It’s never easy when you are going through a breakup, separation or divorce. Breakups can leave you
After two failed marriages and years of crying Paula sought the therapy that would help her to move
Patty’s 17-year marriage had devolved into emotional and substance abuse, and the shock of infidelit
Dr. Kevin Karlson is an expert in divorce litigation and recovery and helps people navigate through
Vanessa Gaboleiro is a divorce transformation mentor who helps recently divorced women recreate thei
Rosalind Sedacca is a divorce, parenting, dating and relationship coach. In this episode we talk abo
You can often get stuck thinking about all the things that are going wrong, all the things that aren
A breakup can lead to feelings of loneliness as you struggle with all the emotions you are feeling.
Breakups are stressful enough without the challenge of having to deal with a narcissist expartner. N
A lot has been said and written about the power of using quotes to change your self-talk, to inspire
Struggling to move on after your breakup is something that many people experience. Breakups often le
Breakups can leave you feeling confused and chaotic about the decisions and solutions you need to fi
Most of us need to work for a living in order to survive. So trying to get through your breakup and
How do you get through your first social function when you know that your expartner is going to atte
Why do you think we fight with our partners? Listen to Erik Newton as we discus this issue and how b
Dealing with change at the best of times can be daunting. However when you are going through a break
Elise explains how to weave together your sexuality and your spirituality to awaken consciousness in
If you feel that you have lost your self, you have lost your power after your breakup, then Elise Ca
In this 1 year anniversary episode I gathered the top 5 downloaded episodes and drawn from them an o
What should you say and do to help your friend who is going through the breakup process? Even though
When you are going through a breakup you often wonder how you are going to cope with all the change