B&H Photography Podcast

Join us each week for a conversation with insightful and entertaining guests. From gear and techniqu


Total: 415

Julia Blaukopf is not afraid to think big, particularly when it comes to her photographs. She’s al

How much do you know about New York City’s 1982 Loft Law, which established a process for artists t

The dictionary defines culture as “the way of life for an entire society.” But sometimes larger fo

For anyone familiar with the photo industry, the mammoth lawsuit between The Andy Warhol Foundation

 Professional tree planting is back breaking piecework—a combination of high intensity sport and in

Cozy up to a ringside seat for a behind-the-scenes tour of the wildest shows in sports entertainme

Where will you be on April 8, 2024? If you don’t already know, you’d better figure it out fast, part

There are many different ways to look at culture, and today we take a geographic approach, to distin

How much can you edit a photo before it stops becoming true? That’s the question CNET tech reporter

How did a space-age invention become ubiquitous in today’s digital imaging landscape? Learn all abou

While Joshua Irwandi was born and raised in Indonesia, the early pictures he made during his first v

Press photographers have faced tough workplace challenges for quite some time. Yet, according to rec

Kiana Hayeri was born in Iran, and this was where she launched her career as a photojournalist and v

2023 has certainly come and gone in a flash, meaning it’s time once again for us to reflect on new p

It’s likely that everyone reading this has used, or at the very least heard of Adobe’s ubiquito

“The eye should learn to listen before it looks.” – Robert Frank Australian photographer Wayne Quill

Lee Miller may have been best known in life as a beautiful muse of the legendary Surrealist Man Ray

This episode of the B&H Photography Podcast was originally released on November 10, 2017. We revisit

1950s America proved fertile ground for photographers Robert Frank and Todd Webb, who both received

B&H recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary, hosting a spectacular two-day celebration for the crea