Join hosts Jim Braude and Margery Eagan for a smart local conversation with leaders and thinkers sha
Protesting under Trump's Presidency? We opened the lines to discuss how people feel about openly dis
Today: Sue O’Connell fills in for Margery. Auditor Diana DiZoglio joins to talk about opposition to
It's been nearly a year since authorities shut down a brothel ring operating in Cambridge and Watert
Today:Former US Attorney for Massachusetts Donald Stern discusses Trump's nomination of Matt Gaetz a
Donald Stern is a former U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts, he talked about the role of courts in resi
Today: Andrea Cabral fills in for Jim.Charlie Sennott of The GroundTruth Project discusses the Chris
NBC political director Chuck Todd returns for his weekly D.C. news roundup. Then we open the phone l
Today:We talk with former chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court Margaret Marshall about the ju
Jared Bowen on Yellow Face on Broadway and Cillian Murphy's latest film Small Things Like These.Juli
Mayor Michelle Wu discussed the election, open Newbury Street in December and more.Trenni Casey disc
Today:Congressman Seth Moulton defends his controversial statements about trans athletes in school s
It's one week post election, so we start the show by asking listeners -- regardless of who you voted
Live Music Friday with a performance from the Boston Civics Orchestra, celebrating their 100th seaso
Today:We asked listeners about what you want to hear from us in the wake of Trump’s election? And yo
NBC political director Chuck Todd joins with his reaction to Tuesday’s election.Then, we open up the
Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin discussed the election, historic precedence for non-consecutive terms
Today:Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin talks us through a stunning Trump victory last night – an overp
Election Day has arrived. We had numerous local political figures call into our show. Senator Elizab
Today:Conservative commentator and never-Trumper Bill Kristol of The Bulwark discusses the American
Former Globe editor Brian McGrory discusses threats to journalism, trust, the truth and democracy ah