B in response to a question about the choices we make and their consequences.
B: What You Are has no need to reflect off of any belief that anything is previous to What You Are. In short: You're not of time or space. Your Being doesn't function in a linear way. You, as Awareness, have identified with a level that believes it lives in a linear way.
So in a deeper place previous choices have no reality although the forms of previous choices will still be moving through.
But in awakening leave the forms of previous choices, although uncomfortable when you don't do anything with them anymore, leave them alone and belong to the deeper awakening you're knowing. You'll experience, You Awareness, you'll experience the death of previous choices within your experience. You'll experience that death of previous choice through your relatedness but you are introducing to your relatedness the depth of new Knowing.
So there are moments of uncomfortable sensations and experiences as you let go of previous choices. It's that you're no longer held prisoner to your old way of a sense of self. Shocking as it is to your sense of self and how you believe you know others. All that will change. Others will say they don't know you anymore, because you are no longer supplying them with a familiar reflection. And in the same way you are not supplying you with a familiar reflection.
You're dying to the known and deepening into the Self-Realisation. But you must belong to it ,You Awareness, not you the someone. So your experience of what you once believed you needed will be dying. You must leave it alone. It only heals through you being deeply true to the deeper awakenings of What You Are. You must go deeper, realise deeper, belong to the deeper and the deeper will become you, because it is YOU as Awareness, but you can no longer use any familiarity.
You must die to the idea that you were ever someone and die to the idea that there are others. You must meet everyone as your Self, as pure Beings at the level of the heart, regardless of how difficult that is for your old sense of self. That sounds a lot to undergo, because you're used to fixing things for a sense of self, but now you're awakening to your essential power of Love, although it might not feel like it.
The more you 're true to your Being, the more the old levels heal and awaken to what you are bringing forth from the Deep. Stay bringing forth the Deep. Any moment you show up as a someone, you let that someone go.
What you really are is not locatable as a someone. This is why you're perfectly fine when you go into deep dreamless sleep. You are now not locatable. In deep dreamless sleep you are perfectly the Wholeness of What You Are. Then the awakening will begin to fill up your heart, fill up your self and fill up your person. You will clearly see What You Are and you will love what's moving because you're awakening to True You.
Of course as a separate sense of self you are supposed to be responsible for previous choices, but that entity doesn't actually exist. There is no separate sense of self! It is all Pure Consciousness in its play. But you can't live two lives, you can't try to belong to your separate sense of self and previous choices and belong to what's deeper in the awakening. That’s duality. You must clearly belong to the Deep. Then you will see the Deep everywhere and you will be able to meet the Deep in others, the same as you're meeting the Deep in you. You must go that way to see how this wonderful Being that you truly are moves.
Your life will change because you are bringing more of what you are in the Unseen, in your growing ability to be true to what you authentically are.
RIMINI 2 April 17 Day Seminar S2
You can purchase full audios of B's Sessions and Retreat Recordings on B's website: bprior.org