Get ready with us! We’re Jill and Carlene, two longtime beauty editors who have seen it all and swat
In our latest, by-popular-demand episode, we bring you #Deciem mastermind Brandon Truaxe, who has sh
In this episode, we welcome Fashion Magazine’s awesome beauty team, Beauty Director Lesa Hannah and
When your great grandfather invented the term “makeup” as an Oscar-winning makeup artist during Holl
Welcome to our latest episode of The Glow Down! We are so excited to chat with fellow beauty podcast
In this episode, we chat with the founder of Drunk Elephant Skincare, Tiffany Masterson. Drunk Eleph
In this episode of #TheGlowDown, hear all about Carlene testing out a Valmont facial that's a $plurg
She's the Founder and CEO to watch, and she started a revolution with Glossier, a millennial beauty
In this episode - we get the scoop on Toronto Fashion Week (including insider secrets from photograp
They’re beauty moguls, and they’ve just barely graduated high school. Meet Taylor and Ally Frankel,
In our second mid-month episode of The Glow Down by Breaking Beauty, we catch up with celebrity hair
Maria Hatzistefanis is such a beauty boss that she's created not one, but two, blockbuster beauty br
Introducing The Glow Down by Breaking Beauty!! By popular demand, join us for our mid-month mini epi
In episode 5, we chat with Lev Glazman, co-founder of Fresh Beauty. Dreams do come true, people. We
In this episode, we chat with Mathilde Thomas, co-founder of all-natural French skincare brand, Caud
In this episode, we chat with Barb Stegemann, social entrepreneur and Founder of The 7 Virtues fragr
Welcome to Breaking Beauty! Behind every beauty bestseller, there's a damn good story. Hosts and bea
In this bonus episode, we take a minute to chat about our inspiration and go deep on some of our fav
Welcome to our premiere podcast! In our first episode, we speak to Margaret de Heinrich de Omorovicz
A sneak peek of our new beauty podcast!See Privacy Policy at and Californi