cover of episode Congressman Juan Ciscomani on the Trump Assassination Task Force and His Bipartisan Affordable Housing Bill

Congressman Juan Ciscomani on the Trump Assassination Task Force and His Bipartisan Affordable Housing Bill

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Breaking Battlegrounds

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alexander Raikin
Joe Bishop-Henchman
Juan Ciscomani
Sam Stone
Juan Ciscomani: 国会已成立一个两党合作的任务小组,调查特朗普遇刺事件中的失误和沟通不畅,并追究相关责任。该任务小组的目标是查明事件中出现的问题,并对相关机构进行必要的改革,以防止类似事件再次发生。特朗普遇刺事件发生在社交媒体和手机普及的时代,这给调查带来了新的复杂性。调查应追究相关人员的责任,并采取措施防止此类事件再次发生。他对联邦政府的低效和官僚作风感到担忧,认为这些问题可能在多个机构中普遍存在。解决政府低效问题,不一定需要增加资金投入,更重要的是提高效率。华盛顿存在过度支出和官僚主义的顽疾,需要打破现状,提出尖锐的问题,并进行必要的改革。尽管存在不同的数据解读,但人们普遍感受到生活成本的上升和经济压力的增加。人们最关心的问题是边境问题、物价上涨和收入跟不上支出。他提出了一项旨在加快经济适用房建设的法案,以解决住房负担能力问题。他的住房法案旨在通过减少政府监管来降低住房成本。政府对建筑物的过度监管以及繁琐的规章制度导致了住房成本的增加。 Joe Bishop-Henchman: 特朗普提出的对所有进口商品征收10%关税的建议对经济有害,因为它会导致物价上涨,并可能引发其他国家的报复性关税。虽然中国采取了掠夺性的贸易行为,但对所有进口商品征收高额关税并不是解决问题的最佳方法。美国与其他国家之间不断升级的关税战损害了美国的经济利益,并阻碍了国际合作。关税上涨和报复性关税会导致美国出口下降和就业岗位流失。特朗普的10%关税提案反映了他长期以来对惩罚其他国家以利己的信念。最高法院在雪佛龙案中的裁决使纳税人更有可能在与政府机构的诉讼中胜诉。第一夫人和副总统办公室的员工数量和支出过多,缺乏合理的解释。拜登总统退休后将获得丰厚的退休金,这引发了人们对政府支出的关注。拜登总统去世后,他的遗孀将继续获得部分退休金。政府对就业数据的修订可能带有政治目的,而非单纯的反映事实。 Alexander Raikin: 大多数特朗普任命的法官在选举干预案件中都做出了对他不利的判决,这表明特朗普并非对民主构成威胁。特朗普任命的法官在选举干预案件中大多判决不利于他,这与独裁者利用司法系统为自己服务的做法形成鲜明对比。特朗普任命的法官在选举干预案件中大多判决不利于他,这与独裁者利用司法系统为自己服务的做法形成鲜明对比。美国的制度和权力制衡机制仍在有效运作,这表明特朗普对民主的威胁被夸大了。特朗普的司法任命得到了参议院的审查,这表明美国的司法机构仍在运作。美国的制度和权力制衡机制仍在有效运作,这表明特朗普对民主的威胁被夸大了。如果法院像拜登和哈里斯声称的那样存在偏见,特朗普现在就应该当总统了。加拿大辅助自杀计划被滥用于患有饮食紊乱的患者,这引发了伦理担忧。加拿大辅助自杀计划可能被用于控制医疗成本,这引发了人们对该计划被滥用的担忧。加拿大公众可能对辅助自杀计划的实际情况缺乏了解。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of Breaking Battlegrounds, we kick it off with Congressman Juan Ciscomani of Arizona’s 6th Congressional District, who gives us the latest developments regarding the Trump assassination task force, the most recent job reports released, and his bipartisan affordable housing bill in Congress. Following this, Joe Bishop-Henchman from the National Taxpayers Union Foundation will discuss the impact of tariffs on the economy, the recent Chevron decision on businesses, and Biden's outrageous White House payroll. Finally, Alexander Raiken from the Ethics and Public Policy Center presents his analysis on how Donald Trump does not pose a threat to democracy). Tune in for an in-depth exploration of these pivotal issues shaping the political landscape.





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About our guests:

**Congressman Juan Ciscomani *represents Arizona’s 6th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. Juan and his family immigrated to the United States when he was a young boy. They established roots in Tucson, Arizona, where his father worked as a bus driver to give his children a shot at the American Dream. Growing up in a working class family taught Juan the value of hard work and the importance of a can-do attitude.Juan attended public schools in Tucson, Pima Community College and the University of Arizona. He worked his way through school with maintenance and service jobs until becoming the first in his family to graduate from college. After college, Juan worked for the University of Arizona and the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce before joining Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s administration as Senior Advisor and Vice-Chair of the Arizona-Mexico Commission. Juan focused on the issues of international trade and diplomacy, border security, and economic development.In 2022, Juan was elected to represent Arizona’s new 6th congressional district, becoming the first naturalized American citizen from Mexico elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in Arizona history.In 2024, Juan was named the most bipartisan member from Arizona in the U.S. House of Representatives by the Lugar Center and McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University Bipartisan Index.Juan often shares a conversation with his dad where his dad asked him:“Where else could we have our story? We come to the US, learn English, immerse in the culture, become US citizens, I drive a bus most of my life, and now my son is a United States Congressman. Where else in the world? Nowhere else, that’s the American Dream.”*Juan is determined to fight to keep that dream alive for others. Juan resides in Tucson with his wife, Laura, and their 6 kids — Zoe, Juan David, Kenny, Lily, Lucas, and Gloria.

Joe Bishop‐Henchman is Executive Vice President at the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, leading our work to protect taxpayer rights through research, litigation, and outreach. He has worked with elected officials and stakeholders to achieve major state‐level tax changes, advised on the interplay between federal and state policy changes, and authored over 100 studies on tax policy and tax law. Bishop‐Henchman is a class plaintiff in a major lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service seeking refund of $300 million of illegally collected fees, was lead counsel in NTUF’s *Halstead Bead *litigation that successfully prompted reform of Louisiana’s complex local sales tax practices, and his brief in South Dakota v. Wayfair was cited twice by the U.S. Supreme Court majority opinion.

Bishop-Henchman joined NTUF from the McDermott Will & Emery law firm, where he counseled clients on tax policy and compliance, and prior to that, 14 years at the Tax Foundation, where he co-authored 8 books on tax policy. He has testified to Congress seven times, in 36 state houses around the country, and on anti-corruption tax reform efforts in-person in Kyiv, Ukraine in 2023. He was educated at the University of California, Berkeley and received his J.D. from the George Washington University Law School and a certificate in International Legal Studies from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge and the University of Salzburg. He is admitted to practice law in New York, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and before the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Tax Court, and the 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and D.C. Circuits.

Alexander Raikin is a friend on the show. He is a Visiting Fellow in Bioethics and American Democracy Program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. His research focuses on the dignity of human life and end-of-life issues, especially on its impact on the field of medicine and broader ethical questions of social belonging.

His writing has been widely cited in major publications such as The Atlantic and the New York Times and in academic journals in the United States, Canada, UK, and France. He wrote cover stories for National Review and The New Atlantis, while his other bylines include City Journal, Plough, and the Washington Free Beacon. Raikin frequently speaks on national radio and on major podcasts.Last year, Raikin was an inaugural Richard John Neuhaus Fellow at the Public Interest Fellowship and EPPC. He was a Tikvah Summer Fellow and a Killam scholar with Fulbright at American University. He graduated from Carleton University with a bachelor’s degree in public policy. Raikin is a proud member of Kesher Israel synagogue and lives with his wife in Washington, D.C. Get full access to Breaking Battlegrounds at