Imagine you're accused of something horrific. You swear you didn't do it, but someone says they witn
Thank you for listening to Violation. We thought you might like to hear about another podcast — Ear
Thank you for listening and joining us on this incredible journey of exploring America’s opaque paro
Two months after Jacob Wideman was arrested at work and brought back to prison — for failing to make
Six months after Jacob Wideman was released from prison on home arrest, he appeared before the parol
In 2016, after 30 years behind bars and seven hearings in front of the Arizona parole board, Jacob W
How do you build a meaningful life in prison, knowing you might never be free? What if whether you m
Imagine the worst day of your life, when you did the one thing you are most ashamed of. Now imagine
Not long after Jacob Wideman murdered his summer camp roommate, Eric Kane, in 1986 — seemingly with
Why did Jacob Wideman murder Eric Kane? In 1986, the two 16-year-olds were rooming together on a s
In 1986, while on a summer camp trip to the Grand Canyon, 16-year-old Jacob Wideman fatally stabbed