Every week we look back on our memories of the video games we played growing up. We discuss a brief
Benjamin Rivers joins Kevin to talk about game development, SNES 25th Anniversary, retro game tech,
Jason Canam of Household Games(Previously Drink Box Studios) comes on to talk about developing games
We continue the summer of Dreamcast with Thomas Charnok of The Dreamcast Junkyard. We discuss homebr
This episode Greg Sewart joins Kevin to discuss European and Japanese exclusive Sega Dreamcast acces
Ryan Payton of Camouflaj joins Kevin to talk about his memories of the Sega Dreamcast, Shenmue I and
We continue the Summer of Dreamcast as we discuss the best games released in the US on the Sega Drea
The summer of Sega Dreamcast Begins with US History, Hardware, and Accessories.
Former Sega of America CEO Tom Kalinske joins Kevin to talk about the Console War between them and N
Phil Theobald and Mohammed Taher join me to discuss Mega Man 5. And Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventu
This episode we continue our discussion on the best JRPGs on the PS1 and how they hold up today with
This episode we discuss the best JRPGs on the PS1 and how they hold up today with Kurt Kalata of Har
Kurt Kalata and Greg Sewart join Kevin to remember and revisit Gunstar Heroes on the Sega Genesis/Me
Greg Sewart joins Kevin to discuss the Sega 3d Classics Collection on the Nintendo 3DS
Kurt Kalat joins me to remember and revisit Akumajo Dracula (Castlevania III). We also discuss the l
Kevin announces The FitCast Network
Chris Johnston and John Riccardi join Kevin to remember and revisit The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of
Mike Mika returns! We celebrate the holidays by talking about emulation, television tech, resurrecti
Mohammed Taher and Marco Guardia come on the show to go back to 1992 when Street Fighter II hit the
Alex Aniel joins Kevin to talk about controlling their out of control collections and how they let g
Phil Theobald and Mohammed Taher come on the show to discuss an oft forgotten Mega Man game that was