Essentially what the message is here or the pointing: if you're really serious about awakening to what you deeply are and being That moving, then everything that you used to move your name with will begin to falter and break down. What most of us do is we go and grab more of the known and many many many more images instead of being tenderly true to what we're knowing in the Deep.
Although a lot is felt and our self becomes incredibly vulnerable because your familiar sense of self can no longer show you the way. It was never the way anyway. But now you are awakening TO the way and that way is You. You are the light of reality and as you respond to the Knowing amongst all the false information of the body-mind until it is emptied, then you're walking on a tide that was coming down but you are on a tide on return. So you will be passing through all your old ways and imaged.
You will be learning to stay so wide open but function from Knowing amongst a tide of doubt and fear because you're not moving by that like that anymore. You must be true to what you deeply are . All the other information that is going to come to you says: "You got it wrong." but you're actually being it . And as you travel up the stream and you are still giving expression to what you once believed you were, all the energy within those forms ..just to hold this together, just to hold the flower together ..the universe is held together with tremendous energy. Now that tremendous energy is returned to you. If you still have an image, that tremendous energy will make more of that image than ever before.
To be sincerely awake and travelling up the way you came in, all the forms and images that you're moving through awaken and responding to the deeper Knowing you become fully present and alive.
Those images then, the energy will be felt in your nervous system, moving in your mind, moving in your relatedness. What do you do? Nothing. It is quite difficult do nothing. You want to do something with it and you will fight it and fight it and more than likely with others. More than likely if you are in an intimate relationship, you will fight it with the other. You'll have a fight. And then you will stop. You might see through the fighting ... for a while. The fighting will return until you give up the fighting and let it all return.
When does it return ? NOW. No other time. Each image returns exactly at the precise moment for it to return, so therefore everything is always in order and in its right place. You awaken amongst the breaking of the old images, the breaking of the relationship that you believe was others, but it was what you first Are. As this really begins to warm your heart, you warmly with others that are also awakening and undoing. Stockholm 18618