We explore the edges of blockspace, from Ordinals to Layer 2s and back. Join host Charlie Spears for
AI tokens have hit every blockchain and now they're on Bitcoin too. Also: Casey breaks Ord, a solomi
We've got Stephen & Matthew, engineering & product on the Bitcoin side of MagicEden, explain
Alex B of Ark Labs explains how Ark can be considered a "UTXO renting service" and how an Ark can su
We get super technical with Misha Komarov about Bitcoin PIPEs -- a proposed scheme to emulate opcode
The mempool is filling up with Memecoins! Blockchain explorer mempool.space adds Runes flags to tran
Welcome back to Bitcoin Season Two! Charlie and Colin are back with this week's Writer's Room, and l
Bitcoin Season 2 ecosystem metrics & news updates!Charlie Spears reviews news & metrics for
Chad Masterson riffs with Charlie about the long and storied history of ordinals metaprotocols, toke
We sit down with Ordinals trader TheHawk at the Ord Summit in Singapore and talk about ordinals trad
We chat with Matt Mudano of Arch Network live at Ord Summit in Singapore! Matt helps Charlie get int
Charlie & Colin brought you the first coverage on Fractal Bitcoin, now we're going to bring you
Fractal Bitcoin, BitAxes, Ordinals the Mine BTC, Decentralizing Mining. Everywhere you look there is
How do you invest in "Bitcoin Season 2"? We have Tyler Evans with UTXO Management talking about the
This week we've got Luke Xie explaining how restaking works on SatLayer. Does Bitcoin provide unique
Web3 venture capital has neglected Bitcoin for the past half decade, but it looks like that might be
We chat with Lorenzo, CEO of Unisat & creator of "Fractal Bitcoin" -- a new type of merge-mined
Bitcoin metaprotocols, sidechains are heating up!Also Alkimiya trading competition Babylon Mainnet
David Tse, cofounder of Babylon, explains how the Babylon protocol leverages the asset of Bitcoin to
MEV on Bitcoin looks much bigger (and different) than simple Ordinals sniping. Devin from Rebar Labs
"BitcoinFi" is taking over the timeline! What is OPNET/Fractal/Bitcoin Staking/ Arch/etc? Also Wrapp