cover of episode Unpacking Harris: From Afghanistan to Policy Flip-Flops with Dr. William Walters and David Harsanyi

Unpacking Harris: From Afghanistan to Policy Flip-Flops with Dr. William Walters and David Harsanyi

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Breaking Battlegrounds

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Harsanyi
Sam Stone
Sean Noble
William Walters博士
William Walters博士:Salus发展基金致力于在索马里、阿富汗等战后地区改善民生,通过发展商业航空和医疗基础设施来弥补大型发展组织的不足。在阿富汗,基金会与塔利班合作改善机场等基础设施,以维持航空服务。美国应该继续在人道主义层面参与阿富汗等国家,这不仅是人道主义责任,也是国家安全问题,因为不参与会将这些地区拱手让给地缘政治对手。美国通过人道主义援助树立榜样,展示美国理想,吸引人们向往美国。相比委内瑞拉等国的囚犯帮派,阿富汗人对美国的印象普遍积极,这说明美国的人道主义援助能够赢得人心。20年阿富汗战争虽然付出巨大牺牲,但让阿富汗人看到了美国的承诺,这与来自委内瑞拉、海地等国,没有对美国做出承诺,只想寻求免费帮助的人形成了对比。海地地震后的重建资金被滥用,导致美国未能履行承诺,加剧了海地的恶劣状况。对移民进行严格审查非常重要,否则会导致犯罪问题增加。非法移民中存在犯罪团伙,他们利用美国的慷慨,损害了其他寻求更好生活的移民的形象。与委内瑞拉等国相比,阿富汗特别移民签证(SIV)的审批流程效率低下,导致许多为美国工作并冒着生命危险的阿富汗人仍在等待签证。 Sam Stone:拜登政府对阿富汗撤军事件的处理,不仅是政治上的谴责,更是道德上的谴责,因为政府未能承担责任,向阵亡士兵家属表达同情和理解。与卡特总统对伊朗人质危机事件的处理方式相比,拜登政府对阿富汗撤军事件的处理缺乏同情和领导力。阿富汗撤军失败的原因与1979年鹰爪行动失败的原因相似,都是缺乏想象力、规划和领导力。国会关于阿富汗撤军报告指出,拜登政府对撤军风险视而不见,在塔利班违反协议后仍坚持撤军计划,导致了阿比盖特事件的发生。 Sean Noble:在海地,由于贫困和伏都教的仪式,吃猫的情况可能比美国人想象的更普遍。城市管理者通常更关心城市员工的利益,而不是社区居民的利益。

Deep Dive

Hosts Sam Stone and Sean Noble discuss Kamala Harris's role in the Afghanistan withdrawal and the Haitian migrant crisis with Dr. William Walters, a retired soldier and former Senior State Department Official. They explore the impact of these events on communities and the importance of humanitarian aid in maintaining national security.
  • Dr. Walters highlights the importance of commercial aviation and health infrastructure in providing aid to communities affected by war.
  • The discussion emphasizes the need for vetting immigrants to prevent criminal enterprises from exploiting the U.S.'s generosity.
  • The hosts and Dr. Walters criticize the Biden-Harris administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal and its lack of support for Gold Star families.

Shownotes Transcript

On today's episode of Breaking Battlegrounds), hosts Sam Stone and guest co-host Sean Noble welcome Dr. William Walters, a retired soldier with three combat tours in Iraq and former Senior State Department Official, to discuss Kamala Harris's role in the Afghanistan withdrawal and the Haitian migrant crisis impacting Springfield, Ohio. Later in the show, David Harsanyi, senior writer at The Washington Examiner and author of the new book "The Rise of BlueAnon" (now available for presale)), joins to talk about the Trump/Harris debate and Kamala Harris's policy flip-flopping. As always, the show wraps up on a happy note with Jenna's sunshine moment.





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About our guests:

Dr. William Walters is a retired soldier with three combat tours in Iraq, former Senior State Department Official, and the Founder and Executive Director of the Salus Development Fund, a not-for-profit organization focused on improving the lives of people in the aftermath of war through the development of commercial aviation and health infrastructure.

David Harsanyi is a senior writer at The Washington Examiner, a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of six books—the most recent, The Rise of BlueAnon: How the Democrats Became a Party of Conspiracy Theorists. Follow him on Twitter, @davidharsanyi). Get full access to Breaking Battlegrounds at