B in response to the question: What is Awakening?
Real awakening is the most uncomfortable thing that could happen to anyone on the planet. It is the most uncomfortable 'no-process process' you could ever go through.
Jesus said : You will go through the eye of a needle. Tell me, What do you have that could go through the eye of the needle?
Really listen to this but allow it to touch your soul, because that is all you have. So everything that you thought you 'had ' in your life is replaced by the Beingness that you have .
The Beingness that you love can't be poured into a cup that still has a self in it.
So you must really believe in your Real Self, in your Being and then all your patterns that begin to undo are mastered by the Beingness that you are realising. You can't be fainthearted and come home. You want Pure Heart, then only be true to what you are knowing at the level of the heart.
When you just give a little bit to this , just so much , then your mystery will start to move , which is the inner movement of what you are called to become .
Awareness truly knowing at the level of the heart and responding to that Knowing in all things has Awareness realising itself.
Because that's your relationship . As You, as Awareness, speak to another and you speak to the other from Pure Heart knowing regardless of any discomfort of your self.
Your self becomes very vulnerable in your awakening ..because your self is used to you belonging to your self, your patterned preferences of life.
But when you as Awareness speak to another and the other is seen in the light of Being, then your self feels vulnerable because you have never been so clean and honest in your life.
You have always lives a conditioned reality. Now you are awakening to move as the unconditioned reality of what you are.
Then for you, your relationship with another is the realisation of the Self. Clearly then there is no other. Every being being met as the light of Self. Then self development is the development of the true nature of Being manifesting true form. What every realiser throughout the centuries has ever endeavoured to put across.
Then comes your real Goodness. Your real Goodness begins to stream through. It is a Oneness Goodness that starts to bubble up through your heart. It is not a Goodness with an opposite.
It is the One Goodness that you really are. But you need to move that in the world, whilst not being Of the world.
From Rimini 18102016
Full Session Recordings available here : http://bprior.org/recordings/