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Why Apple Products Are A Rip Off...

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#apple ecosystem#brand strategy#fashion and beauty#ai product innovation#side hustle People
@主播 认为苹果产品价格过高,其升级换代的必要性被夸大。每年都有大量消费者购买新款iPhone,这反映了苹果的营销策略成功,但实际上并非所有升级都是必要的。苹果公司通过广告宣传营造新款手机是最佳产品的假象,误导消费者。购买新款iPhone的部分原因是追求独特性和社会地位。iPhone 14和15之间的差异微乎其微,升级换代的必要性不大。苹果公司频繁更改充电接口,给用户带来不便。早期iPhone的升级幅度更大,价格也更低。苹果公司每年发布新款手机,但升级幅度不足以支撑其价格。苹果公司即使升级幅度很小,也会提高产品价格。认为使用安卓手机的人“穷”的说法是错误的。苹果用户和安卓用户之间存在着互相轻视的现象。主播本人已经过度依赖苹果产品。AirPod Max降噪功能出色,但价格过高。苹果公司涉足多个产品领域,产品线过于庞大。苹果公司在实体店推销一些价格昂贵且非必需的配件。苹果公司在实体店销售的配件价格过高且不实用。在苹果店购物后,主播会产生后悔的情绪。运营商也参与到提高用户消费的策略中。苹果电视等产品增加了消费者的娱乐成本。苹果Vision Pro价格过高,且市场竞争激烈。苹果Vision Pro价格过高,性价比低。苹果产品易损且需要频繁更换。苹果产品电池寿命短,促使消费者频繁更换产品。主播继续使用苹果产品的原因:社会压力、习惯以及产品功能尚可。苹果与安卓之争类似于游戏主机之争。

Deep Dive


我承认,我现在正拿着一部iPhone打字。几乎每个人都用着iPhone或安卓手机,而我当初选择iPhone,只是因为人人都用,不想显得格格不入。六年级时,我入手了第一部iPhone 5,当时最新款是iPhone 7。虽然比我之前的老式翻盖手机好太多,但这开启了我对苹果产品复杂情感的序幕。



我曾经也是追逐新款iPhone的人,但随着年龄增长,我逐渐意识到苹果的升级换代被严重夸大了。他们是在割韭菜! 产品本身功能正常,但营销宣传却将新款包装成“最佳”、“最伟大”的产品,这是一种欺骗。

iPhone 14和15的差异微乎其微,例如所谓的“更多光学变焦选项”,实际提升有限。苹果公司频繁更改充电接口(从Lightning到USB-C),也给用户带来诸多不便。早期iPhone的升级幅度更大,价格也更低,如今却反其道而行之。


即使升级幅度微不足道,苹果也会不遗余力地提高价格。这种行为令人气愤。 每年发布新机,却缺乏足以支撑高价的实质性升级,这才是苹果产品的最大问题。

网上流传着一种荒谬的说法:用安卓手机的人“穷”。这简直是无稽之谈!三星Galaxy S24的价格与iPhone相差无几。我虽然没用过安卓手机,但我知道它绝不会差到哪里去。这种偏见和刻板印象,实在令人反感。


我和许多人一样,陷入了苹果生态的牢笼。我拥有iPhone、iPad、AirPods、甚至冲动消费的AirPod Max。AirPod Max的降噪功能确实出色,但500美元的价格,我依然觉得不值。

苹果的产品线扩张到了令人难以置信的地步:Apple TV、Apple Wallet、Apple Watch,甚至还有传闻中的Apple AI助手。他们似乎想要渗透到生活的每一个角落。 每次去苹果店,都会被推销一些价格昂贵且不实用的配件,例如20美元的手机支架,50美元的充电线延长器。


苹果电视和Vision Pro:高价与低性价比

苹果电视增加了我的娱乐成本,而更让我难以接受的是Apple Vision Pro。3500美元的价格,简直是天价! Meta Quest只需300美元,性能也毫不逊色。除非我卖了灵魂,否则我绝不会买Apple Vision Pro。





苹果与安卓之争,如同游戏主机之争,没有绝对的优劣,只有个人的选择。 但苹果的高溢价和营销策略,确实值得我们深思。

Key Insights

Why do people feel the need to upgrade to the latest iPhone every year?

People often feel the need to upgrade to the latest iPhone for social validation and to be seen as early adopters. The media often films those waiting in line, reinforcing the idea that having the newest iPhone is a status symbol.

What are the main criticisms of Apple's annual iPhone releases?

Critics argue that Apple's annual iPhone releases lack significant upgrades, with only minor changes like additional camera lenses or charging port changes. This leads to a perception that Apple is more focused on generating revenue through frequent releases rather than substantial improvements.

Why does the speaker believe Apple is a 'scam'?

The speaker believes Apple is a 'scam' because they perceive that Apple is not making significant improvements to their products but still charging a premium price. This, combined with the constant need for upgrades due to battery life issues, reinforces the idea that Apple is exploiting consumer loyalty for profit.

What changes did the iPhone 15 introduce that the speaker found unnecessary?

The iPhone 15 introduced a switch from the lightning cable to USB-C, which the speaker found unnecessary and disruptive. They also criticized the lack of significant upgrades compared to previous models.

Why does the speaker continue to use Apple products despite their criticisms?

The speaker continues to use Apple products because they are accustomed to the ecosystem and find the products functional. They also acknowledge that other brands like Samsung might use similar tactics, making it difficult to switch.

What does the speaker think about the Apple Vision Pro?

The speaker finds the Apple Vision Pro overpriced and unnecessary, especially when compared to more affordable options like MetaQuest. They believe it's a product targeted at celebrities and wealthy individuals rather than the average consumer.

How does the speaker feel about the Apple versus Android debate?

The speaker views the Apple versus Android debate as similar to the console wars, where brand loyalty and perceived superiority play a significant role. They find both sides to be somewhat exaggerated and driven by marketing.

The chapter discusses the phenomenon of people eagerly waiting for new iPhone releases despite minimal upgrades, questioning the marketing tactics of Apple.
  • People line up for new iPhones despite minimal upgrades.
  • Apple's marketing portrays new iPhones as the latest and greatest.
  • Exclusivity and media attention drive the hype.

Shownotes Transcript

Why Apple Products Are A Rip Off...