Kate Winkler-Dawson
Kate Winkler-Dawson & Paul Holes
共同主持历史真 crime 播客《Buried Bones》
Kate Winkler-Dawson: 本集讲述了发生在1929年7月3日,美国底特律圣奥尔本街的真实凶杀案。意大利裔房地产商人Benny Evangelist及其全家六口被残忍杀害,现场极其血腥,凶手使用斧头,受害者身上有多处砍伤,其中妻子Santina和一个孩子有明显的防御性伤口。案件疑点重重,动机不明,调查人员排除了抢劫的可能性,并对多名嫌疑人展开调查,包括Benny的商业伙伴Vincent Elias以及其他两人。 Paul Holes: 从法医角度分析,凶手的作案手法残忍,对受害者的头部和颈部进行攻击,造成严重的创伤。Santina身上的防御性伤口表明她在遇害前进行了反抗。凶手选择斧头作为凶器,可能是因为其易于获得。案件的复杂性在于,凶手可能对房屋布局非常熟悉,并且作案过程可能并非同时进行,而是分阶段进行的。Benny的死亡方式也十分诡异,他被发现坐在椅子上,头部被砍断,双手合十,如同祈祷一般,这与其他受害者的遇害方式有所不同,令人费解。 本案中,调查人员需要仔细分析受害者之间的关系,以及Benny的商业活动和人际关系,以寻找案件的动机。同时,需要对现场证据进行仔细的检验,包括血迹、指纹、鞋印等,以确定凶手的身份。 Paul Holes: 本案中,凶手使用的斧头造成了受害者严重的头部和颈部创伤。Santina身上的防御性伤口表明她在遇害前进行了反抗,试图保护自己和孩子。这表明凶手可能并非随机作案,而是有预谋的。Benny的死亡方式也十分诡异,他被发现坐在椅子上,头部被砍断,双手合十,如同祈祷一般。这与其他受害者的遇害方式有所不同,令人费解,需要进一步调查。 关于案件动机,目前排除了抢劫的可能性,因为现场没有发现财物被盗的迹象。因此,凶手的动机可能与Benny的商业活动或人际关系有关。调查人员需要仔细分析Benny的商业交易、债务纠纷以及与他人的关系,以寻找可能的线索。同时,需要对现场证据进行仔细的检验,包括血迹、指纹、鞋印等,以确定凶手的身份。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the crowd gather at the Evangelist house after the murders were discovered?

The crowd gathered because the crime was so violent and dramatic, and in 1929, people relied on newspapers for information and often showed up at crime scenes to get a firsthand look, driven by their fascination with true crime.

Why does Paul think the attacker's use of an axe on the family members doesn't necessarily indicate a psychotic motive?

Paul notes that the use of an axe, while brutal, could have been due to its availability rather than a specific psychotic urge. Defensive wounds on victims suggest they were aware of the attack, not that the killer had a premeditated desire to amputate limbs.

Why was Benny's body found in a seemingly peaceful position, unlike the rest of the family?

Benny's body was found slumped in a chair with his hands folded as if in prayer, suggesting he might have been taken by surprise, controlled by the killer, or possibly under the influence of alcohol. The lack of defensive wounds on Benny adds to the mystery.

Why did the police initially consider the delivery company as a suspect in the St. Aubin Street Massacre?

The police thought the delivery company might have found out about Benny's wealth, planned to steal money, and killed the family to prevent them from reporting the theft. However, this theory was weak because no money was reported missing from the house.

Why did the police release Vincent Elias despite a matching thumbprint found at the crime scene?

Vincent Elias, Benny's real estate colleague, had a thumbprint that matched a bloodied print on the kitchen door. However, the print was not conclusive, and the police couldn't rule out that Vincent might have touched the door after discovering the bodies or that the print was a partial match overstretched by the examiner.

Why did the police find weapons in the barn of one of the two men who met Benny the night before the murders?

When the police searched the barn of one of the two men who met Benny the night before, they found weapons that could have inflicted the injuries seen on the family. This made them suspicious and a potential lead, but the case remains complex and more details will be revealed in the next episode.

Kate and Paul begin the episode with a conversation about Kate's she-shed construction project. They discuss the design, construction process, and Kate's desire for a dedicated workspace away from her children.
  • Kate is building a Victorian-style cottage in her backyard.
  • Her goal is to create a dedicated workspace free from distractions.
  • The project involves collecting antiques and creating a specific atmosphere.

Shownotes Transcript

In this first part of a two-parter, Kate and Paul head to 1929 Detroit, Michigan where a successful Italian businessman is found murdered alongside his entire family. With a bloody fingerprint and some investigation of the victim's business dealings, the case starts to take shape. 

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