BOINC Radio is a participatory podcast hosted on the BOINC Network Discord server (linked below). Th
This week, in part 2 of our 4 part tribute, we discuss the history of SETI@Home: What inspired it? W
This week, in part 1 of our 4 part tribute, we discuss SETI@Home: what it means, where it's going, a
This week Delta introduces us to the BOINC project Asteroids@Home.
This week we discuss the discovery of an animal that does not use oxygen to survive! We also discuss
This week we discuss a newly discovered potential antibiotic that seems to have woken an entire fiel
This week Delta introduces us to the BOINC project Climate Prediction dot Net.
This week we discuss the good side of viruses and surprise each other with some very amicable valent
This week we discuss virus and bacteria projects such as WCG's microbiome and stop TB projects. We a
This week we cover some BOINC FAQ and have a chat about gamification.Relevant LinksBOINCNetwork Disc
This week we discuss a competition that involved BOINC, a high school, and microbiomes! We also disc
In this Pb, Delta introduces the project Radioactive@Home!
This week we discuss CERN's 2019 round-up video, Einstein@home, how much BOINC will not destroy your
This week we discuss the basics of distributed computing, BOINC, and BOINC projects. We are also joi
We discuss news coming from WCG and Primegrid, SETI@Home's funding drive, the new project quchempedi