Kate Winkler-Dawson
Paul Holes
Kate Winkler-Dawson: 本案发生在1929年美国底特律,Evangelist一家惨遭杀害,案情扑朔迷离,凶手身份难以确定。案发现场证据有限,警方调查陷入僵局。受害者Benny Evangelist拥有不为人知的另一面生活,这为案件增添了更多谜团。 我们分析了多个线索,包括最后见到Benny的两人Angelo DePoli和Umberto Pecchio,以及一封来自黑手党的恐吓信,但这些线索都缺乏确凿证据。此外,两周前在附近发生的一起类似案件也增加了案件的复杂性。 随着调查深入,我们发现Benny对神秘学和宗教极度痴迷,自称先知,并在地下室设立了祭坛,进行动物祭祀。警方还在Benny的办公室发现了三张他已故孩子的遗像,这进一步加深了案件的神秘感。 最终,我们认为Benny的死可能是协助自杀,而他家人的死则可能是他为了某种宗教目的而安排的。凶手很可能是Benny的某个狂热追随者,为了保护自己而不会自首。 Paul Holes: 本案证据不足,信息有限,破案难度极大。1929年的犯罪现场更容易受到污染,这增加了破案的难度。我们只能根据现有信息尽力而为,有时不得不相信现有信息,但有时我也会质疑信息的可靠性。 对于Angelo和Umberto,虽然他们在案发当晚曾去过Benny家,但这并不能证明他们的罪行。我推测凶手可能两人,一人使用斧头,一人使用弯刀,弯刀可能用于砍下Benny的头,斧头可能用于杀害Santina和孩子们。 关于黑手党理论,六个月的时间跨度并不重要,即使黑手党已经不复存在,也可能仍然会采取报复行动。黑手党杀害Evangelist一家可能是为了传递信息,震慑其他家庭。 凶手是否需要事先了解房屋布局?这并不一定,凶手可能事先勘察过房屋布局,或者直接根据房屋结构进行作案。凶手可能低估了血迹的多少,并且大部分血迹可能是在凶手离开后才出现的。 关于Benny的秘密生活,他是一个宗教狂热分子,自称先知,并在地下室设立了祭坛,进行动物祭祀。他可能利用其宗教信仰中的追随者来实施谋杀。Benny的死可能是协助自杀,而他家人的死则可能是他为了某种宗教目的而安排的。凶手很可能是Benny的某个狂热追随者,为了保护自己而不会自首。Robert Harris的自首可能是虚假自首。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the police focus on Angelo DePoli and Umberto Pecchio in the St. Aubin Street Massacre investigation?

The police focused on Angelo DePoli and Umberto Pecchio because they were among the last people to see Benny Evangelist alive, aside from the killer. They visited Benny's house on the night of the murders to make a payment for a property purchase. During the investigation, a short axe and a long curved banana knife with reddish stains were found in Angelo's barn, leading to his brief arrest and release due to lack of conclusive evidence.

Why did the police dismiss the Black Hand as a potential suspect in the St. Aubin Street Massacre?

The police dismissed the Black Hand as a potential suspect because, by 1929, the Black Hand was largely defunct and had evolved into more traditional organized crime. Additionally, the most recent threatening letter from the Black Hand was dated six months before the murders, and it seemed unlikely that the group would still be involved in extorting money from Italian immigrants.

Why did the police consider the possibility of Benny Evangelist's involvement in the occult as a significant factor in the St. Aubin Street Massacre?

The police considered Benny Evangelist's involvement in the occult significant because they found a bizarre altar in the basement of his home, complete with wax figures and a large electrically lit eye. Benny was known as a religious fanatic and an all-divine prophet who claimed to receive visions from God. He also had a history of conducting animal sacrifices and providing services like hexes and herbal remedies. This suggested that the murders could have been part of a ritualistic or religious act.

Why did the police and the hosts speculate that Benny Evangelist might have orchestrated his own family's murder?

The police and the hosts speculated that Benny Evangelist might have orchestrated his own family's murder due to the peculiar scene at the crime site, including the placement of photos of his deceased child around his body and his hands in a prayer position. Benny's known involvement in the occult and his religious fanaticism suggested that he might have had a specific, ritualistic reason for the murders. The hosts also considered the possibility that Benny had a devoted follower who carried out his wishes.

Why did the police dismiss Robert Harris as a suspect in the St. Aubin Street Massacre despite his confession?

The police dismissed Robert Harris as a suspect despite his confession because his fingerprints did not match those found at the Evangelist home. Additionally, his confession lacked specific details that were not publicly known, and his mental health issues and different religious beliefs (Islam) made it unlikely that he was involved in the crime. The hosts believed his confession was more likely a false one from a person seeking notoriety.

The Evangelist family was found murdered in their Detroit home in 1929. Initial suspects included business associates Angelo DePoli and Umberto Pecchio, who were last seen with the patriarch. Evidence found in DePoli's barn, including weapons with reddish stains, was inconclusive, leading to their release.
  • Evangelist family found murdered
  • Angelo DePoli and Umberto Pecchio questioned
  • Weapons with reddish stains found in DePoli's barn
  • Inconclusive evidence led to suspects' release

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, the concluding part of a two-parter, Paul and Kate return to 1929 Detroit and continue with the investigation of a slain family. Assessing the patriarch's personal and business life leads to an unexpected aspect that cannot be understated or ignored. 

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