Grab a cold beer and join us as Dr. Casey Goetz sits down to discuss all things pediatric dentistry.
In this episode, Dr. Casey Goetz gives a virtual lecture to a group of pediatric dentistry residents
Danny Cammarosano is a regional director of practice finance for Provide. Provide is a tech company
In this solo episode, I wanted to review a scoring system I created that allows pediatric dentists t
Dr. Jay Crews is a pediatric dentist who has been in private practice for 20 years. He owns a large
Dr. Alex Otto is a pediatric dentist who with her husband, Tim, have opened three pediatric dentistr
Dr. Arielle Faden is a pediatric dentist and practice owner out of Jersey City, which is a large met
We all know the struggle of placing posterior pre-fabbed zirconia crowns on primary molars. Sometime
I love interviewing a good power couple where we can have a drink and talk about teeth! Today we are
Dr. Lee Boyd is a pediatric dentist and practice owner from Allen, Kentucky, a town of just 700 peop
Dr. Reza Ardalan is a pediatric dentist from Port St. Lucie, Florida and the owner of Ardalan Pediat
Dr. Debra Cohen is a pediatric dentist from New Jersey. She practices at Riverfront Pediatric Dentis
Dr. Richard Marn is a dual board-certified physician in anesthesiology and pediatric anesthesiology.
Dr. Jon Lindblom is a pediatric dentist and practice owner from Bartlesville, Oklahoma. He's been a
Dr. Gerardo Martinez is a pediatric dentist who practices out of Milford, Delaware. After spending t
Dr. Johnny Johnson is a pediatric dentist from Florida who joins us on the podcast today. Dr. Johnso
Let’s be honest, 99% of our patient encounters are awesome and end with happy kids and happy parents
Dr. Aaron Bumann is a pediatric dentist practicing in the Kansas City, Missouri area. He's is an act
Even with a broad interest in practice ownership, giant student debt is negatively influencing futur
Dr. David Stanley is a pediatric dentist and partner at Wild About Smiles Pediatric Dentistry a
Sometimes it’s nice to have a podcast without a lot of structure where you can just ramble on unfilt