This episode is brought to you by LifeLock. The holidays mean more travel, more shopping, more time online, and more personal info in places that could expose you to identity theft. That's why LifeLock monitors millions of data points every second. If your identity is stolen, their U.S.-based restoration specialist will fix it, guaranteed, or your money back. Get more holiday fun and less holiday worry with LifeLock. Save up to 40% your first year. Visit slash podcast. Terms apply.
Good morning and welcome to Bongino Report Early Edition. Merchants of death are flipping out over Pete Hegsass, Secretary of Defense nomination.
former a former fema employee exposes a broader conspiracy to discriminate against right-wingers eric hovde weighs in on the milwaukee ballot dumps jim jordan defends election integrity on cnn msnbc is set to be sold while cnn is preparing to fire hundreds of employees whoopi goldberg says that she's a working person going through hard times
The view encourages Democrats to shun their Trump voting family this Thanksgiving, bombshell developments in the peanut the squirrel scandal, and Mayor Eric Adams refuses to rule out working with Trump on deportations. All this on Fundina Report, early edition.
We have some really big Trump admin personnel news. Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk have been appointed to head the new Department of Government Efficiency under Donald Trump. So this is a brand new thing. It seems to be more of like an advisory role from the description that Trump gave last night. But here is Elon talking about the aims of this new department. I mean, at the end of the day, you're being taxed.
You're being taxed. All government spending is taxation. So whether it's direct taxation or all government spending, it either becomes inflation or it's direct taxation. Your money is being wasted and the Department of Government Efficiency is going to fix that. We're going to get the government off your back and out of your pocketbook.
America is just not going to be great. America is going to reach heights that it has never seen before. The future is going to be amazing. He is. He's very funny. And I hope that this I hope this new department really has some sincere.
teeth to it that they actually are able to affect some change. I really do. I'm very hopeful about this. This is what we wanted. This is what we were promised by Trump. And I'm very happy. And I think Vivek is going to do a great job tag teaming this with Elon.
A lot of people were complaining that, oh, it can't be a two-person job. It makes sense to me why they would have two people. Elon Musk is in charge of so many things. He's got a lot on his plate. So to have Vivek there as well, who is an excellent pick, is a really great call on Trump's part. Now, also last night, Pete Hegseth was selected to be the Secretary of Defense, which I think no one really saw coming. It was a pretty big surprise across the board on the right and the left.
And I'm sure that all three of these men are going to do an excellent job in their respective roles. But the backlash to Pete has been wild. Here was Joy Reid last night. Former and future president is moving quickly to fill the clown car and round out his cabinet before he changes his mind and fires them all. Moments ago, Trump announced that he has selected Fox weekend morning show host. You can't make this up. Pete Hanks to serve as secretary of defense. Why not?
Likewise, Elizabeth Warren wrote on X, a Fox and Friends weekend co-host is not qualified to be the Secretary of Defense. Donald Trump's pick will make us less safe and must be rejected. Let's be clear about something for Elizabeth Warren. Enjoy reading.
Pete Hegseth is a 20-year military veteran, a combat, decorated combat veteran, a two-time recipient of the Bronze Star, and he graduated from both Harvard and Princeton. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren lied about being Native American so she could get ahead. You tell me who's unqualified. Drop a comment. I'm pretty sure that it's Joy Reid and Elizabeth Warren.
Now, the best part is that Politico ran, and this is how you know that this was a good pick, because Politico ran a story on Pete and how it's somehow a bad thing that the defense industry's lobbyists don't know who Pete is. And this is an excerpt I'm going to read for you guys from this Politico piece.
Who the F is this guy? Said a defense industry lobbyist who was granted a nominee to offer candid views. The lobbyist said they had hoped for someone who actually has an extensive background in defense. That would be a good start. And this is just amazing. It's a chef's kiss. And I'm going to be straight with you all.
I don't agree with Pete on everything foreign policy wise. I don't. And I would love to see some more tempered individuals leading foreign policy in the Trump admin. But that said, this is amazing that we have slimeball defense contractors freaking out over the Pete Hegg Seth clip. His extensive background in defense,
is being a veteran and serving in combat. I'm sorry that cutting deals with weapons manufacturing lobbyists isn't one of Pete's areas of expertise, but you know what? I think I prefer a candidate who doesn't have making deals with merchants of war and death on his resume.
Somebody wrote on X, "Oh no, he never sat on the board of Lockheed Martin. Whatever will we do?" Which is exactly the reaction we're getting right now. That Politico would even run this as a normal story, that Americans would be really disturbed by the fact that Pete Hegseth doesn't have any ties to weapons manufacturing is just ridiculous. We should be able to sniff that out right away. The media is so corrupt. It is not on the side of the American people.
That shouldn't even be an argument. You don't like Pete Hegseth? Let's talk about his former comments about foreign policy, about the Middle East, about Ukraine, whatever. But that he doesn't have any ties to weapons manufacturers? That's your critique? It's a pretty weak one. Frankly, it's a sign that Pete is going to be a great, great Secretary of Defense.
Now, one major drawback, this is a real drawback of Trump selecting Pete, is that he will be leaving Fox & Friends weekend, which he co-hosts with my mom and Will Kane. So the dream team on Fox & Friends weekend is unfortunately coming to an end. And I heard from my mom yesterday that actually, I think last weekend was their last show together because he's not going to be back on Fox anymore.
Not again. So that's very sad. It's the end of an era. Mike, I think we have a photo. This is Michael and I and Pete and Will, my mom, for the 2022 Nashville Olympics.
Fox New Year event. It was pretty awesome. It was very fun. Pete's a great guy. I know him personally. He was at my wedding. So I'm very optimistic about this pick. And the only drawback, of course, is that Fox and Friends weekend is definitely going to suffer in his absence. Now, this next story is exactly why we need a government efficiency department. There was a FEMA employee, Marnie Washington, who was fired from
Just a few days ago for telling agents to bypass homes with Trump signs in Florida. Well, now she's broken her silence and she's saying, actually, I was simply following standard operating procedure. Take a listen. Stating that I was fired. They all alleged that these are
actions were made on my own recognizances and that it was for my own political advances. However, if you look at the record, there is what we call a community trend. And unfortunately, it just so happened that the political hostility that was encountered
by my team, and I was on two different teams during this deployment. They just so happened to have the Trump campaign signage. FEMA always preaches avoidance first and then de-escalation.
So this is not isolated. This is a colossal event of avoidance, not just in the state of Florida, but you will find avoidance in the Carolinas. Senior leadership will lie to you and tell you that they do not know. But if you ask the DSA crew leads and specialists what they are experiencing in the field, they will tell you. Demand for FEMA to give you those incident reports. So she's claiming that FEMA leadership made her the scapegoat
of a wider scandal of avoidance of helping certain victims based on political beliefs. And this is why we're constantly saying,
that the government isn't just weaponized against Trump, but against half the country. We need Vivek and Elon to get in there and cripple every one of these corrupted agencies. It has to stop. It is an outrage. And it's so BS. I mean, I knew it from the second that they made that fire that this was just a scapegoat, that this was going to be a woman, that they were going to have be the fall girl for it. But this goes much deeper than just one federal employee.
It always goes deeper. Now, we are still waiting on a ton of seats in the House. We have a majority. The right has a majority. But it's unclear how big of a majority we're going to have. And this is why putting Lee Zeldin and Elise Stefanik in Trump's cabinet I don't think was a great call because we need them in Congress making sure that Trump's agenda is pushed through.
And by the way, Elise's seat probably won't be filled for the first 100 days because Kathy Hochul has the ability to wait to hold the election for at least 80 days after her resignation, after her nomination. But I digress. The picks were made. We have to deal with the House breakdown issue.
But election integrity is still very important. We lost a really important Senate race in Wisconsin under very fishy circumstances. Eric Hovde, who was running against Tammy Baldwin, was up on election night. But then just like in 2020, in the middle of the night, Milwaukee County posted a huge number of absentee ballots, over 100,000 all at once, that were over 90% for Tammy Baldwin.
which is pretty amazing over 90 percent kind of doesn't even really make a lot of sense statistically but it destroyed hub d's lead here is hub d explaining many people have been wondering why i have remained quiet since election night i believe it's better not to comment until i have the facts wisconsin election commission is in the final process of finalizing the campus from last tuesday's election
Like many of my supporters, I was shocked by what unfolded on election night. At 1:00 a.m., I was receiving calls of congratulations and based on the models, it appeared I would win the Senate race. Then at 4:00 a.m., Milwaukee reported approximately 108,000 absentee ballots, with Senator Baldwin receiving nearly 90% of those ballots. Statistically, this outcome seems improbable.
as it didn't match the patterns from same-day voting in Milwaukee, where I received 22% of the votes. Since last Wednesday, numerous parties have reached out to me about voting inconsistencies, such as certain voting precincts in Milwaukee having turnout of over 150% of registered voters and in some cases over 200%.
Additionally, in 2020, President Biden received 10 million more votes than Vice President Harris did last Tuesday. Yet in Milwaukee, even though the population of Milwaukee has declined and registered voters declined by 26,330 and early voting numbers were down, somehow Harris received only 1,100 less votes than Biden did, which is not consistent with most major cities.
This was accomplished by same-day registration that surged by almost 50% on a rainy day.
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I just want to make a clarification. Somebody pointed out that I said Lee Zeldin instead of Mike Waltz, which is true. My bad. Mike Waltz is in Congress right now. He's the one who will trigger a special election. Not sure if I think that he'll have a better chance of having a replacement quicker than Elise Stefanik, just because we know Kathy Hochul is going to drag this thing out. And Lee Zeldin, of course, he was in Congress. He resigned in, I believe, 2023. Anyways,
This clip from from Havdi, it really is fishy. It really does allude to something very sinister happening in Wisconsin and specifically Milwaukee. And I have some intimate knowledge with this. Back in 2020, I was working for The Federalist and I reported that on election night, Trump led in Wisconsin, defying pollsters who predicted that Biden was going to just sweep the state of Wisconsin.
But then Milwaukee, a Milwaukee mail-in ballot dump of over 150,000 votes, pushed Biden ahead by early morning after the election. And here's what's weird. Biden did better in heavily black Milwaukee than Obama did in 2008 and 2012. Better. Better margin of victory.
It's even more suspicious because there hasn't been a big demographics change in Milwaukee. The Census Bureau population estimates show that at least in the last 10 years, thousands of Metro Milwaukee residents have left the area or other parts of the state and country. So stagnant population,
heavily black. I mean, do you guys remember what it was like in 2008? There was all of this energy around Barack Obama. People were so excited to vote for him, especially black Americans. And somehow you're telling me Joe Biden performed better in Milwaukee than Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012? It doesn't add up. Something is not adding up. And something's not adding up with this recent election, this recent Senate race with Hovde and Baldwin.
And it's really just extremely bizarre that there were somehow 10 million more Democrat voters in 2020 compared to 2016 and 2024. Where do these people come from? Where are they today? They're missing. We have 10 million Democrat voters missing in America. Here is Jim Jordan asking these exact questions on CNN. There were false claims about election fraud.
When Donald Trump lost this time, Donald Trump won. And you think the election was free and fair. You see, there's a little bit of a. No, I think the Democrats got to ask, why do we go from getting 81 million to getting 70 million? What happened to those 10 million people? Maybe they needed. Maybe it's not smart to run an election where you have no vision, no record to run. Do you believe that the other side names? Do you believe that the 2024 election was free and fair? I do. I do. And why was it different from.
2020 when he lost. Is that the only difference? No, there were concerns about 2020 with all the mail-in voting that happened. Pennsylvania had like two point something million mail-in ballots come in without any signature verification, which was required under Pennsylvania statute. So there were all kinds of concerns with how the 2020 election was carried out. But
It was absolutely no widespread fraud. The biggest question Democrats need to ask is, what happened to the 10 million voters that Joe Biden got that didn't come out for Kamala Harris? A bunch of them, President Trump's numbers were right up where they were in 2020, but the Democrats were much slower. Trying to create this narrative, the left is doing this right now. Oh, you guys only accept the results of elections when you win. No one on the right is saying,
2020 was a totally voter fraud free election. It's ridiculous. And the numbers reflect that something fishy happened in 2020. Mikey, can you throw up that graphic that Elon Musk shared? This is really fascinating. If you're listening, all the states that went blue this year also happened to have no photo ID requirement. Coincidence? Chat.
Yes or no, is it a coincidence that the states that go blue all happen to have no photo ID requirements? One in the top right, which one is it, Mikey? Can't see, but the vast majority of these states that went blue, no photo ID. I don't think that's a coincidence. Election integrity is still an issue. We still need to be focused on it.
And this is something that we can get involved in at a state and community level. We need to rally for photo IDs, signature verification for absentee ballots, clean voter rolls, transparent counting processes, strict deadlines for ballot submission. This is something we have to push for in our respective states and communities.
Now, in some truly delicious news, Comcast is set to put MSNBC up for sale, according to Comcast president Mike Kavanaugh, during the company's third quarter earnings call. And this is because...
All of the corporate media has seen their numbers plummet since Trump's victory. But MSNBC's ratings have reportedly cratered by 50%. And there are jokes that Elon Musk will now buy MSNBC, which would be very funny, would be very epic, but probably not a great investment. Because podcasting, social media, that is the future. Traditional media is in fact dying. Meanwhile, over at CNN...
There are plans to ax top stars in layoffs that'll see hundreds fired. According to CNN boss Mark Thompson,
talents won't necessarily be needed in the new digital-first landscape. So like I said, podcasting and social media is the future, and clearly CNN is recognizing that. But that's not the only reason that CNN and MSNBC are failing. The two outlets are doing far worse compared to Fox News, for instance, and it comes down to trust. People do not trust the left-wing legacy media networks.
And yet here's CNN's Brian Stelter and Abby Phillip telling viewers that taking public trust in media isn't the fault of the media.
But I want to recognize that for all the flaws of the mainstream media, and we have a lot of them, it's not just the media's fault that trust has been declining for decades. It's also decades of attacks by politicians. That is the main issue, is that like, I mean, yeah, it could be that the Washington Post is endorsing candidates, or it could be that there are millions of voters who believe lying politicians who tell them lies, knowing that they are. I mean, that could be the problem, too.
Yeah, so it's because Republicans call you out on your BS that people don't trust you. Not that MSNBC and CNN are lying propaganda arms to the Democratic Party. That can't be it. The gaslighting is unreal. And ironically, it's a perfect example of why nobody trusts the corporate media. Oh, MSNBC ratings collapse. Yeah, Joy Reid down 54%. Wow. I mean, these... Morning Joe down 39.6%. Stephanie Rule, 67%.
Yeah, ouch is for real. I just realized I forgot to add in a graphic. Mikey, do you have that floater that I sent you? Yeah. Yeah, let's throw that up there. So you have the media telling everybody that...
Pete Hegseth is wildly unqualified to be the Secretary of Defense. And then you have Biden appointing these two guys in the same media didn't even bat an eye. Sam Britton, the total freak who stole people's luggage. Rachel Levine, this man pretending to be a woman. The Biden admin was a freak show. The Biden admin was chock full of people who were completely unqualified for the job they have. Even
going as far as Joe Biden himself and especially Kamala Harris, who was picked exclusively because of her race and sex. And you're going to say Pete Hegseth, decorated combat veteran, is unqualified to be the Secretary of Defense? Unreal. You know the media is so corrupt and ridiculous and deserving of no one's trust. The utter self-awareness
other lack of self-awareness is nauseating from the media at this point. And the Democrat elite in general, because remember that the people who are running the media are really just the mouthpieces of the Democrat elite of the permanent state. Here is Sonny Hostin just straight up refusing to entertain the idea that Democrats are doing a poor job of resonating with voters.
What I don't like is this finger-pointing blame game that's going on within the Democratic Party. And I've said this before. Why isn't the conversation about how Republicans can get behind a convicted felon, why Republicans are behind this crass-- I don't even have the words for it-- this twice-impeached former president?
I don't know, Sonny, maybe because Democrats made Trump a convicted felon with all of their lawfare. So the only reason she doesn't like finger pointing is because we're pointing fingers at her. And while we're at it, let's talk about why Sonny and the rest of the media never asked how Biden got away with keeping classified documents during his vice presidency, which he did not have the power to declassify. Why have they never asked why Biden and his family
are embroiled in an influence peddling scandal with American foreign adversaries that the Biden Edmund was never held accountable for. Here is Sonny dismissing AOC's efforts to reach her constituents, many of whom voted for her and for Donald Trump.
not change my viewpoint because it didn't win this election. But I will open my ears to people that said, I have issues too and they're different from yours and this is why. And I think that's why what she did was so important because she and Donald Trump are rarely put in the same sentence. And the fact that she got responses of people saying, you both seem to care about the working class. We sit here not voting for Donald Trump saying, huh?
But like, there's a point there because there were millions and millions of people that felt heard. And that's what I'm trying to walk into. It won't change my stance, or maybe it will. I'm open to someone trying to convince me. That Donald Trump is good for people? If that's what you're hearing, you're missing my whole point. You know, this is actually great for the political right. This kind of behavior and lack of self-awareness.
is about to create an unstoppable coalition of right-wing voters. The only way I see Democrats picking up momentum again and ever winning another presidential election is if they go full Bernie bro, full AOC socialist. And God help us if they do, because that'll be scary. But people crave authenticity and someone who will fight corruption. Party doesn't really matter to them.
And that's why so many people voted for AOC and they voted for Donald Trump because they perceive them as disrupting forces. Now we know if there's a collectivist takeover of the government, it'll be catastrophic. But for now, we can all rest easy knowing that Democrats are absolutely failing to meet this moment. And instead they are further alienating themselves from regular voting people. Here is Whoopi claiming that she's a regular working class woman.
People who are going to run again in four years, they better start getting known, particularly in the swing states, in addition to the primary states. I'm sorry. When you have one candidate who has been running for 12 years, who lies and changes things, I appreciate that people are having a hard time. Me too. I work for a living. If I had all the money in the world, I would not be here.
Okay? So I'm a working person. She cannot be serious. She's having a hard time. She's a working person. Whoopi makes multiple millions a year off The View. She's apparently worth $45 million. And how labor-intensive is The View? She plops down in her chair and regurgitates propaganda for an hour.
The woman doesn't even have to do her own hair and makeup before the show. I know. I've been to the set of The View. Those women don't even do their own hair and makeup. Then they sit down in a chair, and they spew propaganda for an hour, and then they go home. That's the labor-intensive job that Whoopi Goldberg is complaining about? She's a working woman? So hard to be Whoopi Goldberg on The View. How absolutely insulting.
and ridiculous of Whoopi to claim that she's a working person going through hard times. Be so for real. And you know, it's not just the view that is spewing propaganda. It's that they're a divisive force in the nation. They're a cancerous poison on social relations in the United States. And normal people are really put off by them at a visceral level, I think.
Yet here is Sonny encouraging Democrats to exclude Trump voting family members from holiday gatherings. Whatever your reason is, I would never let my politics be the reason I don't show up to see my family because they won't always be there. I'm going to disagree.
I completely understand her point because I really do feel that this candidate, you know, President-elect Trump, is just a different type of candidate. From the things he's said and the things he's done and the things he will do, it's more of a moral issue for me. And I think it's more of a moral issue for other people. We're just, you know...
I would say it was different when, let's say, Bush got elected. You know, you may not have agreed with his policies, but you didn't feel like he was a deeply flawed person, deeply flawed by character, deeply flawed in morality. I think people did at the time. But it's...
But you've got to admit, they're very different figures. I mean, you know, you along with Millie and along with John Kelly warned us about how deeply flawed he was as a candidate. And so I think when people feel that someone voted not only against their families, but against them and against people that they loved, I think it's okay to take a beat. You know what's a moral issue? To erode your family over politics.
Let's talk about moral issues. Democrats literally ran on abortion, porn, and masturbation. There were literal ads promoting all three of those things. These people actively disavow our Christian founding. They believe freedom, we should have freedom from religion, not freedom of religion. They weaponize the state against pro-lifers, literally throwing them in prison.
And when moral standards are shaped solely by subjective human desires and the need to virtue signal, they lose their grounding and just become preferences. So what we are left with is a value system that stands in direct opposition to authentic moral principles, one that is driven by fleeting impulses. Now, unfortunately, the poison from the view is spreading. The bat signal has gone out to the army of left-wing crazies. Here's one example.
So last night, I told my mom and dad that because they voted for someone who wants me dead, that they no longer have the privilege of having their daughter and their granddaughters in their life. And I told them, never contact me again. I'm never calling you. I want nothing to do with you. Take me out of the will. I have a younger brother who is also a MAGA.
I said, "Would you guys pass away? Give him the entire house. I don't want to inherit your house. I don't want anything from you. I don't want to hear from you ever again." Because I'm no longer safe being in a relationship with you. Because I'm queer, I'm autistic, I'm like half disabled, I have Lyme disease and POTS and a bunch of other shit, and I'm bisexual, I have two daughters, and my husband's also bisexual. It's like,
I'm no longer safe with people like you. You'd be the first ones to turn me into the schnazis if shit went down here, so. I don't know about you guys. The weirdest part of that whole clip was that she said her husband was bisexual to me. Like, does that mean that he's gay? Like, I... What? Why is that? Why is... Like, take a pause on that. Like, what woman in this group chat would be okay with your husband saying, yeah, I'm bisexual? What? And I will never understand...
Why so many leftists, particularly white leftists, talk about their mental disorders and physical disabilities as if it's a badge of honor. It is so weird. It's bizarre. And basically what that woman was trying to do was signal to the left that I am oppressed. Even though I'm white and I look very white, actually I'm oppressed. Let me list down all the reasons that I'm oppressed and that Donald Trump is a deep threat to my lifestyle and my personhood.
It's just ridiculous. And it's so performative and cringy. Here's another woman. And by the way, it's evil, right? To say, I'm going to not allow my children to see their grandparents because of how their grandparents voted. Disgusting. It's a terrible thing to do. Here's another woman saying Democrats can no longer share their kindness, empathy, and compassion with MAGA folks. We are no longer associating with them. We no longer want anything to do with them.
And they're no longer benefiting from our love and our compassion. They're stuck with the other Magus. But they're no longer benefiting from our love and our compassion. Okay. I mean...
I don't know about you guys, but all these people calling Trump voters fascist, Latinos racist, and threatening to cancel Indigenous Peoples Day because so many minorities went for Trump. I don't think those people are very kind and empathetic. Do you guys remember those people during COVID? You didn't have a mask on and they screamed at you. You didn't have a vaccine card and they said you can't come in to my establishment. You can't come to the salon. You can't go to the store. I mean, these people are the least compassionate people
are the least empathetic. Liberals have this idea that they're really, really kind and caring humans just because they are liberal. And the irony is that progressives consistently support moral evils and put politics over their own families. And frankly, they go after people. They cancel them. They try to destroy their lives just because you disagree politically. We've seen it happen so many times. That is cancel culture. It's really wrong.
really bizarre. I guess maybe we should be happy. We're going to be exempt from the left-wing crowd's so-called compassion. I think I prefer them just leave me alone in general. So I'm okay with it because what I've experienced from left-wingers is not compassion. As somebody who's gotten death threats from people that I know on my college campus, as somebody who's been told that I don't have the right to vote or that I should be banished from
from the school that I attend because of my political beliefs, yeah, I'd say the left's not so compassionate. I have not had the most amazing experience with wonderful, empathetic left-wingers. They also put the government and government edicts over basic human dignity.
And that brings me to my next story. Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon did not have rabies. Do you guys remember that New York officials raided a man's home, murdered his pets, and said that they did this because allegedly Peanut the squirrel bit an officer and the animals needed to be rabies tested? Well, now officials announced yesterday that Peanut and Fred were marked for death
and decapitated days before they were seized by the state. A full seven days to be exact. So the government showed up to this guy's house with the fullest intention of murdering his animals. And it's not like New York City has anything more important to be spending their taxpayer resources on. Like, I don't know, maybe an illegal gang of Venezuelans terrorizing citizens.
Speaking of New York and the illegal migrant crisis, Mayor Eric Adams is refusing to rule out working with President Trump on deporting illegals. Take a listen. As you communicate with President-elect Trump and have communicated with him, will you express concern about mass deportations in the city?
My concern is one concern. We keep tinkering around the edges. We keep having this philosophical conversation about it. The voters communicated loudly and clearly. We have a broken immigration system. It needs to be fixed. That's the only conversation I want.
It's broken, it needs to be fixed, and New York City was devastated by that broken system. 220,000 migrants and asylum seekers have made their way here. No financial assistance from the administration. I think it was about 200 and something million dollars
with billions of dollars we had to pay for. I don't want to see that happen again. I don't want what's taking place in Chicago or in Denver, Los Angeles, Houston. I don't want to see it take place again. Let's fix our immigration system. Anything other than that, I'm not interested in that conversation. We have a broken system. Good on Eric Adams. This is probably why the state has turned on him. Now...
Not everyone is on board with fixing the illegal. Oh, also, I'm seeing some comments from people saying that he's a flip flopper. He's reading the writing on the wall. Yeah, probably. It's Eric Adams. I mean, what do you expect? But if he's willing to say, I'm going to I'm going to fight the illegal immigration crisis, I'm going to actually help New Yorkers and defend the law. I don't care what his intentions are. I just hope he does it.
Now, not everybody is on board with fixing the illegal migrant crisis. The Federal Reserve or officials from the Federal Reserve are reportedly warning Trump that his deportation plan could disrupt labor at some businesses. And you know what? Yeah, that's probably true. But you know who that hurts? Largely corporations.
Meanwhile, it's great for working class people. Mass deportations mean the value of labor goes up. And you guys, this new border czar, Tom Homan, he is so awesome. Every video I see of this guy just makes me love him more. He does not give an F what the media and the permanent state says about him. Take a listen.
I'm gonna say if you're in the country illegally, you shouldn't feel comfortable. Absolutely not. I won't feel comfortable if I'm in the country illegally. If I'm in some other country illegally, I'm not gonna be comfortable. You shouldn't be comfortable either because when you enter this country illegally, you have committed a crime. You are a criminal and you're not off the table. Yeah, we're live. Dan Bongino just walked in. He's like, is this live? I'm like, yeah, it's live. We're live right now. You want to say something?
No, we're talking to the live chat, Dan. He sends his love. No worries, no worries. You know, it is so refreshing to hear leaders finally talk frankly and bravely about our illegal immigration crisis.
Here is an image of Tom Homan as a young Border Patrol agent. This guy, the aura, it is so real. Looks like he's out, this is out of an 80s movie. I absolutely love it. If you're listening, go look this up. I'm going to repost it on Twitter. He literally looks like he's out. This is like Border Patrol, Border Patrol 80s rom-com, mega awesome. I just,
he that he looks like he's making america great again that's exactly what he looks like mikey you know what else is a sign that the aura is back and retribution is coming a texas woman who was jailed for defying her state's coveted lockdown orders by keeping her salon open has won a seat in the texas state house of representatives a judge
sentenced shelly luther to seven days in jail for civil and criminal contempt of court when she dared to reopen her salon a la mode in plano texas in 2020 before she was officially allowed to do so and luther defeated her democratic opponent tiffany drake with more than 75 percent of the vote to claim victory in texas house district 62. good for shelly i have a lot of hope
that when the next COVID comes around and there will be another COVID, another ploy to curtail basic freedoms, whether that be another health crisis or a climate crisis,
But I have a lot of hope that a lot more people will be like Shelley next time. Meanwhile, a woman who was fired for refusing the COVID vaccine has been awarded more than $12 million in damages for suing her former employer. Lisa Domski worked at health insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shields of Michigan for more than 30 years until her company denied her religious exemption to the vaccine. Good for her. I'm glad that she's rich now. She deserves it. And again, I think people...
are going to be a lot wiser when the next COVID comes around. And I will never forgive the corporate press for demonizing people like Lisa and Shelley. Here is Joe Rogan explaining the corrupt media's response to Woody Harrelson's COVID vaccine joke. And this is, it's truly incredible.
Woody Harrelson had that monologue on SNL. So the movie goes like this. The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartels drugs and keep taking them over and over. I threw the script away.
I mean, who is gonna believe that crazy idea? Right after it, the next day, there's all these hit pieces. Calling him an anti-vaxxer and a stoner. When he makes that joke and he talks about them buying all the media and then all the media responds as if they've been bought and paid for. That's pretty wild. He compared Big Pharma to the cartels. And just like he said, the media jumped down his throat because the media is owned by Big Pharma and the cartels.
Or the cartels, sorry. The comparison is very, very good. Spot on. Really, it is like these people are saying, you have to take this drug, you can't leave your home, you're forced. And then you have the media jump down this guy's throat for making the comparison that Big Pharma really is like the cartels.
The extent to which the media has become corrupted is staggering. It's alarming to see the press siding with anonymous weapons lobbyists to smear Pete Hexeth or venomously denouncing Americans, including former President Trump, who suggested that FEMA was engaging in political discrimination only for those suspicions to later be proven true. And for there really to be a much broader conspiracy, it's not just one employee, it's that the entire FEMA agency was involved in this discriminatory practice.
We're also contending with intense power structures, rotten at their core, whose interests are aligned with preserving the status quo and hurting the public. The media was once a check on government power, but today it is an ally of those who wish to place captured individuals in agency leadership. They want bureaucrats deeply rooted in Washington who are unaccountable to the people that they serve. But the tide is turning.
And there's hope that this could mark the beginning of a long overdue end to this dangerous permanent state and an official end to the cultural influence of the corrupted propaganda press. And that is all I have for you guys today. If you are listening on Apple or Spotify, make sure to hit the like and follow button and rate and review this podcast. Great to see Dan Bongino, uh, little, little, uh,
Little photo bomb. Yeah, he joined the show for a couple seconds there. That was pretty fun. Again, you guys, I'm here live on Rumble, 9 a.m. Eastern Time, five days a week. I will see you all tomorrow.