan Risch在厨房角落遭到袭击,随后被移动到厨房中央。血迹量并不足以判断其是否在现场死亡。此外,他还分析了指纹证据,认为沾有血迹的指纹非常重要,因为这表明指纹是在流血事件发生后留下的。他认为,现代技术可以将这些指纹与国家数据库进行比对,这有可能帮助破案。 Paul Holes: 基于受害者(Joan)的日常生活模式,犯罪嫌疑人可以预测其何时最脆弱,从而选择作案时间。全职家庭主妇的日常生活具有相当固定的模式,这使得她们更容易成为犯罪目标。案发后到报警之间的时间差会影响对案件的判断。在无尸体的凶杀案中,血迹模式可以帮助判断受害者是否在现场死亡以及尸体如何被转移。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Joan Risch's disappearance on October 24, 1961, in Lincoln, Massachusetts, become a significant mystery?

Joan Risch, a 30-year-old homemaker, vanished on October 24, 1961, in Lincoln, Massachusetts, leaving behind a bloody kitchen and no body. Her husband was out of town, and her children were left unattended. The scene suggested a violent struggle, but Joan's body was never found, making it a no-body homicide.

Why did the kitchen scene suggest a violent struggle?

The kitchen was covered in blood, with significant blood pools, smears, and a contact transfer of blood on the wall. The phone receiver and cord were pulled off the wall and placed on a trash can, and a small table that usually held the kitchen telephone was overturned in the hallway. These details indicated a violent interaction.

Why were the fingerprints found at the crime scene significant?

Three fingerprints found at the scene did not match anyone in the family or known visitors. One was a bloody print on the telephone, and two others were on the wall near the telephone. These prints, if identified, could lead to the perpetrator, although they have not been matched to anyone in the FBI's database.

Why did the investigators believe Joan was likely a victim of homicide despite the lack of a body?

The significant amount of blood in the kitchen, the violent scene, and the presence of unexplained fingerprints suggested that Joan had suffered a violent attack. The blood patterns indicated a bleeding injury, and the scene suggested that Joan was likely moved after being attacked.

Why did the social norms of 1961 make Joan a potential target?

In 1961, homemakers like Joan often had predictable patterns and were home alone during the day while their husbands were at work. This made them vulnerable to attacks, as potential offenders could observe and predict their routines without the threat of a male presence.

Why did it take so long for the police to be notified after Lillian found the bloody scene?

Barbara Barker, the neighbor, and another woman, Mary Jane Butler, took about 45 minutes to search the house and call the police. They may have been in shock and unsure of what they were seeing, which delayed their response. Additionally, the lack of immediate recognition of the severity of the situation and the absence of a 911 system contributed to the delay.

Shownotes Transcript

In this week’s episode, the first part of a two-parter, Paul and Kate take us to 1961 Lincoln, Massachusetts where an incident in the middle-of-the-day leaves a kitchen covered in blood and a stay-at-home mother missing. 

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