Daily thoughtful conversation about the latest news and politics.
With a little over a month until the 2024 presidential election season wraps up, we explore how unde
Some Trump-aligned Republicans in certain states are reportedly working to sow confusion over vote c
The book Whose America? Culture Wars in the Public Schools (University of Chicago Press, September 2
A New Jersey lawmaker shares her thoughts and analysis on some of the key issues facing Congress. On
A new podcast, Master Plan, traces the roots of Project 2025.On Today's Show:David Sirota, founder a
Kamala Harris revealed in the recent presidential debate that she and her running mate are both gun
We continue to take a close look at the policy issues that matter most to voters in the 'swing state
In Tuesday's debate, climate change didn't exactly get its own section, but was wrapped up in questi
After this week's presidential debate, we take a closer look at one of the key issues likely to impa
Highlights and analysis of last night's presidential debate between vice president Kamala Harris and
With voters saying that economic issues are among their top priorities this election season, those a
We look to Tuesday night's highly anticipated presidential debate between vice president Kamala Harr
A school shooting in Georgia this week has pushed gun violence back into the spotlight, as both pres
A ballot measure to protect and expand abortion rights will be on the ballot in Florida this year. O
Election season is underway, so we look at the campaigns 'boots on the ground' infrastructure.On Tod
As the presidential election seasons intensifies, we zoom in on the politics of a particularly criti
Ishaan Tharoor, foreign affairs columnist at The Washington Post, and the author of the Today's Worl
States across the political spectrum have passed legislation to make period products more easily acc
A closer look at how some progressives are viewing Vice President Harris's stance on Israel and Gaza
With the Democratic National Convention in the rearview mirror, Vice President Kamala Harris is forg