In truth, where I come from, You are the Light streaming Reality. Truly this is Life streaming. Your essential nature is streaming this moment alone. The belief that you have a past or a future is through the interpretation of mind only, the conditional aspects of what we believe belongs to this planet. We're told that we come into a conditional planet but what we're not shown is that all the conditions of this planet are true for Self-realisation, despite appearances, despite experience of a seeming separate sense of self.
This planet is aligned with our essential nature and its conditionality is ripe for unconditional realisation. If we look through our mind, which means looking through a separate sense of self, our conditional thoughts and feelings present to us a dualistic experience.
Awakening is recognising and moving only your heart, not relating to sense perception in thoughts or feelings of experience, because even by having a body you've inherited a conditional sense of self , but like when you were a baby that conditional sense of self is not for you to listen to or try to fix it . When you were very very young , you simply moved in innocence. Where I come from innocence is radiance . You simply moved as a being , not as a body mind. You were told you were a body mind. For you as a baby the conditional functionality of a body didn't bother you whatsoever, but somehow as we seem to grow up we seem to listen more to the condition of the body. "How my self feels, how my self thinks, who I think I am." So then we project ourselves out . Now we're someone having forms of experience. But what you loves as a child , there were no forms of outer experience . Your experience was profoundly rich and deep . You were rich, simple and already whole. You weren't touching outside forms . Everything that you touched was liquid to you, because you didn't see yourself as a body. You just moved in the innocence of Being.
So awakening is when we awaken to a deeper calling than a separate sense of self. Awakening is a very disturbing time because it brings us to true responsibility to only listen to the depth of our heart and not to count the cost of what that would be for our sense of self . So when we really awaken we begin to see how much we value true awakening over and above keeping our comfort zones safe. One of the things that really happens when we start to awaken is that we begin to see the stories we tell about someone who doesn't actually exist. We begin to see that the stories keep us separate from what we are and we can be quite afraid to give up the story of me.
Its not until we really respond to what we are at the level of Heart and deeper that the fear disappears. What we begin to discover when we're true to the Heart is that we have access to our innocence once again. We have access into our radiance once again. We have access into a very familiar Knowing that is already complete. Suddenly when we truly give ourselves to awakening, although there are still levels of fear existing in our self, or sense of person.
We learn to be wide open in the meeting place of each other. Because this meeting pace IS meeting God. This meeting place is the meeting of meeting Self as Self. This is Self-Realisation. This is Self-Realisation. This is realising What I Am, being so open to this meeting that it reveals the very essence of Oneness. Being so open to this meeting and reaching into each other's hearts that the sense of self and person is immediately aligned with our original nature. Not through doing something not even through trying to understand what we are, but through the simple act of soft opened deep meeting with All Life.
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