Behind The Shield

Bringing the greatest minds in mental and physical wellness to the men and women who serve our commu


Total: 736

Dr Ron Rufo is a 22 year veteran of Chicago PD, mental health advocate and the author of multiple bo

Jason Villeggiante and Christina Dizon are career firefighters and founders of Tactical Sleep Rescue

Tai Geering is a student athlete, JROTC alumn and my son. I couldn't think of a better person to com

Joshua A. Strom is a seasoned emergency responder and Director of First Responder Lifeline, a faith-

Joshua Rose and Dr Gerad Troutman are part of the Global Medical Response team. We discuss how to re

Jonathan Mark intially entered NYPD as a recruit but it was his gift as a psychic medium that pulled

Diane Cotter is a firefighter spouse and the woman who revealed the PFAS manufacturers were using in

.Monty Bynum is a Marine veteran, former LEO, DEA and GBI, and the founder of The Wealthy Servant. W

After eight years interviewing, Dustin's story still remains one of the most powerful I've ever hear

Dr. Anders Hansen is a Swedish psychiatrist, speaker and international bestselling author with his o

Jay Dawes, PhD, CSCS, *D, NSCA-CPT, TSAC-F, FNSCA, is a professor of applied exercise science in the

Michael McColgan is an Army Veteran, Firefighter, founding member of Dropkick Murphys and the lead v

Larry Doyle is a Vietnam veteran and one of the most respected journalists of his era. We discuss hi

The moment CHP Officer Kevin Briggs responded to Kevin Berthia's suicide attempt became a picture th

Guy Miles was wrongly convicted of a robbery after eyewitnesses wrongly identified him. The three tr

Siento was born from the personal experiences of its CEO, Andrew Douglas, who spent years on the fro

Andy Puddicombe is the creator of the meditation app Headspace. We discuss his childhood trauma, be

Danny Long is a US Army Veteran, 22 year veteran of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, 8 year member of th

Ian "Mongoose" Jones is a BJJ Black Belt, Muay Thai champion and World Catch Wrestling champion. We

Alex Othmer is a Merchant Marine, Navy SEAL veteran and the Chief Executive Officer of Guardian Revi