A Satsang Excerpt from January 2017 - She Community, New Zealand
You know the 'end of your time'. It is easy to recognise the end of your time. The end of your time is the most difficult period you have had in your entire life. That is the end of your time.
If you are having a difficulty, real difficulty, it is the end of your time dancing as the person you think you know and are. The dance is over. Get off the dance floor. It’s over.
Difficulty is a marker of a higher intelligence of Love calling. To be up to the mark is quite simple but seemingly difficult, because to be up to the mark means to not need to work anything out on the level of self, time and space. It is a return to innocence with a deep trust , like when you go to sleep and all is well. You will have to have that kind of trust when the body drops away. That kind of trust is in truth where you come from and what you really belong to.
read full article here: https://bprior.org/blog/the-end-of-your-time
Full Session Recordings of B's satsangs are available here : http://bprior.org/recordings/