Baldly Go - A Star Trek: Lower Decks Podcast

These are the voyages of the podcast Baldly Go. Jim and A.Ron's mission: to continue their explorati


Total: 89

There are some scorching-hot dueling theories from your hosts, Jim and A.Ron, in this episode. Picar

Picard - S03E07 - Dominion


There are some scorching-hot dueling theories from your hosts, Jim and A.Ron, in this episode. Picar

This episode has a bounty of nostalgia. Worf continues to delight, Geordi La Forge makes his appeara

Picard - S03E06 - Bounty


This episode has a bounty of nostalgia. Worf continues to delight, Geordi La Forge makes his appeara

The quality of Star Trek: Picard is holding on this season. There are more conspiracy theories that

Picard - S03E05 - Imposter


The quality of Star Trek: Picard is holding on this season. There are more conspiracy theories that

This is not the same Star Trek that Gene Roddenberry envisioned, but there are some things to enjoy

Picard delivers a good episode! Between Picard’s new family members, Worf’s one-liners, and the weak

Picard - S03E02 - Disengage


Picard is in denial about a major personal discovery. Raffi goes rogue for better or worse. The defl

Set phasers to “stun” and set your brain to “off”. Everyone is back! There’s a spy, a distress signa

Captains Jim and A.Ron are back on the bridge of USS Bald Move. Star Trek: Picard is getting the gan

The magnetic containment unit experienced core meltdown, and the feedback is smoking. With the madne

Picard - S02E10 - Farewell


Set phasers to mildly entertained. There were a few good moments sprinkled amongst the madness. Q an

“Don’t make me defend this show.” A.Ron five times during this episode. We’re glad to see that eleme

A.Ron is showing strong signs of Jurati-syndrome. And Picard is showing strong signs of “jumping the

“Highly illogical.”–Spock. OG Spock said it right. Fans of Old Trek admired the show for its unique

Picard - S02E08 - Mercy


If we’re going to enjoy Picard this late into the season, we need to stop thinking about it. Join us

There’s so much feedback, the crystals that sealed the Magnetic Containment Bottle have burnt out. W

Picard - S02E07 - Monsters


In this episode of Picard, Patrick Stewart does some of the best acting of the show accompanied by s

Your feedback has been held in the Magnetic Containment Bottle on the Starship Bald Move and Captain