cover of episode 11/12/24: Lib TikTok Goes Full Stop The Steal, MSNBC Ratings Plummet, DNC Member Rips Party, Jon Stewart Shreds Dems

11/12/24: Lib TikTok Goes Full Stop The Steal, MSNBC Ratings Plummet, DNC Member Rips Party, Jon Stewart Shreds Dems

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Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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Jim Zogby
Krystal和Saagar讨论了自由派TikTok上盛行的"停止窃取选举"阴谋论,该阴谋论融合了占星术预测和对埃隆·马斯克利用Starlink操纵选举结果的指控,并分析了MSNBC等主流媒体在选举后的收视率暴跌以及一些独立左翼媒体的崛起。他们认为,自由派对主流媒体和建制派的失望情绪日益加剧,导致了这种现象。他们还认为,民主党需要对自身策略进行反思,以应对选民的失望情绪。 Jim Zogby对民主党全国委员会(DNC)的运作提出了尖锐批评,认为其缺乏透明度、问责制和民主决策。他指出,DNC成员更多的是充当会议上的摆设,而非真正参与决策。他还批评了DNC在竞选策略上的失误,例如与Liz Cheney合作以及忽视工薪阶层选民。他认为,DNC需要进行根本性的改革,才能更好地代表和服务其选民。 Saagar对民主党在2024年大选中失败的原因进行了分析,他认为民主党需要放弃民调驱动的策略,转而采取更具对抗性的政治策略,明确界定其与富人和保守派之间的分歧。他批评了民主党对民调的过度依赖以及对共和党话语的屈服。他认为,民主党需要建立一个更清晰的叙事,以团结其支持者并争取更多选民。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are some on liberal TikTok promoting the idea that the election is not over?

Some on liberal TikTok are promoting the idea that the election is not over due to their belief in astrological predictions that Kamala Harris would win. They are grappling with the reality that their predictions were wrong and are asserting that the election cannot be over because it's unimaginable that they misread the stars.

Why did MSNBC and CNN experience a significant drop in viewership post-election?

MSNBC and CNN experienced a significant drop in viewership post-election due to liberal depression following Trump's re-election and Kamala Harris's loss. This is a typical reaction after election cycles where the chosen candidate loses, similar to Fox News's drop after the 2020 election.

Why is there a growing disillusionment with mainstream liberal media among some liberals?

There is a growing disillusionment with mainstream liberal media among some liberals because they feel these outlets have not been harsh enough on Donald Trump and have not accurately reported on Joe Biden's decline. Additionally, some liberals are upset about New York Times headlines and feel that establishment media organizations have not been trustworthy.

Why did the Democratic Party struggle to connect with working-class voters in the 2024 election?

The Democratic Party struggled to connect with working-class voters in the 2024 election because they ran a campaign that abandoned the working class and focused on suburban, moderate Republican women. They also gave up on universal healthcare and targeted constituencies they could not reach instead of focusing on those they could.

Why did Jon Stewart criticize the Democratic Party's approach to the 2024 election?

Jon Stewart criticized the Democratic Party's approach to the 2024 election because they ran a campaign that avoided controversial topics and tried to pander to polls, adopting Republican framing instead of standing for clear, divisive issues that could rally their base.

Why did some Muslim American voters shift their support away from the Democratic Party in the 2024 election?

Some Muslim American voters shifted their support away from the Democratic Party in the 2024 election due to dissatisfaction with the party's stance on foreign policy, particularly regarding Gaza. This issue was significant enough to cause a split in the vote among Arab Americans, contributing to Kamala Harris's loss.

Why did James Zogby advocate for reform within the DNC?

James Zogby advocated for reform within the DNC because he believes the organization has become a mere fundraising and messaging machine, lacking financial accountability, transparency, and democratic decision-making. He argues that the DNC needs to be a governing body that people belong to and that there needs to be control over the political consultancy blob that dominates decision-making.

Krystal and Saagar discuss the phenomenon of liberal TikTok users, including astrologers, who are propagating theories that the election is not over and that Kamala Harris will still win.
  • Astrologers on TikTok predict Kamala Harris will win the election.
  • Users are grappling with the idea that their predictions might be wrong.
  • Conspiracy theories about Elon Musk using Starlink to manipulate election results are gaining traction.

Shownotes Transcript

Krystal and Saagar discuss lib TikTok goes full stop the steal, MSNBC ratings plummet, DNC member rips party, Jon Stewart destroys woke Dem autopsy.


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