Today, you'll hear all about earmarks, one of John McCain's pet issues.Sarah Palin claims to be a re
Today, you'll hear how to debunk some of the latest right-wing flim-flam about the economy really be
Today, you'll hear about rampant lawbreaking by Bush administration officials within the Department
Today, you'll hear how to debunk the right-wing's biggest lie about the US health care system:Right-
Today you'll hear John McCain become truly incoherent when he tries to address the issue of income a
Today, you'll hear a torrent of new evidence that's just come out which further details the Bush adm
Today, you'll hear how the multinational oil companies have taken another step towards stealing Iraq
Today you'll hear how right-wing opposition to universal health care kills cancer patients.Actually,
Today you're going to hear an unbelievable, yet-every-fact-is-true scenario. It's about how it came
In today's podcast, you'll hear how right-wingers are lying about Democratic tax plans.You'll be tre
Two podcasts ago you heard about how:--in the financial markets, ill intentions by some, and incompe
I don't know if you caught the following stories recently:The U.S. House of Representatives passed t
Here's the road map for your journey today:--Background you need to know--What caused the current cr
This cartoon by my friend, syndicated cartoonist Matt Bors, is a perfect fit for podcast #120.His we
Today, to start off, you'll hear about yet more right-wing policies that increase human misery, suff
Ralph Nader recently announced he's running yet again this year for President. I originally thought
I thought you would really get a kick out of this cartoon by my friend, syndicated cartoonist Matt B
Today you'll hear three segments, touching on:--Haitian women and children so hungry and desperate t
Today I've definitely got a full smorgasbord for you, with five tasty dishes, the kind you like best
Today, a really big change of pace. You'll be treated not to one subject in depth, or even two topi