The money & career podcast for women of color, by women of color — Brown Ambition helps you unapolo
On today's show...Tiffany does a quick debrief on Jay Z's 4:44 album and the financial lessons hidde
We are BACK with a packed show. On the agenda for today:Tiffany reveals how she got $18k of her stud
In September 2011, Evita "Evie" Robinson created the Nomadness Travel Tribe, "an online social commu
Throughout her entire career in the banking industry, Marsha Barnes was always a diligent saver. But
This episode has it all! We are joined by our favorite money and career expert, Lynette Khalfani-Cox
Our hearts are with the families and victims of last night's attack at an Ariana Grande concert in M
As mentioned on the show, check out these helpful resources to find about more about student loan re
We're back! If you're new to the show and want to show your support, we would so appreciate it if yo
Thanks for letting us take a mini hiatus, BA Fam!We are back with a packed show. So. Much. Has. Happ
This is our last episode before we take a brief hiatus so that Mandi can enjoy her honeymoon!We will
You know how family sit coms used to always do one "wedding episode" and the entire thing revolved a
*Today's show is dedicated to Titi Branch — a phenomenal woman, entrepreneur, and sister. We love an
Is it possible to save TOO much? And should you quit your job if you've got a shot at getting your s
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On today's show, an EXCITING update on Tiffany's real estate adventure.-How she found her dream home
Have questions about money or your career? Hit us up at! Learn more about
It's a Mad World, y'all. We couldn't start our show today without acknowledging the troubling events
Have you dumped your big bank yet? On today's show, we've got a super special guest: Lisa Servon, au
So much to cover, so little time! First of all, thank you for making January our biggest month for d