cover of episode Majority Leader Steve Scalise on Social Security and GOP Priorities, Plus Riley Gaines Advocates for Prop 313: Life Sentences for Child Sex Traffickers

Majority Leader Steve Scalise on Social Security and GOP Priorities, Plus Riley Gaines Advocates for Prop 313: Life Sentences for Child Sex Traffickers

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Breaking Battlegrounds

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Ken LaCorte
Michael Way
Riley Gaines
Sam Stone
Steve Scalise
Yuval Levin
Steve Scalise: 斯卡利斯讨论了社会保障的重要性、共和党保持众议院多数席位的利害关系以及其他问题。他强调了民主党对共和党候选人关于社会保障的言论进行歪曲,并指责拜登-哈里斯政府应对通货膨胀、高物价和开放边境等问题负责。他还谈到了拜登政府泄露以色列袭击德黑兰计划的事件,并对政府缺乏问责制表示担忧。斯卡利斯认为,如果共和党失去众议院多数席位,民主党将控制众议院,这将导致加税、开放边境和弹劾特朗普等政策的实施。他还谈到了在全国各地竞选的经历,以及选民最关心的问题,包括开放的南部边境、经济问题(特别是食品和汽油价格)以及拜登-哈里斯政府的政策。最后,斯卡利斯强调了支持大卫·施韦克特连任国会议员的重要性。 Ken LaCorte: LaCorte分析了《华盛顿邮报》和《洛杉矶时报》不为总统候选人背书的决定,认为这反映了这些报纸的读者数量下降以及它们转向党派立场的事实。他还讨论了电视网对选举之夜的准备工作,以及“身体积极”运动已经偏离了轨道,因为它提倡不健康的习惯,并导致许多倡导者过早死亡。 Riley Gaines: 盖恩斯分享了她与利亚·托马斯(一位生物男性运动员)在2022年NCAA游泳锦标赛上竞争的经历,并讨论了女子体育中的公平问题。她还谈到了亚利桑那州第313号提案,该提案旨在对性贩卖未成年人的行为处以终身监禁。盖恩斯还谈到了她对未来的希望,以及人们对投票的积极性正在增强,尤其是在年轻一代中。她还谈到了她从一名运动员转型为倡导女性权利的代言人,以及她所获得的建议和支持。 Yuval Levin: 莱文讨论了美国宪法的结构和运作方式,以及它在当今政治中的相关性。他认为,宪法旨在促进妥协和包容,而当前的政治却偏离了这一目标。莱文还谈到了总统权力过度扩张的问题,以及恢复联邦制以促进不同治理模式竞争的重要性。他还讨论了联邦机构缺乏问责制的问题,以及如何通过将权力下放给更贴近公民的政府部门来解决这个问题。最后,莱文谈到了法律专业人士对宪法的理解,以及如何通过重新认识宪法来重新团结国家。 Michael Way: 韦伊分享了他竞选州立法机构的经历,以及他希望在立法机构中取得的成就。他谈到了共和党在亚利桑那州失去阵地的现象,以及他希望通过团结一致、避免内讧来扭转这一局面。他还讨论了教育问题,包括教师工会过度关注增加教师工资,以及对学生和家庭进行问责的重要性。最后,韦伊解释了他竞选的动机,以及他为什么认为自己适合担任州立法机构的职务。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Social Security important to Steve Scalise and the GOP?

Social Security is a critical program that needs to be preserved and protected from bankruptcy.

Why do Democrats lie about Republicans' stance on Social Security?

Democrats want to project their own plan to bankrupt Social Security onto Republicans.

Why is the open border a concern for Steve Scalise?

The open border allows criminals and drugs to enter, leading to increased crime and drug-related deaths.

Why should people reelect David Schweikert according to Steve Scalise?

David Schweikert is a knowledgeable and effective advocate for solving complex issues like the debt and deficit.

Why do newsrooms treat election nights as a major event?

Election nights are like the Super Bowl for newsrooms, attracting millions of viewers and high-profile attention.

Why did body positivity go off the rails according to Ken LaCorte?

Body positivity morphed into promoting unhealthy lifestyles and denying medical realities about obesity.

Why is Proposition 313 important to Riley Gaines?

Proposition 313 ensures life imprisonment for child sex traffickers, protecting minors from exploitation.

Why does Yuval Levin believe the Constitution is relevant today?

The Constitution provides a framework for negotiation and accommodation, essential for addressing national divisions.

Why does Yuval Levin think the presidency is overstepping its bounds?

Recent presidents have acted as legislators when Congress fails to act, violating the separation of powers.

Why does Michael Way want to be in the Arizona legislature?

Way wants to address issues affecting families and children, ensuring a better future for the next generation.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise discusses the importance of keeping the House majority, the stakes for Republicans, and the potential consequences of losing control.
  • Democrats plan to raise taxes, maintain an open border, and impeach Donald Trump if they gain control.
  • Scalise emphasizes the need for more people like David Schweikert who understand complex issues and can articulate solutions.

Shownotes Transcript

This week on Breaking Battlegrounds, Chuck and Sam deliver a packed show, starting with U.S. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, who discusses the importance of Social Security, the stakes for Republicans in keeping the House majority, and more. Next, media insider Ken LaCorte gives a behind-the-scenes look at newsrooms on election nights—describing it as the media’s Super Bowl. Then, women’s rights advocate and former NCAA All-American swimmer Riley Gaines joins to discuss Proposition 313, which would enforce life sentences for child sex traffickers in Arizona. Also joining is Yuval Levin, Director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute, to discuss the Constitution's foundation on compromise and its continued relevance today. Finally, Arizona legislative candidate Michael Way shares insights into his race for Legislative District 15. Don’t miss this versatile lineup as they dive into the most pressing issues of this election cycle!





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About our guests:

Steve Scalise proudly represents the First Congressional District of Louisiana, stretching from the beautiful Northshore of Lake Pontchartrain and the culturally distinct New Orleans suburbs to the vibrant bayous and wetlands abundant in natural resources. He was elected to Congress in 2008 after serving in the Louisiana State Legislature from 1996-2008.Scalise served as House Majority Whip from 2014-2018 and as House Minority Whip from 2019-2022, where he was responsible for unifying the Republican Conference as legislation moved through the House of Representatives.

For the current 118th Congress, Scalise was elected House Majority Leader by his colleagues, the second highest position in House Republican Leadership.Scalise keeps a pulse on what is happening in communities across the United States and responds accordingly. As Majority Leader, Scalise is responsible for the day-to-day workings of the House of Representatives and helps Republicans communicate their priorities to the American people. By scheduling legislation on the House Floor for a vote and guiding committee chairs on which policies and bills to prioritize, Majority Leader Scalise plays a critical role in setting the House’s overall agenda.

Ken LaCorte)** **is a friend of the show and Host of Elephants In Rooms. He writes about censorship, media malfeasance, uncomfortable questions, and honest insight for people curious how the world really works.

Riley Gaines is a leader defending women’s single-sex spaces, advocating for equality and fairness, and standing up for women’s safety, privacy, and equal opportunities.

Gaines graduated from the University of Kentucky, where she was a 12x All-American swimmer. 

Riley has made waves for speaking out after tying UPenn’s Lia Thomas, a biological male swimmer on the women’s team, at the 2022 NCAA Division 1 Women’s Swimming & Diving Championships. 

After Riley directly experienced competing against a man in women’s sports, being forced without warning or consent to undress before the fully intact male, and subjected to discrimination by the NCAA, she became one of the most powerful voices to speak out against the injustice, challenging the rules of the NCAA, USA Swimming, International Olympic Committee (IOC), and other governing bodies. 

Riley now works for the leading women’s organization making real and lasting change, legally defining ‘woman,’ protecting Title IX, and defending women’s rights to single-sex spaces and equal opportunities. She has traveled the country speaking and has testified before the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and countless state legislatures.

Yuval Levin is the director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he also holds the Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Public Policy. The founder and editor of National Affairs, he is also a senior editor at The New Atlantis, a contributing editor at National Review, and a contributing opinion writer at New York Times.

Michael Way is running for the Arizona House to represent Legislative District 15. Learn more here: Get full access to Breaking Battlegrounds at