The speaker believes that waiting for the New Year to start a resolution is an excuse to procrastinate. They argue that if someone truly wants to improve, they should start immediately rather than delaying until January 1st.
The most common New Year's resolutions include health and fitness, finances, relationships, self-care, and quitting smoking. These goals require significant dedication and consistency to achieve.
Many people fail because they lack consistency. Initial enthusiasm fades, and skipping commitments becomes habitual, leading to abandonment of the resolution by February or March.
The speaker's family eats lentil soup on New Year's for good luck, a superstition they were told growing up. They recall a childhood memory where someone slipped money into their pocket during this tradition.
The speaker's family plays a game where they unravel a saran wrap ball containing small gifts, including gag items like Cheeto underwear and a deck of cards with a relative's face on them. The game often gets competitive and heated.
The speaker mentions several types of people at New Year's parties, including the 'new year, new me' person who doesn’t follow through, the person who tells corny jokes, the one who falls asleep before midnight, the heavy drinker, and the person with an unrealistic list of resolutions.
The speaker finds the phrase unrealistic, arguing that people don’t fundamentally change overnight. They believe improvement happens gradually and that focusing on too many goals at once can be counterproductive.
Well, 2025 is nearly approaching and I feel like I'm just getting old as hell as the days go on. But regardless though, I'm gonna approach the new year with lots of optimism and just absolutely grind out this next year. Okay, that just sounded wrong. And you know, after the holidays have concluded-
Everybody, well, not everybody, is cooking up a New Year's resolution. And a New Year's resolution, what it's supposed to be, is a promise that you're going to keep to yourself or something that you're going to improve on the entire year. And my point of view is, if you really want to do something throughout the next year,
Start now. What the hell is the point of a New Year's resolution? Just do it now. Why wait till the New Year? Because then that just gives you an excuse to put it off. But when the clock strikes midnight, everybody is ready. They got their New Year's resolution in hand and they are ready to conquer the New Year. And then everybody at the New Year's function is looking at the clock. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Hey!
Happy New Year! Hey Bill, what's your New Year's resolution? Oh, yeah, you know, I gotta stop getting dr- What about you, Ma? What's your New Year's resolution? Oh, jeez, Sonny, you just reminded me. I gotta get back into those yoga classes. What about you, Jim? Ah, you know, I gotta just shave some pounds off. Happy New Year again! What's your New Year's resolution? Bill?
Ah, he's passed out again. Jesus. Ma, what about you? Did you get any of those? This episode is brought to you by Shopify. Upgrade your business with Shopify, home of the number one checkout on the planet. ShopPay boosts conversions up to 50%, meaning fewer carts going abandoned and more sales going cha-ching. So if you're into growing your business, get a commerce platform that's ready to sell wherever your customers are. Visit to upgrade your selling today.
Hey, it's me, the Quenchies. I'm that late afternoon craving you just can't shake. Wait, what's that? Welch's Grape-Aid? No! Made with real fruit and no added sugar, nothing answers the call of the Quenchies like Grape-Aid. Got the Quenchies? Grab a Grape-Aid in your juice aisle. Yoga classes? Pardon, Sonny? I was taking yoga. And what about you, Jim? Did you...
Okay, but in all seriousness though, it takes a lot of skill and dedication to kill a bad habit. But I guess everybody's different, so for some people that could really work for them. But me personally, I gotta start like one thing at a time, bro. I cannot conquer so many things at once. And so I am most definitely not waiting for the new year to improve my life.
Now there are many different resolutions that are very common that people make on New Year's Day. Health and fitness, finances, relationships, self-care, quitting smoking are the most common. And in order to do something of that caliber, you really need to lock in. Having that goal to start is great, but there's going to be a part of you that's like, man, you know what?
Fuck this New Year's resolution, bro. I'm done. And that's why you see this phenomenon take place at the beginning of the year where there is mad heads coming into the gym. And all of a sudden, by February or March, they're already gone, bro. They're not even in the gym anymore. And then they just wait till next year to come back again. This dude went on a little winter arc and that was it. He's done after that.
Consistency is one of the most important things when trying to keep up with your goals. Say you want to get into fitness this year. It's so easy to be like, you know what? I'm not gonna go to the gym today. Even though you made a promise to yourself that you were gonna go like, I don't know, four or five times a week, whatever. And eventually one skip becomes two, two skips become three, and so on and so forth. And then you just get in a cycle of skipping the gym. And then eventually you break that habit. It's done. Because obviously your brain's gonna want to do-
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Do the easiest thing which is lie down on the couch and do jack shit And that's why I don't even think it matters at what point in the year you're at just start now Like if you want to do something you have to take action and with certain things I've been terrible at taking action and I need to take my own advice like this year I wanted to actually learn how to cook and that didn't fucking happen at all, bro I am not a chef in the making right now and at the end of the year I wanted to start dating again and well shit. We know how that one's going right? Am I right guys new year new me? Haha
But seriously though, why the hell do people say new year, new me when they're not gonna lock in? I can't make that kind of promise because I know by the end of the year, maybe like one or two different areas are going to improve in my life. And that's it. Because for me, focusing on so many things at once, it doesn't help me improve at all.
And then they act like the moment January 1st hits, all of a sudden, they're just a completely different person now. You're not. You're the same person from one night ago. They gotta chill out with that. They're just starting out on their newfound goals. In order to have luck and prosperity in this direction. You know, one thing that my family does at the family function. I don't know why we do this. I'm not really sure. But we make this food called lentil soup. And we eat lentil soup for good luck.
I don't really know how much sense that makes to be honest. I guess that's a superstition that my family has or I have no clue. But that's what I was always told growing up. All of a sudden the lentils were just gonna bless my pockets one day. But one time when I was a kid, I was eating this lentil soup at a New Year's.
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New Year's party with my family and I was just sitting there and all of a sudden somebody slipped five bucks in my pocket and they acted like it magically appeared there. Am I stupid as believed it? Cause I don't know. I was like seven years old, I think. And another thing I would do a lot at new year's parties is watch the ball drop. Sometimes my family would get together on new year's Eve and we would just watch the ball drop in New York city on midnight.
On midnight? Okay, Jesus, clearly not much has changed in the past two years. At midnight is what I should have said. I had like those stupid little streamers. I would like fucking blow them in people's faces.
Okay, I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't say that. All right, huge pause on that one. Holy sh**. But yeah, when I was like seven years old, I didn't give a sh** about a New Year's resolution. I just wanted another excuse to get more gifts. Because there was some family I didn't see on Christmas, so I would end up getting gifts on New Year's Eve from those people. And I was just like, yo, more gifts! Like, that's all I gave a f**k about.
apparently. But every single year, my family plays a game either on Christmas or New Year's Eve or New Year's, whenever we get together, where we unravel a saran wrap ball. And last year on New Year's Eve, we played this absolutely immaculate game. And as you would expect, you know, the family brawls did get a little bit heated. Jim, for the last fucking
time. Could you not roll the dice so fucking slow? I'm trying to get my turn to unwrap the ball. Jesus, I'm going as fast as I can. I'm 80 now, you piece of shit. Hey, you better watch your mouth, you motherfucker. Okay, but seriously, that didn't actually happen.
You know, it just got a little bit heated. Everybody was getting competitive. All right, I had to make it a little bit overdramatic. It's better for the story. And then the ball gets thrown to me. I unravel the ball and there's a little gift in it. It's like a little mini gift box. All right, and I shake it because I'm curious. I'm like, what the fuck could this possibly be? And then I start to open it and it's a pair of men's Cheeto underwear. And I was just perplexed. I'm like, what the fuck?
Did I just open and that's a very awkward gift to open in front of your family like cheetos underwear? Yeah, that was definitely not gonna help me on my dating expedition I'm, sorry to whoever bought me the cheetos underwear, but that shit is keeping me single for another millennium But in all seriousness though It was pretty funny and what a lot of my family did was put little gag gifts in this saran wrap ball Regardless if it's gonna get me girls or not, you know the cheetos underwear It was funny and just maybe slightly awkward
And what my mom did for, I guess, the little gag gift to put in the ball, she made a deck of cards with my uncle's face on it. That sh** was hilarious, but just wild to me how she even thought of that idea. And along with spending time with family, you and your friends...
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may throw New Year's parties. I went to a New Year's party with some of my friends last year. It was a pretty cool party. There was nothing crazy or out of the ordinary that happened besides me almost falling over from the amount I drank. You'll encounter all types of people at these parties, on New Year's, whatever. And these are the many different people you will run into. As I was speaking about earlier,
The new year new me guy. We already know about him He swears he's gonna lock in this year and he doesn't the person that tells some corny ass jokes Uh, yeah, dude, I gotta run to the bathroom clock's about to strike midnight, but uh, i'll see you next year Bro, shut the fuck the amount of times I hear this joke is unbearable. I hear it enough at family functions I don't need to hear it at parties with my friends, bro. Like what do you mean next year? I'm gonna see you in one minute
Next year is 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes from now. Please, we need to leave that in 2024. That's another thing I should have said in the video. Then we got the person that falls asleep before midnight. Yeah, they're already out cold, bro. Like there's no way they're waking up. They're missing the ball drop, bro. They're not seeing it. This is going to be me in my fossil days. I'm not staying up for no damn ball drop. Are you kidding me?
My bones will be brittle as hell and every single time I take a step, I'll hurt my back. The ball drop will be the least of my worries. All I've seen like 85 of them by now. I won't care. Then we got the drinker. All right, that was me that very night at the New Year's party. I was slamming down drinks like crazy.
And YouTube, I'm talking about apple juice, okay? I'm referring to apple juice. I didn't say anything crazy or deluded, but you know, sometimes there's those people that just say the craziest shit and they can't even like control their brain anymore. They just got no filter. You know, the champagne's just hitting them. They won't even care how bad the hangover is going to be the next day. They just keep going. I mean, I didn't go too crazy because, well, I didn't want a shitty hangover.
Next, we got the person with the long list of New Year's resolutions. All right, bro, give it a rest. You're not doing all that. They got a whole laundry list of New Year's resolutions. Like, how do you even focus on the main things that you want to improve this year if you have a whole fucking-
bucket list of new year's resolutions and a lot of times you know these people that make these big x lists they're all talk bro they don't do anything on that list they don't even try to work towards it at all either they're just all talk that's what it is the fact that it's changing from 2024 to 2025 to be honest with you that really the ford explorer is america's all-time best-selling suv but we couldn't leave it at that
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even do anything for new year's i'd be either working on videos or just doing a whole lot of nothing but yeah thank you guys for supporting me since late 2022 yeah it's been like two years now and we're entering 2025 absolutely wild and i hope you guys all have a great 2025. watch the video on the end screen youtube thinks you'll like it so just give it a watch