cover of episode Part One: How The Liberal Media Helped Fascism Win

Part One: How The Liberal Media Helped Fascism Win

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Behind the Bastards

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Robert Evans
Robert Evans: 本期节目探讨了意大利、德国和美国在20世纪二三十年代的自由派媒体机构如何未能阻止墨索里尼和希特勒的崛起,并指出这种失败模式延续至今。许多有影响力的媒体机构仍然沿用过去未能有效报道纳粹的模式,导致其在对抗法西斯主义方面持续失败。华盛顿邮报的口号“民主在黑暗中消亡”是虚假的,民主的消亡并非源于信息匮乏,而是信息过载导致民众无法辨别真相。媒体过分强调客观性导致公众信任度下降,这与媒体的实际价值相矛盾。意大利自由派媒体在“红色年代”和“黑色年代”对工人运动和法西斯暴力的报道失衡,未能有效阻止法西斯主义的兴起。他们将工人罢工描绘成对经济的破坏,并淡化法西斯暴力的严重性,甚至同情法西斯主义。魏玛德国的奥尔斯泰因出版社在报道纳粹问题上犯了同样的错误,轻描淡写纳粹的暴力行为,并将其归咎于其他因素。奥尔斯泰因出版社因其商业利益而未能有效对抗纳粹主义,其管理层对工人组织工会持反对态度。他们起初不愿报道纳粹的暴行,担心被指责为犹太人控制媒体,最终未能有效阻止纳粹的崛起。奥尔斯泰因出版社的记者将希特勒视为一个可笑的人物,低估了其对德国民主的威胁。奥尔斯泰因出版社内部对如何报道纳粹存在分歧,一些人认为应该关注纳粹的经济政策,而忽略其暴力行为。奥尔斯泰因出版社为了与纳粹宣传竞争,改变了其报道策略,强调民族主义和社会福利,淡化了对纳粹暴力的批评。奥尔斯泰因出版社的员工对纳粹表示赞赏,认为其简单直接的宣传策略更有效。奥尔斯泰因出版社试图通过支持保罗·冯·兴登堡来对抗纳粹,但最终失败了。事实核查无法阻止法西斯主义的传播,媒体应该采取更强硬的策略来对抗法西斯主义。 Michael Swaim: Michael Swaim在本期节目中主要作为Robert Evans的对话者,对Robert Evans提出的观点进行回应和补充,并分享一些个人经历和观点。

Deep Dive

In 1920s Italy, liberal newspapers like La Stampa and Italian Illustration failed to support worker strikes and downplayed fascist violence. They blamed labor movements for provoking the fascists and focused on the disruption caused by strikes rather than the violence perpetrated by Mussolini's supporters.
  • Liberal papers treated strikes as economically devastating, even short, two-day strikes.
  • They portrayed factory occupations by workers as childish.
  • Fascist violence against workers was downplayed and often attributed to provocation by the workers themselves.
  • Liberal columnist Renato Simone argued that the true victims of fascist violence were the disrupted middle class.

Shownotes Transcript

Robert sits down with best pal Michael Swaim to discuss the great liberal media organizations of Italy, Germany and the U.S. in the 1920s and 30s, and how they failed utterly to stop Mussolini and Hitler.

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