Daily thoughtful conversation about the latest news and politics.
After Super Tuesday, a look at how the 2024 presidential candidates might be vying for low-enthusi
California voters have decided that the Senate race in November's general election will pit Rep. Ada
How do the major legal cases facing the former president intersect with today's important primaries?
Asma Khalid, White House correspondent for NPR and co-host of The NPR Politics Podcast, contributor
News broke this week of two separate overcrowded locations in New York City housing dozens of migran
On Today's Show:For Black History Month, Clarence Lusane, professor and current director of the Inte
New York's junior senator provides her take on Alabama's recent 'fetal personhood' case, and what it
How did misunderstandings and miscommunications, including between the Bush administration and Sadda
As we close out the second month of the 2024 election year, numerous anti-trans laws have been enact
After a recent visit to the region, a local congress member, Navy veteran and House Armed Services c
With so much political news being bound up with legal cases and proceedings, we bring you some legal