cover of episode Vol.65 琼瑶时代网红和操盘手的故事

Vol.65 琼瑶时代网红和操盘手的故事

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@曾航 :我研究琼瑶和金庸的商业模式,发现他们取得了巨大的成功,远超同时代其他作家。琼瑶的成功离不开皇冠杂志,其模式类似于现在的微信公众号和抖音。皇冠集团是一个综合性文化集团,业务涵盖杂志、出版、影视等领域。平鑫涛的商业才能和对琼瑶的鼓励是琼瑶商业成功的关键因素之一。琼瑶的成长经历坎坷,童年缺爱,这对她日后的创作产生了影响。平鑫涛慧眼识珠,发现了琼瑶作品的潜力,并积极邀请她合作。平鑫涛善于表达爱意和鼓励,这对于琼瑶的创作起到了积极作用。琼瑶的高产与其创作天赋和平鑫涛的鼓励密不可分。琼瑶高产的原因在于她善于倾听,从生活中汲取灵感,并将其融入创作中。琼瑶早期电影拍摄失败,主要原因是台湾电影市场受黑社会控制,以及电影成本高、制作周期长等因素。琼瑶和金庸的商业成功都得益于大陆市场的开放,因为文化产业的核心商业模式是杠杆逻辑。古龙的版权运作失败,主要原因是版权保护不到位。琼瑶对皇冠集团的成功起着决定性作用。皇冠杂志的成功不仅依赖于琼瑶,也离不开其他优秀作者的贡献。网红与操盘手的合作模式多种多样,结婚只是其中一种,关键在于双方理念的一致和互相尊重。李子柒与经纪公司的纠纷,本质上是双方理念冲突的结果。琼瑶的成功经验与《纳瓦尔宝典》中提到的致富模式相符,即从零成本复制的项目入手,找到广阔的市场。影视剧行业风险高、成本高,并非理想的商业模式。成功创作者的共同特点是表达欲强烈,并坚持勤奋创作。琼瑶的成功与时代背景和个人勤奋密不可分。 @Linda拿铁琳 :我们这一期的节目呢是聊一个我个人感觉好像跟我已经离得有点久远但是因为他的去世然后又把我们拉回了他的那个情境当中那他就是琼瑶。琼瑶在 12 月初的时候用她自己独特的方式离开了我们那因为我们是一个商业型的一个播客所以我们这一次会聚焦在琼瑶背后的商业帝国以及让她成为这样的一个除了金庸之外整个的中国的华人历史上最有钱的这样的一个文学类的商业奇才其实它的背后应该不仅是有文学应该是基于 IP 有各种娱乐啊影视啊各方面的一个拓展所以今天我们也很有心地邀请了一位这方面很有研究的专家这位专家呢是我的老朋友名字叫曾行那他是资深的媒体人也是目前军武科技的 CEO 他旗下有一些知名的账号是军武自卫面啊新海情报局啊类似曾行其实之前是 21 世纪经济报道的资深记者所以的话他其实看问题可能会比较深入一点琼瑶那天过世以后我在我的朋友圈里面刷到他一篇文章讲的就是琼瑶幕后的商业天才万字长文那我们来欢迎曾行然后请曾行稍微再自我介绍一下 @邪念扬Sean :哈喽大家好我是琳达拿铁林哈喽大家好我是 Sean 欢迎收听 BB 商业语语品牌那我们这一期的节目呢是聊一个我个人感觉好像跟我已经离得有点久远但是因为他的去世然后又把我们拉回了他的那个情境当中那他就是琼瑶。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Qiong Yao's early life experiences significantly influence her writing?

Qiong Yao's early life was marked by war, displacement, and a lack of familial love, which deeply influenced her emotional and narrative style. Her experiences of constant fleeing and the emotional neglect from her family, especially in comparison to her academically successful siblings, fueled her need for expression through writing. These hardships and her sensitivity to emotional nuances are reflected in her detailed and emotionally rich storytelling.

How did Ping Xintao contribute to Qiong Yao's success?

Ping Xintao played a crucial role in Qiong Yao's career by recognizing her potential early on and providing continuous encouragement and support. He managed the business aspects, allowing Qiong Yao to focus on her writing. His strategic marketing and publishing decisions, such as serializing her works in the Crown Magazine, significantly boosted her visibility and popularity.

What challenges did Qiong Yao face in the film industry?

Qiong Yao faced significant challenges in the film industry, including financial losses and threats from organized crime. Her initial forays into filmmaking were met with critical and commercial failures, exacerbated by the competitive and sometimes dangerous environment of Taiwan's film industry at the time.

Why was the TV series 'Wan Jun' almost banned in Taiwan?

The TV series 'Wan Jun' was nearly banned in Taiwan because the first episode, which was shot in mainland China, depicted the mainland in a very positive and beautiful light. Taiwanese authorities feared it would evoke homesickness among Taiwanese viewers for the mainland, which was politically sensitive at the time.

How did the opening of the mainland market benefit Qiong Yao and Jin Yong?

The opening of the mainland market allowed Qiong Yao and Jin Yong to reach a vastly larger audience, significantly increasing their revenues. The ability to publish and distribute their works in mainland China, coupled with the adaptation of their works into TV dramas, expanded their fan base and commercial success exponentially.

What are the common traits of successful creators like Qiong Yao?

Successful creators like Qiong Yao share traits such as a relentless drive to express themselves, high productivity, and the ability to tap into and articulate deep emotional experiences. They often have a profound understanding of their audience's desires and can consistently produce content that resonates emotionally and culturally.

What lessons can modern creators learn from Qiong Yao's career?

Modern creators can learn from Qiong Yao's career the importance of finding a supportive partner for business management, the value of emotional and relatable content, and the benefits of leveraging multiple media platforms for greater reach. Additionally, understanding the cultural and emotional landscape of the target audience is crucial for sustained success.

  • 琼瑶早年经历坎坷,缺爱,高考落榜。
  • 与平鑫涛的合作是琼瑶商业成功的关键。
  • 琼瑶高产的创作能力是其成功的核心因素。
  • 时代背景对琼瑶的成功起到了重要作用。

Shownotes Transcript

2024年12月4日,琼瑶用自己的方式主动翩然离世。琼瑶的作品,如数家珍。琼瑶背后的商业故事,大家不一定知道。今天请来《琼瑶幕后的商业天才(万字长文)》 一文作者,跟大家分享琼瑶与平鑫涛创造「皇冠」的故事,也讲一讲金庸、古龙、甚至当下李子柒、咪蒙等创作者们的故事与共性。


@曾航  资深媒体人,军武科技CEO,旗下有军武次位面、星海情报局、杨叔洞察等账号,也是《一只iPhone的全球之旅》、《大国锁钥》等书作者





歌曲:‎🎵 《雨蝶》


06:27   琼瑶的成长故事:「缺爱」

11:05   琼瑶+平鑫涛模式=黄圣依+杨子模式?能相提并论吗

12:54   爱与鼓励,是创作者最需要的

17:34   《射雕英雄传》因为这个原因不能出版?

19:15   琼瑶和平鑫涛为什么拍电影失败?

21:28   《婉君》把大陆拍得太美差点播不了

22:54   琼瑶和金庸的商业变现,得益于大陆市场开放

24:55   还珠格格的八卦故事

31:00   IP版权反面案例:古龙。插播:一个想做大V的金庸

35:59  琼瑶+平鑫涛=当下网红及操盘手模式?李子柒、咪蒙们的故事

43:23  琼瑶故事和纳瓦尔宝典:第一桶金来自于零成本的可复制性

45:41  成功创作者的共性1:停不下来的表达欲

48:20  成功创作者的共性2:勤奋



